Гргечке (Perciformes) су најобимнији ред кичмењака, са преко 7.000 савремених врста риба. Могу се наћи у скоро свим воденим стаништима. Познати представници гргечки су сунчаница, гргеч, смуђ, балавац, група циклида, баракуда, туна и бас.
Гргечке Временски распон:
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жути гргеч (Perca flavescens) | |
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Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Chordata |
Класа: | Actinopterygii |
Надред: | Acanthopterygii |
Ред: | Perciformes Bleeker, 1863 |
Типска врста | |
Perca fluviatilis | |
Редоци | |
Acanthuroidei |

Овај ред садржи око 160 породица, што је највише од било ког реда кичмењака.[1] То је уједно и најразноврснији ред кичмењака, у распону од 7-mm (1/4-in) Schindleria brevipinguis до 5-m (16.4 ft) марлина у роду Makaira. Први пут су се појавили и диверзификовали у касној креди.
Међу познатим члановима ове групе су смуђ и гргеч (Percidae), морски бас и кирње (Serranidae).[2]
уреди- Подред Acanthuroidei
- Acanthuridae Bonaparte, 1835 - кирурзи
- Ephippidae Bleeker, 1859
- Luvaridae Gill, 1885
- Scatophagidae Gill, 1883
- -{Siganidae Richardson, 1837в
- Zanclidae Bleeker, 1876 - Мауров Идол
- Подред Anabantoidei
- Anabantidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Helostomatidae Gill, 1872
- Osphronemidae van der Hoeven, 1832
- Подред Blennioidei - Бабице
- Blenniidae Rafinesque, 1810 - Слингурке
- Chaenopsidae Gill, 1865
- Clinidae Swainson, 1839
- Dactyloscopidae Gill, 1859
- Labrisomidae Clark Hubbs, 1952
- Tripterygiidae Whitley, 1931
- Подред Callionymoidei
- Callionymidae Bonaparte, 1831; морски мишићи
- Draconettidae Jordan & Fowler, 1903
- Подред Caproidei
- Caproidae Bonaparte, 1835
- Подред Channoidei
- Channidae Fowler, 1934
- Подред Gobioidei
- Eleotridae Bonaparte, 1835
- Gobiidae Cuvier, 1816
- Kraemeriidae Whitley, 1935
- Microdesmidae Regan, 1912
- Odontobutidae Hoese & Gill, 1993
- Rhyacichthyidae Jordan, 1905
- Schindleriidae Giltay, 1934
- Thalasseleotrididae Gill & Mooi, 2012
- Xenisthmidae Miller, 1973
- Подред Icosteoidei
- Icosteidae Jordan & Gilbert, 1880
- Подред Kurtoidei
- Kurtidae Bleeker, 1859
- Подред Labroidei
- Cichlidae Bonaparte, 1835
- Embiotocidae Agassiz, 1853
- Labridae Cuvier, 1816 - Усначе
- Odacidae Günther, 1861
- Pomacentridae Bonaparte, 1831 - Чешљоустке
- Scaridae Rafinesque, 1810
- Подред Mugiloidei
- Mugilidae Jarocki, 1822
- Подред Notothenioidei
- Artedidraconidae Andriashev, 1967
- Bathydraconidae Regan, 1913
- Bovichthyidae Gill, 1862
- Channichthyidae Gill, 1861
- Eleginopsidae Gill, 1893
- Harpagiferidae Gill, 1861
- Nototheniidae Günther, 1861
- Pseudaphritidae McCulloch, 1929
- Подред Percoidei - Гргечи
- Acropomatidae Gill, 1893
- Ambassidae Klunzinger, 1870 (син. Chandidae)
- Aplodactylidae Günther, 1859
- Apogonidae Günther, 1859 - Матулчићи
- Arripidae Gill, 1893
- Badidae Barlow, Liem & Wickler, 1968
- Banjosidae Jordan & Thompson, 1912
- Bathyclupeidae Gill, 1896
- Bramidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Caesionidae Bonaparte, 1831 - (нпр. Pterocaesio chrysozona)
- Callanthiidae Ogilby, 1899
- Carangidae Rafinesque, 1815 - Битнице
- Caristiidae Gill & Smith, 1905
- Centracanthidae Gill, 1893
- Centrarchidae Bleeker, 1859
- Centrogeniidae Fowler, 1907
- Centropomidae Poey, 1867
- Cepolidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Chaetodontidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Cheilodactylidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Chironemidae Gill, 1862
- Cirrhitidae Macleay, 1841
- Coryphaenidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Datnioididae Fowler, 1931
- Dichistiidae Smith, 1935
- Dinolestidae Whitley, 1948
- Dinopercidae Heemstra & Hecht, 1986
- Drepaneidae Gill, 1872
- Echeneidae Rafinesque, 1810
- Emmelichthyidae Poey, 1867
- Enoplosidae Gill, 1893
- Epigonidae Poey, 1861
- Gerreidae Bleeker, 1859
- Glaucosomatidae Jordan & Thompson, 1911
- Grammatidae Jordan, 1887
- Haemulidae Gill, 1885
- Hapalogenyidae
- Howellidae Ogilby, 1899
- Kuhliidae Jordan & Evermann, 1896
- Kyphosidae Jordan, 1887
- Lactariidae Boulenger, 1904
- Lateolabracidae
- Latidae Jordan, 1888
- Latridae Gill, 1862
- Leiognathidae Gill, 1893
- Leptobramidae Ogilby, 1913
- Lethrinidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Lobotidae Gill, 1861
- Lutjanidae Gill, 1861
- Malacanthidae Poey, 1861
- Menidae Fitzinger, 1873
- Monodactylidae Jordan & Evermann, 1898
- Moronidae Jordan & Evermann, 1896
- Mullidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Nandidae Bleeker, 1852
- Nematistiidae Gill, 1862
- Nemipteridae Regan, 1913
- Opistognathidae Bonaparte, 1835
- Oplegnathidae Bleeker, 1853
- Ostracoberycidae Fowler, 1934
- Parascorpididae Smith, 1949
- Pempheridae
- Pentacerotidae Bleeker, 1859
- Percichthyidae Jordan & Eigenmann, 1890
- Percidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Perciliidae Jordan, 1923
- Plesiopidae Günther, 1861
- Polycentridae Gill, 1858
- Polynemidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Polyprionidae Bleeker, 1874
- Pomacanthidae Jordan & Evermann, 1898 - Анђеоске рибе
- Pomatomidae Gill, 1863
- Priacanthidae Günther, 1859
- Pristolepididae Regan, 1913
- Pseudochromidae Müller & Troschel, 1849 - Шашавци
- Rachycentridae Gill, 1896
- Sciaenidae Cuvier, 1829 - сенке
- Scombropidae Gill, 1862
- Serranidae Swainson, 1839 - вучице
- Sillaginidae Richardson, 1846
- Sparidae Rafinesque, 1818 - љускавке
- Symphysanodontidae Katayama, 1984
- Terapontidae Richardson, 1842
- Toxotidae Bleeker, 1859
- Подред Scombroidei
- Gempylidae Gill, 1862
- Trichiuridae Rafinesque, 1810
- Scombridae Rafinesque, 1815
- Подред Scombrolabracoidei
- Scombrolabracidae Fowler, 1925
- Подред Sphyraenoidei
- Sphyraenidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Подред Stromateoidei
- Amarsipidae Haedrich, 1969
- Ariommatidae Haedrich, 1967
- Centrolophidae Bonaparte, 1846
- Nomeidae Günther, 1860
- Stromateidae Rafinesque, 1810
- Tetragonuridae Risso, 1827
- Подред Trachinoidei
- Ammodytidae Bonaparte, 1835
- Champsodontidae Jordan & Snyder, 1902
- Cheimarrhichthyidae Regan, 1913
- Chiasmodontidae Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
- Creediidae Waite, 1899
- Leptoscopidae Gill, 1859
- Percophidae Swainson, 1839
- Pinguipedidae Günther, 1860
- Trachinidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Trichodontidae Bleeker, 1859
- Trichonotidae Günther, 1861
- Uranoscopidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Подред Xiphioidei
- Istiophoridae Rafinesque, 1815
- Xiphiidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Подред Zoarcoidei
- Anarhichadidae Bonaparte, 1835
- Bathymasteridae Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
- Cryptacanthodidae Gill, 1861
- Pholidae Gill, 1893
- Ptilichthyidae Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
- Scytalinidae Jordan & Starks, 1895
- Stichaeidae Gill, 1864
- Zaproridae Jordan, 1896
- Zoarcidae Swainson, 1839
уреди- Aboma Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895
- Abudefduf Forsskål, 1775
- Acanthanectes Holleman and Buxton, 1993
- Acanthaphritis Günther, 1880
- Acantharchus Gill, 1864
- Acanthemblemaria Metzelaar, 1919
- Acanthistius Gill, 1862
- Acanthocepola Bleeker, 1874
- Acanthochromis Gill, 1863
- Acanthoclinus Jenyns, 1841
- Acanthocybium Gill, 1862
- Acanthodraco Skóra, 1995
- Acanthogobius Gill, 1859
- Acantholabrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839
- Acantholumpenus Makushok, 1958
- Acanthopagrus Peters, 1855
- Acanthoplesiops Regan, 1912
- Acanthurus Forsskål, 1775
- Acarichthys Eigenmann, 1912
- Acaronia Myers, 1940
- Acentrogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Achoerodus Gill, 1863
- Acropoma Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Acyrtops Schultz, 1951
- Acyrtus Schultz, 1944
- Aequidens Eigenmann and Bray, 1894
- Aethaloperca Fowler, 1904
- Aethotaxis DeWitt, 1962
- Afronandus Meinken, 1955
- Afurcagobius Gill, 1993
- Aiakas Gosztonyi, 1977
- Aidablennius Whitley, 1947
- Aioliops Rennis and Hoese, 1987
- Akarotaxis DeWitt and Hureau, 1979
- Akko Birdsong and Robins, 1995
- Alabes Cloquet, 1816
- Alectis Rafinesque, 1815
- Alectrias Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Alectridium Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Alepes Swainson, 1839
- Alloblennius Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Allochromis Greenwood, 1980
- Alloclinus Hubbs, 1927
- Allomicrodesmus Schultz in Schultz et al., 1966
- Allotaius Whitley, 1937
- Allothunnus Serventy, 1948
- Alphestes Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Alticorpus Stauffer and McKaye, 1988
- Alticus Lacepède, 1800
- Altolamprologus Poll, 1986
- Altrichthys Allen, 1999
- Amarsipus Haedrich, 1969
- Ambassis Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Ambloplites Rafinesque, 1820
- Amblychaeturichthys Bleeker, 1874
- Amblycirrhitus Gill, 1862
- Amblyeleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Amblyglyphidodon Bleeker, 1877
- Amblygobius Bleeker, 1874
- Amblyotrypauchen Hora, 1924
- Amblypomacentrus Bleeker, 1877
- Ammocrypta Jordan, 1877
- Ammodytes Linnaeus, 1758
- Ammodytoides Duncker and Mohr, 1939
- Ammolabrus Randall and Carlson, 1997
- Amniataba Whitley, 1943
- Amoya Herre, 1927
- Amphichaetodon Burgess, 1978
- Amphilophus Agassiz, 1859
- Amphiprion Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Amphistichus Agassiz, 1854
- Amsichthys Gill and Edwards, 1999
- Anabas Cloquet, 1816
- Anampses Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Anaora Gray, 1835
- Anarhichas Linnaeus, 1758
- Anarrhichthys Ayres, 1855
- Anatirostrum Iljin, 1930
- Anatolanthias Anderson, Parin and Randall, 1990
- Anchichoerops Barnard, 1927
- Andamia Blyth, 1858
- Andriashevia Fedorov and Neyelov, 1978
- Anisarchus Gill, 1864
- Anisochromis Smith, 1954
- Anisotremus Gill, 1861
- Anomalochromis Greenwood, 1985
- Anoplarchus Gill, 1861
- Antennablennius Fowler, 1931
- Anthias Bloch, 1792
- Anyperodon Günther, 1859
- Aphanopus Lowe, 1839
- Aphareus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Aphia Risso, 1827
- Apistogramma Regan, 1913
- Apistogrammoides Meinken, 1965
- Apletodon Briggs, 1955
- Aplodactylus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Aplodinotus Rafinesque, 1819
- Apocryptes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Apocryptichthys Day, 1876
- Apocryptodon Bleeker, 1874
- Apodichthys Girard, 1854
- Apodocreedia de Beaufort, 1948
- Apogon Lacepède, 1801
- Apogonichthys Bleeker, 1854
- Apogonops Ogilby, 1896
- Apolemichthys Burton, 1934
- Apopterygion Kuiter, 1986
- Aporops Schultz, 1943
- Aprion Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Apsilus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Archamia Gill, 1863
- Archocentrus Gill in Gill and Bransford, 1877
- Archoplites Gill, 1861
- Archosargus Gill, 1865
- Arcos Schultz, 1944
- Arctoscopus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Arcygobius Larson and Wright, 2003
- Arenigobius Whitley, 1930
- Argyrops Swainson, 1839
- Argyrosomus De la Pylaie, 1835
- Argyrozona Smith, 1938
- Ariomma Jordan and Snyder, 1904
- Aristochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Arripis Jenyns, 1840
- Artedidraco Lönnberg, 1905
- Aruma Ginsburg, 1933
- Askoldia Pavlenko, 1910
- Aspasma Jordan and Fowler, 1902
- Aspasmichthys Briggs, 1955
- Aspasmodes Smith, 1957
- Aspasmogaster Waite, 1907
- Aspericorvina Fowler, 1934
- Aspidontus Cuvier in Quoy and Gaimard, 1834
- Asra Iljin, 1941
- Assessor Whitley, 1935
- Assiculoides Gill and Hutchins, 1997
- Assiculus Richardson, 1846
- Assurger Whitley, 1933
- Astatoreochromis Pellegrin, 1904
- Astatotilapia Pellegrin, 1904
- Asterropteryx Rüppell, 1830
- Astrabe Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Astrapogon Fowler, 1907
- Astronotus Swainson, 1839
- Astroscopus Brevoort in Gill, 1860
- Atractoscion Gill, 1862
- Atrobucca Chu, Lo and Wu, 1963
- Atropus Oken, 1817
- Atrosalarias Whitley, 1933
- Atule Jordan and Jordan, 1922
- Atypichthys Günther, 1862
- Auchenionchus Gill, 1860
- Aulacocephalus Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Aulonocara Regan, 1922
- Aulonocranus Regan, 1920
- Aulopareia Smith, 1945
- Austrolabrus Steindachner, 1884
- Austrolethops Whitley, 1935
- Austrolycus Regan, 1913
- Austronibea Trewavas, 1977
- Auxis Cuvier, 1829
- Awaous Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Axoclinus Fowler, 1944
- Azurina Jordan and McGregor in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Azygopterus Andriashev and Makushok, 1955
- Badis Bleeker, 1854
- Bahaba Herre, 1935
- Baileychromis Poll, 1986
- Bairdiella Gill, 1861
- Banjos Bleeker, 1876
- Barbulifer Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Barbuligobius Lachner and McKinney, 1974
- Batanga Herre, 1946
- Bathyanthias Günther, 1880
- Bathybates Boulenger, 1898
- Bathyblennius Bath, 1977
- Bathycallionymus Nakabo, 1982
- Bathyclupea Alcock, 1891
- Bathydraco Günther, 1878
- Bathygobius Bleeker, 1878
- Bathymaster Cope, 1873
- Bathysphyraenops Parr, 1933
- Bathystethus Gill, 1893
- Beliops Hardy, 1985
- Bellapiscis Hardy, 1987
- Belobranchus Bleeker, 1857
- Belonepterygion McCulloch, 1915
- Belonoperca Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Belontia Myers, 1923
- Bembrops Steindachner, 1876
- Benitochromis Lamboj, 2001
- Benthochromis Poll, 1986
- Benthodesmus Goode and Bean, 1882
- Benthophiloides Beling and Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus Eichwald, 1831
- Betta Bleeker, 1850
- Bidyanus Whitley, 1943
- Bilabria Schmidt, 1936
- Biotodoma Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Biotoecus Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Bleekeria Günther, 1862
- Blenniella Reid, 1943
- Blennioclinus Gill, 1860
- Blennius Linnaeus, 1758
- Blennodesmus Günther, 1872
- Blennodon Hardy, 1987
- Blennophis Swainson, 1839
- Bodianus Bloch, 1790
- Boesemania Trewavas, 1977
- Bolbometopon Smith, 1956
- Boleophthalmus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Bollmannia Jordan in Jordan and Bollman, 1890
- Boops Cuvier, 1814
- Boopsoidea Castelnau, 1861
- Boridia Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Bostockia Castelnau, 1873
- Bostrychus Lacepède, 1801
- Bothrocara Bean, 1890
- Bothrocarina Suvorov, 1935
- Boulengerochromis Pellegrin, 1904
- Bovichtus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Brachyamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
- Brachydeuterus Gill, 1862
- Brachygobius Bleeker, 1874
- Brachyistius Gill, 1862
- Brachynectes Scott, 1957
- Brama Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Branchiostegus Rafinesque, 1815
- Brephostoma Alcock, 1889
- Brinkmannella Parr, 1933
- Bryaninops Smith, 1959
- Bryozoichthys Whitley, 1931
- Buccochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Buenia Iljin, 1930
- Bujurquina Kullander, 1986
- Bullisichthys Rivas, 1971
- Bunaka Herre, 1927
- Butis Bleeker, 1856
- Cabillus Smith, 1959
- Caecogobius Berti and Ercolini, 1991
- Caesio Lacepède, 1801
- Caesioperca Castelnau, 1872
- Caesioscorpis Whitley, 1945
- Caffrogobius Smitt, 1900
- Calamiana Herre, 1945
- Calamus Swainson, 1839
- Callanthias Lowe, 1839
- Calliclinus Gill, 1860
- Callionymus Linnaeus, 1758
- Callochromis Regan, 1920
- Callogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Calloplesiops Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Calotomus Gilbert, 1890
- Calumia Smith, 1958
- Campogramma Regan, 1903
- Cancelloxus Smith, 1961
- Caprichromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Caprodon Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Caquetaia Fowler, 1945
- Caragobius Smith and Seale, 1906
- Carangoides Bleeker, 1851
- Caranx Lacepède, 1801
- Cardiopharynx Poll, 1942
- Caristius Gill and Smith, 1905
- Caspiosoma Iljin, 1927
- Caulolatilus Gill, 1862
- Cebidichthys Ayres, 1855
- Centracanthus Rafinesque, 1810
- Centrarchops Fowler, 1923
- Centrarchus Cuvier, 1829
- Centrodraco Regan, 1913
- Centrogenys Richardson, 1842
- Centrolabrus Günther, 1861
- Centrolophus Lacepède, 1802
- Centropomus Lacepède, 1802
- Centropristis Cuvier, 1829
- Centropyge Kaup, 1860
- Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Cepola Linnaeus, 1764
- Ceratobregma Holleman, 1987
- Cercamia Randall and Smith, 1988
- Cerdale Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Cetoscarus Smith, 1956
- Chaenocephalus Regan, 1913
- Chaenodraco Regan, 1914
- Chaenogobius Gill, 1859
- Chaenopsis Gill, 1865
- Chaetobranchopsis Steindachner, 1875
- Chaetobranchus Heckel, 1840
- Chaetodipterus Lacepède, 1802
- Chaetodon Linnaeus, 1758
- Chaetodontoplus Bleeker, 1876
- Chaeturichthys Richardson, 1844
- Chalaroderma Norman, 1943
- Chalinochromis Poll, 1974
- Chalixodytes Schultz, 1943
- Champsocephalus Gill, 1862
- Champsochromis Boulenger, 1915
- Champsodon Günther, 1867
- Chanda Hamilton, 1822
- Channa Scopoli, 1777
- Channichthys Richardson, 1844
- Chasmodes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Cheilinus Lacépède, 1801
- Cheilio Lacépède, 1802
- Cheilochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Cheilodactylus Lacepède, 1803
- Cheilodipterus Lacepède, 1801
- Cheiloprion Weber, 1913
- Cheilotrema Tschudi, 1846
- Cheimarrichthys Haast, 1874
- Cheimerius Smith, 1938
- Chelidoperca Boulenger, 1895
- Chelmon Cloquet, 1817
- Chelmonops Bleeker, 1876
- Chetia Trewavas, 1961
- Chiasmodon Johnson, 1864
- Chilochromis Boulenger, 1902
- Chilotilapia Boulenger, 1908
- Chionobathyscus Andriashev and Neyelov, 1978
- Chionodraco Lönnberg, 1906
- Chirodactylus Gill, 1862
- Chirolophis Swainson, 1839
- Chironemus Cuvier, 1829
- Chlamydogobius Whitley, 1930
- Chlidichthys Smith, 1953
- Chloroscombrus Girard, 1858
- Chlorurus Swainson, 1839
- Choerodon Bleeker, 1849
- Chorisochismus Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Chriolepis Gilbert, 1892
- Chrionema Gilbert, 1905
- Chromidotilapia Boulenger, 1898
- Chromileptes Swainson, 1839
- Chromis Cuvier, 1814
- Chromogobius de Buen, 1930
- Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839
- Chrysoblephus Swainson, 1839
- Chrysochir Trewavas and Yazdani, 1966
- Chrysophrys Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Cichla Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Cichlasoma Swainson, 1839
- Cilus Delfin, 1900
- Cirrhibarbis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Cirrhilabrus Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Cirrhitichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Cirrhitops Smith, 1951
- Cirrhitus Lacepède, 1803
- Cirriemblemaria Hastings, 1997
- Cirripectes Swainson, 1839
- Cirrisalarias Springer, 1976
- Clariger Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Clarkichthys Smith, 1958
- Cleithracara Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Clepticus Cuvier, 1829
- Clevelandia Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Climacoporus Barnard, 1935
- Clinitrachus Swainson, 1839
- Clinoporus Barnard, 1927
- Clinus Cuvier, 1816
- Cochleoceps Whitley, 1943
- Colisa Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Collichthys Günther, 1860
- Collybus Snyder, 1904
- Cologrammus Gill, 1893
- Congrogadus Günther, 1862
- Conidens Briggs, 1955
- Conniella Allen, 1983
- Conodon Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Cookeolus Fowler, 1928
- Copadichromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Copora Fernández-Yépez, 1969
- Coradion Kaup, 1860
- Coralliozetus Evermann and Marsh, 1899
- Coranthus Smith, 1961
- Corcyrogobius Miller, 1972
- Corematodus Boulenger, 1897
- Coreoperca Herzenstein, 1896
- Coris Lacépède, 1801
- Corvula Jordan and Eigenmann, 1889
- Coryogalops Smith, 1958
- Coryphaena Linnaeus, 1758
- Coryphoblennius Norman, 1943
- Coryphopterus Gill, 1863
- Cottoclinus McCosker, Stephens and Rosenblatt, 2003
- Cottoperca Steindachner, 1876
- Cotylopus Guichenot, 1863
- Crapatalus Günther, 1861
- Cratinus Steindachner, 1878
- Creedia Ogilby, 1898
- Cremnochorites Holleman, 1982
- Crenicara Steindachner, 1875
- Crenicichla Heckel, 1840
- Crenidens Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Creocele Briggs, 1955
- Crinodus Gill, 1862
- Cristacirrhitus Randall, 2001
- Cristatogobius Herre, 1927
- Cristiceps Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Crocodilichthys Allen and Robertson, 1991
- Croilia Smith, 1955
- Crossosalarias Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Crossostomus Lahille, 1908
- Cryodraco Dollo, 1900
- Cryothenia Daniels, 1981
- Cryptacanthodes Storer, 1839
- Cryptichthys Hardy, 1987
- Cryptocentroides Popta, 1922
- Cryptocentrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Cryptotomus Cope, 1871
- Cryptotrema Gilbert, 1890
- Crystallaria Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan, 1885
- Crystallodytes Fowler, 1923
- Crystallogobius Gill, 1863
- Ctenochaetus Gill, 1884
- Ctenochromis Pfeffer, 1893
- Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
- Ctenogobius Gill, 1858
- Ctenolabrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839
- Ctenopharynx Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Ctenopoma Peters, 1844
- Ctenops McClelland, 1845
- Ctenosciaena Fowler and Bean, 1923
- Ctenotrypauchen Steindachner, 1867
- Cubiceps Lowe, 1843
- Cunningtonia Boulenger, 1906
- Cyathochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Cyathopharynx Regan, 1920
- Cybiosarda Whitley, 1935
- Cyclopharynx Poll, 1948
- Cygnodraco Waite, 1916
- Cymatoceps Smith, 1938
- Cymatogaster Gibbons, 1854
- Cymolutes Günther, 1861
- Cynoscion Gill, 1861
- Cynotilapia Regan, 1922
- Cypho Myers, 1940
- Cyphotilapia Regan, 1920
- Cyprichromis Scheuermann, 1977
- Cyprinocirrhites Tanaka, 1917
- Cyrtocara Boulenger, 1902
- Dacodraco Waite, 1916
- Dactylagnus Gill, 1863
- Dactylanthias Bleeker, 1871
- Dactylophora De Vis, 1883
- Dactylopsaron Parin, 1990
- Dactylopus Gill, 1859
- Dactyloscopus Gill, 1859
- Dadyanos Whitley, 1951
- Danakilia Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969
- Dario Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Dascyllus Cuvier, 1829
- Datnioides Bleeker, 1853
- Davidijordania Popov, 1931
- Daysciaena Talwar, 1970
- Decapterus Bleeker, 1851
- Decodon Günther, 1861
- Dellichthys Briggs, 1955
- Deltentosteus Gill, 1863
- Demissolinea Burhanuddin and Iwatsuki, 2003
- Denariusa Whitley, 1948
- Dendrophysa Trewavas, 1964
- Dentex Cuvier, 1814
- Derepodichthys Gilbert, 1896
- Derilissus Briggs, 1969
- Dermatolepis Gill, 1861
- Diademichthys Pfaff, 1942
- Diagramma Oken, 1817
- Dialommus Gilbert, 1891
- Diapterus Ranzani, 1842
- Dicentrarchus Gill, 1860
- Dichistius Gill, 1888
- Dicrossus Steindachner, 1875
- Dictyosoma Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Didogobius Miller, 1966
- Dieidolycus Anderson, 1988
- Dimidiochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Dinolestes Klunzinger, 1872
- Dinoperca Boulenger, 1895
- Diplecogaster Fraser-Brunner, 1938
- Diplectrum Holbrook, 1855
- Diplocrepis Günther, 1861
- Diplodus Rafinesque, 1810
- Diplogrammus Gill, 1865
- Diploprion Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Diplospinus Maul, 1948
- Diplotaxodon Trewavas, 1935
- Diproctacanthus Bleeker, 1862
- Dipterygonotus Bleeker, 1849
- Dischistodus Gill, 1863
- Discordipinna Hoese and Fourmanoir, 1978
- Discotrema Briggs, 1976
- Dissostichus Smitt, 1898
- Ditrema Temminck and Schlegel, 1844
- Divandu Lamboj and Snoeks, 2000
- Docimodus Boulenger, 1897
- Dodekablennos Springer and Spreitzer, 1978
- Doederleinia Steindachner in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Dolloidraco Roule, 1913
- Doratonotus Günther, 1861
- Dormitator Gill, 1861
- Dotalabrus Whitley, 1930
- Draconetta Jordan and Fowler, 1903
- Draculo Snyder, 1911
- Drepane Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Drombus Jordan and Seale, 1905
- Dules Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Dysalotus MacGilchrist, 1905
- Ebomegobius Herre, 1946
- Echeneis Linnaeus, 1758
- Echiichthys Bleeker, 1861
- Echinogobius Iwata, Hosoya and Niimura, 1998
- Eckloniaichthys Smith, 1943
- Eclectochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Economidichthys Bianco, Bullock, Miller and Roubal, 1987
- Ecsenius McCulloch, 1923
- Ectodus Boulenger, 1898
- Egglestonichthys Miller and Wongrat, 1979
- Ego Randall, 1994
- Ekemblemaria Stephens, 1963
- Elacatinus Jordan, 1904
- Elagatis Bennett, 1840
- Elassoma Jordan, 1877
- Elattarchus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Eleginops Gill, 1862
- Eleotrica Ginsburg, 1933
- Eleotris Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Eleutherochir Bleeker, 1879
- Eleutheronema Bleeker, 1862
- Embiotoca Agassiz, 1853
- Emblemaria Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Emblemariopsis Longley, 1927
- Emmelichthyops Schultz, 1945
- Emmelichthys Richardson, 1845
- Enchelyurus Peters, 1868
- Enigmapercis Whitley, 1936
- Enneacanthus Gill, 1864
- Enneanectes Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1895
- Enneapterygius Rüppell, 1835
- Enoplosus Lacepède, 1802
- Entomacrodus Gill, 1859
- Enypnias Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Eocallionymus Nakabo, 1982
- Ephippus Cuvier, 1816
- Epibulus Cuvier, 1815
- Epigonus Rafinesque, 1810
- Epinephelides Ogilby, 1899
- Epinephelus Bloch, 1793
- Epinnula Poey, 1854
- Equetus Rafinesque, 1815
- Eretmodus Boulenger, 1898
- Ericentrus Gill, 1893
- Ernogrammus Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Erotelis Poey, 1860
- Erythrocles Jordan, 1919
- Esselenichthys Anderson, 2003
- Etelis Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Etheostoma Rafinesque, 1819
- Etia Schliewen and Stiassny, 2003
- Etroplus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Eucinostomus Baird and Girard in Baird, 1855
- Eucryphycus Anderson, 1988
- Eucyclogobius Gill, 1862
- Eugerres Jordan and Evermann, 1927
- Eugnathogobius Smith, 1931
- Eulophias Smith, 1902
- Eumegistus Jordan and Jordan, 1922
- Eumesogrammus Gill, 1864
- Eupetrichthys Ramsay and Ogilby, 1888
- Eupleurogrammus Gill, 1862
- Eutaeniichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Euthynnus Lütken in Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Evermannia Jordan, 1895
- Evermannichthys Metzelaar, 1919
- Eviota Jenkins, 1903
- Evistias Jordan, 1907
- Evorthodus Gill, 1859
- Evoxymetopon Gill, 1863
- Evynnis Jordan and Thompson, 1912
- Exallias Jordan and Evermann, 1905
- Exechodontes DeWitt, 1977
- Exerpes Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1896
- Exochochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Exyrias Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Fagasa Schultz, 1943
- Favonigobius Whitley, 1930
- Feia Smith, 1959
- Filimanus Myers, 1936
- Flabelligobius Smith, 1956
- Florenciella Mead and De Falla, 1965
- Foa Jordan and Evermann in Jordan and Seale, 1905
- Foetorepus Whitley, 1931
- Forcipiger Jordan and McGregor in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Forsterygion Whitley and Phillipps, 1939
- Fossorochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Fowleria Jordan and Evermann, 1903
- Fraudella Whitley, 1935
- Frontilabrus Randall and Condé, 1989
- Fucomimus Smith, 1946
- Fusigobius Whitley, 1930
- Gadopsis Richardson, 1848
- Galeoides Günther, 1860
- Gammogobius Bath, 1971
- Gasterochisma Richardson, 1845
- Gastrocyathus Briggs, 1955
- Gastrocymba Briggs, 1955
- Gastroscyphus Briggs, 1955
- Gaurochromis Greenwood, 1980
- Gazza Rüppell, 1835
- Gempylus Cuvier, 1829
- Genicanthus Swainson, 1839
- Genyagnus Gill, 1861
- Genyatremus Gill, 1862
- Genyochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Genyonemus Gill, 1861
- Geophagus Heckel, 1840
- Gephyrochromis Boulenger, 1901
- Gerlachea Dollo, 1900
- Gerres Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Gibbonsia Cooper, 1864
- Giganthias Katayama, 1954
- Gillellus Gilbert, 1890
- Gillichthys Cooper, 1864
- Gilloblennius Whitley and Phillipps, 1939
- Ginsburgellus Böhlke and Robins, 1968
- Girella Gray, 1835
- Giuris Sauvage, 1880
- Gladiogobius Herre, 1933
- Glaucosoma Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Glossamia Gill, 1863
- Glossogobius Gill, 1859
- Glyptoparus Smith, 1959
- Gnathanodon Bleeker, 1851
- Gnathochromis Poll, 1981
- Gnathodentex Bleeker, 1873
- Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874
- Gobiesox Lacepède, 1800
- Gobiocichla Kanazawa, 1951
- Gobiodon Bleeker, 1856
- Gobioides Lacepède, 1800
- Gobiomorphus Gill, 1863
- Gobiomorus Lacepède, 1800
- Gobionellus Girard, 1858
- Gobionotothen Balushkin, 1976
- Gobiopsis Steindachner, 1861
- Gobiopterus Bleeker, 1874
- Gobiosoma Girard, 1858
- Gobitrichinotus Fowler, 1943
- Gobius Linnaeus, 1758
- Gobiusculus Duncker, 1928
- Gobulus Ginsburg, 1933
- Gomphosus Lacépède, 1801
- Goniistius Gill, 1862
- Gonioplectrus Gill, 1862
- Gorogobius Miller, 1978
- Gouania Nardo, 1833
- Gracila Randall, 1964
- Grahamichthys Whitley, 1956
- Grahamina Fricke and Roberts, 1993
- Gramma Poey, 1868
- Grammatonotus Gilbert, 1905
- Grammatorcynus Gill, 1862
- Grammatotria Boulenger, 1899
- Grammistes Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Grammistops Schultz in Schultz et al., 1953
- Graus Philippi, 1887
- Greenwoodochromis Poll, 1983
- Guavina Bleeker, 1874
- Guianacara Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Gunnellichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Guyu Pusey and Kennard, 2001
- Gvozdarus Balushkin, 1989
- Gymnammodytes Duncker and Mohr, 1935
- Gymnapogon Regan, 1905
- Gymneleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Gymnelopsis Soldatov, 1922
- Gymnelus Reinhardt, 1834
- Gymnoamblyopus Murdy and Ferraris, 2003
- Gymnocaesio Bleeker, 1876
- Gymnocephalus Bloch, 1793
- Gymnochanda Fraser-Brunner, 1955
- Gymnoclinus Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Gymnocranius Klunzinger, 1870
- Gymnocrotaphus Günther, 1859
- Gymnodraco Boulenger, 1902
- Gymnogeophagus Miranda Ribeiro, 1918
- Gymnogobius Gill, 1863
- Gymnosarda Gill, 1862
- Gymnoscyphus Böhlke and Robins, 1970
- Hadropareia Schmidt, 1904
- Hadropogonichthys Fedorov, 1982
- Haemulon Cuvier, 1829
- Haemulopsis Steindachner, 1869
- Halaphritis Last, Balushkin and Hutchins, 2002
- Haletta Whitley, 1947
- Halichoeres Rüppell, 1835
- Halidesmus Günther, 1872
- Halimuraena Smith, 1952
- Halimuraenoides Maugé and Bardach, 1985
- Haliophis Rüppell, 1829
- Hannia Vari, 1978
- Hapalogenys Richardson, 1844
- Haplochromis Hilgendorf, 1888
- Haplocylix Briggs, 1955
- Haplotaxodon Boulenger, 1906
- Haptoclinus Böhlke and Robins, 1974
- Haptogenys Springer, 1972
- Harpagifer Richardson, 1844
- Hazeus Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Helcogramma McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Helcogrammoides Rosenblatt in Gon in Gon and Heemstra, 1990
- Helostoma Cuvier, 1829
- Hemanthias Steindachner, 1875
- Hemerocoetes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Hemibates Regan, 1920
- Hemicaranx Bleeker, 1862
- Hemichromis Peters, 1857
- Hemieleotris Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Hemiemblemaria Longley and Hildebrand, 1940
- Hemiglyphidodon Bleeker, 1877
- Hemigobius Bleeker, 1874
- Hemigymnus Günther, 1861
- Hemilutjanus Bleeker, 1876
- Hemitaeniochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Hemitaurichthys Bleeker, 1876
- Hemitilapia Boulenger, 1902
- Heniochus Cuvier, 1816
- Hephaestus De Vis, 1884
- Herichthys Baird and Girard, 1854
- Hermosilla Jenkins and Evermann, 1889
- Heroina Kullander, 1996
- Heros Heckel, 1840
- Herotilapia Pellegrin, 1904
- Hetereleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Heteristius Myers and Wade, 1946
- Heterochromis Regan, 1922
- Heteroclinus Castelnau, 1872
- Heterogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Heteroplopomus Tomiyama, 1936
- Heteropriacanthus Fitch and Crooke, 1984
- Heterostichus Girard, 1854
- Hipposcarus Smith, 1956
- Hirculops Smith, 1959
- Histiodraco Regan, 1914
- Histiopterus Temminck and Schlegel, 1844
- Holacanthus Lacepède, 1802
- Holanthias Günther, 1868
- Holapogon Fraser, 1973
- Hologymnosus Lacépède, 1801
- Hoplarchus Kaup, 1860
- Hoplolatilus Günther, 1887
- Hoplopagrus Gill, 1861
- Hoplotilapia Hilgendorf, 1888
- Howella Ogilby, 1899
- Hyperoglyphe Günther, 1859
- Hyperoplus Günther, 1862
- Hyperprosopon Gibbons, 1854
- Hypleurochilus Gill, 1861
- Hypoplectrodes Gill, 1862
- Hypoplectrus Gill, 1861
- Hypopterus Gill, 1861
- Hypselecara Kullander, 1986
- Hypseleotris Gill, 1863
- Hypsoblennius Gill, 1861
- Hypsophrys Agassiz, 1859
- Hypsurus Agassiz, 1861
- Hypsypops Gill, 1861
- Hyrcanogobius Iljin, 1928
- Hysterocarpus Gibbons, 1854
- Ichthyscopus Swainson, 1839
- Icichthys Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Icosteus Lockington, 1880
- Iluocoetes Jenyns, 1842
- Ilypnus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Incara Rao, 1971
- Inermia Poey, 1860
- Iniistius Gill, 1862
- Interochromis Yamaoka, Hori and Kuwamura, 1988
- Iodotropheus Oliver and Loiselle, 1972
- Iranocichla Coad, 1982
- Isacia Jordan and Fesler, 1893
- Isocirrhitus Randall, 1963
- Isopisthus Gill, 1862
- Istiblennius Whitley, 1943
- Istigobius Whitley, 1932
- Istiompax Whitley, 1931
- Istiophorus Lacepède, 1801
- Itycirrhitus Randall, 2001
- Japonolycodes Shinohara, Sakurai and Machida, 2002
- Jeboehlkia Robins, 1967
- Johnius Bloch, 1793
- Johnrandallia Nalbant, 1974
- Julidochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Kajikia Hirasaka and Nakamura, 1947
- Kali Lloyd, 1909
- Karalepis Hardy, 1984
- Karsten Murdy, 2002
- Kasatkia Soldatov and Pavlenko, 1916
- Kathala Mohan, 1969
- Kathetostoma Günther, 1860
- Katsuwonus Kishinouye, 1915
- Kelloggella Jordan and Seale in Jordan and Evermann, 1905
- Kimberleyeleotris Hoese and Allen, 1987
- Knipowitschia Iljin, 1927
- Kochichthys Kamohara, 1961
- Konia Trewavas in Trewavas, Green and Corbet, 1972
- Kopua Hardy, 1984
- Kraemeria Steindachner, 1906
- Kribia Herre, 1946
- Krobia Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Krusensterniella Schmidt, 1904
- Kuhlia Gill, 1861
- Kurtus Bloch, 1786
- Kyphosus Lacepède, 1801
- Labeotropheus Ahl, 1926
- Labidochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Labracinus Schlegel, 1858
- Labracoglossa Peters, 1866
- Labrichthys Bleeker, 1854
- Labrisomus Swainson, 1839
- Labrodascyllus Di Caporiacco, 1948
- Labroides Bleeker, 1851
- Labropsis Schmidt, 1931
- Labrus Linnaeus, 1758
- Lachneratus Fraser and Struhsaker, 1991
- Lachnolaimus Cuvier, 1829
- Lactarius Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Laetacara Kullander, 1986
- Lagodon Holbrook, 1855
- Lagusia Vari, 1978
- Laiphognathus Smith, 1955
- Lamprologus Schilthuis, 1891
- Lappanella Jordan, 1890
- Larabicus Randall and Springer, 1973
- Larimichthys Jordan and Starks, 1905
- Larimus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Larsonella Randall and Senou, 2001
- Lateolabrax Bleeker, 1854
- Lates Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Latridopsis Gill, 1862
- Latris Richardson, 1839
- Lebetus Winther, 1877
- Lecanogaster Briggs, 1957
- Leiognathus Lacepède, 1802
- Leiopotherapon Fowler, 1931
- Leiostomus Lacepède, 1802
- Lentipes Günther, 1861
- Lepadichthys Waite, 1904
- Lepadogaster Goüan, 1770
- Lepidammodytes Ida, Sirimontaporn and Monkolprasit, 1994
- Lepidiolamprologus Pellegrin, 1904
- Lepidoblennius Steindachner, 1867
- Lepidocybium Gill, 1862
- Lepidogobius Gill, 1859
- Lepidonectes Bussing, 1991
- Lepidonotothen Balushkin, 1976
- Lepidoperca Regan, 1914
- Lepidopus Goüan, 1770
- Lepidozygus Günther, 1862
- Lepomis Rafinesque, 1819
- Leptobrama Steindachner, 1878
- Leptoclinus Gill, 1861
- Leptojulis Bleeker, 1862
- Leptomelanosoma Motomura and Iwatsuki, 2001
- Leptophilypnus Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Leptoscarus Swainson, 1839
- Leptoscopus Gill, 1859
- Leptostichaeus Miki, 1985
- Lepturacanthus Fowler, 1905
- Lestradea Poll, 1943
- Lesueurigobius Whitley, 1950
- Lesueurina Fowler, 1908
- Letholycus Anderson, 1988
- Lethops Hubbs, 1926
- Lethrinops Regan, 1922
- Lethrinus Cuvier, 1829
- Leucopsarion Hilgendorf, 1880
- Leurochilus Böhlke, 1968
- Lichia Cuvier, 1816
- Lichnochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Limbochromis Greenwood, 1987
- Limnichthys Waite, 1904
- Limnochromis Regan, 1920
- Limnotilapia Regan, 1920
- Liobranchia Briggs, 1955
- Liopropoma Gill, 1861
- Lipocheilus Anderson, Talwar and Johnson, 1977
- Lipogramma Böhlke, 1960
- Lipophrys Gill, 1896
- Lissonanchus Smith, 1966
- Lithochromis Lippitsch and Seehausen in Seehausen et al., 1998
- Lithognathus Swainson, 1839
- Litobranchus Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Lobochilotes Boulenger, 1915
- Lobotes Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Lobulogobius Koumans in Blegvad and Løppenthin, 1944
- Lonchopisthus Gill, 1862
- Lonchurus Bloch, 1793
- Lophiogobius Günther, 1873
- Lophogobius Gill, 1862
- Lopholatilus Goode and Bean, 1879
- Lotilia Klausewitz, 1960
- Lubbockichthys Gill and Edwards, 1999
- Lubricogobius Tanaka, 1915
- Lucayablennius Böhlke, 1958
- Luciocephalus Bleeker, 1851
- Luciogobius Gill, 1859
- Lumpenella Hubbs, 1927
- Lumpenopsis Soldatov, 1916
- Lumpenus Reinhardt, 1836
- Lupinoblennius Herre, 1942
- Luposicya Smith, 1959
- Lutjanus Bloch, 1790
- Luvarus Rafinesque, 1810
- Luzonichthys Herre, 1936
- Lycenchelys Gill, 1884
- Lycodapus Gilbert, 1890
- Lycodes Reinhardt, 1831
- Lycodichthys Pappenheim, 1911
- Lycodonus Goode and Bean, 1883
- Lycogrammoides Soldatov and Lindberg, 1929
- Lyconema Gilbert, 1896
- Lycozoarces Popov, 1935
- Lythrypnus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Maccullochella Whitley, 1929
- Macolor Bleeker, 1860
- Macquaria Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Macrodon Schinz, 1822
- Macrodontogobius Herre, 1936
- Macropharyngodon Bleeker, 1862
- Macropleurodus Regan, 1922
- Macropodus Lacepède, 1801
- Macrospinosa Mohan, 1969
- Mahidolia Smith, 1932
- Makaira Lacepède, 1802
- Malacanthus Cuvier, 1829
- Malacoctenus Gill, 1860
- Malakichthys Döderlein in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Malapterus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839
- Malpulutta Deraniyagala, 1937
- Mangarinus Herre, 1943
- Matsubaraea Taki, 1953
- Mauligobius Miller, 1984
- Maylandia Meyer and Foerster, 1984
- Maynea Cunningham, 1871
- Mazarunia Kullander, 1990
- Mbipia Lippitsch and Seehausen in Seehausen et al., 1998
- Mccoskerichthys Rosenblatt and Stephens, 1978
- Mecaenichthys Whitley, 1929
- Medialuna Jordan and Fesler, 1893
- Medusablennius Springer, 1966
- Megalaspis Bleeker, 1851
- Megalonibea Chu, Lo and Wu, 1963
- Meiacanthus Norman, 1943
- Melanochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Melanostigma Günther, 1881
- Mendosoma Guichenot, 1848
- Mene Lacepède, 1803
- Menticirrhus Gill, 1861
- Merogymnoides Whitley, 1966
- Mesogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Mesonauta Günther, 1862
- Mesopristes Bleeker, 1873
- Microcanthus Swainson, 1839
- Microchromis Johnson, 1975
- Microctenopoma Norris, 1995
- Microdesmus Günther, 1864
- Microgobius Poey, 1876
- Microichthys Rüppell, 1852
- Microlepidotus Gill, 1862
- Micrometrus Gibbons, 1854
- Micropercops Fowler and Bean, 1920
- Microphilypnus Myers, 1927
- Micropogonias Bonaparte, 1831
- Micropterus Lacepède, 1802
- Microspathodon Günther, 1862
- Miichthys Lin, 1938
- Mikrogeophagus Meulengracht-Madson in Schiötz and Christensen, 1968
- Millerigobius Bath, 1973
- Milyeringa Whitley, 1945
- Mimoblennius Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Minilabrus Randall and Dor, 1980
- Minysicya Larson, 2002
- Minysynchiropus Nakabo, 1982
- Miracorvina Trewavas, 1962
- Mistichthys Smith, 1902
- Modicus Hardy, 1983
- Mogurnda Gill, 1863
- Monocirrhus Heckel, 1840
- Monodactylus Lacepède, 1801
- Monotaxis Bennett, 1830
- Morone Mitchill, 1814
- Mugilogobius Smitt, 1900
- Mulloidichthys Whitley, 1929
- Mullus Linnaeus, 1758
- Muraenoclinus Smith, 1946
- Myaka Trewavas in Trewavas, Green and Corbet, 1972
- Mycteroperca Gill, 1862
- Myersina Herre, 1934
- Mylochromis Regan, 1920
- Myxodagnus Gill, 1861
- Myxodes Cuvier, 1829
- Naevochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Nalbantichthys Schultz, 1967
- Nandopsis Gill, 1862
- Nandus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Nannacara Regan, 1905
- Nannatherina Regan, 1906
- Nannoperca Günther, 1861
- Nannosalarias Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Nanochromis Pellegrin, 1904
- Naso Lacepède, 1801
- Natalichthys Winterbottom, 1980
- Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810
- Nealotus Johnson, 1865
- Neamia Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Neatypus Waite, 1905
- Nebris Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Neetroplus Günther, 1867
- Nelabrichthys Russell, 1983
- Nemaclinus Böhlke and Springer, 1975
- Nemadactylus Richardson, 1839
- Nemanthias Smith, 1954
- Nemateleotris Fowler, 1938
- Nematistius Gill, 1862
- Nematogobius Boulenger, 1910
- Nemipterus Swainson, 1839
- Neochromis Regan, 1920
- Neocirrhites Castelnau, 1873
- Neoclinus Girard, 1858
- Neoditrema Steindachner in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Neodontobutis Chen, Kottelat and Wu, 2002
- Neoepinnula Matsubara and Iwai, 1952
- Neoglyphidodon Allen, 1991
- Neogobius Iljin, 1927
- Neolamprologus Colombe and Allgayer, 1985
- Neolumpenus Miki, Kanamaru and Amaoka, 1987
- Neoodax Castelnau, 1875
- Neopagetopsis Nybelin, 1947
- Neopomacentrus Allen, 1975
- Neoscombrops Gilchrist, 1922
- Neoscorpis Smith, 1931
- Neozoarces Steindachner, 1880
- Nes Ginsburg, 1933
- Nesiarchus Johnson, 1862
- Nesogobius Whitley, 1929
- Nexilosus Heller and Snodgrass, 1903
- Nibea Jordan and Thompson, 1911
- Nicholsina Fowler, 1915
- Nimbochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Niphon Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Nomeus Cuvier, 1816
- Norfolkia Fowler, 1953
- Notocirrhitus Randall, 2001
- Notoclinops Whitley, 1930
- Notoclinus Gill, 1893
- Notograptus Günther, 1867
- Notolabrus Russell, 1988
- Notolycodes Gosztonyi, 1977
- Notothenia Richardson, 1844
- Nototheniops Balushkin, 1976
- Novaculichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Novaculoides Randall and Earle, 2004
- Nyassachromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Oblada Cuvier, 1829
- Obliquichthys Hardy, 1987
- Obliquogobius Koumans, 1941
- Ocyurus Gill, 1862
- Odax Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Odondebuenia de Buen, 1930
- Odontamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
- Odontanthias Bleeker, 1873
- Odonteleotris Gill, 1863
- Odontobutis Bleeker, 1874
- Odontoscion Gill, 1862
- Ogilbyina Fowler, 1931
- Oidiphorus McAllister and Rees, 1964
- Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874
- Oligoplites Gill, 1863
- Oman Springer, 1985
- Omobranchus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Omox Springer, 1972
- Opaeophacus Bond and Stein, 1984
- Opeatogenys Briggs, 1955
- Ophiclinops Whitley, 1932
- Ophiclinus Castelnau, 1872
- Ophieleotris Aurich, 1938
- Ophioblennius Gill, 1860
- Ophiocara Gill, 1863
- Ophiogobius Gill, 1863
- Ophioscion Gill, 1863
- Ophthalmolepis Bleeker, 1862
- Ophthalmolycus Regan, 1913
- Ophthalmotilapia Pellegrin, 1904
- Opisthocentrus Kner, 1868
- Opistognathus Cuvier, 1816
- Oplegnathus Richardson, 1840
- Oplopomops Smith, 1959
- Oplopomus Valenciennes, 1837
- Opua Jordan, 1925
- Orbonymus Whitley, 1947
- Orcynopsis Gill, 1862
- Oreochromis Günther, 1889
- Orthopristis Girard, 1858
- Osopsaron Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Osphronemus Lacepède, 1801
- Ostracoberyx Fowler, 1934
- Othos Castelnau, 1875
- Otolithes Oken, 1817
- Otolithoides Fowler, 1933
- Otopharynx Regan, 1920
- Owstonia Tanaka, 1908
- Oxuderces Eydoux and Souleyet, 1850
- Oxycheilinus Gill, 1862
- Oxycirrhites Bleeker, 1857
- Oxyeleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Oxyjulis Gill, 1863
- Oxylapia Kiener and Maugé, 1966
- Oxymetopon Bleeker, 1861
- Oxyurichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Pachycara Zugmayer, 1911
- Pachymetopon Günther, 1859
- Pachypops Gill, 1861
- Pachyurus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1831
- Padogobius Berg, 1932
- Paedogobius Iwata, Hosoya and Larson, 2001
- Pagellus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Pagetopsis Regan, 1913
- Pagothenia Nichols and La Monte, 1936
- Pagrus Cuvier, 1816
- Palatogobius Gilbert, 1971
- Pallidochromis Turner, 1994
- Palutrus Smith, 1959
- Pampus Bonaparte, 1834
- Pandaka Herre, 1927
- Panna Mohan, 1969
- Pantolabus Whitley, 1931
- Papillogobius Gill and Miller, 1990
- Papuligobius Chen and Kottelat, 2003
- Parablennius Miranda Ribeiro, 1915
- Paracaesio Bleeker, 1875
- Paracallionymus Barnard, 1927
- Paracanthurus Bleeker, 1863
- Parachaenichthys Boulenger, 1902
- Parachaetodon Bleeker, 1874
- Parachaeturichthys Bleeker, 1874
- Parachanna Teugels and Daget, 1984
- Paracheilinus Fourmanoir in Roux-Estéve and Fourmanoir, 1955
- Parachromis Agassiz, 1859
- Paracirrhites Bleeker, 1874
- Paraclinus Mocquard, 1888
- Paracyprichromis Poll, 1986
- Paradiplogrammus Nakabo, 1982
- Paradiplospinus Andriashev, 1960
- Paradoxodacna Roberts, 1989
- Paragobiodon Bleeker, 1873
- Paragobiopsis Koumans, 1941
- Paragunnellichthys Dawson, 1967
- Parahypsos Bath, 1982
- Parajulis Bleeker, 1865
- Parakuhlia Pellegrin, 1913
- Paralabidochromis Greenwood, 1956
- Paralabrax Girard, 1856
- Paralipophrys Bath, 1977
- Paralonchurus Bocourt, 1869
- Paralticus Springer and Williams, 1994
- Parambassis Bleeker, 1874
- Parananochromis Greenwood, 1987
- Paranebris Chao, Béarez and Robertson, 2001
- Paraneetroplus Regan, 1905
- Paranibea Trewavas, 1977
- Paranotothenia Balushkin, 1976
- Paranthias Guichenot, 1868
- Parapercis Bleeker, 1863
- Paraplesiops Bleeker, 1875
- Parapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
- Parapolynemus Feltes, 1993
- Parapriacanthus Steindachner, 1870
- Parapristipoma Bleeker, 1873
- Parapristipomoides Kami, 1973
- Parapsenes Smith, 1949
- Parapsettus Steindachner, 1876
- Parargyrops Tanaka, 1916
- Parascolopsis Boulenger, 1901
- Parascorpis Bleeker, 1875
- Parasphaerichthys Prashad and Mukerji, 1929
- Parasphyraenops Bean, 1912
- Parastromateus Bleeker, 1865
- Paratilapia Bleeker, 1868
- Paratrimma Hoese and Brothers, 1976
- Parawaous Watson, 1993
- Paraxenisthmus Gill and Hoese, 1993
- Parazanclistius Hardy, 1983
- Parenchelyurus Springer, 1972
- Pareques Gill in Goode, 1876
- Parequula Steindachner, 1879
- Paretroplus Bleeker, 1868
- Pariah Böhlke, 1969
- Parioglossus Regan, 1912
- Paristiopterus Bleeker, 1876
- Parkraemeria Whitley, 1951
- Parma Günther, 1862
- Parona Berg, 1895
- Parosphromenus Bleeker, 1877
- Parrella Ginsburg, 1938
- Parupeneus Bleeker, 1863
- Parvicrepis Whitley, 1931
- Parviparma Herre, 1927
- Patagonotothen Balushkin, 1976
- Pavoclinus Smith, 1946
- Paxton Baldwin and Johnson, 1999
- Pectinochromis Gill and Edwards, 1999
- Pelates Cuvier, 1829
- Pelmatochromis Steindachner, 1894
- Pelsartia Whitley, 1943
- Pelvicachromis Thys van den Audenaerde, 1968
- Pempheris Cuvier, 1829
- Pennahia Fowler, 1926
- Pentaceropsis Steindachner in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Pentaceros Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Pentanemus Günther, 1860
- Pentapodus Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Pentaprion Bleeker, 1850
- Pentheroscion Trewavas, 1962
- Peprilus Cuvier, 1829
- Perca Linnaeus, 1758
- Percarina Nordmann, 1840
- Perccottus Dybowski, 1877
- Percichthys Girard, 1855
- Percilia Girard, 1855
- Percina Haldeman, 1842
- Percophis Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Pereulixia Smith, 1959
- Periophthalmodon Bleeker, 1874
- Periophthalmus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Perissodus Boulenger, 1898
- Peronedys Steindachner, 1884
- Petenia Günther, 1862
- Petilipinnis Casatti, 2002
- Petrochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Petroscirtes Rüppell, 1830
- Petrotilapia Trewavas, 1935
- Petrus Smith, 1938
- Phaeoptyx Fraser and Robins, 1970
- Phanerodon Girard, 1854
- Pharyngochromis Greenwood, 1979
- Phenablennius Springer and Smith-Vaniz, 1972
- Pherallodichthys Shiogaki and Dotsu, 1983
- Pherallodiscus Briggs, 1955
- Pherallodus Briggs, 1955
- Philypnodon Bleeker, 1874
- Pholidapus Bean and Bean, 1897
- Pholidichthys Bleeker, 1856
- Pholis Scopoli, 1777
- Phtheirichthys Gill, 1862
- Phucocoetes Jenyns, 1842
- Phyllogobius Larson, 1986
- Phytichthys Hubbs in Jordan, 1923
- Pictilabrus Gill, 1891
- Piedrabuenia Gosztonyi, 1977
- Pingalla Whitley, 1955
- Pinguipes Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Pinjalo Bleeker, 1873
- Placidochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Plagiogeneion Forbes, 1890
- Plagiogrammus Bean, 1894
- Plagioscion Gill, 1861
- Plagiotremus Gill, 1865
- Platax Cuvier, 1816
- Platyberyx Zugmayer, 1911
- Platygillellus Dawson, 1974
- Platygobiopsis Springer and Randall, 1992
- Platytaeniodus Boulenger, 1906
- Plecodus Boulenger, 1898
- Plectobranchus Gilbert, 1890
- Plectorhinchus Lacepède, 1801
- Plectranthias Bleeker, 1873
- Plectroglyphidodon Fowler and Ball, 1924
- Plectropomus Oken, 1817
- Plesienchelys Anderson, 1988
- Plesiops Oken, 1817
- Pleuragramma Boulenger, 1902
- Pleuroscopus Barnard, 1927
- Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
- Pogoneleotris Bleeker, 1875
- Pogonias Lacepède, 1801
- Pogonolycus Norman, 1937
- Pogonoperca Günther, 1859
- Pogonophryne Regan, 1914
- Polyamblyodon Norman, 1935
- Polycentropsis Boulenger, 1901
- Polycentrus Müller and Troschel, 1849
- Polydactylus Lacepède, 1803
- Polylepion Gomon, 1977
- Polynemus Linnaeus, 1758
- Polyprion Oken, 1817
- Polyspondylogobius Kimura and Wu, 1994
- Polysteganus Klunzinger, 1870
- Pomacanthus Lacepède, 1802
- Pomacentrus Lacepède, 1802
- Pomachromis Allen and Randall, 1974
- Pomadasys Lacepède, 1802
- Pomatomus Lacepède, 1802
- Pomatoschistus Gill, 1863
- Pomoxis Rafinesque, 1818
- Porcostoma Smith, 1938
- Poroclinus Bean, 1890
- Porogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Posidonichthys Briggs, 1993
- Praealticus Schultz and Chapman in Schultz et al., 1960
- Premnas Cuvier, 1816
- Priacanthus Oken, 1817
- Priolepis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Prionobutis Bleeker, 1874
- Prionodraco Regan, 1914
- Prionurus Lacepède, 1804
- Pristigenys Agassiz, 1835
- Pristipomoides Bleeker, 1852
- Pristolepis Jerdon, 1849
- Pristotis Rüppell, 1838
- Prognathodes Gill, 1862
- Prolatilus Gill, 1865
- Promethichthys Gill, 1893
- Pronotogrammus Gill, 1863
- Propherallodus Shiogaki and Dotsu, 1983
- Protammodytes Ida, Sirimontaporn and Monkolprasit, 1994
- Protemblemaria Stephens, 1963
- Proteracanthus Günther, 1859
- Proterorhinus Smitt, 1900
- Protogobius Watson and Pöllabauer, 1998
- Protogrammus Fricke, 1985
- Protomelas Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Protonibea Trewavas, 1971
- Protosciaena Sasaki, 1989
- Psammogobius Smith, 1935
- Psammoperca Richardson, 1848
- Psenes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Psenopsis Gill, 1862
- Pseudalectrias Lindberg, 1938
- Pseudambassis Bleeker, 1874
- Pseudamia Bleeker, 1865
- Pseudamiops Smith, 1954
- Pseudanthias Bleeker, 1871
- Pseudaphritis Castelnau, 1872
- Pseudaphya Iljin, 1930
- Pseudapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
- Pseudocalliurichthys Nakabo, 1982
- Pseudocaranx Bleeker, 1863
- Pseudocepola Kamohara, 1935
- Pseudochaenichthys Norman, 1937
- Pseudocheilinops Schultz in Schultz, Chapman, Lachner and Wood, 1960
- Pseudocheilinus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudochromis Rüppell, 1835
- Pseudocoris Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudocrenilabrus Fowler, 1934
- Pseudodax Bleeker, 1861
- Pseudogobius Popta, 1922
- Pseudogramma Bleeker, 1875
- Pseudohowella Fedoryako, 1976
- Pseudojuloides Fowler, 1949
- Pseudolabrus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudopentaceros Bleeker, 1876
- Pseudopercis Miranda Ribeiro, 1903
- Pseudoplesiops Bleeker, 1858
- Pseudorhinogobius Zhong and Wu, 1998
- Pseudoscopelus Lütken, 1892
- Pseudosimochromis Nelissen, 1977
- Pseudosphromenus Bleeker, 1879
- Pseudotolithus Bleeker, 1863
- Pseudotropheus Regan, 1922
- Pseudotrypauchen Hardenberg, 1931
- Pseudupeneus Bleeker, 1862
- Psilodraco Norman, 1937
- Psilogobius Baldwin, 1972
- Psilotris Ginsburg, 1953
- Pteraclis Gronow, 1772
- Pteragogus Peters, 1855
- Pterapogon Koumans, 1933
- Ptereleotris Gill, 1863
- Pterocaesio Bleeker, 1876
- Pterochromis Trewavas, 1973
- Pterogobius Gill, 1863
- Pterogymnus Smith, 1938
- Pterophyllum Heckel, 1840
- Pteropsaron Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Pteroscion Fowler, 1925
- Pterosynchiropus Nakabo, 1982
- Pterotolithus Fowler, 1933
- Pterycombus Fries, 1837
- Ptilichthys Bean, 1881
- Ptychochromis Steindachner, 1880
- Ptychochromoides Kiener and Maugé, 1966
- Pundamilia Seehausen and Lippitsch in Seehausen et al., 1998
- Pungu Trewavas in Trewavas, Green and Corbet, 1972
- Puzanovia Fedorov, 1975
- Pycnomma Rutter, 1904
- Pygoplites Fraser-Brunner, 1933
- Pyrolycus Machida and Hashimoto, 2002
- Pyxichromis Greenwood, 1980
- Quietula Jordan and Evermann in Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Quinca Mees, 1966
- Rabaulichthys Allen, 1984
- Rachycentron Kaup, 1826
- Racovitzia Dollo, 1900
- Rainfordia McCulloch, 1923
- Randallichthys Anderson, Kami and Johnson, 1977
- Rastrelliger Jordan and Starks in Jordan and Dickerson, 1908
- Rathbunella Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Ratsirakia Maugé, 1984
- Redigobius Herre, 1927
- Reganochromis Whitley, 1929
- Remora Gill, 1862
- Remorina Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Repomucenus Whitley, 1931
- Retroculus Eigenmann and Bray, 1894
- Rexea Waite, 1911
- Rexichthys Parin and Astakhov, 1987
- Rhabdamia Weber, 1909
- Rhabdoblennius Whitley, 1930
- Rhabdosargus Fowler, 1933
- Rhacochilus Agassiz, 1854
- Rhamphochromis Regan, 1922
- Rhinogobiops Hubbs, 1926
- Rhinogobius Gill, 1859
- Rhinoprenes Munro, 1964
- Rhodymenichthys Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Rhomboplites Gill, 1862
- Rhyacichthys Boulenger, 1901
- Rhynchopelates Fowler, 1931
- Ribeiroclinus Pinto, 1965
- Rimicola Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1896
- Risor Ginsburg, 1933
- Roa Jordan, 1923
- Robinsichthys Birdsong, 1988
- Romanichthys Dumitrescu, Banarescu and Stoica, 1957
- Roncador Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Ronquilus Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Rosenblattia Mead and De Falla, 1965
- Rotuma Springer, 1988
- Ruanoho Hardy, 1986
- Rusichthys Winterbottom, 1979
- Ruvettus Cocco, 1833
- Rypticus Cuvier, 1829
- Sacura Jordan and Richardson, 1910
- Sagamia Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Salaria Forsskål, 1775
- Salarias Cuvier, 1816
- Saloptia Smith, 1964
- Sandelia Castelnau, 1861
- Sander Oken, 1817
- Sarda Cuvier, 1829
- Sargochromis Regan, 1920
- Sarotherodon Rüppell, 1852
- Sarpa Bonaparte, 1831
- Satanoperca Günther, 1862
- Scaevius Whitley, 1947
- Scartelaos Swainson, 1839
- Scartella Jordan, 1886
- Scartichthys Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Scarus Forsskål, 1775
- Scatophagus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831
- Schedophilus Cocco, 1839
- Schindleria Giltay, 1934
- Schismatogobius de Beaufort, 1912
- Schizochirus Waite, 1904
- Schuettea Steindachner, 1866
- Schultzea Woods, 1958
- Schwetzochromis Poll, 1948
- Sciaena Linnaeus, 1758
- Sciaenochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Sciaenops Gill, 1863
- Scolopsis Cuvier, 1814
- Scomber Linnaeus, 1758
- Scomberoides Lacepède, 1801
- Scomberomorus Lacepède, 1801
- Scombrolabrax Roule, 1921
- Scombrops Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Scorpis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Scortum Whitley, 1943
- Scytalina Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Sectator Jordan and Fesler, 1893
- Secutor Gistel, 1848
- Selar Bleeker, 1851
- Selaroides Bleeker, 1851
- Selenanthias Tanaka, 1918
- Selene Lacepède, 1802
- Seleniolycus Anderson, 1988
- Selenoscopus Okamura and Kishimoto, 1993
- Selenotoca Myers, 1936
- Semicossyphus Günther, 1861
- Seriola Cuvier, 1816
- Seriolella Guichenot, 1848
- Seriolina Wakiya, 1924
- Seriphus Ayres, 1860
- Serraniculus Ginsburg, 1952
- Serranochromis Regan, 1920
- Serranocirrhitus Watanabe, 1949
- Serranus Cuvier, 1816
- Sicyases Müller and Troschel in Müller, 1843
- Sicydium Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Sicyopterus Gill, 1860
- Sicyopus Gill, 1863
- Siganus Forsskål, 1775
- Signigobius Hoese and Allen, 1977
- Silhouettea Smith, 1959
- Sillaginodes Gill, 1861
- Sillaginopsis Gill, 1861
- Sillago Cuvier, 1816
- Simochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Sindoscopus Dawson, 1977
- Sineleotris Herre, 1940
- Siniperca Gill, 1862
- Siphamia Weber, 1909
- Siphonognathus Richardson, 1858
- Siphonogobius Shibukawa and Iwata, 1998
- Smithichthys Hubbs, 1952
- Soldatovia Taranetz, 1937
- Sonorolux Trewavas, 1977
- Spaniblennius Bath and Wirtz, 1989
- Sparisoma Swainson, 1839
- Sparodon Smith, 1938
- Sparus Linnaeus, 1758
- Spathodus Boulenger, 1900
- Speleogobius Zander and Jelinek, 1976
- Sphaeramia Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Sphaerichthys Canestrini, 1860
- Sphyraena Artedi in Röse, 1793
- Sphyraenops Gill in Poey, 1860
- Spicara Rafinesque, 1810
- Spondyliosoma Cantor, 1849
- Springeratus Shen, 1971
- Springerichthys Shen, 1994
- Squamicreedia Rendahl, 1921
- Stalix Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Stanulus Smith, 1959
- Starksia Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1896
- Stathmonotus Bean, 1885
- Steatocranus Boulenger, 1899
- Steeneichthys Allen and Randall, 1985
- Stegastes Jenyns, 1840
- Stellifer Oken, 1817
- Stenogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Stenotomus Gill, 1865
- Stereolepis Ayres, 1859
- Stethojulis Günther, 1861
- Stichaeopsis Kner in Steindachner and Kner, 1870
- Stichaeus Reinhardt, 1836
- Sticharium Günther, 1867
- Stigmatochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Stigmatogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Stiphodon Weber, 1895
- Stomatepia Trewavas, 1962
- Stonogobiops Polunin and Lubbock, 1977
- Storrsia Dawson, 1982
- Stromateus Linnaeus, 1758
- Sueviota Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Suezichthys Smith, 1958
- Sufflogobius Smith, 1956
- Suruga Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Suttonia Smith, 1953
- Symphodus Rafinesque, 1810
- Symphorichthys Munro, 1967
- Symphorus Günther, 1872
- Symphysanodon Bleeker, 1878
- Symphysodon Heckel, 1840
- Synagrops Günther, 1887
- Synchiropus Gill, 1859
- Syncomistes Vari, 1978
- Synechogobius Gill, 1863
- Taeniacara Myers, 1935
- Taeniochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Taenioides Lacepède, 1800
- Taeniolethrinops Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Tahuantinsuyoa Kullander, 1986
- Tamanka Herre, 1927
- Tangachromis Poll, 1981
- Tanganicodus Poll, 1950
- Tanyemblemaria Hastings, 1992
- Taractes Lowe, 1843
- Taractichthys Mead and Maul, 1958
- Taranetzella Andriashev, 1952
- Tasmanogobius Scott, 1935
- Tateurndina Nichols, 1955
- Tautoga Mitchill, 1814
- Tautogolabrus Günther, 1862
- Teixeirichthys Smith, 1953
- Teleocichla Kullander, 1988
- Teleogramma Boulenger, 1899
- Telmatochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Tentoriceps Whitley, 1948
- Terapon Cuvier, 1816
- Terateleotris Shibukawa, Iwata and Viravong, 2001
- Terelabrus Randall and Fourmanoir, 1998
- Tetracentrum Macleay, 1883
- Tetragonurus Risso, 1810
- Tetrapturus Rafinesque, 1810
- Tewara Griffin, 1933
- Thalasseleotris Hoese and Larson, 1987
- Thalassoma Swainson, 1839
- Theraps Günther, 1862
- Thermarces Rosenblatt and Cohen, 1986
- Thoracochromis Greenwood, 1979
- Thorichthys Meek, 1904
- Thorogobius Miller, 1969
- Threpterius Richardson, 1850
- Thunnus South, 1845
- Thyrsites Lesson, 1831
- Thyrsitoides Fowler, 1929
- Thyrsitops Gill, 1862
- Thysochromis Daget, 1988
- Tilapia Smith, 1840
- Tilodon Thominot, 1881
- Tomicodon Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Tomiyamichthys Smith, 1956
- Tomocichla Regan, 1908
- Tongaichthys Nakamura and Fujii, 1983
- Tosana Smith and Pope, 1906
- Tosanoides Kamohara, 1953
- Totoaba Villamar, 1980
- Toxotes Cuvier, 1816
- Trachelochismus Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Trachinops Günther, 1861
- Trachinotus Lacepède, 1801
- Trachinus Linnaeus, 1758
- Trachurus Rafinesque, 1810
- Trachypoma Günther, 1859
- Tramitichromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Trematocara Boulenger, 1899
- Trematochromis Poll, 1987
- Trematocranus Trewavas, 1935
- Trematomus Boulenger, 1902
- Trianectes McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Trichiurus Linnaeus, 1758
- Trichodon Tilesius, 1813
- Trichogaster Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Trichonotus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Trichopsis Canestrini, 1860
- Tridentiger Gill, 1859
- Triglachromis Poll and Thys van den Audenaerde, 1974
- Trimma Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Trimmatom Winterbottom and Emery, 1981
- Trinorfolkia Fricke, 1994
- Tripterodon Playfair in Playfair & Günther, 1867
- Tripterygion Risso, 1827
- Triso Randall, Johnson and Lowe, 1989
- Tristramella Trewavas, 1942
- Tropheus Boulenger, 1898
- Trypauchen Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Trypauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Trypauchenopsis Volz, 1903
- Tryssogobius Larson and Hoese, 2001
- Tubbia Whitley, 1943
- Tylochromis Regan, 1920
- Typhleotris Petit, 1933
- Typhlogobius Steindachner, 1879
- Tyrannochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Tyson Springer, 1983
- Uaru Heckel, 1840
- Ucla Holleman, 1993
- Ulua Jordan and Snyder, 1908
- Ulvaria Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Umbrina Cuvier, 1816
- Upeneichthys Bleeker, 1855
- Upeneus Cuvier, 1829
- Uranoscopus Linnaeus, 1758
- Uraspis Bleeker, 1855
- Valenciennea Bleeker, 1856
- Vanderhorstia Smith, 1949
- Vanneaugobius Brownell, 1978
- Variabilichromis Colombe and Allgayer, 1985
- Varicus Robins and Böhlke, 1961
- Variichthys Allen, 1993
- Variola Swainson, 1839
- Verilus Poey, 1860
- Vieja Fernández-Yépez, 1969
- Vincentia Castelnau, 1872
- Virididentex Poll, 1971
- Vomeridens DeWitt and Hureau, 1979
- Vomerogobius Gilbert, 1971
- Wattsia Chan and Chilvers, 1974
- Wetmorella Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Wheelerigobius Miller, 1981
- Xenichthys Gill, 1863
- Xenisthmus Snyder, 1908
- Xenistius Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Xenobrama Yatsu and Nakamura, 1989
- Xenocephalus Kaup, 1858
- Xenochromis Boulenger, 1899
- Xenocys Jordan and Bollman, 1890
- Xenojulis de Beaufort, 1939
- Xenomedea Rosenblatt and Taylor, 1971
- Xenopoclinus Smith, 1948
- Xenotilapia Boulenger, 1899
- Xiphasia Swainson, 1839
- Xiphias Linnaeus, 1758
- Xiphister Jordan, 1880
- Xiphocheilus Bleeker, 1857
- Xyrichtys Cuvier, 1814
- Yongeichthys Whitley, 1932
- Zabidius Whitley, 1930
- Zalembius Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Zanclistius Jordan, 1907
- Zanclus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831
- Zappa Murdy, 1989
- Zaprora Jordan, 1896
- Zebrasoma Swainson, 1839
- Zebrus de Buen, 1930
- Zingel Cloquet, 1817
- Zoarces Cuvier, 1829
- Zoarchias Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Zosterisessor Whitley, 1935
уреди- Aboma etheostoma Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895
- Abudefduf abdominalis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825)
- Abudefduf barffi Curtiss, 1938
- Abudefduf bengalensis (Bloch, 1787)
- Abudefduf bicolor (Rochebrune, 1880)
- Abudefduf concolor (Gill, 1862)
- Abudefduf conformis Randall and Earle, 1999
- Abudefduf declivifrons (Gill, 1862)
- Abudefduf hoefleri (Steindachner, 1881)
- Abudefduf lorenzi Hensley and Allen, 1977
- Abudefduf luridus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Abudefduf manikfani Jones and Kumaran, 1970
- Abudefduf margariteus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Abudefduf natalensis Hensley and Randall, 1983
- Abudefduf notatus (Day, 1870)
- Abudefduf saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Abudefduf septemfasciatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Abudefduf sexfasciatus (Lacépède, 1801)
- Abudefduf sordidus (Forsskål, 1775)
- Abudefduf sparoides (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825)
- Abudefduf taurus (Müller and Troschel in Schomburgk, 1848)
- Abudefduf theresae Curtiss, 1938
- Abudefduf trilineatus Wang, 1941
- Abudefduf troschelii (Gill, 1862)
- Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825)
- Abudefduf whitleyi Allen and Robertson, 1974
- Acanthanectes hystrix Holleman and Buxton, 1993
- Acanthanectes rufus Holleman and Buxton, 1993
- Acanthaphritis barbata (Okamura and Kishida, 1963)
- Acanthaphritis grandisquamis Günther, 1880
- Acanthaphritis ozawai (McKay, 1971)
- Acanthaphritis unoorum Suzuki and Nakabo, 1996
- Acantharchus pomotis (Baird, 1855)
- Acanthemblemaria aspera (Longley, 1927)
- Acanthemblemaria atrata Hastings and Robertson, 1999
- Acanthemblemaria balanorum Brock, 1940
- Acanthemblemaria betinensis Smith-Vaniz and Palacio, 1974
- Acanthemblemaria castroi Stephens and Hobson in Stephens, Hobson and Johnson, 1966
- Acanthemblemaria chaplini Böhlke, 1957
- Acanthemblemaria crockeri Beebe and Tee-Van, 1938
- Acanthemblemaria exilispinus Stephens, 1963
- Acanthemblemaria greenfieldi Smith-Vaniz and Palacio, 1974
- Acanthemblemaria hancocki Myers and Reid, 1936
- Acanthemblemaria harpeza Williams, 2002
- Acanthemblemaria johnsoni Almany and Baldwin, 1996
- Acanthemblemaria macrospilus Brock, 1940
- Acanthemblemaria mangognatha Hastings and Robertson, 1999
- Acanthemblemaria maria Böhlke, 1961
- Acanthemblemaria medusa Smith-Vaniz and Palacio, 1974
- Acanthemblemaria paula Johnson and Brothers, 1989
- Acanthemblemaria rivasi Stephens, 1970
- Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar, 1919
- Acanthemblemaria stephensi Rosenblatt and McCosker, 1988
- Acanthistius brasilianus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Acanthistius cinctus (Günther, 1859)
- Acanthistius fuscus Regan, 1913
- Acanthistius ocellatus (Günther, 1859)
- Acanthistius pardalotus Hutchins, 1981
- Acanthistius patachonicus (Jenyns, 1840)
- Acanthistius paxtoni Hutchins and Kuiter, 1982
- Acanthistius pictus (Tschudi, 1846)
- Acanthistius sebastoides (Castelnau, 1861)
- Acanthistius serratus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Acanthocepola abbreviata (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835)
- Acanthocepola indica (Day, 1888)
- Acanthocepola krusensternii (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Acanthocepola limbata (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835)
- Acanthochromis polyacanthus (Bleeker, 1855)
- Acanthoclinus fuscus Jenyns, 1842
- Acanthoclinus littoreus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Acanthoclinus marilynae (Hardy, 1985)
- Acanthoclinus matti (Hardy, 1985)
- Acanthoclinus rua (Hardy, 1985)
- Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832)
- Acanthodraco dewitti Skóra, 1995
- Acanthogobius elongatus (Ni and Wu, 1985)
- Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Acanthogobius hasta (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)
- Acanthogobius insularis (Shibukawa and Taki, 1996)
- Acanthogobius lactipes (Hilgendorf, 1879)
- Acanthogobius luridus Ni and Wu, 1985
- Acantholabrus palloni (Risso, 1810)
- Acantholumpenus mackayi (Gilbert, 1896)
- Acanthopagrus australis (Günther, 1859)
- Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskål, 1775)
- Acanthopagrus bifasciatus (Forsskål, 1775)
- Acanthopagrus butcheri (Munro, 1949)
- Acanthopagrus datnia (Hamilton, 1822)
- Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn, 1782)
- Acanthopagrus palmaris (Whitley, 1935)
- Acanthopagrus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1854)
- Acanthopagrus sivicolus Akazaki, 1962
- Acanthoplesiops echinatus Smith-Vaniz and Johnson, 1990
- Acanthoplesiops hiatti Schultz in Schultz et al., 1953
- Acanthoplesiops indicus (Day, 1888)
- Acanthoplesiops naka Mooi and Gill, 2004
- Acanthoplesiops psilogaster Hardy, 1985
- Acanthurus achilles Shaw, 1803
- Acanthurus albimento Carpenter, Williams & Santos, 2017
- Acanthurus albipectoralis Allen & Ayling, 1987
- Acanthurus auranticavus Randall, 1956
- Acanthurus bahianus Castelnau, 1855
- Acanthurus bariene Lesson, 1831
- Acanthurus blochii Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835
- Acanthurus chirurgus (Bloch, 1787)
- Acanthurus chronixis Randall, 1960
- Acanthurus coeruleus Bloch & Schneider, 1801
- Acanthurus dussumieri Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835
- Acanthurus elongatus (Lacepède, 1802)
- Acanthurus fowleri de Beaufort in Weber & de Beaufort, 1951
- Acanthurus gahhm (Forsskål, 1775)
- Acanthurus grammoptilus Richardson, 1843
- Acanthurus guttatus Forster in Bloch & Schneider, 1801
- Acanthurus japonicus (Schmidt, 1931)
- Acanthurus leucocheilus Herre, 1927
- Acanthurus leucopareius (Jenkins, 1903)
- Acanthurus leucosternon Bennett, 1833
- Acanthurus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Acanthurus maculiceps (Ahl, 1923)
- Acanthurus mata (Cuvier, 1829)
- Acanthurus mindorensis Herre, 1927
- Acanthurus monroviae Steindachner, 1876
- Acanthurus nigricans (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Acanthurus nigricauda Duncker & Mohr, 1929
- Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forsskål, 1775)
- Acanthurus nigroris Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835
- Acanthurus nigros Günther, 1861
- Acanthurus nubilus (Fowler & Bean, 1929)
- Acanthurus olivaceus Bloch & Schneider, 1801
- Acanthurus polyzona (Bleeker, 1868)
- Acanthurus pyroferus Kittlitz, 1834
- Acanthurus reversus Randall & Earle, 1999
- Acanthurus sandvicensis Streets, 1877
- Acanthurus sohal (Forsskål, 1775)
- Acanthurus tennentii Günther, 1861
- Acanthurus thompsoni (Fowler, 1923)
- Acanthurus tractus Poey, 1860
- Acanthurus triostegus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Acanthurus tristis Randall, 1993
- Acanthurus xanthopterus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835
- Acarichthys heckelii (Müller and Troschel in Schomburgk, 1849)
- Acaronia nassa (Heckel, 1840)
- Acaronia vultuosa Kullander, 1989
- Acentrogobius audax Smith, 1959
- Acentrogobius caninus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Acentrogobius chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker, 1849)
- Acentrogobius dayi Koumans, 1941
- Acentrogobius ennorensis Menon and Rema Devi, 1980
- Acentrogobius griseus (Day, 1876)
- Acentrogobius janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Acentrogobius masoni (Day, 1873)
- Acentrogobius multifasciatus (Herre, 1927)
- Acentrogobius pellidebilis Lee and Kim, 1992
- Acentrogobius pflaumii (Bleeker, 1853)
- Acentrogobius pyrops (Whitley, 1954)
- Acentrogobius simplex (Sauvage, 1880)
- Acentrogobius suluensis (Herre, 1927)
- Acentrogobius therezieni Kiener, 1963
- Acentrogobius viganensis (Steindachner, 1893)
- Acentrogobius viridipunctatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Achoerodus gouldii (Richardson, 1843)
- Achoerodus viridis (Steindachner, 1866)
- Acropoma argentistigma Okamoto and Ida, 2002
- Acropoma boholensis Yamanoue and Matsuura, 2002
- Acropoma hanedai Matsubara, 1953
- Acropoma japonicum Günther, 1859
- Acropoma lecorneti Fourmanoir, 1988
- Acyrtops amplicirrus Briggs, 1955
- Acyrtops beryllinus (Hildebrand and Ginsburg, 1926)
- Acyrtus artius Briggs, 1955
- Acyrtus rubiginosus (Poey, 1868)
- Aenigmachanna gollum Britz, Anoop, Dahanukar and Raghavan, 2019
- Aenigmachanna mahabali Kumar, Basheer and Ravi, 2019
- Aequidens biseriatus (Regan, 1913)
- Aequidens chimantanus Inger, 1956
- Aequidens coeruleopunctatus (Kner, 1863)
- Aequidens diadema (Heckel, 1840)
- Aequidens epae Kullander, 1995
- Aequidens gerciliae Kullander, 1995
- Aequidens hoehnei (Miranda Ribeiro, 1918)
- Aequidens latifrons (Steindachner, 1878)
- Aequidens mauesanus Kullander, 1997
- Aequidens metae Eigenmann, 1922
- Aequidens michaeli Kullander, 1995
- Aequidens pallidus (Heckel, 1840)
- Aequidens paloemeuensis Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Aequidens patricki Kullander, 1984
- Aequidens plagiozonatus Kullander, 1984
- Aequidens potaroensis Eigenmann, 1912
- Aequidens pulcher (Gill, 1858)
- Aequidens rivulatus (Günther, 1860)
- Aequidens rondoni (Miranda Ribeiro, 1918)
- Aequidens sapayensis (Regan, 1903)
- Aequidens tetramerus (Heckel, 1840)
- Aequidens tubicen Kullander and Ferreira, 1991
- Aequidens viridis (Heckel, 1840)
- Aethaloperca rogaa (Forsskål, 1775)
- Aethotaxis mitopteryx DeWitt, 1962
- Afronandus sheljuzhkoi (Meinken, 1954)
- Afurcagobius suppositus (Sauvage, 1880)
- Afurcagobius tamarensis (Johnston, 1883)
- Aiakas kreffti Gosztonyi, 1977
- Aiakas zinorum Anderson and Gosztonyi, 1991
- Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Aioliops brachypterus Rennis and Hoese, 1987
- Aioliops megastigma Rennis and Hoese, 1987
- Aioliops novaeguineae Rennis and Hoese, 1987
- Aioliops tetrophthalmus Rennis and Hoese, 1987
- Akarotaxis nudiceps (Waite, 1916)
- Akko brevis (Günther, 1864)
- Akko dionaea Birdsong and Robins, 1995
- Akko rossi Van Tassell and Baldwin, 2004
- Alabes brevis Springer and Fraser, 1976
- Alabes dorsalis (Richardson, 1845)
- Alabes hoesei Springer and Fraser, 1976
- Alabes parvulus (McCulloch, 1909)
- Alectis ciliaris (Bloch, 1787)
- Alectrias alectrolophus (Pallas, 1814)
- Alectrias benjamini Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Alectrias cirratus (Lindberg, 1938)
- Alectrias gallinus (Lindberg, 1938)
- Alectrias mutsuensis Shiogaki, 1985
- Alectridium aurantiacum Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Alepes apercna Grant, 1987
- Alepes djedaba (Forsskål in Niebuhr, 1775)
- Alepes kleinii (Bloch, 1793)
- Alepes melanoptera (Swainson, 1839)
- Alepes vari (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Alloblennius anuchalis (Springer and Spreitzer, 1978)
- Alloblennius jugularis (Klunzinger, 1871)
- Alloblennius parvus Springer and Spreitzer, 1978
- Alloblennius pictus (Lotan, 1969)
- Allochromis welcommei (Greenwood, 1966)
- Alloclinus holderi (Lauderbach in Jordan and Starks, 1907)
- Allohistium cinereum (Storer, 1845)
- Allohistium maydeni (Powers and Kuhajda in Powers, Kuhajda and Ahlbrand, 2012)
- Allomicrodesmus dorotheae Schultz in Schultz et al., 1966
- Allotaius spariformis (Ogilby, 1910)
- Allothunnus fallai Serventy, 1948
- Alphestes afer (Bloch, 1793)
- Alphestes immaculatus Breder, 1936
- Alphestes multiguttatus (Günther, 1867)
- Alticorpus macrocleithrum (Stauffer and McKaye, 1985)
- Alticorpus mentale Stauffer and McKaye, 1988
- Alticorpus pectinatum Stauffer and McKaye, 1988
- Alticorpus peterdaviesi (Burgess and Axelrod, 1973)
- Alticorpus profundicola Stauffer and McKaye, 1988
- Alticus arnoldorum (Curtiss, 1938)
- Alticus kirkii (Günther, 1868)
- Alticus monochrus Bleeker, 1869
- Alticus montanoi (Sauvage, 1880)
- Alticus saliens (Lacepède, 1800)
- Alticus sertatus (Garman, 1903)
- Alticus simplicirrus Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Altolamprologus calvus (Poll, 1978)
- Altolamprologus compressiceps (Boulenger, 1898)
- Altrichthys azurelineatus (Fowler and Bean, 1928)
- Altrichthys curatus Allen, 1999
- Amarsipus carlsbergi Haedrich, 1969
- Ambassis agassizii Steindachner, 1867
- Ambassis agrammus Günther, 1867
- Ambassis ambassis (Lacepède, 1802)
- Ambassis buruensis Bleeker, 1856
- Ambassis buton Popta, 1918
- Ambassis dussumieri Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Ambassis elongatus (Castelnau, 1878)
- Ambassis fontoynonti Pellegrin, 1932
- Ambassis gymnocephalus (Lacepède, 1802)
- Ambassis interrupta Bleeker, 1852
- Ambassis jacksoniensis (Macleay, 1881)
- Ambassis kopsii Bleeker, 1858
- Ambassis macleayi (Castelnau, 1878)
- Ambassis macracanthus Bleeker, 1849
- Ambassis marianus Günther, 1880
- Ambassis miops Günther, 1872
- Ambassis muelleri Klunzinger, 1880
- Ambassis nalua (Hamilton, 1822)
- Ambassis natalensis Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908
- Ambassis thermalis Cuvier
- Ambassis urotaenia Bleeker, 1852
- Ambassis vachellii Richardson, 1846
- Ambloplites ariommus Viosca, 1936
- Ambloplites cavifrons Cope, 1868
- Ambloplites constellatus Cashner and Suttkus, 1977
- Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque, 1817)
- Amblychaeturichthys hexanema (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblychaeturichthys sciistius (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Amblycirrhitus bimacula (Jenkins, 1903)
- Amblycirrhitus earnshawi Lubbock, 1978
- Amblycirrhitus oxyrhynchos (Bleeker, 1858)
- Amblycirrhitus pinos (Mowbray in Breder, 1927)
- Amblycirrhitus unimacula (Kamohara, 1957)
- Amblyeleotris arcupinna Mohlmann and Munday, 1999
- Amblyeleotris aurora (Polunin and Lubbock, 1977)
- Amblyeleotris bellicauda Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris biguttata Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris callopareia Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris delicatulus Smith, 1958
- Amblyeleotris diagonalis Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris downingi Randall, 1994
- Amblyeleotris ellipse Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris fasciata (Herre, 1953)
- Amblyeleotris fontanesii (Bleeker, 1852)
- Amblyeleotris guttata (Fowler, 1938)
- Amblyeleotris gymnocephala (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblyeleotris harrisorum Mohlmann and Randall, 2002
- Amblyeleotris japonica Takagi, 1957
- Amblyeleotris katherine Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris latifasciata Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris macronema Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris marquesas Mohlmann and Randall, 2002
- Amblyeleotris masuii Aonuma and Yoshino, 1996
- Amblyeleotris melanocephala Aonuma, Iwata and Yoshino, 2000
- Amblyeleotris novaecaledoniae Goren, 1981
- Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis Yanagisawa, 1978
- Amblyeleotris periophthalma (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese and Steene, 1978
- Amblyeleotris rhyax Polunin and Lubbock, 1979
- Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata Mohlmann and Randall, 2002
- Amblyeleotris steinitzi (Klausewitz, 1974)
- Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata Randall, 2004
- Amblyeleotris sungami (Klausewitz, 1969)
- Amblyeleotris triguttata Randall, 1994
- Amblyeleotris wheeleri (Polunin and Lubbock, 1977)
- Amblyeleotris yanoi Aonuma and Yoshino, 1996
- Amblyglyphidodon aureus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Amblyglyphidodon batunai Allen, 1995
- Amblyglyphidodon curacao (Bloch, 1787)
- Amblyglyphidodon flavilatus Allen and Randall, 1980
- Amblyglyphidodon indicus Allen and Randall, 2002
- Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster (Bleeker, 1847)
- Amblyglyphidodon melanopterus Allen and Randall, 2002
- Amblyglyphidodon orbicularis (Hombron and Jacquinot in Jacquinot and Guichenot, 1853)
- Amblyglyphidodon ternatensis (Bleeker, 1853)
- Amblygobius albimaculatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Amblygobius buanensis Herre, 1927
- Amblygobius bynoensis (Richardson, 1844)
- Amblygobius decussatus (Bleeker, 1855)
- Amblygobius esakiae Herre, 1939
- Amblygobius hectori (Smith, 1957)
- Amblygobius linki Herre, 1927
- Amblygobius nocturnus (Herre, 1945)
- Amblygobius phalaena (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Amblygobius semicinctus (Bennett, 1833)
- Amblygobius sewardii (Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Amblygobius sphynx (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Amblygobius stethophthalmus (Bleeker, 1851)
- Amblygobius tekomaji (Smith, 1959)
- Amblyotrypauchen arctocephalus (Alcock, 1890)
- Amblypomacentrus breviceps (Schlegel and Müller, 1839)
- Amblypomacentrus clarus Allen and Adrim, 2000
- Ammocrypta beanii Jordan, 1877
- Ammocrypta bifascia Williams, 1975
- Ammocrypta clara Jordan and Meek, 1885
- Ammocrypta meridiana Williams, 1975
- Ammocrypta pellucida (Putnam, 1863)
- Ammocrypta vivax Hay, 1882
- Ammodytes americanus DeKay, 1842
- Ammodytes dubius Reinhardt, 1837
- Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas, 1814
- Ammodytes marinus Raitt, 1934
- Ammodytes personatus Girard, 1856
- Ammodytes tobianus Linnaeus, 1758
- Ammodytoides gilli (Bean, 1895)
- Ammodytoides kimurai Ida and Randall, 1993
- Ammodytoides leptus Collette and Randall, 2000
- Ammodytoides pylei Randall, Ida and Earle, 1994
- Ammodytoides renniei (Smith, 1957)
- Ammodytoides vagus (McCulloch and Waite, 1916)
- Ammolabrus dicrus Randall and Carlson, 1997
- Amniataba affinis (Mees and Kailola, 1977)
- Amniataba caudavittata (Richardson, 1845)
- Amniataba percoides (Günther, 1864)
- Amoya andhraensis (Herre, 1944)
- Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940)
- Amoya gracilis (Bleeker, 1875)
- Amoya madraspatensis (Day, 1868)
- Amoya moloanus (Herre, 1927)
- Amoya signatus (Peters, 1855)
- Amoya veliensis (Geevarghese and John, 1982)
- Amphichaetodon howensis (Waite, 1903)
- Amphichaetodon melbae Burgess and Caldwell in Burgess, 1978
- Amphilophus alfari (Meek, 1907)
- Amphilophus altifrons (Kner, 1863)
- Amphilophus amarillo Stauffer and McKaye, 2002
- Amphilophus bussingi Loiselle, 1997
- Amphilophus calobrense (Meek and Hildebrand, 1913)
- Amphilophus citrinellus (Günther, 1864)
- Amphilophus diquis (Bussing, 1974)
- Amphilophus erythraeus (Günther, 1867)
- Amphilophus granadense (Meek, 1907)
- Amphilophus hogaboomorum (Carr and Giovannoli, 1950)
- Amphilophus labiatus (Günther, 1864)
- Amphilophus longimanus (Günther, 1867)
- Amphilophus lyonsi (Gosse, 1966)
- Amphilophus macracanthus (Günther, 1864)
- Amphilophus margaritiferus (Günther, 1862)
- Amphilophus nourissati (Allgayer, 1989)
- Amphilophus rhytisma (López S., 1983)
- Amphilophus robertsoni (Regan, 1905)
- Amphilophus rostratus (Gill in Gill and Bransford, 1877)
- Amphilophus sagittae Stauffer and McKaye, 2002
- Amphilophus xiloaensis Stauffer and McKaye, 2002
- Amphilophus zaliosus (Barlow, 1976)
- Amphiprion akallopisos Bleeker, 1853
- Amphiprion akindynos Allen, 1972
- Amphiprion allardi Klausewitz, 1970
- Amphiprion argenteus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Amphiprion bicinctus Rüppell, 1830
- Amphiprion chagosensis Allen, 1972
- Amphiprion chrysogaster Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Amphiprion chrysopterus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Amphiprion clarkii (Bennett, 1830)
- Amphiprion ephippium (Bloch, 1790)
- Amphiprion frenatus Brevoort, 1856
- Amphiprion fuscocaudatus Allen, 1972
- Amphiprion latezonatus Waite, 1900
- Amphiprion latifasciatus Allen, 1972
- Amphiprion leucokranos Allen, 1973
- Amphiprion matejuelo Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Amphiprion mccullochi Whitley, 1929
- Amphiprion melanopus Bleeker, 1852
- Amphiprion nigripes Regan, 1908
- Amphiprion ocellaris Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Amphiprion omanensis Allen and Mee in Allen, 1991
- Amphiprion percula (Lacépède, 1802)
- Amphiprion perideraion Bleeker, 1855
- Amphiprion polymnus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Amphiprion rubrocinctus Richardson, 1842
- Amphiprion sandaracinos Allen, 1972
- Amphiprion sebae Bleeker, 1853
- Amphiprion thiellei Burgess, 1981
- Amphiprion tricinctus Schultz and Welander in Schultz, 1953
- Amphiprion tunicatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz, 1854
- Amphistichus koelzi (Hubbs, 1933)
- Amphistichus rhodoterus (Agassiz, 1854)
- Amsichthys knighti (Allen, 1987)
- Anabas cobojius (Hamilton, 1822)
- Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792)
- Anampses caeruleopunctatus Rüppell, 1829
- Anampses chrysocephalus Randall, 1958
- Anampses cuvier Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Anampses elegans Ogilby, 1889
- Anampses femininus Randall, 1972
- Anampses geographicus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Anampses lennardi Scott, 1959
- Anampses lineatus Randall, 1972
- Anampses melanurus Bleeker, 1857
- Anampses meleagrides Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Anampses neoguinaicus Bleeker, 1878
- Anampses twistii Bleeker, 1856
- Anampses viridis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Anaora tentaculata Gray, 1835
- Anarhichas denticulatus Krøyer, 1845
- Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus, 1758
- Anarhichas minor Olafsen, 1772
- Anarhichas orientalis Pallas, 1814
- Anarrhichthys ocellatus Ayres, 1855
- Anatirostrum profundorum (Berg, 1927)
- Anatolanthias apiomycter Anderson, Parin and Randall, 1990
- Anchichoerops natalensis (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1909)
- Andamia aequipinnis (Günther, 1861)
- Andamia amphibius (Walbaum, 1792)
- Andamia cyclocheilus Weber, 1909
- Andamia heteroptera (Bleeker, 1857)
- Andamia reyi (Sauvage, 1880)
- Andamia tetradactylus (Bleeker, 1858)
- Andriashevia aptera Fedorov and Neyelov, 1978
- Anisarchus macrops (Matsubara and Ochiai, 1952)
- Anisarchus medius (Reinhardt, 1837)
- Anisochromis kenyae Smith, 1954
- Anisochromis mascarenensis Gill and Fricke, 2001
- Anisochromis straussi Springer, Smith and Fraser, 1977
- Anisotremus caesius (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner, 1876)
- Anisotremus dovii (Günther, 1864)
- Anisotremus interruptus (Gill, 1862)
- Anisotremus moricandi (Ranzani, 1842)
- Anisotremus pacifici (Günther, 1864)
- Anisotremus scapularis (Tschudi, 1846)
- Anisotremus surinamensis (Bloch, 1791)
- Anisotremus taeniatus Gill, 1861
- Anisotremus virginicus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Anomalochromis thomasi (Boulenger, 1915)
- Anoplarchus insignis Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Anoplarchus purpurescens Gill, 1861
- Antennablennius adenensis Fraser-Brunner, 1951
- Antennablennius australis Fraser-Brunner, 1951
- Antennablennius bifilum (Günther, 1861)
- Antennablennius hypenetes (Klunzinger, 1871)
- Antennablennius simonyi (Steindachner, 1902)
- Antennablennius variopunctatus (Jatzow and Lenz, 1898)
- Antennablennius velifer Smith, 1959
- Anthias anthias (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Anthias asperilinguis Günther, 1859
- Anthias cyprinoides (Katayama and Amaoka, 1986)
- Anthias helenensis Katayama and Amaoka, 1986
- Anthias menezesi Anderson and Heemstra, 1980
- Anthias nicholsi Firth, 1933
- Anthias noeli Anderson and Baldwin, 2000
- Anthias rubromaculatus Borets, 1982
- Anthias salmopunctatus Lubbock and Edwards, 1981
- Anthias tenuis Nichols, 1920
- Anthias woodsi Anderson and Heemstra, 1980
- Anyperodon leucogrammicus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Aphanopus arigato Parin, 1994
- Aphanopus beckeri Parin, 1994
- Aphanopus capricornis Parin, 1994
- Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839
- Aphanopus intermedius Parin, 1983
- Aphanopus microphthalmus Norman, 1939
- Aphanopus mikhailini Parin, 1983
- Aphareus furca (Lacepède, 1801)
- Aphareus rutilans Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Aphia minuta (Risso, 1810)
- Apistogramma acrensis Staeck, 2003
- Apistogramma agassizii (Steindachner, 1875)
- Apistogramma alacrina Kullander, 2004
- Apistogramma amoena (Cope, 1872)
- Apistogramma arua Römer and Warzel, 1998
- Apistogramma atahualpa Römer, 1997
- Apistogramma bitaeniata Pellegrin, 1936
- Apistogramma borellii (Regan, 1906)
- Apistogramma brevis Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma cacatuoides Hoedeman, 1951
- Apistogramma caetei Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma commbrae (Regan, 1906)
- Apistogramma cruzi Kullander, 1986
- Apistogramma diplotaenia Kullander, 1987
- Apistogramma elizabethae Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma eunotus Kullander, 1981
- Apistogramma geisleri Meinken, 1971
- Apistogramma gephyra Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma gibbiceps Meinken, 1969
- Apistogramma gossei Kullander, 1982
- Apistogramma guttata Antonio C., Kullander and Lasso A., 1989
- Apistogramma hippolytae Kullander, 1982
- Apistogramma hoignei Meinken, 1965
- Apistogramma hongsloi Kullander, 1979
- Apistogramma inconspicua Kullander, 1983
- Apistogramma iniridae Kullander, 1979
- Apistogramma inornata Staeck, 2003
- Apistogramma juruensis Kullander, 1986
- Apistogramma linkei Koslowski, 1985
- Apistogramma luelingi Kullander, 1976
- Apistogramma macmasteri Kullander, 1979
- Apistogramma martini Römer, Hahn, Römer, Soares and Wöhler, 2003
- Apistogramma meinkeni Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma mendezi Römer, 1994
- Apistogramma moae Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma nijsseni Kullander, 1979
- Apistogramma norberti Staeck, 1991
- Apistogramma ortmanni (Eigenmann, 1912)
- Apistogramma panduro Römer, 1997
- Apistogramma parva Ahl, 1931
- Apistogramma paucisquamis Kullander, 1988
- Apistogramma payaminonis Kullander, 1986
- Apistogramma personata Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma pertensis (Haseman, 1911)
- Apistogramma piauiensis Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma pleurotaenia (Regan, 1909)
- Apistogramma pulchra Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma regani Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma resticulosa Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma rubrolineata Hein, Zarske and Zapata, 2002
- Apistogramma rupununi Fowler, 1914
- Apistogramma similis Staeck, 2003
- Apistogramma staecki Koslowski, 1985
- Apistogramma steindachneri (Regan, 1908)
- Apistogramma taeniata (Günther, 1862)
- Apistogramma trifasciata (Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903)
- Apistogramma tucurui Staeck, 2003
- Apistogramma uaupesi Kullander, 1980
- Apistogramma urteagai Kullander, 1986
- Apistogramma velifera Staeck, 2003
- Apistogramma viejita Kullander, 1979
- Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis Meinken, 1965
- Apletodon dentatus (Facciolà, 1887)
- Apletodon incognitus Hofrichter and Patzner, 1997
- Apletodon pellegrini (Chabanaud, 1925)
- Aplodactylus arctidens Richardson, 1839
- Aplodactylus etheridgii (Ogilby, 1889)
- Aplodactylus guttatus Guichenot, 1848
- Aplodactylus punctatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Aplodactylus westralis Russell, 1987
- Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque, 1819
- Apocryptes bato (Hamilton, 1822)
- Apocryptichthys sericus Herre, 1927
- Apocryptodon madurensis (Bleeker, 1849)
- Apocryptodon punctatus Tomiyama, 1934
- Apodichthys flavidus Girard, 1854
- Apodichthys fucorum Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Apodichthys sanctaerosae (Gilbert and Starks in Gilbert, 1897)
- Apodocreedia vanderhorsti de Beaufort, 1948
- Apogon abrogramma Fraser and Lachner, 1985
- Apogon affinis (Poey, 1875)
- Apogon albimaculosus Kailola, 1976
- Apogon amboinensis Bleeker, 1853
- Apogon americanus Castelnau, 1855
- Apogon angustatus (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1911)
- Apogon annularis Rüppell, 1829
- Apogon apogonoides (Bleeker, 1856)
- Apogon argyrogaster Weber, 1909
- Apogon aroubiensis Hombron and Jacquinot in Jacquinot and Guichenot, 1853
- Apogon aterrimus Günther, 1867
- Apogon atradorsatus Heller and Snodgrass, 1903
- Apogon atricaudus Jordan and McGregor in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Apogon atripes (Ogilby, 1916)
- Apogon atrogaster (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912)
- Apogon aureus (Lacepède, 1802)
- Apogon aurolineatus (Mowbray in Breder, 1927)
- Apogon axillaris Valenciennes, 1832
- Apogon bandanensis Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon binotatus (Poey, 1867)
- Apogon brevicaudata Weber, 1909
- Apogon brevispinis Fraser and Randall, 2003
- Apogon bryx Fraser, 1998
- Apogon campbelli Smith, 1949
- Apogon cantoris Bleeker, 1851
- Apogon capricornis Allen and Randall, 1993
- Apogon carinatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon catalai Fourmanoir, 1973
- Apogon caudicinctus Randall and Smith, 1988
- Apogon cavitensis (Jordan and Seale, 1907)
- Apogon chalcius Fraser and Randall, 1986
- Apogon cheni Hayashi, 1990
- Apogon chrysopomus Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon chrysotaenia Bleeker, 1851
- Apogon coccineus Rüppell, 1838
- Apogon compressus (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1911)
- Apogon cookii Macleay, 1881
- Apogon crassiceps Garman, 1903
- Apogon cyanosoma Bleeker, 1853
- Apogon cyanotaenia Bleeker, 1853
- Apogon dammermani Weber and de Beaufort, 1929
- Apogon darnleyensis (Alleyne and Macleay, 1877)
- Apogon deetsie Randall, 1998
- Apogon dianthus Fraser and Randall, 2002
- Apogon dispar Fraser and Randall, 1976
- Apogon diversus (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912)
- Apogon doederleini Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Apogon doryssa (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Apogon dovii Günther, 1861
- Apogon endekataenia Bleeker, 1852
- Apogon enigmaticus (Smith, 1961)
- Apogon erythrinus Snyder, 1904
- Apogon erythrosoma Gon and Randall, 2003
- Apogon evermanni Jordan and Snyder, 1904
- Apogon exostigma (Jordan and Starks in Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Apogon fasciatus (White, 1790)
- Apogon flagelliferus (Smith, 1961)
- Apogon flavus Allen and Randall, 1993
- Apogon fleurieu (Lacepède, 1802)
- Apogon fraenatus Valenciennes, 1832
- Apogon fragilis Smith, 1961
- Apogon franssedai Allen, Kuiter and Randall, 1994
- Apogon fukuii Hayashi, 1990
- Apogon fuscomaculatus Allen and Morrison, 1996
- Apogon fuscus Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Apogon gardineri Regan, 1908
- Apogon gilberti (Jordan and Seale, 1905)
- Apogon gouldi Smith-Vaniz, 1977
- Apogon guadalupensis (Osburn and Nichols, 1916)
- Apogon guamensis Valenciennes, 1832
- Apogon gularis Fraser and Lachner, 1984
- Apogon hartzfeldii Bleeker, 1852
- Apogon heptastygma Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon hoevenii Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon holotaenia Regan, 1905
- Apogon hungi Fourmanoir and Do-Thi, 1965
- Apogon hyalosoma Bleeker, 1852
- Apogon hypselonotus Bleeker, 1855
- Apogon imberbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Apogon indicus Greenfield, 2001
- Apogon isus Randall and Böhlke, 1981
- Apogon jenkinsi (Evermann and Seale, 1907)
- Apogon kallopterus Bleeker, 1856
- Apogon kalosoma Bleeker, 1852
- Apogon kiensis Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Apogon kominatoensis Ebina, 1935
- Apogon komodoensis Allen, 1998
- Apogon lachneri Böhlke, 1959
- Apogon lateralis Valenciennes, 1832
- Apogon lativittatus Randall, 2001
- Apogon latus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon leptacanthus Bleeker, 1856-57
- Apogon leptocaulus Gilbert, 1972
- Apogon leptofasciatus Allen, 2001
- Apogon limenus Randall and Hoese, 1988
- Apogon lineatus Temminck and Schlegel, 1842
- Apogon luteus Randall and Kulbicki, 1998
- Apogon maculatus (Poey, 1860)
- Apogon maculiferus Garrett, 1864
- Apogon margaritophorus Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon marquesensis Greenfield, 2001
- Apogon melanoproctus Fraser and Randall, 1976
- Apogon melanopterus (Fowler and Bean, 1930)
- Apogon melanopus Weber, 1911
- Apogon melas Bleeker, 1848
- Apogon menesemus Jenkins, 1903
- Apogon moluccensis Valenciennes, 1832
- Apogon monospilus Fraser, Randall and Allen, 2002
- Apogon mosavi Dale, 1977
- Apogon multilineatus (Bleeker, 1874)
- Apogon multitaeniatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon mydrus (Jordan and Seale, 1905)
- Apogon nanus Allen, Kuiter and Randall, 1994
- Apogon neotes Allen, Kuiter and Randall, 1994
- Apogon niger Döderlein in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Apogon nigripes Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867
- Apogon nigripinnis Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon nigrocincta (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912)
- Apogon nigrofasciatus Lachner, 1953
- Apogon norfolcensis Ogilby, 1888
- Apogon notatus (Houttuyn, 1782)
- Apogon noumeae Whitley, 1958
- Apogon novaeguineae Valenciennes, 1832
- Apogon novemfasciatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon ocellicaudus Allen, Kuiter and Randall, 1994
- Apogon opercularis Macleay, 1878
- Apogon oxina Fraser, 1999
- Apogon oxygrammus Allen, 2001
- Apogon pacificus (Herre, 1935)
- Apogon pallidofasciatus Allen, 1987
- Apogon parvulus (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912)
- Apogon perlitus Fraser and Lachner, 1985
- Apogon pharaonis Bellotti, 1874
- Apogon phenax Böhlke and Randall, 1968
- Apogon pillionatus Böhlke and Randall, 1968
- Apogon planifrons Longley and Hildebrand, 1940
- Apogon poecilopterus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon properuptus (Whitley, 1964)
- Apogon pselion Randall, Fraser and Lachner, 1990
- Apogon pseudomaculatus Longley, 1932
- Apogon quadrisquamatus Longley, 1934
- Apogon quartus Fraser, 2000
- Apogon queketti Gilchrist, 1903
- Apogon quinquestriatus Regan, 1908
- Apogon radcliffei (Fowler, 1918)
- Apogon regani Whitley, 1951
- Apogon regula Fraser and Randall, 2003
- Apogon relativus Randall, 2001
- Apogon retrosella (Gill, 1862)
- Apogon rhodopterus Bleeker, 1852
- Apogon robbyi Gilbert and Tyler, 1997
- Apogon robinsi Böhlke and Randall, 1968
- Apogon rubellus (Smith, 1961)
- Apogon rubrimacula Randall and Kulbicki, 1998
- Apogon rueppellii Günther, 1859
- Apogon rufus Randall and Fraser, 1999
- Apogon savayensis Günther, 1872
- Apogon schlegeli Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon sealei (Fowler, 1918)
- Apogon selas Randall and Hayashi, 1990
- Apogon semilineatus Temminck and Schlegel, 1842
- Apogon semiornatus Peters, 1876
- Apogon septemstriatus Günther, 1880
- Apogon sialis (Jordan and Thompson, 1914)
- Apogon sinus Randall, 2001
- Apogon smithi (Kotthaus, 1970)
- Apogon spilurus Regan, 1905
- Apogon striatodes Gon, 1997
- Apogon striatus (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912)
- Apogon susanae Greenfield, 2001
- Apogon taeniatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon taeniophorus Regan, 1908
- Apogon taeniopterus Bennett, 1836
- Apogon talboti Smith, 1961
- Apogon tchefouensis Fang, 1942
- Apogon thermalis Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Apogon timorensis Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon townsendi (Breder, 1927)
- Apogon trimaculatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Apogon truncatus Bleeker, 1854
- Apogon unicolor Döderlein in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Apogon uninotatus (Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912)
- Apogon unitaeniatus Allen, 1995
- Apogon urostigma (Bleeker, 1874)
- Apogon victoriae Günther, 1859
- Apogon wassinki Bleeker, 1861
- Apogon wilsoni (Fowler, 1918)
- Apogon zebrinus Fraser, Randall and Lachner, 1999
- Apogonichthys amblyuropterus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Apogonichthys landoni Herre, 1934
- Apogonichthys ocellatus (Weber, 1913)
- Apogonichthys perdix Bleeker, 1854
- Apogonichthys waikiki Jordan and Evermann, 1903
- Apogonops anomalus Ogilby, 1896
- Apolemichthys arcuatus (Gray, 1831)
- Apolemichthys armitagei Smith, 1955
- Apolemichthys griffisi (Carlson and Taylor, 1981)
- Apolemichthys guezei (Randall and Maugé, 1978)
- Apolemichthys kingi Heemstra, 1984
- Apolemichthys trimaculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus Burgess, 1973
- Apolemichthys xanthotis (Fraser-Brunner, 1950)
- Apolemichthys xanthurus (Bennett, 1833)
- Apopterygion alta Kuiter, 1986
- Apopterygion oculus Fricke and Roberts in Fricke, 1994
- Aporops bilinearis Schultz, 1943
- Aprion virescens Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Apsilus dentatus Guichenot, 1853
- Apsilus fuscus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Archamia ataenia Randall and Satapoomin, 1999
- Archamia biguttata Lachner, 1951
- Archamia bilineata Gon and Randall, 1995
- Archamia bleekeri (Günther, 1859)
- Archamia buruensis (Bleeker, 1856)
- Archamia flavofasciata Gon and Randall, 2003
- Archamia fucata (Cantor, 1849)
- Archamia leai Waite, 1916
- Archamia lineolata (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Archamia macroptera (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Archamia mozambiquensis Smith, 1961
- Archamia pallida Gon and Randall, 1995
- Archamia zosterophora (Bleeker, 1856)
- Archocentrus altoflavus (Allgayer, 2001)
- Archocentrus centrarchus (Gill in Gill and Bransford, 1877)
- Archocentrus myrnae Loiselle, 1997
- Archocentrus nanoluteus Allgayer, 1994
- Archocentrus nigrofasciatus (Günther, 1867)
- Archocentrus panamensis (Meek and Hildebrand, 1913)
- Archocentrus sajica (Bussing, 1974)
- Archocentrus septemfasciatus (Regan, 1908)
- Archocentrus spilurus (Günther, 1862)
- Archocentrus spinosissimus (Vaillant and Pellegrin, 1902)
- Archoplites interruptus (Girard, 1854)
- Archosargus aries (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Archosargus pourtalesii (Steindachner, 1881)
- Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum, 1792)
- Archosargus rhomboidalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Arcos decoris Briggs, 1969
- Arcos erythrops (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Arcos macrophthalmus (Günther, 1861)
- Arcos poecilophthalmos (Jenyns, 1842)
- Arcos rhodospilus (Günther, 1864)
- Arctoscopus japonicus (Steindachner, 1881)
- Arcygobius baliurus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Arenigobius bifrenatus (Kner, 1865)
- Arenigobius frenatus (Günther, 1861)
- Arenigobius leftwichi (Ogilby, 1910)
- Argyrops bleekeri Oshima, 1927
- Argyrops filamentosus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Argyrops megalommatus (Klunzinger, 1870)
- Argyrops spinifer (Forsskål, 1775)
- Argyrosomus amoyensis (Bleeker, 1863)
- Argyrosomus beccus Sasaki, 1994
- Argyrosomus coronus Griffiths and Heemstra, 1995
- Argyrosomus heinii (Steindachner, 1902)
- Argyrosomus hololepidotus (Lacepède, 1801)
- Argyrosomus inodorus Griffiths and Heemstra, 1995
- Argyrosomus japonicus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843)
- Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801)
- Argyrosomus thorpei Smith, 1977
- Argyrozona argyrozona (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Ariomma bondi Fowler, 1930
- Ariomma brevimanus (Klunzinger, 1884)
- Ariomma dollfusi (Chabanaud, 1930)
- Ariomma evermanni Jordan and Snyder, 1907
- Ariomma helena Trunov, 1976
- Ariomma indica (Day, 1871)
- Ariomma lurida Jordan and Snyder, 1904
- Ariomma melanum (Ginsburg, 1954)
- Ariomma parini Piotrovsky, 1987
- Ariomma regulus (Poey, 1868)
- Aristochromis christyi Trewavas, 1935
- Arripis georgianus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Arripis trutta (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Arripis truttacea (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
- Arripis xylabion Paulin, 1993
- Artedidraco glareobarbatus Eastman and Eakin, 1999
- Artedidraco loennbergi Roule, 1913
- Artedidraco mirus Lönnberg, 1905
- Artedidraco orianae Regan, 1914
- Artedidraco shackletoni Waite, 1911
- Artedidraco skottsbergi Lönnberg, 1905
- Aruma histrio (Jordan, 1884)
- Askoldia variegata Pavlenko, 1910
- Aspasma minima (Döderlein in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1887)
- Aspasmichthys ciconiae (Jordan and Fowler, 1902)
- Aspasmodes briggsi Smith, 1957
- Aspasmogaster costata (Ogilby, 1885)
- Aspasmogaster liorhyncha Briggs, 1955
- Aspasmogaster occidentalis Hutchins, 1984
- Aspasmogaster tasmaniensis (Günther, 1861)
- Aspericorvina jubata (Bleeker, 1855)
- Aspidontus dussumieri (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Aspidontus taeniatus Quoy and Gaimard, 1834
- Asra turcomanus Iljin, 1941
- Assessor flavissimus Allen and Kuiter, 1976
- Assessor macneilli Whitley, 1935
- Assessor randalli Allen and Kuiter, 1976
- Assiculoides desmonotus Gill and Hutchins, 1997
- Assiculus punctatus Richardson, 1846
- Assurger anzac (Alexander, 1917)
- Astatoreochromis alluaudi Pellegrin, 1904
- Astatoreochromis straeleni (Poll, 1944)
- Astatoreochromis vanderhorsti (Greenwood, 1954)
- Astatotilapia burtoni (Günther, 1894)
- Astatotilapia calliptera (Günther, 1894)
- Astatotilapia flaviijosephi (Lortet, 1883)
- Astatotilapia paludinosa Greenwood, 1980
- Astatotilapia stappersii (Poll, 1943)
- Asterropteryx atripes Shibukawa and Suzuki, 2002
- Asterropteryx bipunctata Allen and Munday, 1995
- Asterropteryx ensifera (Bleeker, 1874)
- Asterropteryx semipunctata Rüppell, 1830
- Asterropteryx spinosa (Goren, 1981)
- Asterropteryx striata Allen and Munday, 1995
- Astrabe fasciata Akihito and Meguro, 1988
- Astrabe flavimaculata Akihito and Meguro, 1988
- Astrabe lactisella Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Astrapogon alutus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Astrapogon puncticulatus (Poey, 1867)
- Astrapogon stellatus (Cope, 1867)
- Astronotus crassipinnis (Heckel, 1840)
- Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1831)
- Astroscopus guttatus Abbott, 1860
- Astroscopus sexspinosus (Steindachner, 1876)
- Astroscopus y-graecum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
- Astroscopus zephyreus Gilbert and Starks in Gilbert, 1897
- Atractoscion aequidens (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Atractoscion nobilis (Ayres, 1860)
- Atrobucca adusta Sasaki and Kailola, 1988
- Atrobucca alcocki Talwar, 1980
- Atrobucca antonbruun Sasaki, 1995
- Atrobucca bengalensis Sasaki, 1995
- Atrobucca brevis Sasaki and Kailola, 1988
- Atrobucca geniae Ben-Tuvia and Trewavas, 1987
- Atrobucca kyushini Sasaki and Kailola, 1988
- Atrobucca marleyi (Norman, 1922)
- Atrobucca nibe (Jordan and Thompson, 1911)
- Atrobucca trewavasae Talwar and Sathirajan, 1975
- Atropus armatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Atropus atropos (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Atropus aurochs (Ogilby, 1915)
- Atropus hedlandensis (Whitley, 1934)
- Atropus mentalis (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Atrosalarias fuscus (Rüppell, 1838)
- Atrosalarias hosokawai Suzuki and Senou, 1999
- Atule mate (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Atypichthys latus McCulloch and Waite, 1916
- Atypichthys strigatus (Günther, 1860)
- Auchenionchus crinitus (Jenyns, 1841)
- Auchenionchus microcirrhis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Auchenionchus variolosus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Aulacocephalus temminckii Bleeker, 1854
- Aulonocara aquilonium Konings, 1995
- Aulonocara auditor (Trewavas, 1935)
- Aulonocara baenschi Meyer and Riehl in Baensch and Riehl, 1985
- Aulonocara brevinidus Konings, 1995
- Aulonocara brevirostre (Trewavas, 1935)
- Aulonocara ethelwynnae Meyer, Riehl and Zetzsche, 1987
- Aulonocara gertrudae Konings, 1995
- Aulonocara guentheri Eccles in Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Aulonocara hansbaenschi Meyer, Riehl and Zetzsche, 1987
- Aulonocara hueseri Meyer, Riehl and Zetzsche, 1987
- Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Johnson, 1974)
- Aulonocara korneliae Meyer, Riehl and Zetzsche, 1987
- Aulonocara maylandi Trewavas, 1984
- Aulonocara nyassae Regan, 1922
- Aulonocara rostratum Trewavas, 1935
- Aulonocara saulosi Meyer, Riehl and Zetzsche, 1987
- Aulonocara steveni Meyer, Riehl and Zetzsche, 1987
- Aulonocara stuartgranti Meyer and Riehl in Baensch and Riehl, 1985
- Aulonocara trematocephala (Boulenger, 1901)
- Aulonocranus dewindti (Boulenger, 1899)
- Aulopareia cyanomos (Bleeker, 1849)
- Aulopareia janetae Smith, 1945
- Aulopareia koumansi (Herre in Herre and Myers, 1937)
- Aulopareia spilopterus (Smith, 1932)
- Aulopareia unicolor (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Austrolabrus maculatus (Macleay, 1881)
- Austrolethops wardi Whitley, 1935
- Austrolycus depressiceps Regan, 1913
- Austrolycus laticinctus (Berg, 1895)
- Austronibea oedogenys Trewavas, 1977
- Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810)
- Auxis thazard (Lacepède, 1800)
- Awaous acritosus Watson, 1994
- Awaous aeneofuscus (Peters, 1852)
- Awaous banana (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous commersoni (Schneider in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Awaous flavus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous fluviatilis (Rao, 1971)
- Awaous grammepomus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Awaous guamensis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous jayakari (Boulenger, 1888)
- Awaous lateristriga (Duméril, 1861)
- Awaous litturatus (Steindachner, 1861)
- Awaous macrorhynchus (Bleeker, 1867)
- Awaous melanocephalus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Awaous nigripinnis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous ocellaris (Broussonet, 1782)
- Awaous pallidus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Awaous percivali (Boulenger, 1901)
- Awaous personatus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Awaous tajasica (Lichtenstein, 1822)
- Awaous transandeanus (Günther, 1861)
- Axoclinus cocoensis Bussing, 1991
- Axoclinus lucillae Fowler, 1944
- Axoclinus multicinctus Allen and Robertson, 1992
- Axoclinus nigricaudus Allen and Robertson, 1991
- Axoclinus rubinoffi Allen and Robertson, 1992
- Axoclinus storeyae (Brock, 1940)
- Azurina eupalama Heller and Snodgrass, 1903
- Azurina hirundo Jordan and McGregor in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Azygopterus corallinus Andriashev and Makushok, 1955
- Badis assamensis Ahl, 1937
- Badis badis (Hamilton, 1822)
- Badis blosyrus Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis chittagongis Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis corycaeus Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis ferrarisi Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis kanabos Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis khwae Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis kyar Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis pyema Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Badis ruber Schreitmüller, 1923
- Badis siamensis Klausewitz, 1957
- Bahaba chaptis (Hamilton, 1822)
- Bahaba polykladiskos (Bleeker, 1852)
- Bahaba taipingensis (Herre, 1932)
- Baileychromis centropomoides (Bailey and Stewart, 1977)
- Bairdiella armata Gill, 1863
- Bairdiella chrysoura (Lacepède, 1802)
- Bairdiella ensifera (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Bairdiella icistia (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Bairdiella ronchus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Banjos banjos (Richardson, 1846)
- Barbulifer antennatus Böhlke and Robins, 1968
- Barbulifer ceuthoecus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1884)
- Barbulifer mexicanus Hoese and Larson, 1985
- Barbulifer pantherinus (Pellegrin, 1901)
- Barbuligobius boehlkei Lachner and McKinney, 1974
- Batanga lebretonis (Steindachner, 1870)
- Bathyanthias atlanticus (Schultz, 1958)
- Bathyanthias cubensis (Schultz, 1958)
- Bathyanthias mexicanus (Schultz, 1958)
- Bathyanthias roseus Günther, 1880
- Bathybates fasciatus Boulenger, 1901
- Bathybates ferox Boulenger, 1898
- Bathybates graueri Steindachner, 1911
- Bathybates hornii Steindachner, 1911
- Bathybates leo Poll, 1956
- Bathybates minor Boulenger, 1906
- Bathybates vittatus Boulenger, 1914
- Bathyblennius antholops (Springer and Smith-Vaniz, 1970)
- Bathycallionymus kaianus (Günther, 1880)
- Bathycallionymus sokonumeri (Kamohara, 1936)
- Bathyclupea argentea Goode and Bean, 1896
- Bathyclupea elongata Trunov, 1975
- Bathyclupea gracilis Fowler, 1938
- Bathyclupea hoskynii Alcock, 1891
- Bathyclupea malayana Weber, 1913
- Bathyclupea megaceps Fowler, 1938
- Bathyclupea schroederi Dick, 1962
- Bathydraco antarcticus Günther, 1878
- Bathydraco joannae DeWitt, 1985
- Bathydraco macrolepis Boulenger, 1907
- Bathydraco marri Norman, 1938
- Bathydraco scotiae Dollo, 1906
- Bathygobius aeolosoma (Ogilby, 1889)
- Bathygobius andrei (Sauvage, 1880)
- Bathygobius burtoni (O'Shaughnessy, 1875)
- Bathygobius casamancus (Rochebrune, 1880)
- Bathygobius coalitus (Bennett, 1832)
- Bathygobius cocosensis (Bleeker, 1854)
- Bathygobius cotticeps (Steindachner, 1879)
- Bathygobius crassiceps (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Bathygobius curacao (Metzelaar, 1919)
- Bathygobius cyclopterus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Bathygobius fishelsoni Goren, 1978
- Bathygobius fuscus (Rüppell, 1830)
- Bathygobius hongkongensis Lam, 1986
- Bathygobius karachiensis Hoda and Goren, 1990
- Bathygobius kreftii (Steindachner, 1866)
- Bathygobius laddi (Fowler, 1931)
- Bathygobius lineatus (Jenyns, 1841)
- Bathygobius meggitti (Hora and Mukerji, 1936)
- Bathygobius mystacium Ginsburg, 1947
- Bathygobius niger (Smith, 1960)
- Bathygobius ostreicola (Chaudhuri, 1916)
- Bathygobius padangensis (Bleeker, 1851)
- Bathygobius panayensis (Jordan and Seale, 1907)
- Bathygobius petrophilus (Bleeker, 1853)
- Bathygobius ramosus Ginsburg, 1947
- Bathygobius smithi Fricke, 1999
- Bathygobius soporator (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Bathymaster caeruleofasciatus Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Bathymaster derjugini Lindberg in Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930
- Bathymaster leurolepis McPhail, 1965
- Bathymaster signatus Cope, 1873
- Bathysphyraenops declivifrons Fedoryako, 1976
- Bathysphyraenops simplex Parr, 1933
- Bathystethus cultratus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Bathystethus orientale Regan, 1913
- Beliops batanensis Smith-Vaniz and Johnson, 1990
- Beliops xanthokrossos Hardy, 1985
- Bellapiscis lesleyae Hardy, 1987
- Bellapiscis medius (Günther, 1861)
- Belobranchus belobanchus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Belonepterygion fasciolatum (Ogilby, 1889)
- Belonoperca chabanaudi Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Belonoperca pylei Baldwin and Smith, 1998
- Belontia hasselti (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Belontia signata (Günther, 1861)
- Bembrops anatirostris Ginsburg, 1955
- Bembrops cadenati Das and Nelson, 1996
- Bembrops caudimacula Steindachner, 1876
- Bembrops curvatura Okada and Suzuki, 1952
- Bembrops filifera Gilbert, 1905
- Bembrops filodorsalia Okada and Suzuki, 1952
- Bembrops gobioides (Goode, 1880)
- Bembrops greyi Poll, 1959
- Bembrops heterurus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1903)
- Bembrops macromma Ginsburg, 1955
- Bembrops magnisquamis Ginsburg, 1955
- Bembrops morelandi Nelson, 1978
- Bembrops nelsoni Thompson and Suttkus, 2002
- Bembrops nematopterus Norman, 1939
- Bembrops ocellatus Thompson and Suttkus, 1998
- Bembrops platyrhynchus (Alcock, 1894)
- Bembrops quadrisella Thompson and Suttkus, 1998
- Bembrops raneyi Thompson and Suttkus, 1998
- Benitochromis batesii (Boulenger, 1901)
- Benitochromis conjunctus Lamboj, 2001
- Benitochromis finleyi (Trewavas, 1974)
- Benitochromis nigrodorsalis Lamboj, 2001
- Benitochromis riomuniensis (Thys van den Audenaerde in Linke and Staeck, 1981)
- Benitochromis ufermanni Lamboj, 2001
- Benthochromis melanoides (Poll, 1984)
- Benthochromis tricoti (Poll, 1948)
- Benthodesmus elongatus (Clarke, 1879)
- Benthodesmus macrophthalmus Parin and Becker, 1970
- Benthodesmus neglectus Parin, 1976
- Benthodesmus oligoradiatus Parin and Becker, 1970
- Benthodesmus pacificus Parin and Becker, 1970
- Benthodesmus papua Parin, 1978
- Benthodesmus simonyi (Steindachner, 1891)
- Benthodesmus suluensis Parin, 1976
- Benthodesmus tenuis (Günther, 1877)
- Benthodesmus tuckeri Parin and Becker, 1970
- Benthodesmus vityazi Parin and Becker, 1970
- Benthophiloides brauneri Beling and Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus baeri Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus casachicus Ragimov, 1978
- Benthophilus ctenolepidus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus granulosus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus grimmi Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus kessleri Berg, 1927
- Benthophilus leptocephalus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus leptorhynchus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus macrocephalus (Pallas, 1787)
- Benthophilus magistri Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus mahmudbejovi Ragimov, 1976
- Benthophilus spinosus Kessler, 1877
- Benthophilus stellatus (Sauvage, 1874)
- Benthophilus svetovidovi Pinchuk and Rahimov, 1979
- Betta akarensis Regan, 1910
- Betta albimarginata Kottelat and Ng, 1994
- Betta anabatoides Bleeker, 1851
- Betta balunga Herre, 1940
- Betta bellica Sauvage, 1884
- Betta breviobesus Tan and Kottelat, 1998
- Betta brownorum Witte and Schmidt, 1992
- Betta burdigala Kottelat and Ng, 1994
- Betta channoides Kottelat and Ng, 1994
- Betta chini Ng, 1993
- Betta chloropharynx Kottelat and Ng, 1994
- Betta coccina Vierke, 1979
- Betta dimidiata Roberts, 1989
- Betta edithae Vierke, 1984
- Betta enisae Kottelat, 1995
- Betta falx Tan and Kottelat, 1998
- Betta foerschi Vierke, 1979
- Betta fusca Regan, 1910
- Betta hipposideros Ng and Kottelat, 1994
- Betta imbellis Ladiges, 1975
- Betta livida Ng and Kottelat, 1992
- Betta macrostoma Regan, 1910
- Betta miniopinna Tan and Tan, 1994
- Betta ocellata de Beaufort, 1933
- Betta patoti Weber and de Beaufort, 1922
- Betta persephone Schaller, 1986
- Betta pi Tan, 1998
- Betta picta (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846)
- Betta pinguis Tan and Kottelat, 1998
- Betta prima Kottelat, 1994
- Betta pugnax (Cantor, 1849)
- Betta pulchra Tan and Tan, 1996
- Betta renata Tan, 1998
- Betta rubra Perugia, 1893
- Betta rutilans Witte and Kottelat in Kottelat, 1991
- Betta schalleri Kottelat and Ng, 1994
- Betta simorum Tan and Ng, 1996
- Betta simplex Kottelat, 1994
- Betta smaragdina Ladiges, 1972
- Betta spilotogena Ng and Kottelat, 1994
- Betta splendens Regan, 1910
- Betta strohi Schaller and Kottelat, 1989
- Betta taeniata Regan, 1910
- Betta tomi Ng and Kottelat, 1994
- Betta tussyae Schaller, 1985
- Betta unimaculatus (Popta, 1905)
- Betta waseri Krummenacher, 1986
- Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell, 1838)
- Bidyanus welchi (McCulloch and Waite, 1917)
- Bilabria ornata (Soldatov, 1922)
- Biotodoma cupido (Heckel, 1840)
- Biotodoma wavrini (Gosse, 1963)
- Biotoecus dicentrarchus Kullander, 1989
- Biotoecus opercularis (Steindachner, 1875)
- Bleekeria kallolepis Günther, 1862
- Bleekeria mitsukurii Jordan and Evermann, 1902
- Bleekeria viridianguilla (Fowler, 1931)
- Blenniella bilitonensis (Bleeker, 1858)
- Blenniella caudolineata (Günther, 1877)
- Blenniella chrysospilos (Bleeker, 1857)
- Blenniella cyanostigma (Bleeker, 1849)
- Blenniella gibbifrons (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
- Blenniella interrupta (Bleeker, 1857)
- Blenniella leopardus (Fowler, 1904)
- Blenniella paula (Bryan and Herre, 1903)
- Blenniella periophthalmus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Blennioclinus brachycephalus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Blennioclinus stella Smith, 1946
- Blennius maoricus Kner, 1864
- Blennius normani Poll, 1949
- Blennius ocellaris Linnaeus, 1758
- Blennodesmus scapularis Günther, 1872
- Blennodon dorsale (Clarke, 1879)
- Blennophis anguillaris (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Blennophis striatus (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908)
- Bodianus anthioides (Bennett, 1832)
- Bodianus axillaris (Bennett, 1832)
- Bodianus bilunulatus (Lacépède, 1801)
- Bodianus bimaculatus Allen, 1973
- Bodianus cylindriatus (Tanaka, 1930)
- Bodianus diana (Lacépède, 1801)
- Bodianus diplotaenia (Gill, 1862)
- Bodianus eclancheri (Valenciennes, 1846)
- Bodianus flavifrons Gomon, 2001
- Bodianus flavipinnis Gomon, 2001
- Bodianus frenchii (Klunzinger, 1880)
- Bodianus insularis Gomon and Lubbock, 1980
- Bodianus izuensis Araga and Yoshino in Masuda, Araga and Yoshino, 1975
- Bodianus jaguar Lacépède, 1802
- Bodianus leucosticticus (Bennett, 1832)
- Bodianus loxozonus (Snyder, 1908)
- Bodianus macrognathos (Morris, 1974)
- Bodianus macrourus (Lacépède, 1801)
- Bodianus masudai Araga and Yoshino in Masuda, Araga and Yoshino, 1975
- Bodianus mesothorax (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Bodianus neilli (Day, 1867)
- Bodianus opercularis (Guichenot, 1847)
- Bodianus oxycephalus (Bleeker, 1862)
- Bodianus perditio (Quoy and Gaimard, 1834)
- Bodianus prognathus Lobel, 1981
- Bodianus pulchellus (Poey, 1860)
- Bodianus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Bodianus sanguineus (Jordan and Evermann, 1903)
- Bodianus scrofa (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839)
- Bodianus speciosus (Bowdich, 1825)
- Bodianus tanyokidus Gomon and Madden, 1981
- Bodianus thoracotaeniatus Yamamoto in Okamura et al., 1982
- Bodianus trilineatus (Fowler, 1934)
- Bodianus unimaculatus (Günther, 1862)
- Bodianus vulpinus (Richardson, 1850)
- Boesemania microlepis (Bleeker, 1858)
- Bolbometopon muricatum (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840)
- Boleophthalmus birdsongi Murdy, 1989
- Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas, 1770)
- Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Boleophthalmus dussumieri Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Boleophthalmus sculptus Günther, 1861
- Bollmannia boqueronensis Evermann and Marsh, 1899
- Bollmannia chlamydes Jordan in Jordan and Bollman, 1890
- Bollmannia communis Ginsburg, 1942
- Bollmannia eigenmanni (Garman, 1896)
- Bollmannia gomezi Acero P., 1981
- Bollmannia jeannae Fowler, 1941
- Bollmannia litura Ginsburg, 1935
- Bollmannia longipinnis Ginsburg, 1939
- Bollmannia macropoma Gilbert, 1892
- Bollmannia marginalis Ginsburg, 1939
- Bollmannia ocellata Gilbert, 1892
- Bollmannia pawneea Ginsburg, 1939
- Bollmannia stigmatura Gilbert, 1892
- Bollmannia umbrosa Ginsburg, 1939
- Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Boops lineatus (Boulenger, 1892)
- Boopsoidea inornata Castelnau, 1861
- Boridia grossidens Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Bostockia porosa Castelnau, 1873
- Bostrychus africanus (Steindachner, 1879)
- Bostrychus aruensis Weber, 1911
- Bostrychus sinensis Lacepède, 1801
- Bostrychus strigogenys Nichols, 1937
- Bostrychus zonatus Weber, 1907
- Bothrocara brunneum (Bean, 1890)
- Bothrocara elongatum (Garman, 1899)
- Bothrocara hollandi (Jordan and Hubbs, 1925)
- Bothrocara molle Bean, 1890
- Bothrocara pusillum (Bean, 1890)
- Bothrocara soldatovi (Schmidt, 1950)
- Bothrocarina microcephala (Schmidt, 1938)
- Bothrocarina nigrocaudata Suvorov, 1935
- Boulengerochromis microlepis (Boulenger, 1899)
- Bovichtus angustifrons Regan, 1913
- Bovichtus argentinus MacDonagh, 1931
- Bovichtus chilensis Regan, 1913
- Bovichtus diacanthus (Carmichael, 1819)
- Bovichtus oculus Hardy, 1989
- Bovichtus psychrolutes Günther, 1860
- Bovichtus variegatus Richardson, 1846
- Bovichtus veneris Sauvage, 1879
- Brachyamblyopus brachysoma (Bleeker, 1853)
- Brachydeuterus auritus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832)
- Brachygobius aggregatus Herre, 1940
- Brachygobius doriae (Günther, 1868)
- Brachygobius kabiliensis Inger, 1958
- Brachygobius mekongensis Larson and Vidthayanon, 2000
- Brachygobius nunus (Hamilton, 1822)
- Brachygobius sabanus Inger, 1958
- Brachygobius xanthomelas Herre in Herre and Myers, 1937
- Brachygobius xanthozonus (Bleeker, 1849)
- Brachyistius frenatus Gill, 1862
- Brachynectes fasciatus Scott, 1957
- Brama australis Valenciennes, 1837
- Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788)
- Brama caribbea Mead, 1972
- Brama dussumieri Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Brama japonica Hilgendorf, 1878
- Brama myersi Mead, 1972
- Brama orcini Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Brama pauciradiata Moteki, Fujita and Last, 1995
- Branchiostegus albus Dooley, 1978
- Branchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Branchiostegus auratus (Kishinouye, 1907)
- Branchiostegus australiensis Dooley and Kailola, 1988
- Branchiostegus doliatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Branchiostegus gloerfelti Dooley and Kailola, 1988
- Branchiostegus hedlandensis Dooley and Kailola, 1988
- Branchiostegus ilocanus Herre, 1928
- Branchiostegus japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782)
- Branchiostegus paxtoni Dooley and Kailola, 1988
- Branchiostegus sawakinensis Amirthalingam, 1969
- Branchiostegus semifasciatus (Norman, 1931)
- Branchiostegus serratus Dooley and Paxton, 1975
- Branchiostegus vittatus Herre, 1926
- Branchiostegus wardi Whitley, 1932
- Brephostoma carpenteri Alcock, 1889
- Brinkmannella elongata Parr, 1933
- Bryaninops amplus Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops dianneae Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops erythrops (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Bryaninops isis Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops loki Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops natans Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops nexus Larson, 1987
- Bryaninops ridens Smith, 1959
- Bryaninops tigris Larson, 1985
- Bryaninops yongei (Davis and Cohen, 1969)
- Bryozoichthys lysimus (Jordan and Snyder, 1902)
- Bryozoichthys marjorius McPhail, 1970
- Buccochromis atritaeniatus (Regan, 1922)
- Buccochromis heterotaenia (Trewavas, 1935)
- Buccochromis lepturus (Regan, 1922)
- Buccochromis nototaenia (Boulenger, 1902)
- Buccochromis oculatus (Trewavas, 1935)
- Buccochromis rhoadesii (Boulenger, 1908)
- Buccochromis spectabilis (Trewavas, 1935)
- Buenia affinis Iljin, 1930
- Buenia jeffreysii (Günther, 1867)
- Bujurquina apoparuana Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina cordemadi Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina eurhinus Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina hophrys Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina huallagae Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina labiosa Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina mariae (Eigenmann, 1922)
- Bujurquina megalospilus Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina moriorum Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina oenolaemus Kullander, 1987
- Bujurquina ortegai Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina peregrinabunda Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina robusta Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina syspilus (Cope, 1872)
- Bujurquina tambopatae Kullander, 1986
- Bujurquina vittata (Heckel, 1840)
- Bujurquina zamorensis (Regan, 1905)
- Bullisichthys caribbaeus Rivas, 1971
- Bunaka gyrinoides (Bleeker, 1853)
- Bunaka pinguis Herre, 1927
- Butis amboinensis (Bleeker, 1853)
- Butis butis (Hamilton, 1822)
- Butis gymnopomus (Bleeker, 1853)
- Butis humeralis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Butis koilomatodon (Bleeker, 1849)
- Butis prismatica (Bleeker, 1849)
- Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield and Randall, 2004
- Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
- Cabillus macrophthalmus (Weber, 1909)
- Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
- Caecogobius cryptophthalmus Berti and Ercolini, 1991
- Caesio caerulaurea Lacepède, 1801
- Caesio cuning (Bloch, 1791)
- Caesio lunaris Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Caesio striata Rüppell, 1830
- Caesio suevica Klunzinger, 1884
- Caesio teres Seale, 1906
- Caesio varilineata Carpenter, 1987
- Caesio xanthalytos Holleman, Connell and Carpenter, 2013
- Caesio xanthonota Bleeker, 1853
- Caesioperca lepidoptera (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Caesioperca rasor (Richardson, 1839)
- Caesioscorpis theagenes Whitley, 1945
- Caffrogobius agulhensis (Barnard, 1927)
- Caffrogobius caffer (Günther, 1874)
- Caffrogobius dubius (Smith, 1959)
- Caffrogobius gilchristi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Caffrogobius natalensis (Günther, 1874)
- Caffrogobius nudiceps (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837)
- Caffrogobius saldanha (Barnard, 1927)
- Calamiana illota Larson, 1999
- Calamiana kabilia (Herre, 1940)
- Calamiana mindora (Herre, 1945)
- Calamiana polylepis (Wu and Ni, 1985)
- Calamiana variegata (Peters, 1868)
- Calamus arctifrons Goode and Bean, 1882
- Calamus bajonado (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Calamus brachysomus (Lockington, 1880)
- Calamus calamus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Calamus campechanus Randall and Caldwell, 1966
- Calamus cervigoni Randall and Caldwell, 1966
- Calamus leucosteus Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan, 1885
- Calamus mu Randall and Caldwell, 1966
- Calamus nodosus Randall and Caldwell, 1966
- Calamus penna (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Calamus pennatula Guichenot, 1868
- Calamus proridens Jordan and Gilbert, 1884
- Calamus taurinus (Jenyns, 1840)
- Callanthias allporti Günther, 1876
- Callanthias australis Ogilby, 1899
- Callanthias japonicus Franz, 1910
- Callanthias legras Smith, 1948
- Callanthias parini Anderson and Johnson, 1984
- Callanthias platei Steindachner, 1898
- Callanthias ruber (Rafinesque, 1810)
- Callanthias splendens Griffin, 1921
- Calliclinus geniguttatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Calliclinus nudiventris Cervigón and Pequeño in Cervigón, Pequeño and Moreno, 1979
- Callionymus aagilis Fricke, 1999
- Callionymus acutirostris Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus afilum Fricke, 2000
- Callionymus africanus (Kotthaus, 1977)
- Callionymus altipinnis Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus amboina Suwardji, 1965
- Callionymus annulatus Weber, 1913
- Callionymus australis Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus belcheri Richardson, 1844
- Callionymus beniteguri Jordan and Snyder, 1900
- Callionymus bentuviai Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus bifilum Fricke, 2000
- Callionymus bleekeri Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus carebares Alcock, 1890
- Callionymus colini Fricke, 1993
- Callionymus comptus Randall, 1999
- Callionymus cooperi Regan, 1908
- Callionymus corallinus Gilbert, 1905
- Callionymus curvicornis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Callionymus decoratus (Gilbert, 1905)
- Callionymus delicatulus Smith, 1963
- Callionymus doryssus (Jordan and Fowler, 1903)
- Callionymus draconis Nakabo, 1977
- Callionymus enneactis Bleeker, 1879
- Callionymus erythraeus Ninni, 1934
- Callionymus fasciatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Callionymus filamentosus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Callionymus flavus Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus fluviatilis Day, 1876
- Callionymus formosanus Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus futuna Fricke, 1998
- Callionymus gardineri Regan, 1908
- Callionymus goodladi (Whitley, 1944)
- Callionymus grossi Ogilby, 1910
- Callionymus guentheri Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus hainanensis Li, 1966
- Callionymus hildae Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus hindsii Richardson, 1844
- Callionymus io Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus izuensis Fricke and Zaiser Brownell, 1993
- Callionymus japonicus Houttuyn, 1782
- Callionymus kailolae Fricke, 2000
- Callionymus keeleyi Fowler, 1941
- Callionymus kotthausi Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus leucobranchialis Fowler, 1941
- Callionymus limiceps Ogilby, 1908
- Callionymus luridus Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus lyra Linnaeus, 1758
- Callionymus macclesfieldensis Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus macdonaldi Ogilby, 1911
- Callionymus maculatus Rafinesque, 1810
- Callionymus margaretae Regan, 1905
- Callionymus marleyi Regan, 1919
- Callionymus marquesensis Fricke, 1989
- Callionymus martinae Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus mascarenus Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus megastomus Fricke, 1982
- Callionymus melanotopterus Bleeker, 1851
- Callionymus meridionalis Suwardji, 1965
- Callionymus moretonensis Johnson, 1971
- Callionymus mortenseni Suwardji, 1965
- Callionymus muscatensis Regan, 1905
- Callionymus neptunius (Seale, 1910)
- Callionymus obscurus Fricke, 1989
- Callionymus ochiaii Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus octostigmatus Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus ogilbyi Fricke, 2002
- Callionymus oxycephalus Fricke, 1980
- Callionymus persicus Regan, 1905
- Callionymus planus Ochiai in Ochiai, Araga and Nakajima, 1955
- Callionymus platycephalus Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus pleurostictus Fricke, 1982
- Callionymus pusillus Delaroche, 1809
- Callionymus regani Nakabo, 1979
- Callionymus reticulatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Callionymus risso Lesueur, 1814
- Callionymus rivatoni Fricke, 1993
- Callionymus russelli Johnson, 1976
- Callionymus sagitta Pallas, 1770
- Callionymus scaber McCulloch, 1926
- Callionymus scabriceps Fowler, 1941
- Callionymus schaapii Bleeker, 1852
- Callionymus semeiophor Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus sereti Fricke, 1998
- Callionymus simplicicornis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Callionymus sphinx Fricke and Heckele, 1984
- Callionymus spiniceps Regan, 1908
- Callionymus stigmatopareius Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus sublaevis McCulloch, 1926
- Callionymus superbus Fricke, 1983
- Callionymus tenuis Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus tethys Fricke, 1993
- Callionymus umbrithorax Fowler, 1941
- Callionymus valenciennei Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Callionymus variegatus Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Callionymus whiteheadi Fricke, 1981
- Callionymus zythros Fricke, 2000
- Callochromis macrops (Boulenger, 1898)
- Callochromis melanostigma (Boulenger, 1906)
- Callochromis pleurospilus (Boulenger, 1906)
- Callogobius amikami Goren, Miroz and Baranes, 1991
- Callogobius andamanensis Menon and Chatterjee, 1974
- Callogobius bauchotae Goren, 1979
- Callogobius bifasciatus (Smith, 1958)
- Callogobius centrolepis Weber, 1909
- Callogobius clitellus McKinney and Lachner, 1978
- Callogobius crassus McKinney and Lachner, 1984
- Callogobius depressus (Ramsay and Ogilby, 1886)
- Callogobius dori Goren, 1980
- Callogobius flavobrunneus (Smith, 1958)
- Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851)
- Callogobius hastatus McKinney and Lachner, 1978
- Callogobius liolepis Koumans, 1931
- Callogobius maculipinnis (Fowler, 1918)
- Callogobius mucosus (Günther, 1872)
- Callogobius nigromarginatus Chen and Shao, 2000
- Callogobius okinawae (Snyder, 1908)
- Callogobius plumatus (Smith, 1959)
- Callogobius producta (Herre, 1927)
- Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner, 1879)
- Callogobius seshaiyai Jacob and Rangarajan, 1960
- Callogobius snelliusi Koumans, 1953
- Callogobius stellatus McKinney and Lachner, 1978
- Callogobius tanegasimae (Snyder, 1908)
- Calloplesiops altivelis (Steindachner, 1903)
- Calloplesiops argus Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Calotomus carolinus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840)
- Calotomus japonicus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840)
- Calotomus spinidens (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
- Calotomus viridescens (Rüppell, 1835)
- Calotomus zonarchus (Jenkins, 1903)
- Calumia godeffroyi (Günther, 1877)
- Calumia profunda Larson and Hoese, 1980
- Campogramma glaycos (Lacepède, 1801)
- Cancelloxus burrelli Smith, 1961
- Cancelloxus elongatus Heemstra and Wright, 1986
- Cancelloxus longior Prochazka and Griffiths, 1991
- Caprichromis liemi (McKaye and MacKenzie, 1982)
- Caprichromis orthognathus (Trewavas, 1935)
- Caprodon krasyukovae Kharin in Kharin and Dudarev, 1983
- Caprodon longimanus (Günther, 1859)
- Caprodon schlegelii (Günther, 1859)
- Caprodon unicolor Katayama, 1975
- Caquetaia kraussii (Steindachner, 1878)
- Caquetaia myersi (Schultz, 1944)
- Caquetaia spectabilis (Steindachner, 1875)
- Caquetaia umbrifera (Meek and Hildebrand, 1913)
- Caragobius rubristriatus (Saville-Kent, 1889)
- Caragobius urolepus (Bleeker, 1852)
- Carangichthys dinema (Bleeker, 1851)
- Carangichthys humerosus (McCulloch, 1915)
- Carangichthys oblongus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Carangoides ire (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Carangoides praeustus (Anonymous [Bennett], 1830)
- Caranx bartholomaei Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Caranx bucculentus Alleyne and Macleay, 1877
- Caranx caballus Günther, 1868
- Caranx caninus Günther, 1867
- Caranx crysos (Mitchill, 1815)
- Caranx fischeri Smith-Vaniz and Carpenter, 2007
- Caranx heberi (Bennett, 1830)
- Caranx hippos (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Caranx ignobilis (Forsskål in Niebuhr, 1775)
- Caranx latus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1831
- Caranx lugubris Poey, 1860
- Caranx melampygus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Caranx papuensis Alleyne and Macleay, 1877
- Caranx rhonchus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817
- Caranx ruber (Bloch, 1793)
- Caranx senegallus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Caranx tille Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Caranx vinctus Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Cardiopharynx schoutedeni Poll, 1942
- Caristius groenlandicus Jensen, 1941
- Caristius japonicus Gill and Smith, 1905
- Caristius macropus (Bellotti, 1903)
- Caristius maderensis Maul, 1949
- Caspiosoma caspium (Kessler, 1877)
- Caulolatilus affinis Gill, 1865
- Caulolatilus bermudensis Dooley, 1981
- Caulolatilus chrysops (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Caulolatilus cyanops Poey, 1866
- Caulolatilus dooleyi Berry, 1978
- Caulolatilus guppyi Beebe and Tee-Van, 1937
- Caulolatilus hubbsi Dooley, 1978
- Caulolatilus intermedius Howell Rivero, 1936
- Caulolatilus microps Goode and Bean, 1878
- Caulolatilus princeps (Jenyns, 1840)
- Caulolatilus williamsi Dooley and Berry, 1977
- Cebidichthys violaceus (Girard, 1854)
- Centracanthus cirrus Rafinesque, 1810
- Centrarchops chapini Fowler, 1923
- Centrarchus macropterus (Lacepède, 1801)
- Centrodraco abstractum Fricke, 2002
- Centrodraco acanthopoma (Regan, 1904)
- Centrodraco gegonipus (Parin, 1982)
- Centrodraco insolitus (McKay, 1971)
- Centrodraco nakaboi Fricke, 1992
- Centrodraco oregonus (Briggs and Berry, 1959)
- Centrodraco ornatus (Fourmanoir and Rivaton, 1979)
- Centrodraco otohime Nakabo and Yamamoto, 1980
- Centrodraco pseudoxenicus (Kamohara, 1952)
- Centrodraco rubellus Fricke, Chave and Suzumoto in Fricke, 1992
- Centrodraco striatus (Parin, 1982)
- Centrogenys vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
- Centrolabrus caeruleus Azevedo, 1999
- Centrolabrus exoletus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Centrolabrus trutta (Lowe, 1834)
- Centrolophus niger (Gmelin, 1789)
- Centropomus armatus Gill, 1863
- Centropomus ensiferus Poey, 1860
- Centropomus medius Günther, 1864
- Centropomus mexicanus Bocourt, 1868
- Centropomus nigrescens Günther, 1864
- Centropomus parallelus Poey, 1860
- Centropomus pectinatus Poey, 1860
- Centropomus poeyi Chávez, 1961
- Centropomus robalito Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792)
- Centropomus unionensis Bocourt, 1868
- Centropomus viridis Lockington, 1877
- Centropristis fuscula (Poey, 1861)
- Centropristis ocyurus (Jordan and Evermann, 1887)
- Centropristis philadelphica (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Centropristis rufus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
- Centropristis striata (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Centropyge acanthops (Norman, 1922)
- Centropyge argi Woods and Kanazawa, 1951
- Centropyge aurantia Randall and Wass, 1974
- Centropyge aurantonotus Burgess, 1974
- Centropyge bicolor (Bloch, 1787)
- Centropyge bispinosa (Günther, 1860)
- Centropyge boylei Pyle and Randall in Pyle, 1992
- Centropyge colini Smith-Vaniz and Randall, 1974
- Centropyge debelius Pyle, 1990
- Centropyge eibli Klausewitz, 1963
- Centropyge ferrugata Randall and Burgess in Burgess and Axelrod, 1972
- Centropyge fisheri (Snyder, 1904)
- Centropyge flavicauda Fraser-Brunner, 1933
- Centropyge flavipectoralis Randall and Klausewitz, 1977
- Centropyge flavissima (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Centropyge heraldi Woods and Schultz in Schultz, Herald, Lachner, Welander and Woods, 1953
- Centropyge hotumatua Randall and Caldwell, 1973
- Centropyge interruptus (Tanaka, 1918)
- Centropyge joculator Smith-Vaniz and Randall, 1974
- Centropyge loricula (Günther, 1874)
- Centropyge multicolor Randall and Wass, 1974
- Centropyge multifasciata (Smith and Radcliffe, 1911)
- Centropyge multispinis (Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Centropyge nahackyi Kosaki, 1989
- Centropyge narcosis Pyle and Randall, 1993
- Centropyge nigriocella Woods and Schultz in Schultz, Herald, Lachner, Welander and Woods, 1953
- Centropyge nox (Bleeker, 1853)
- Centropyge potteri (Jordan and Metz, 1912)
- Centropyge resplendens Lubbock and Sankey, 1975
- Centropyge shepardi Randall and Yasuda, 1979
- Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Centropyge venustus (Yasuda and Tominaga, 1969)
- Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
- Cephalopholis aitha Randall and Heemstra, 1991
- Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Cephalopholis aurantia (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
- Cephalopholis cruentata (Lacepède, 1802)
- Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
- Cephalopholis fulva (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
- Cephalopholis igarashiensis Katayama, 1957
- Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
- Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
- Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
- Cephalopholis nigri (Günther, 1859)
- Cephalopholis oligosticta Randall and Ben-Tuvia, 1983
- Cephalopholis pachycentron (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Cephalopholis panamensis (Steindachner, 1877)
- Cephalopholis polleni (Bleeker, 1868)
- Cephalopholis polyspila Randall and Satapoomin, 2000
- Cephalopholis sexmaculata (Rüppell, 1830)
- Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Cephalopholis spiloparaea (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Cephalopholis taeniops (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Cephalopholis urodeta (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Cepola australis Ogilby, 1899
- Cepola haastii (Hector, 1881)
- Cepola macrophthalma (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Cepola pauciradiata Cadenat, 1950
- Cepola schlegelii Bleeker, 1854
- Ceratobregma acanthops (Whitley, 1964)
- Ceratobregma helenae Holleman, 1987
- Cercamia cladara Randall and Smith, 1988
- Cercamia eremia (Allen, 1987)
- Cerdale fasciata Dawson, 1974
- Cerdale floridana Longley, 1934
- Cerdale ionthas Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Cerdale paludicola Dawson, 1974
- Cerdale prolata Dawson, 1974
- Cetoscarus bicolor (Rüppell, 1829)
- Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg, 1906)
- Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan, 1914
- Chaenogobius annularis Gill, 1859
- Chaenogobius gulosus (Sauvage, 1882)
- Chaenogobius isaza Tanaka, 1916
- Chaenogobius scrobiculatus Takagi, 1957
- Chaenopsis alepidota (Gilbert, 1890)
- Chaenopsis coheni Böhlke, 1957
- Chaenopsis deltarrhis Böhlke, 1957
- Chaenopsis limbaughi Robins and Randall, 1965
- Chaenopsis megalops Smith-Vaniz, 2000
- Chaenopsis ocellata Poey in Gill, 1865
- Chaenopsis resh Robins and Randall, 1965
- Chaenopsis roseola Hastings and Shipp, 1981
- Chaenopsis schmitti Böhlke, 1957
- Chaenopsis stephensi Robins and Randall, 1965
- Chaetobranchopsis australis Eigenmann and Ward in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Chaetobranchopsis orbicularis (Steindachner, 1875)
- Chaetobranchus flavescens Heckel, 1840
- Chaetobranchus semifasciatus Steindachner, 1875
- Chaetodipterus faber (Broussonet, 1782)
- Chaetodipterus lippei Steindachner, 1895
- Chaetodipterus zonatus (Girard, 1858)
- Chaetodon adiergastos Seale, 1910
- Chaetodon andamanensis Kuiter and Debelius, 1999
- Chaetodon argentatus Smith and Radcliffe, 1911
- Chaetodon assarius Waite, 1905
- Chaetodon aureofasciatus Macleay, 1878
- Chaetodon auriga Forsskål, 1775
- Chaetodon auripes Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Chaetodon austriacus Rüppell, 1836
- Chaetodon baronessa Cuvier, 1829
- Chaetodon bellicosus Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Chaetodon bennetti Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon blackburnii Desjardins, 1836
- Chaetodon burgessi Allen and Starck, 1973
- Chaetodon capistratus Linnaeus, 1758
- Chaetodon citrinellus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon collare Bloch, 1787
- Chaetodon daedalma Jordan and Fowler, 1902
- Chaetodon declivis Randall, 1975
- Chaetodon decussatus Cuvier, 1829
- Chaetodon dialeucos Salm and Mee, 1989
- Chaetodon dolosus Ahl, 1923
- Chaetodon ephippium Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon falcula Bloch, 1795
- Chaetodon fasciatus Forsskål, 1775
- Chaetodon festivus Desjardins, 1834
- Chaetodon flavirostris Günther, 1874
- Chaetodon flavocoronatus Myers, 1980
- Chaetodon fremblii Bennett, 1828
- Chaetodon gardineri Norman, 1939
- Chaetodon guentheri Ahl, 1923
- Chaetodon guttatissimus Bennett, 1833
- Chaetodon hoefleri Steindachner, 1881
- Chaetodon humeralis Günther, 1860
- Chaetodon interruptus Ahl, 1923
- Chaetodon kleinii Bloch, 1790
- Chaetodon larvatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon leucopleura Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867
- Chaetodon lineolatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon litus Randall and Caldwell, 1973
- Chaetodon luctuosus Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Chaetodon lunula (Lacepède, 1802)
- Chaetodon lunulatus Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Chaetodon madagaskariensis Ahl, 1923
- Chaetodon marginatus Lichtenstein, 1823
- Chaetodon marleyi Regan, 1921
- Chaetodon melannotus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Chaetodon melapterus Guichenot, 1863
- Chaetodon mertensii Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon mesoleucos Forsskål, 1775
- Chaetodon meyeri Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Chaetodon miliaris Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Chaetodon mitratus Günther, 1860
- Chaetodon multicinctus Garrett, 1863
- Chaetodon nigropunctatus Sauvage, 1880
- Chaetodon nippon Steindachner, 1883
- Chaetodon ocellatus Bloch, 1787
- Chaetodon ocellicaudus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon octofasciatus Bloch, 1787
- Chaetodon oligacanthus Bleeker, 1850
- Chaetodon ornatissimus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon ornatus Gray, 1831
- Chaetodon oxycephalus Bleeker, 1853
- Chaetodon paucifasciatus Ahl, 1923
- Chaetodon pelewensis Kner, 1868
- Chaetodon pictus Forsskål, 1775
- Chaetodon plebeius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon quadrimaculatus Gray, 1831
- Chaetodon rafflesii Anonymous [Bennett], 1830
- Chaetodon rainfordi McCulloch, 1923
- Chaetodon reticulatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon robustus Günther, 1860
- Chaetodon sanctaehelenae Günther, 1868
- Chaetodon sedentarius Poey, 1860
- Chaetodon selene Bleeker, 1853
- Chaetodon semeion Bleeker, 1855
- Chaetodon semilarvatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon smithi Randall, 1975
- Chaetodon speculum Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon striatus Linnaeus, 1758
- Chaetodon tinkeri Schultz, 1951
- Chaetodon triangulum Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon trichrous Günther, 1874
- Chaetodon tricinctus Waite, 1901
- Chaetodon trifascialis Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Chaetodon trifasciatus Park, 1797
- Chaetodon ulietensis Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Chaetodon unimaculatus Bloch, 1787
- Chaetodon vagabundus Linnaeus, 1758
- Chaetodon vitulus Whitley, 1957
- Chaetodon wiebeli Kaup, 1863
- Chaetodon xanthocephalus Bennett, 1833
- Chaetodon xanthurus Bleeker, 1857
- Chaetodon zanzibarensis Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867
- Chaetodontoplus ballinae Whitley, 1959
- Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus Yasuda and Tominaga, 1976
- Chaetodontoplus chrysocephalus (Bleeker, 1854)
- Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus (Waite, 1900)
- Chaetodontoplus dimidiatus (Bleeker, 1860)
- Chaetodontoplus duboulayi (Günther, 1867)
- Chaetodontoplus melanosoma (Bleeker, 1853)
- Chaetodontoplus meredithi Kuiter, 1990
- Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus (Bloch, 1787)
- Chaetodontoplus niger Chan, 1966
- Chaetodontoplus personifer (McCulloch, 1914)
- Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1844)
- Chaetodontoplus vanderloosi Allen and Steene, 2004
- Chaeturichthys stigmatias Richardson, 1844
- Chalaroderma capito (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Chalaroderma ocellata (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908)
- Chalinochromis brichardi Poll, 1974
- Chalinochromis popelini Brichard, 1989
- Chalixodytes chameleontoculis Smith, 1957
- Chalixodytes tauensis Schultz, 1943
- Champsocephalus esox (Günther, 1861)
- Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905
- Champsochromis caeruleus (Boulenger, 1908)
- Champsochromis spilorhynchus (Regan, 1922)
- Champsodon atridorsalis Ochiai and Nakamura in Matsubara, Ochiai, Amaoka and Nakamura, 1964
- Champsodon capensis Regan, 1908
- Champsodon fimbriatus Gilbert, 1905
- Champsodon guentheri Regan, 1908
- Champsodon longipinnis Matsubara and Amaoka in Matsubara, Ochiai, Amaoka and Nakamura, 1964
- Champsodon machaeratus Nemeth, 1994
- Champsodon nudivittis (Ogilby, 1895)
- Champsodon omanensis Regan, 1908
- Champsodon pantolepis Nemeth, 1994
- Champsodon sagittus Nemeth, 1994
- Champsodon sechellensis Regan, 1908
- Champsodon snyderi Franz, 1910
- Champsodon vorax Günther, 1867
- Chanda nama Hamilton, 1822
- Channa amphibeus (McClelland, 1845)
- Channa andrao Britz, 2013
- Channa ara (Deraniyagala, 1945)
- Channa argus (Cantor, 1842)
- Channa aristonei Praveenraj, Thackeray, Singh, Uma, Moulitharan and Mukhim, 2020
- Channa asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Channa aurantimaculata Musikasinthorn, 2000
- Channa aurantipectoralis Lalhlimpuia, Lalronunga and Lalramliana, 2016
- Channa auroflammea Adamson, Britz and Lieng, 2019
- Channa aurolineata (Day, 1870)
- Channa bankanensis (Bleeker, 1853)
- Channa baramensis (Steindachner, 1901)
- Channa barca (Hamilton, 1822)
- Channa bipuli Praveenraj, Uma, Moulitharan and Bleher, 2018
- Channa bleheri Vierke, 1991
- Channa brahmacharyi Chakraborty, Yardi and Mukherjee, 2020
- Channa brunnea Praveenraj, Uma, Moulitharan and Kannan, 2019
- Channa burmanica Chaudhuri, 1919
- Channa cocnhayia Nguyen, Bui and Nguyen, 2015
- Channa cyanospilos (Bleeker, 1853)
- Channa diplogramma (Day, 1865)
- Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822)
- Channa harcourtbutleri (Annandale, 1918)
- Channa hoaluensis Nguyen, 2011
- Channa kelaartii (Günther, 1861)
- Channa limbata (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Channa lipor Praveenraj, Uma, Moulitharan and Singh, 2019
- Channa lucius (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Channa maculata (Lacepède, 1801)
- Channa marulioides (Bleeker, 1851)
- Channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822)
- Channa melanoptera (Bleeker, 1855)
- Channa melanostigma Geetakumari and Vishwanath, 2011
- Channa melasoma (Bleeker, 1851)
- Channa micropeltes (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Channa ninhbinhensis Nguyen, 2011
- Channa nox Zhang, Musikasinthorn and Watanabe, 2002
- Channa orientalis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Channa ornatipinnis Britz, 2008
- Channa panaw Musikasinthorn, 1998
- Channa pardalis Knight, 2016
- Channa pleurophthalma (Bleeker, 1851)
- Channa pomanensis Gurumayum and Tamang, 2016
- Channa pseudomarulius (Günther, 1861)
- Channa pulchra Britz, 2008
- Channa punctata (Bloch, 1793)
- Channa quinquefasciata Praveenraj, Uma, Knight, Moulitharan, Balasubramanian, Bineesh and Bleher, 2018
- Channa rara Britz, Dahanukar, Anoop and Ali, 2019
- Channa shingon Endruweit, 2017
- Channa stewartii (Playfair, 1867)
- Channa stiktos Lalramliana, Knight, Lalhlimpuia and Singh, 2018
- Channa striata (Bloch, 1793)
- Channa torsaensis Dey, Nur, Chowdhury, Sarkar, Kosygin and Barat, 2019
- Channichthys aelitae Shandikov, 1995
- Channichthys bospori Shandikov, 1995
- Channichthys irinae Shandikov, 1995
- Channichthys normani Balushkin, 1996
- Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov, 1995
- Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson, 1844
- Channichthys rugosus Regan, 1913
- Channichthys velifer Meisner, 1974
- Chasmodes bosquianus (Lacepède, 1800)
- Chasmodes longimaxilla Williams, 1983
- Chasmodes saburrae Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Cheilinus abudjubbe Rüppell, 1835
- Cheilinus chlorourus (Bloch, 1791)
- Cheilinus fasciatus (Bloch, 1791)
- Cheilinus lunulatus (Forsskål, 1775)
- Cheilinus oxycephalus Bleeker, 1853
- Cheilinus trilobatus Lacépède, 1801
- Cheilinus undulatus Rüppell, 1835
- Cheilio inermis (Forsskål, 1775)
- Cheilochromis euchilus (Trewavas, 1935)
- Cheilodactylus ephippium McCulloch and Waite, 1916
- Cheilodactylus fasciatus Lacepède, 1803
- Cheilodactylus fuscus Castelnau, 1879
- Cheilodactylus nigripes Richardson, 1850
- Cheilodactylus pixi Smith, 1980
- Cheilodactylus rubrolabiatus Allen and Heemstra, 1976
- Cheilodactylus spectabilis Hutton, 1872
- Cheilodactylus variegatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Cheilodactylus vestitus (Castelnau, 1879)
- Cheilodipterus alleni Gon, 1993
- Cheilodipterus arabicus (Gmelin, 1789)
- Cheilodipterus artus Smith, 1961
- Cheilodipterus intermedius Gon, 1993
- Cheilodipterus isostigmus (Schultz, 1940)
- Cheilodipterus lachneri Klausewitz, 1959
- Cheilodipterus macrodon (Lacepède, 1802)
- Cheilodipterus nigrotaeniatus Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Cheilodipterus novemstriatus (Rüppell, 1838)
- Cheilodipterus parazonatus Gon, 1993
- Cheilodipterus persicus Gon, 1993
- Cheilodipterus pygmaios Gon, 1993
- Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Cheilodipterus singapurensis Bleeker, 1859-60
- Cheilodipterus zonatus Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Cheiloprion labiatus (Day, 1877)
- Cheilotrema fasciatum Tschudi, 1846
- Cheilotrema saturnum (Girard, 1858)
- Cheimarrichthys fosteri Haast, 1874
- Cheimerius matsubarai Akazaki, 1962
- Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chelidoperca hirundinacea (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Chelidoperca investigatoris (Alcock, 1890)
- Chelidoperca lecromi Fourmanoir, 1982
- Chelidoperca margaritifera Weber, 1913
- Chelidoperca occipitalis Kotthaus, 1973
- Chelidoperca pleurospilus (Günther, 1880)
- Chelmon marginalis Richardson, 1842
- Chelmon muelleri Klunzinger, 1879
- Chelmon rostratus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chelmonops curiosus Kuiter, 1986
- Chelmonops truncatus (Kner, 1859)
- Chetia brevis Jubb, 1968
- Chetia flaviventris Trewavas, 1961
- Chetia gracilis (Greenwood, 1984)
- Chetia mola Balon and Stewart, 1983
- Chetia welwitschi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Chiasmodon bolangeri Osório, 1909
- Chiasmodon braueri Weber, 1913
- Chiasmodon niger Johnson, 1864
- Chiasmodon subniger Garman, 1899
- Chilochromis duponti Boulenger, 1902
- Chilotilapia rhoadesii Boulenger, 1908
- Chionobathyscus dewitti Andriashev and Neyelov, 1978
- Chionodraco hamatus (Lönnberg, 1905)
- Chionodraco kathleenae Regan, 1914
- Chionodraco myersi DeWitt and Tyler, 1960
- Chionodraco rastrospinosus DeWitt and Hureau, 1979
- Chirodactylus brachydactylus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chirodactylus grandis Günther, 1860
- Chirodactylus jessicalenorum Smith, 1980
- Chirolophis ascanii (Walbaum, 1792)
- Chirolophis decoratus (Jordan and Snyder, 1902)
- Chirolophis japonicus Herzenstein, 1890
- Chirolophis nugator (Jordan and Williams in Jordan and Starks, 1895)
- Chirolophis saitone (Jordan and Snyder, 1902)
- Chirolophis snyderi (Taranetz, 1938)
- Chirolophis tarsodes (Jordan and Snyder, 1902)
- Chirolophis wui (Wang and Wang, 1935)
- Chironemus bicornis (Steindachner, 1898)
- Chironemus delfini (Porter, 1914)
- Chironemus georgianus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Chironemus marmoratus Günther, 1860
- Chironemus microlepis Waite, 1916
- Chlamydogobius eremius (Zietz, 1896)
- Chlamydogobius gloveri Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius japalpa Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius micropterus Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius ranunculus Larson, 1995
- Chlamydogobius squamigenus Larson, 1995
- Chlidichthys abruptus Lubbock, 1977
- Chlidichthys auratus Lubbock, 1975
- Chlidichthys bibulus (Smith, 1954)
- Chlidichthys cacatuoides Gill and Randall, 1994
- Chlidichthys inornatus Lubbock, 1976
- Chlidichthys johnvoelckeri Smith, 1953
- Chlidichthys pembae Smith, 1954
- Chlidichthys randalli Lubbock, 1977
- Chlidichthys rubiceps Lubbock, 1975
- Chlidichthys smithae Lubbock, 1977
- Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Chloroscombrus orqueta Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Chlorurus atrilunula (Randall and Bruce, 1983)
- Chlorurus bleekeri (de Beaufort in Weber and de Beaufort, 1940)
- Chlorurus bowersi (Snyder, 1909)
- Chlorurus capistratoides (Bleeker, 1847)
- Chlorurus cyanescens (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840)
- Chlorurus enneacanthus (Lacépède, 1802)
- Chlorurus frontalis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840)
- Chlorurus genazonatus (Randall and Bruce, 1983)
- Chlorurus gibbus (Rüppell, 1829)
- Chlorurus japanensis (Bloch, 1789)
- Chlorurus microrhinos (Bleeker, 1854)
- Chlorurus oedema (Snyder, 1909)
- Chlorurus perspicillatus (Steindachner, 1879)
- Chlorurus rhakoura Randall and Anderson, 1997
- Chlorurus sordidus (Forsskål, 1775)
- Chlorurus strongylocephalus (Bleeker, 1854)
- Chlorurus troschelii (Bleeker, 1853)
- Choerodon anchorago (Bloch, 1791)
- Choerodon azurio (Jordan and Snyder, 1901)
- Choerodon cauteroma Gomon and Allen, 1987
- Choerodon cephalotes (Castelnau, 1875)
- Choerodon cyanodus (Richardson, 1843)
- Choerodon fasciatus (Günther, 1867)
- Choerodon frenatus Ogilby, 1910
- Choerodon gomoni Allen and Randall, 2002
- Choerodon graphicus (De Vis, 1885)
- Choerodon gymnogenys (Günther in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Choerodon jordani (Snyder, 1908)
- Choerodon margaritiferus Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Choerodon melanostigma Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Choerodon monostigma Ogilby, 1910
- Choerodon oligacanthus (Bleeker, 1851)
- Choerodon paynei Whitley, 1945
- Choerodon robustus (Günther, 1862)
- Choerodon rubescens (Günther, 1862)
- Choerodon schoenleinii (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839)
- Choerodon sugillatum Gomon, 1987
- Choerodon venustus (De Vis, 1884)
- Choerodon vitta Ogilby, 1910
- Choerodon zamboangae (Seale and Bean, 1907)
- Choerodon zosterophorus (Bleeker, 1868)
- Chorisochismus dentex (Pallas, 1769)
- Chriolepis atrimelum Bussing, 1997
- Chriolepis benthonis Ginsburg, 1953
- Chriolepis cuneata Bussing, 1990
- Chriolepis dialepta Bussing, 1990
- Chriolepis imswe (Greenfield, 1981)
- Chriolepis lepidota Findley, 1975
- Chriolepis minutillus Gilbert, 1892
- Chriolepis tagus Ginsburg, 1953
- Chriolepis vespa Hastings and Bortone, 1981
- Chriolepis zebra Ginsburg, 1938
- Chrionema chlorotaenia McKay, 1971
- Chrionema chryseres Gilbert, 1905
- Chrionema furunoi Okamura and Yamachi in Okamura et al., 1982
- Chrionema pallidum Parin, 1990
- Chrionema squamentum (Ginsburg, 1955)
- Chrionema squamiceps Gilbert, 1905
- Chromidotilapia elongata Lamboj, 1999
- Chromidotilapia guntheri (Sauvage, 1882)
- Chromidotilapia kingsleyae Boulenger, 1898
- Chromidotilapia linkei Staeck, 1980
- Chromidotilapia mamonekenei Lamboj, 1999
- Chromidotilapia melaniae Lamboj, 2003
- Chromidotilapia mrac Lamboj, 2002
- Chromidotilapia nana Lamboj, 2003
- Chromidotilapia schoutedeni (Poll and Thys van den Audenaerde, 1967)
- Chromileptes altivelis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
- Chromis abrupta Randall, 2001
- Chromis abyssicola Allen and Randall, 1985
- Chromis acares Randall and Swerdloff, 1973
- Chromis agilis Smith, 1960
- Chromis albomaculata Kamohara, 1960
- Chromis alleni Randall, Ida and Moyer, 1981
- Chromis alpha Randall, 1988
- Chromis alta Greenfield and Woods, 1980
- Chromis amboinensis (Bleeker, 1873)
- Chromis analis (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chromis atrilobata Gill, 1862
- Chromis atripectoralis Welander and Schultz, 1951
- Chromis atripes Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Chromis axillaris (Bennett, 1831)
- Chromis bami Randall and McCosker, 1992
- Chromis cadenati Whitley, 1951
- Chromis caerulea (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chromis caudalis Randall, 1988
- Chromis chromis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chromis chrysura (Bliss, 1883)
- Chromis cinerascens (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chromis crusma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833)
- Chromis cyanea (Poey, 1860)
- Chromis dasygenys (Fowler, 1935)
- Chromis delta Randall, 1988
- Chromis dimidiata (Klunzinger, 1871)
- Chromis dispilus Griffin, 1923
- Chromis elerae Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Chromis enchrysura Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Chromis fatuhivae Randall, 2001
- Chromis flavapicis Randall, 2001
- Chromis flavaxilla Randall, 1994
- Chromis flavicauda (Günther, 1880)
- Chromis flavipectoralis Randall, 1988
- Chromis flavomaculata Kamohara, 1960
- Chromis fumea (Tanaka, 1917)
- Chromis hanui Randall and Swerdloff, 1973
- Chromis hypsilepis (Günther, 1867)
- Chromis insolata (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chromis intercrusma Evermann and Radcliff, 1917
- Chromis iomelas Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Chromis jubauna Moura, 1995
- Chromis klunzingeri Whitley, 1929
- Chromis lepidolepis Bleeker, 1877
- Chromis leucura Gilbert, 1905
- Chromis limbata (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chromis limbaughi Greenfield and Woods, 1980
- Chromis lineata Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Chromis lubbocki Edwards, 1986
- Chromis margaritifer Fowler, 1946
- Chromis meridiana Greenfield and Woods, 1980
- Chromis mirationis Tanaka, 1917
- Chromis multilineata (Guichenot, 1853)
- Chromis nigroanalis Randall, 1988
- Chromis nigrura Smith, 1960
- Chromis nitida (Whitley, 1928)
- Chromis notata (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843)
- Chromis okamurai Yamakawa and Randall, 1989
- Chromis opercularis (Günther in Playfair and Günther, 1867)
- Chromis ovalis (Steindachner, 1900)
- Chromis ovatiformis Fowler, 1946
- Chromis pamae Randall and McCosker, 1992
- Chromis pelloura Randall and Allen, 1982
- Chromis pembae Smith, 1960
- Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper, 1863)
- Chromis randalli Greenfield and Hensley, 1970
- Chromis retrofasciata Weber, 1913
- Chromis sanctaehelenae Edwards in Edwards and Glass, 1987
- Chromis scotochiloptera Fowler, 1918
- Chromis scotti Emery, 1968
- Chromis struhsakeri Randall and Swerdloff, 1973
- Chromis ternatensis (Bleeker, 1856)
- Chromis triacantha Bowdich, 1825
- Chromis trialpha Allen and Randall, 1980
- Chromis vanderbilti (Fowler, 1941)
- Chromis verater Jordan and Metz, 1912
- Chromis viridis (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chromis weberi Fowler and Bean, 1928
- Chromis westaustralis Allen, 1976
- Chromis woodsi Bruner and Arnam, 1979
- Chromis xanthochira (Bleeker, 1851)
- Chromis xanthopterygia Randall and McCarthy, 1988
- Chromis xanthura (Bleeker, 1854)
- Chromis xutha Randall, 1988
- Chromogobius britoi Van Tassell, 2001
- Chromogobius quadrivittatus (Steindachner, 1863)
- Chromogobius zebratus (Kolombatovic, 1891)
- Chrysiptera albata Allen and Bailey, 2002
- Chrysiptera annulata (Peters, 1855)
- Chrysiptera biocellata (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825)
- Chrysiptera bleekeri (Fowler and Bean, 1928)
- Chrysiptera brownriggii (Bennett, 1828)
- Chrysiptera caeruleolineata (Allen, 1973)
- Chrysiptera chengi (Lin, 1934)
- Chrysiptera cyanea (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825)
- Chrysiptera cymatilis Allen, 1999
- Chrysiptera flavipinnis (Allen and Robertson, 1974)
- Chrysiptera galba (Allen and Randall, 1974)
- Chrysiptera glauca (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chrysiptera hemicyanea (Weber, 1913)
- Chrysiptera kuiteri Allen and Rajasuriya, 1995
- Chrysiptera leucopoma (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chrysiptera niger (Allen, 1975)
- Chrysiptera notialis (Allen, 1975)
- Chrysiptera oxycephala (Bleeker, 1877)
- Chrysiptera parasema (Fowler, 1918)
- Chrysiptera personata Fowler, 1946
- Chrysiptera pricei Allen and Adrim, 1992
- Chrysiptera rapanui (Greenfield and Hensley, 1970)
- Chrysiptera rex (Snyder, 1909)
- Chrysiptera rollandi (Whitley, 1961)
- Chrysiptera sheila Randall, 1994
- Chrysiptera sinclairi Allen, 1987
- Chrysiptera springeri (Allen and Lubbock, 1976)
- Chrysiptera starcki (Allen, 1973)
- Chrysiptera talboti (Allen, 1975)
- Chrysiptera taupou (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
- Chrysiptera traceyi (Woods and Schultz in Schultz, Chapman, Lachner and Wood, 1960)
- Chrysiptera tricincta (Allen and Randall, 1974)
- Chrysiptera unimaculata (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chrysoblephus anglicus (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908)
- Chrysoblephus cristiceps (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chrysoblephus gibbiceps (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chrysoblephus laticeps (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
- Chrysoblephus lophus (Fowler, 1925)
- Chrysoblephus puniceus (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908)
- Chrysochir aureus (Richardson, 1846)
- Chrysophrys auratus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Cichla intermedia Machado-Allison, 1971
- Cichla monoculus (Spix and Agassiz, 1831)
- Cichla ocellaris Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Cichla orinocensis Humboldt in Humboldt and Valenciennes, 1821
- Cichla temensis Humboldt in Humboldt and Valenciennes, 1821
- Cichlasoma aguadae Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma alborum Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma amarum Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma amazonarum Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma araguaiense Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma atromaculatus Regan, 1912
- Cichlasoma autochthon (Günther, 1862)
- Cichlasoma beani (Jordan, 1889)
- Cichlasoma bimaculatum (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Cichlasoma bocourti (Vaillant and Pellegrin, 1902)
- Cichlasoma boliviense Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma cienagae Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma conchitae Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma dimerus (Heckel, 1840)
- Cichlasoma ericymba Hubbs, 1938
- Cichlasoma facetum (Jenyns, 1842)
- Cichlasoma festae (Boulenger, 1899)
- Cichlasoma geddesi (Regan, 1905)
- Cichlasoma gephyra Eigenmann, 1922
- Cichlasoma grammodes Taylor and Miller, 1980
- Cichlasoma istlanum (Jordan and Snyder, 1899)
- Cichlasoma mayorum Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma mento (Vaillant and Pellegrin, 1902)
- Cichlasoma microlepis Dahl, 1960
- Cichlasoma octofasciata (Regan, 1903)
- Cichlasoma orientale Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma orinocense Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma ornata (Regan, 1905)
- Cichlasoma paranaense Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma portalegrensis (Hensel, 1870)
- Cichlasoma pusillum Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma ramsdeni Fowler, 1938
- Cichlasoma salvini (Günther, 1862)
- Cichlasoma sanctifranciscense Kullander, 1983
- Cichlasoma scitulum Rican and Kullander, 2003
- Cichlasoma stenozonum Hubbs, 1936
- Cichlasoma taenia (Bennett, 1831)
- Cichlasoma tembe Casciotta, Gómez and Toresanni, 1995
- Cichlasoma trimaculatum (Günther, 1867)
- Cichlasoma troschelii (Steindachner, 1867)
- Cichlasoma ufermanni (Allgayer, 2002)
- Cichlasoma urophthalma (Günther, 1862)
- Cichlasoma zebra Hubbs, 1936
- Cilus gilberti (Abbott, 1899)
- Cirrhibarbis capensis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Cirrhilabrus adornatus Randall and Kunzmann, 1998
- Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis Allen and Kuiter, 1999
- Cirrhilabrus balteatus Springer and Randall, 1974
- Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Randall and Nagareda, 2002
- Cirrhilabrus blatteus Springer and Randall, 1974
- Cirrhilabrus claire Randall and Pyle, 2001
- Cirrhilabrus condei Allen and Randall, 1996
- Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura (Bleeker, 1851)
- Cirrhilabrus earlei Randall and Pyle, 2001
- Cirrhilabrus exquisitus Smith, 1957
- Cirrhilabrus filamentosus (Klausewitz, 1976)
- Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis Randall and Carpenter, 1980
- Cirrhilabrus joanallenae Allen, 2000
- Cirrhilabrus johnsoni Randall, 1988
- Cirrhilabrus jordani Snyder, 1904
- Cirrhilabrus katherinae Randall, 1992
- Cirrhilabrus katoi Senou and Hirata, 2000
- Cirrhilabrus laboutei Randall and Lubbock, 1982
- Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus Randall and Masuda, 1991
- Cirrhilabrus lineatus Randall and Lubbock, 1982
- Cirrhilabrus lubbocki Randall and Carpenter, 1980
- Cirrhilabrus lunatus Randall and Masuda, 1991
- Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus Randall, 1988
- Cirrhilabrus marjorie Allen, Randall and Carlson, 2003
- Cirrhilabrus melanomarginatus Randall and Shen, 1978
- Cirrhilabrus morrisoni Allen, 1999
- Cirrhilabrus punctatus Randall and Kuiter, 1989
- Cirrhilabrus pylei Allen and Randall, 1996
- Cirrhilabrus randalli Allen, 1995
- Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Randall, 1988
- Cirrhilabrus roseafascia Randall and Lubbock, 1982
- Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus Randall, 1992
- Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis Randall and Carpenter, 1980
- Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis Randall and Emery, 1983
- Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis Springer and Randall, 1974
- Cirrhilabrus sanguineus Cornic, 1987
- Cirrhilabrus scottorum Randall and Pyle, 1989
- Cirrhilabrus solorensis Bleeker, 1853
- Cirrhilabrus temminckii Bleeker, 1853
- Cirrhilabrus tonozukai Allen and Kuiter, 1999
- Cirrhilabrus walindi Allen and Randall, 1996
- Cirrhilabrus walshi Randall and Pyle, 2001
- Cirrhitichthys aprinus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
- Cirrhitichthys aureus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1842)
- Cirrhitichthys bleekeri Day, 1874
- Cirrhitichthys calliurus Regan, 1905
- Cirrhitichthys falco Randall, 1963
- Cirrhitichthys guichenoti (Sauvage, 1880)
- Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus (Bleeker, 1855)
- Cirrhitichthys randalli Kotthaus, 1976
- Cirrhitops fasciatus (Bennett, 1828)
- Cirrhitops hubbardi (Schultz, 1943)
- Cirrhitus albopunctatus Schultz, 1950
- Cirrhitus atlanticus Osório, 1893
- Cirrhitus pinnulatus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Cirrhitus rivulatus Valenciennes, 1846
- Cirriemblemaria lucasana (Stephens, 1963)
- Cirripectes alboapicalis (Ogilby, 1899)
- Cirripectes alleni Williams, 1993
- Cirripectes auritus Carlson, 1981
- Cirripectes castaneus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Cirripectes chelomatus Williams and Maugé, 1984
- Cirripectes filamentosus (Alleyne and Macleay, 1877)
- Cirripectes fuscoguttatus Strasburg and Schultz, 1953
- Cirripectes gilberti Williams, 1988
- Cirripectes hutchinsi Williams, 1988
- Cirripectes imitator Williams, 1985
- Cirripectes jenningsi Schultz, 1943
- Cirripectes kuwamurai Fukao, 1984
- Cirripectes obscurus (Borodin, 1927)
- Cirripectes perustus Smith, 1959
- Cirripectes polyzona (Bleeker, 1868)
- Cirripectes quagga (Fowler and Ball, 1924)
- Cirripectes randalli Williams, 1988
- Cirripectes springeri Williams, 1988
- Cirripectes stigmaticus Strasburg and Schultz, 1953
- Cirripectes vanderbilti (Fowler, 1938)
- Cirripectes variolosus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836)
- Cirripectes viriosus Williams, 1988
- Cirrisalarias bunares Springer, 1976
- Clariger chionomaculatus Shiogaki, 1988
- Clariger cosmurus Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Clariger exilis Snyder, 1911
- Clariger papillosus Ebina, 1935
- Clariger sirahamaensis Sakamoto, 1932
- Clarkichthys bilineatus (Clark, 1936)
- Cleithracara maronii (Steindachner, 1881)
- Clepticus africanus Heiser, Moura and Robertson, 2000
- Clepticus brasiliensis Heiser, Moura and Robertson, 2000
- Clepticus parrae (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Clevelandia ios (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
- Climacoporus navalis Barnard, 1935
- Clinitrachus argentatus (Risso, 1810)
- Clinoporus biporosus (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908)
- Clinus acuminatus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Clinus agilis Smith, 1931
- Clinus berrisfordi Penrith, 1967
- Clinus brevicristatus Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908
- Clinus cottoides Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Clinus helenae (Smith, 1946)
- Clinus heterodon Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Clinus latipennis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Clinus nematopterus Günther, 1861
- Clinus robustus Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908
- Clinus rotundifrons Barnard, 1937
- Clinus spatulatus Bennett, 1983
- Clinus superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Clinus taurus Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908
- Clinus venustris Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908
- Clinus woodi (Smith, 1946)
- Cochleoceps bassensis Hutchins, 1983
- Cochleoceps bicolor Hutchins, 1991
- Cochleoceps orientalis Hutchins, 1991
- Cochleoceps spatula (Günther, 1861)
- Cochleoceps viridis Hutchins, 1991
- Colisa chuna (Hamilton, 1822)
- Colisa fasciata (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Colisa labiosa (Day, 1877)
- Colisa lalia (Hamilton, 1822)
- Collichthys lucidus (Richardson, 1844)
- Collichthys niveatus Jordan and Starks, 1906
- Collybus drachme Snyder, 1904
- Cologrammus flavescens (Hutton, 1872)
- Congrogadus amplimaculatus (Winterbottom, 1980)
- Congrogadus hierichthys Jordan and Richardson, 1908
- Congrogadus malayanus (Weber, 1909)
- Congrogadus spinifer (Borodin, 1933)
- Congrogadus subducens (Richardson, 1843)
- Congrogadus winterbottomi Gill, Mooi and Hutchins, 2000
- Conidens laticephalus (Tanaka, 1909)
- Conidens samoensis (Steindachner, 1906)
- Conniella apterygia Allen, 1983
- Conodon macrops Hildebrand, 1946
- Conodon nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Conodon serrifer Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
- Copadichromis atripinnis Stauffer and Sato, 2002
- Copadichromis azureus Konings, 1990
- Copadichromis boadzulu (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis borleyi (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis chrysonotus (Boulenger, 1908)
- Copadichromis conophoros Stauffer, LoVullo and McKaye, 1993
- Copadichromis cyaneus (Trewavas, 1935)
- Copadichromis cyclicos Stauffer, LoVullo and McKaye, 1993
- Copadichromis eucinostomus (Regan, 1922)
- Copadichromis flavimanus (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis geertsi Konings, 1999
- Copadichromis ilesi Konings, 1999
- Copadichromis inornatus (Boulenger, 1908)
- Copadichromis jacksoni (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis likomae (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis mbenjii Konings, 1990
- Copadichromis mloto (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis nkatae (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis pleurostigma (Trewavas, 1935)
- Copadichromis pleurostigmoides (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis prostoma (Trewavas, 1935)
- Copadichromis quadrimaculatus (Regan, 1922)
- Copadichromis thinos Stauffer, LoVullo and McKaye, 1993
- Copadichromis trewavasae Konings, 1999
- Copadichromis trimaculatus (Iles, 1960)
- Copadichromis verduyni Konings, 1990
- Copadichromis virginalis (Iles, 1960)
- Coradion altivelis McCulloch, 1916
- Coradion chrysozonus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Coradion melanopus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
- Coralliozetus angelicus (Böhlke and Mead, 1957)
- Coralliozetus boehlkei Stephens, 1963
- Coralliozetus cardonae Evermann and Marsh, 1899
- Coralliozetus micropes (Beebe and Tee-van, 1938)
- Coralliozetus rosenblatti Stephens, 1963
- Coralliozetus springeri Stephens and Johnson in Stephens, Hobson and Johnson, 1966
- Coranthus polyacanthus (Vaillant, 1877)
- Corcyrogobius liechtensteini (Kolombatovic, 1891)
- Corcyrogobius lubbocki Miller, 1988
- Corematodus shiranus Boulenger, 1897
- Corematodus taeniatus Trewavas, 1935
- Coreoperca herzi Herzenstein, 1896
- Coreoperca kawamebari (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843)
- Coreoperca loona (Wu, 1939)
- Coreoperca whiteheadi Boulenger, 1900
- Coris atlantica Günther, 1862
- Coris auricularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839)
- Coris aurilineata Randall and Kuiter, 1982
- Coris aygula Lacépède, 1801
- Coris ballieui Vaillant and Sauvage, 1875
- Coris batuensis (Bleeker, 1856-57)
- Coris bulbifrons Randall and Kuiter, 1982
- Coris caudimacula (Quoy and Gaimard, 1834)
- Coris centralis Randall, 1999
- Coris cuvieri (Bennett, 1831)
- Coris debueni Randall, 1999
- Coris dorsomacula Fowler, 1908
- Coris flavovittata (Bennett, 1828)
- Coris formosa (Bennett, 1830)
- Coris gaimard (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
- Coris hewetti Randall, 1999
- Coris julis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Coris marquesensis Randall, 1999
- Coris musume (Jordan and Snyder, 1904)
- Coris nigrotaenia Mee and Hare, 1995
- Coris picta (Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
- Coris pictoides Randall and Kuiter, 1982
- Coris roseoviridis Randall, 1999
- Coris sandeyeri (Hector, 1884)
- Coris schroederii (Bleeker, 1858)
- Coris variegata (Rüppell, 1835)
- Coris venusta Vaillant and Sauvage, 1875
- Corvula batabana (Poey, 1860)
- Corvula macrops (Steindachner, 1876)
- Corvula sanctaeluciae Jordan, 1890
- Coryogalops adamsoni (Goren, 1985)
- Coryogalops anomolus Smith, 1958
- Coryogalops bretti Goren, 1991
- Coryogalops bulejiensis (Hoda, 1983)
- Coryogalops monospilus Randall, 1994
- Coryogalops ochetica (Norman, 1927)
- Coryogalops sordida (Smith, 1959)
- Coryogalops tessellatus Randall, 1994
- Coryogalops william (Smith, 1948)
- Coryphaena equiselis Linnaeus, 1758
- Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus, 1758
- Coryphoblennius galerita (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Coryphopterus alloides Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus dicrus Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus eidolon Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus glaucofraenum Gill, 1863
- Coryphopterus hyalinus Böhlke and Robins, 1962
- Coryphopterus lipernes Böhlke and Robins, 1962
- Coryphopterus personatus (Jordan and Thompson, 1905)
- Coryphopterus punctipectophorus Springer, 1960
- Coryphopterus thrix Böhlke and Robins, 1960
- Coryphopterus urospilus Ginsburg, 1938
- Coryphopterus venezuelae Cervigón, 1966
- Cottoclinus canops McCosker, Stephens and Rosenblatt, 2003
- Cottoperca gobio (Günther, 1861)
- Cotylopus acutipinnis Guichenot, 1863
- Crapatalus angusticeps (Hutton, 1874)
- Crapatalus munroi Last and Edgar, 1987
- Crapatalus novaezelandiae Günther, 1861
- Craterognathus plagiotaenia (Bleeker, 1857)
- Cratinus agassizii Steindachner, 1878
- Creedia alleni Nelson, 1983
- Creedia bilineatus Shimada and Yoshino, 1987
- Creedia haswelli (Ramsay, 1881)
- Creedia partimsquamigera Nelson, 1983
- Cremnochorites capensis (Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908)
- Crenicara latruncularium Kullander and Staeck, 1990
- Crenicara punctulatum (Günther, 1863)
- Crenicichla acutirostris Günther, 1862
- Crenicichla adspersa Heckel, 1840
- Crenicichla albopunctata Pellegrin, 1904
- Crenicichla alta Eigenmann, 1912
- Crenicichla anthurus Cope, 1872
- Crenicichla brasiliensis (Bloch, 1792)
- Crenicichla britskii Kullander, 1982
- Crenicichla cametana Steindachner, 1911
- Crenicichla celidochilus Casciotta, 1987
- Crenicichla cincta Regan, 1905
- Crenicichla compressiceps Ploeg, 1986
- Crenicichla coppenamensis Ploeg, 1987
- Crenicichla cyanonotus Cope, 1870
- Crenicichla cyclostoma Ploeg, 1986
- Crenicichla edithae Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla frenata Gill, 1858
- Crenicichla gaucho Lucena and Kullander, 1992
- Crenicichla geayi Pellegrin, 1903
- Crenicichla haroldoi Luengo and Britski, 1974
- Crenicichla heckeli Ploeg, 1989
- Crenicichla hemera Kullander, 1990
- Crenicichla hummelincki Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla igara Lucena and Kullander, 1992
- Crenicichla iguassuensis Haseman, 1911
- Crenicichla inpa Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla isbrueckeri Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla jaguarensis Haseman, 1911
- Crenicichla jegui Ploeg, 1986
- Crenicichla johanna Heckel, 1840
- Crenicichla jupiaensis Britski and Luengo, 1968
- Crenicichla jurubi Lucena and Kullander, 1992
- Crenicichla labrina (Spix and Agassiz, 1831)
- Crenicichla lacustris (Castelnau, 1855)
- Crenicichla lenticulata Heckel, 1840
- Crenicichla lepidota Heckel, 1840
- Crenicichla lucius Cope, 1870
- Crenicichla lugubris Heckel, 1840
- Crenicichla macrophthalma Heckel, 1840
- Crenicichla marmorata Pellegrin, 1904
- Crenicichla menezesi Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla minuano Lucena and Kullander, 1992
- Crenicichla missioneira Lucena and Kullander, 1992
- Crenicichla mucuryna Ihering, 1914
- Crenicichla multispinosa Pellegrin, 1903
- Crenicichla nickeriensis Ploeg, 1987
- Crenicichla niederleinii (Holmberg, 1891)
- Crenicichla notophthalmus Regan, 1913
- Crenicichla pellegrini Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla percna Kullander, 1991
- Crenicichla phaiospilus Kullander, 1991
- Crenicichla polysticta Hensel, 1870
- Crenicichla prenda Lucena and Kullander, 1992
- Crenicichla proteus Cope, 1872
- Crenicichla pydanielae Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla regani Ploeg, 1989
- Crenicichla reticulata (Heckel, 1840)
- Crenicichla rosemariae Kullander, 1997
- Crenicichla santosi Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Crenicichla scottii (Eigenmann, 1907)
- Crenicichla sedentaria Kullander, 1986
- Crenicichla semicincta Steindachner, 1892
- Crenicichla semifasciata (Heckel, 1840)
- Crenicichla sipaliwini Ploeg, 1987
- Crenicichla stocki Ploeg, 1991
- Crenicichla strigata Günther, 1862