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Ред 26:
| pages = 115
| chapter = -{The Székely}-
| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=vEJNBqanT_8C&pg=PA115&dq=szekely+a+Hungarian-speaking+ethnic+group&cd=1#v=onepage&q=%22Hungarian-speaking%20ethnic%20group%22&f=false|quote = -{It was also during the thirteenth century the Székely (Lat. Siculi) occupied the territory that they currently live in as the largest Hungarian-speaking ethnic group in Romania.}-}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book
| last = -{Reid}-
| first = -{Robert}-
Ред 53:
| pages = 163
| chapter = -{Székely Land}-
| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=WSV_7OSOnf4C&pg=PA163&dq=Szekely+Lands&hl=sr&ei=AUKRTLyeKsqNjAfN9aX8DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false|quote = -{Technically it's wrong to call this central patch of Transylvania on the eastern realms of the Carpathians ‘Hungarian Transylvania’, but going around much of Székely Land (Ţara Secuilor in Romanian, Székelyföld in Hungarian) it can feel that way.}-}}</ref>
{{Земља Секеља}}
== Географија ==
Ред 83:
| pages = 33
| chapter = -{People}-
| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=5l5rn44vUcwC&pg=PA33&dq=Szekely+Land&hl=sr&ei=MEeRTM7xGISQjAeKj9GRDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=Szekely%20Land&f=false|quote = -{The Székely people (pronounced ‘say-kay’) or Szerkler in German, Secui in Romanian and Sicul in Latin, are a Hungarian-speaking ethnic group, who live mostly in Harghita, Cavasna and Mureş counties and there is a small settlement at Feldioara, 15km north of Braşov on route E60.}-}}</ref>
Културни и политички центар „Земље Секеља“ је раније био ''Секељудвархељ'' ([[Одорхеју Секујеск]]) који се налази западно од харгитских планина. Остала важна места била су ''Марошвашархељ'' ([[Таргу Муреш]]), ''Чиксереда'' ([[Мијеркуреја Чук|Мијеркуреа Чук]]) и ''Шепсисентђурђу'' ([[Свети Ђорђе (Румунија)|Св. Ђорђе]]). Данас се Таргу Муреш сматра политичким, економским и културним центром Секеља у Трансилванији.
Ред 127:
| pages = 195
| chapter = -{Zum Frage der städtischen Kommunalverwaltung und der Mehrfachen Gerichtsbarkeit im Szeklerland von Judit Pál}-
| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=qlChLDmpJkcC&pg=PA195&dq=Szeklerland&hl=sr&ei=SAuSTPOoGpaSjAfAv7G2BQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=Szeklerland&f=false|quote = -{Die Entwicklung der Städte im Szeklerland wurde im Laufe ihrer Geschichte von der Zentralgewalt wesentlich beeinglusst...}-}}</ref> Секељи, које су већ у 12. веку мађарски краљеви населили у Трансилванију ради одбране краљевства од [[Кумани|Кумана]] и [[Византијско царство|Византинаца]], основали су 1190. г. град [[Сибињ]].<ref>{{Cite book
| last = -{Hösch}-
| first = -{Edgar}-
Ред 154:
| pages = 676
| chapter = -{Székler/Szeklérland/Tahrir Defteri}-
| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=XbHTiPCTTj8C&pg=PA676&dq=Szeklerland&hl=sr&ei=8xeUTNz2GZi8jAeB1by3BQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBjge#v=onepage&q=Szeklerland&f=false|quote = -{Die -→Székler, die bereits seit dem 12. Jh. v. den ung. Königen in Siebenbūrgen angesiedelt wurden, um die östl. Grenzregionen gegen die Einfälle der Kumanen u. die Expansionbestrebungen der Byzantiner zu verteidigen, ließen sich zunächst auf dem Gebiet der 1190. gegr. Propstei Hermannstadt, dem sog. „Altland“, im Schäwis (ung. Sebes) Tal u. bei Urwegen (ung. Orbó) nieder.}-}}</ref>
== Референце ==
Ред 161:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Engel| first = Pál| authorlink = | coauthors = | editor = Andrew Ayton| others = Tamás Pálosfalvi| title = The realm of St. Stephen: a history of medieval Hungary, 895-1526| origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = |url=| format =| accessdate = 15. септембар 2010| accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = |year=2005| month = | publisher = I.B.Tauris| location = | language = {{en}}|isbn=978-1-85043-977-6| doi =|pages=115| chapter = The Székely| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=vEJNBqanT_8C&pg=PA115&dq=szekely+a+Hungarian-speaking+ethnic+group&cd=1#v=onepage&q=%22Hungarian-speaking%20ethnic%20group%22&f=false}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Reid| first = Robert| authorlink = | coauthors = Leif Pettersen| editor = | others = | title = Romania & Moldova| origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = |url=| format =| accessdate = 16. септембар 2010| accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = |year=2007| month = | publisher = Lonely Planet| location = | language = {{en}}|isbn=978-1-74104-478-2| doi =|pages=163| chapter = Székely Land| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=WSV_7OSOnf4C&pg=PA163&dq=Szekely+Lands&hl=sr&ei=AUKRTLyeKsqNjAfN9aX8DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Mallows| first = Lucy| authorlink = | coauthors = | editor = | others = | title = | origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = |url=| format =| accessdate = 15. септембар 2010| accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = |year=2008| month = | publisher = Bradt Travel Guides| location = | language = {{en}}|isbn=978-1-84162-230-9| doi =|pages=33| chapter = People| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=5l5rn44vUcwC&pg=PA33&dq=Szekely+Land&hl=sr&ei=MEeRTM7xGISQjAeKj9GRDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=Szekely%20Land&f=false}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Niedermaier| first = Paul| authorlink = | coauthors = Gabriella Olasz| editor = Harald Roth| others = | title = Die Szekler in Siebenbürgen: von der privilegierten Sondergemeinschaft zur ethnischen Gruppe| origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = |url=| format =| accessdate = 18. септембар 2010| accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = |year=2009| month = | publisher = Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar| location = | language = {{de}}|isbn=978-3-412-20240-8| doi =|pages=195| chapter = Zum Frage der städtischen Kommunalverwaltung und der Mehrfachen Gerichtsbarkeit im Szeklerland von Judit Pál| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=qlChLDmpJkcC&pg=PA195&dq=Szeklerland&hl=sr&ei=SAuSTPOoGpaSjAfAv7G2BQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=Szeklerland&f=false}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Hösch| first = Edgar| authorlink = | coauthors = Karl Nehring, Holm Sundhaussen, Konrad Clewing| editor = | others = | title = Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas| origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = |url=| format =| accessdate = 18. септембар 2010| accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = |year=2004| month = | publisher = UTB| location = | language = {{de}}|isbn=978-3-8252-8270-7| doi =|pages=676| chapter = Székler/Szeklérland/Tahrir Defteri| chapterurl = httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=XbHTiPCTTj8C&pg=PA676&dq=Szeklerland&hl=sr&ei=8xeUTNz2GZi8jAeB1by3BQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBjge#v=onepage&q=Szeklerland&f=false}}