Википедија:Масовни унос/Имена места/Z

скраћеница кратки опис на енглеском кратки опис на српском дуги опис на енглеском дуги опис на српском тип податка на енглеском тип податка на српском
ZN zone None None A - Administrative Region None
ZNB buffer zone None a zone recognized as a buffer between two nations in which military presence is minimal or absent None A - Administrative Region None
ZNF free trade zone None an area, usually a section of a port, where goods may be received and shipped free of customs duty and of most customs regulations None S - Spot Feature None
ZNL leased zone None a tract of land leased by the United States from Panama None A - Administrative Region None
ZOO zoo None a zoological garden or park where wild animals are kept for exhibition None S - Spot Feature None