Nortrop Fraj
Herman Nortrop Fraj (engl. Herman Northrop Frye; Šerbruk, 14. jula 1912. — Toronto, 23. januara 1991), kanadski književni kritičar i teoretičar književnosti, smatra se za jednog od najuticajnijih u XX veku.[1]
Nortrop Fraj | |
Lični podaci | |
Datum rođenja | 14. jul 1912. |
Mesto rođenja | Šerbruk, Kvebek, Kanada |
Datum smrti | 23. januar 1991.78 god.) ( |
Mesto smrti | Toronto, Ontario, Kanada |
Porodica | |
Supružnik | Helen Kemp (1910–1986) |
Književni rad | |
Period | 1939–1991 |
Uticaji od | Đanbatista Viko, Osvald Špengler, Viljem Blejk |
Uticao na | Arhetipska književna kritika, Harold Blum, Margaret Atvud |
Najvažnija dela | Anatomija kritike Dobro temperovani kritičar Sekularno sveto pismo Biblija i književnost |
urediŠkolovao se u Kanadi i Velikoj Britaniji. Od 1939. je predavao na Koledžu Virdžinija. U Anatomiji kritike (1957), njegovom najuticajnijem delu, Fraj je analizirao različite oblike književne kritike i naglašavao značaj arhetipskih simbola u književnosti. Napisao je niz kritičkih studija.
uredi- "Zastrašujuća simetrija: studija o Viljemu Blejku", Fearful Symmetry,1947
- "Anatomija kritike", 1957.
- "Dobro temperovani kritičar", 1963.
- "Sekularno sveto pismo", 1976.
- "Veliki kod: Biblija i književnost", 1982.
- "Nortrop Fraj o Šekspiru", 1986.
- " Sabrana dela Nortropa Fraja , je projekat u toku pod uredništvom Alvin A. Lija:
- Fearful Symmetry
- Anatomy of Criticism
- The Educated Imagination
- Fables of Identity
- T. S. Eliot
- The Well-Tempered Critic
- A Natural Perspective: The Development of Shakespearean Comedy and Romance
- The Return of Eden: Five Essays on Milton's Epics
- Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy
- The Modern Century
- A Study of English Romanticism
- The Stubborn Structure: Essays on Criticism and Society
- The Bush Garden: Essays on the Canadian Imagination
- The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism
- The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance
- Spiritus Mundi: Essays on Literature, Myth, and Society
- Northrop Frye on Culture and Literature: A Collection of Review Essays
- Creation and Recreation
- The Great Code: The Bible and Literature
- Divisions on a Ground: Essays on Canadian Culture
- The Myth of Deliverance: Reflections on Shakespeare's Problem Comedies
- Harper Handbook to Literature (with Sheridan Baker and George W. Perkins)
- On Education
- No Uncertain Sounds
- Myth and Metaphor: Selected Essays
- Words with Power: Being a Second Study of The Bible and Literature
- Reading the World: Selected Writings
- The Double Vision of Language, Nature, Time, and God
- A World in a Grain of Sand: Twenty-Two Interviews with Northrop Frye
- Reflections on the Canadian Literary Imagination: A Selection of Essays by Northrop Frye
- Mythologizing Canada: Essays on the Canadian Literary Imagination
- Northrop Frye on Shakespeare
- Northrop Frye in Conversation (an interview with David Cayley)
- The Eternal Act of Creation
- Collected Works of Northrop Frye
- Northrop Frye on Religion
Ostali doprinosi
- Uredio je petnaest knjiga
- Sastavio je eseje i poglavlja koja se pojavljuju u više od šezdeset knjiga
- Napisao je preko stotinu članaka i mišljenja u naučnim časopisima
- Od 1950. do 1960. godine napisao je godišnji kritički i bibliografski pregled Kanadske poezije u Pisma o Kanadi, za Sveske Univerziteta u Torontu
uredi- ^ Forst, G.N. (Winter 2007). "Anatomy of Imagination." Arhivirano 2012-07-10 na sajtu Canadian Literature #195, Context(e)s. (pg. 141 – 143). Retrieved on: October 20, 2011.
Spoljašnje veze
uredi- The Northrop Frye Collection at the Victoria University Library at the University of Toronto A comprehensive collection of Northrop Frye's published work, literary manuscripts, correspondence, personal and professional writings, photographs and audiovisual materials.
- Northrop Frye @ 100: an exhibition celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of Northrop Frye’s birth. Selected collection of childhood books and photographs to correspondence, addresses, published works, and awards.
- Nortrop Fraj na sajtu Internet Archive (jezik: engleski)
- An essay on Northrop Frye's life and ideas
- "Questioning Northrop Frye's Adaptation of Vico". An article in Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Spring 2010, Vol. 37:3.
- The Frye Festival. An international literary festival in Moncton, New Brunswick.
- The Educated Imagination Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (14. oktobar 2013). A blog dedicated to Northrop Frye.
- The Bible and English Literature by Northrop Frye: Full Lectures. Between 1980 and 1981, Prof. Northrop Frye held 25 lectures under the title ‘The Bible and Literature’.