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Ред 1:
[[Заплање]], како му само име каже, је планински крај и припада простору који се назива југоисточна [[Србија]]. Ова област је оивичена Планинама налази се између Суве планине, с једне стране и [[Селичевица|Селичевице]], [[Бабичка гора|Бабичке Горе]] и Крушевице са друге стране и највећим делом поклапа се са подручјем општине [[Гаџин Хан]]. [[Заплање]] припада групи општина брдско-планинског подручја југоисточне Србије. Овде се смењују брежуљци са брдима, а ова са планинским странам и гребенима.
[[Слика:Sokolov_Kamen_(Suva_Planina).jpg|мини|десно|Сува планина]]
[[Слика:Sokolov_Kamen_(Suva_Planina).jpg|мини|десно|Сува планина]]Pantelej (Пантелеј) was among the first lands that were conquered by Nebojsa - The Daredevil of Zaplanje, once he liberated Brzi Brod from Dragon's grasp. Those who stood in Nebjosa's path were completely eradicated, however one man was not so easily overpowered. The legend goes that Pantelius Prime, progenitor of Pantelian race, is still alive. His essence always finds a new host, once the old one meets its demise, proving once and for all that there's no such thing as Pantelian 's dying breath. Blinded by arrogance, Nebojsa failed to vanquish Pantelius prime essence, and now the time for reckoning has come, for the prime lord walks this earth once more driven by insatiable blood lust and vengeance.
"Arrogant, miserable runt, you slay one dragon and think you can prevail against the likes of me, a GOD! You are yet to experience the true power of the prime soul tearing your limb from limb until you are nothing but dust."
The most rural neighborhood in Nis, especially the old town. The legend goes that the last of the dragons were killed by the boy named Nebojsa, Daredevil of Zaplanje. Born from the blood of old Vlada and indomitable Evica, Nebojsa claimed his dominion over Brzi Brod with great ease. Till this day his authority remains unchallenged, for who would be foolish enough to challenge a Dragonslayer.
"Your flames can no longer scorch me. Your scales can no longer protect you. I have mastered the art of dragon slaying, and I am here to deliver your demise. Feel my blade and know your own powerlessness."
“People of Brzi Brod we gave you a chance to yield and we gave you a chance to live. Yet here you are sailing on the winds of rebellion bearing your damnation. We will turn your lands into infernal hellscapes, likes of which you’ve never witnessed. We will set your forces and homes ablaze and make you wish your saviour, the dragon slayer, was never born. Take one last look around, before your precious paradise is engulfed by flames.”
Trosarina (Trosh’kha) was a free land, until the race of Dragons and Dragonkin from Zaplanje started their conquest and decided to make their first settlement there. Years after, when the last dragons from Zaplanje were slain, by Nebojsa - The Daredevil of Zaplanje, Trosh’kha became their new capital city and the main seat of power. Nebojsa gained the title of dragon slayer, and from that day forth was regarded as the highest threat to the draconic community of Trosh’kha.
Not too long ago, Zaplanj’thias one of the Draconic overlords in Brzi Brod, met his end by the hands of ruthless dragon slayer. Once the dire news reached the land of Trosh’kha it caused an uproar, and dragon sages decided it’s time to awaken the ancient slumbering deity, deep within the Skull Citadel, Brillexius. Shortly after his awakening, Brillexius forged an alliance with Pantelius Prime, an immortal demi-god from the land of Pantelej (Pant L.A), for he was also hell-bent on annihilating the dragon slayer. Ready to retaliate Brillexius, Terror of Zaplanje, gathered his forces and declared war to the people of Brzi Brod.
== Физичко-географске карактеристике ==