Планина — разлика између измена

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{{Друго значење 2}}
[[Датотека:K2 8611.jpg|мини|десно|300п250п|[[Планински врх|Врх]] [[K2]] на [[Хималаји]]ма.]]
[[Датотека:Volcán Chimborazo, "El Taita Chimborazo".jpg|thumb|250п|[[Чимборасо (вулкан)|Чимборасо]], [[Еквадор]]. Најудаљенија тачка Земљине површине од њеног центра.<ref name="The 'Highest' Spot on Earth">{{cite web|url=http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9428163 |title=The 'Highest' Spot on Earth |publisher=Npr.org |date= 7. 4. 2007 |accessdate= 31. 7. 2012}}</ref>]]
'''Планина''' је узвишење на [[Земља|Земљиној]] површини које је настало као резултат активности Земљине коре и видно се истиче у односу на околни нижи и заравњени терен. Планина је узвишење више од 500 м.
[[Датотека:Aiguille du Dru 3.jpg|thumb|250п|[[Aiguille du Dru|Егиј ди Дру]] у [[Француски Алпи|Француским Алпима]]]]
'''Планина''' је узвишење на [[Земља|Земљиној]] површини које је настало као резултат активности Земљине коре и видно се истиче у односу на околни нижи и заравњени терен. Планина је узвишење више од 500 м. Планина је генерално стрмија од [[брдо |брда]]. Постоје многе теорије о настанку планина. По најновијим теоријама планине су настале као резултат судара великих тектонских плоча или дејства [[вулкан]]а. Те силе могу да локално подигну површину Земље. Планине подлежу ерозији током времене дејством [[река]], [[Елувијални процес|временских услова]], и [[ледник]]а. Неколико планина су изоловани [[Планински врх|врхови]], док је већина њих део огромних [[Планински масив|планинских масива]].
Високе надморске висине на планинама производе [[Планинска клима|хладније климе]] него на [[ниво мора|нивоу мора]]. Те хладније климе имају снажан утицај на планинске [[екосистем]]е: различите надморске висине имају [[Надморска зонација|различите биљке и животиње]]. Због мање гостољубивог терена и климе, планине се мање користе за пољопривреду и више за извлачење ресурса и рекреацију, као што је [[планинарење]].
Постоје многе теорије о настанку планина. По најновијим теоријама планине су настале као резултат судара великих тектонских плоча.
Највиша планина на [[Земља |Земљи]] је [[Монт Еверест]] на [[Хималаји|Хималајама]] у [[Азија |Азији]], чији врх је {{convert|8850|m|ft|0|abbr=on}} изнад [[Ниво мора |средњег нивоа мора]]. [[Списак највиших планина у Соларном систему|Највиша позната планина]] на било којој планети [[Соларни систем |Соларног система]] је [[Олимп (Марс) |Олимп]] на [[Марс]]у са {{convert|21171|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}.
== Дефиниција ==
[[Датотека:Matterhorn Riffelsee 2005-06-11.jpg|thumb|250п|лево|[[Матерхорн]], [[Швајцарски Алпи]]]]
[[Датотека:Batian Nelion and pt Slade in the foreground Mt Kenya.JPG|thumb|250п|Врх [[Кенија (планина)|Кенија]]]]
Не постоји универзално прихваћена дефиниција планине. Elevation, volume, relief, steepness, spacing and continuity have been used as criteria for defining a mountain.{{sfn|Gerrard|1990}} In the [[Oxford English Dictionary]] a mountain is defined as "a natural elevation of the earth surface rising more or less abruptly from the surrounding level and attaining an altitude which, relatively to the adjacent elevation, is impressive or notable."{{sfn|Gerrard|1990}}
Whether a landform is called a mountain may depend on local usage. [[Mount Scott (Oklahoma)|Mount Scott]] outside [[Lawton, Oklahoma]] is only {{convert|251|m|abbr=on}} from its base to its highest point. Whittow's ''Dictionary of Physical Geography''<ref>{{cite book |last=Whittow |first=John |year=1984 |title=Dictionary of Physical Geography |location=London |publisher=Penguin |page=352 |isbn=0-14-051094-X}}</ref> states ''"Some authorities regard eminences above {{convert|600|m|ft}} as mountains, those below being referred to as hills."''
In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, a mountain is usually defined as any summit at least 2,000 feet (or 610 metres) high,<ref>{{cite book |last=Nuttall |first=John & Anne |work=The Mountains of England & Wales |volume=2 |title=England |edition=3rd |year=2008 |publisher=Cicerone |location=Milnthorpe, Cumbria |isbn=1-85284-037-4}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/north_west/7623904.stm|title=Survey turns hill into a mountain|publisher=BBC |accessdate= 3. 2. 2013}}</ref><ref name="G4AW">{{cite web|url=http://www.go4awalk.com/uk-mountains-and-hills/a-mountain-is-a-mountain.php|title=A Mountain is a Mountain – isn't it?|publisher=www.go4awalk.com|accessdate= 3. 2. 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mountain|title=mountain|work=dictionary.reference.com|accessdate= 3. 2. 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Wilson |first=Peter |year=2001 |title=Listing the Irish hills and mountains |journal=Irish Geography |volume=34 |issue=1 |publisher=University of Ulster |location=Coleraine |page=89 |url=http://www.ucd.ie/gsi/pdf/34-1/hills.pdf |archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/6HgLY5lsv?url=http://www.ucd.ie/gsi/pdf/34-1/hills.pdf |archivedate= 2013-06-27 |format=PDF |doi=10.1080/00750770109555778}}</ref> whilst the official UK government's definition of a mountain, for the purposes of access, is a summit of 600 metres or higher.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://metricviews.org.uk/2008/09/what-is-a-mountain-mynydd-graig-goch-and-all-that/ |title=What is a "Mountain"? Mynydd Graig Goch and all that... |publisher=Metric Views |accessdate= 3. 2. 2013 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130330062754/https://metricviews.org.uk/2008/09/what-is-a-mountain-mynydd-graig-goch-and-all-that/ |archivedate= 30. 3. 2013 |df= }}</ref> In addition, some definitions also include a [[topographical prominence]] requirement, typically {{convert|100|or|500|ft|m}}.<ref name=prominence>{{cite book |title=The Finest Peaks - Prominence and Other Mountain Measures |first=Adam |last=Helman |publisher=Trafford Publishing |year=2005 |isbn=978-1412059954}}</ref> For a while, the US defined a mountain as being {{convert|1,000|ft|m}} or taller. Any similar landform lower than this height was considered a hill. However, today, the [[United States Geological Survey]] (USGS) concludes that these terms do not have technical definitions in the US.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://gallery.usgs.gov/audios/127|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/6EN4f0RjB?url=http://gallery.usgs.gov/audios/127|archivedate=2013-02-12|title=What is the difference between lake and pond; mountain and hill; or river and creek?|publisher=USGS|accessdate= 11. 2. 2013}}</ref>
The [[UN Environmental Programme]]'s definition of "mountainous environment" includes any of the following:{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=74}}
*Elevation of at least {{convert|2500|m|ft|abbr=on}};
*Elevation of at least {{convert|1500|m|ft|abbr=on}}, with a slope greater than 2 degrees;
*Elevation of at least {{convert|1000|m|ft|abbr=on}}, with a slope greater than 5 degrees;
*Elevation of at least {{convert|300|m|ft|abbr=on}}, with a {{convert|300|m|ft|abbr=on|adj=on}} elevation range within {{convert|7|km|mi|abbr=on}}.
Using these definitions, mountains cover 33% of [[Eurasia]], 19% of [[South America]], 24% of [[North America]], and 14% of [[Africa]].{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=14}} As a whole, 24% of the Earth's land mass is mountainous.<ref name=panos>{{cite web |author=Panos |url=http://panos.org.uk/wp-content/files/2011/03/high_stakeshVwvcI.pdf |year=2002 |title=High Stakes |accessdate= 17. 2. 2009}}</ref>
== Геологија ==
{{main article|Планинске формације|Списак планинских типова}}
[[Датотека:View of Jeff Davis Peak from Wheeler Peak.jpg|thumb|250п|right|Jeff Davis Peak seen from the glacier-carved summit of [[Wheeler Peak (Nevada)|Wheeler Peak]], [[Nevada]]]]
There are three main types of mountains: [[volcano|volcanic]], [[fold mountain|fold]], and [[fault-block mountain|block]].<ref name=literacy>{{cite book |title=Science matters: earth and beyond; module 4 |isbn=0-7986-6059-7 |year=2002 |publisher=Pearson South Africa |chapter=Chapter 6: Mountain building |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=qoZftjymxFsC&pg=PA75 |page=75}}</ref> All three types are formed from [[plate tectonics]]: when portions of the Earth's crust move, crumple, and dive. Compressional forces, [[isostasy|isostatic]] [[Orogeny|uplift]] and intrusion of [[igneous rock|igneous matter]] forces surface rock upward, creating a landform higher than the surrounding features. The height of the feature makes it either a hill or, if higher and steeper, a mountain. Major mountains tend to occur in long linear arcs, indicating tectonic plate boundaries and activity.
=== Вулкани ===
{{main article|Вулкан}}
[[Датотека:Geologycal cross-section of Fuji.png|right|thumb|250п|Geological cross-section of [[Mount Fuji|Fuji volcano]]]]
Volcanoes are formed when [[subduction|a plate is pushed below another plate]], or at a [[mid-ocean ridge]] or [[hotspot (geology)|hotspot]].<ref name=Butz>{{cite book |title=Science of Earth Systems |first=Stephen D |last=Butz |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=JB4ArbvXXDEC&pg=PA136 |page=136 |chapter=Chapter 8: Plate tectonics |isbn=0-7668-3391-7 |year=2004 |publisher=Thompson/Delmar Learning}}</ref> At a depth of around 100&nbsp;km, melting occurs in rock above the slab (due to the addition of water), and forms [[magma]] that reaches the surface. When the magma reaches the surface, it often builds a volcanic mountain, such as a [[shield volcano]] or a [[stratovolcano]].{{sfn|Gerrard|1990|p=194}} Examples of volcanoes include [[Mount Fuji]] in Japan and [[Mount Pinatubo]] in the Philippines. The magma does not have to reach the surface in order to create a mountain: magma that solidifies below ground can still form [[dome mountain]]s, such as [[Navajo Mountain]] in the US.
=== Веначне планине ===
{{main article|Веначне планине}}
Fold mountains occur when two plates collide: shortening occurs along thrust faults and the crust is overthickened.<ref name=Hatcher>{{cite book |title=4-D framework of continental crust |editor=Robert D. Hatcher Jr. |editor2=MP Carlson |editor3=JH McBride |editor4=JR Martinez Catalán |first=Michael P |last=Searle |page=41 ''ff'' |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=jD-zXhTfJuMC&pg=PA41 |chapter=Diagnostic features and processes in the construction and evolution of Oman-, Zagros-, Himalayan-, Karakoram-, and Tibetan type orogenic belts |isbn=0-8137-1200-9 |publisher=Geological Society of America |year=2007}}</ref> Since the less dense [[continental crust]] "floats" on the denser [[Mantle (geology)|mantle]] rocks beneath, the weight of any crustal material forced upward to form hills, [[plateau]]s or mountains must be [[isostasy|balanced by the buoyancy force]] of a much greater volume forced downward into the mantle. Thus the continental crust is normally much thicker under mountains, compared to lower lying areas.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Press |first1=Frank |last2=Siever |first2=Raymond |title=Earth |publisher=W. H. Freeman |edition=4th |year=1985 |page=413 |isbn=978-0-7167-1743-0}}</ref> Rock can [[fold (geology)|fold]] either symmetrically or asymmetrically. The upfolds are [[anticline]]s and the downfolds are [[syncline]]s: in asymmetric folding there may also be recumbent and overturned folds. The [[Jura Mountains]] are an example of fold mountains.
=== Громадне планине ===
{{main article|Громадне планине}}
[[Датотека:Slide Mountain Catskills.jpg|thumb|250п|right|The [[Catskills]] in [[Upstate New York]] represent an eroded [[plateau]].]]
Block mountains are caused by [[fault (geology)|faults]] in the crust: a seam where rocks can move past each other. When rocks on one side of a fault rise relative to the other, it can form a mountain.<ref name=Ryan>{{cite book |title=CliffsQuickReview Earth Science |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=PV_BabxTTkcC&pg=PA94 |chapter=Figure 13-1 |first=Scott |last=Ryan |isbn=0-471-78937-2 |year=2006 |publisher=Wiley}}</ref> The uplifted blocks are block mountains or [[Horst (geology)|horsts]]. The intervening dropped blocks are termed [[graben]]: these can be small or form extensive [[rift valley]] systems. This form of [[landscape]] can be seen in [[East Africa]], the [[Vosges Mountains|Vosges]], the [[Basin and Range Province]] of Western [[North America]] and the [[Rhine graben|Rhine]] valley. These areas often occur when the regional stress is extensional and the [[crust (geology)|crust]] is thinned.
=== Ерозија ===
{{main article|Ерозија}}
During and following uplift, mountains are subjected to the agents of [[erosion]] (water, wind, ice, and gravity) which gradually wear the uplifted area down. Erosion causes the surface of mountains to be younger than the rocks that form the mountains themselves.{{sfn|Fraknoi|Morrison|Wolff|2004|p=160}} [[Glacier|Glacial processes]] produce characteristic landforms, such as [[pyramidal peak]]s, knife-edge [[arête]]s, and bowl-shaped [[cirque]]s that can contain lakes. [[Plateau]] mountains, such as the [[Catskills]], are formed from the erosion of an uplifted plateau.
== Клима ==
{{main article|Алпска клима}}
[[Датотека:AntelopeIslandEchoGhosttowns 221.jpg|thumb|250п|right|A mountain in [[Carbon County, Utah]]]]
[[Датотека:Moraine Lake 17092005.jpg|thumb|250п|[[Valley of the Ten Peaks]], [[Canadian Rockies]]]]
Climate on mountains become colder at high [[elevation]]s, due an interaction between [[radiation]] and [[convection]]. Sunlight in the [[visible spectrum]] hits the ground and heats it. The ground then heats the air at the surface. If [[radiation]] were the only way to transfer heat from the ground to space, the [[greenhouse effect]] of gases in the atmosphere would keep the ground at roughly {{convert|333|K|C F}}, and the temperature would decay exponentially with height.<ref name=goodywilson>{{cite book |first1=Richard M. |last1=Goody |first2=James C.G. |last2=Walker |title=Atmospheres |chapter=Atmospheric Temperatures |chapterurl=http://lasp.colorado.edu/~bagenal/3720/GoodyWalker/AtmosCh3sm.pdf |publisher=Prentice-Hall |year=1972}}</ref>
However, when air is hot, it tends to expand, which lowers its density. Thus, hot air tends to rise and transfer heat upward. This is the process of [[convection]]. Convection comes to equilibrium when a parcel at air at a given altitude has the same density as its surroundings. Air is a poor conductor of heat, so a parcel of air will rise and fall without exchanging heat. This is known as an [[adiabatic process]], which has a characteristic pressure-temperature curve. As the pressure gets lower, the temperature decreases. The rate of decrease of temperature with elevation is known as the [[adiabatic lapse rate]], which is approximately 9.8&nbsp;°C per kilometer (or 5.4&nbsp;°F per 1000&nbsp;feet) of altitude.<ref name=goodywilson/>
Note that the presence of water in the atmosphere complicates the process of convection. Water vapor contains latent [[heat of vaporization]]. As air rises and cools, it eventually becomes [[Dew point|saturated]] and cannot hold its quantity of water vapor. The water vapor condenses (forming [[cloud]]s), and releases heat, which changes the lapse rate from the [[dry adiabatic lapse rate]] to the [[moist adiabatic lapse rate]] (5.5&nbsp;°C per kilometer or 3&nbsp;°F per 1000&nbsp;feet)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://meteorologytraining.tpub.com/14312/css/14312_47.htm |title=Dry Adibatic Lapse Rate |publisher=tpub.com |accessdate= 2016-05-02 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160603041448/http://meteorologytraining.tpub.com/14312/css/14312_47.htm |archivedate= 3. 6. 2016 |df= }}</ref>
The actual lapse rate can vary by altitude and by location.
Therefore, moving up 100&nbsp;meters on a mountain is roughly equivalent to moving 80&nbsp;kilometers (45&nbsp;miles or 0.75° of [[latitude]]) towards the nearest pole.{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=15}} This relationship is only approximate, however, since local factors such as proximity to [[ocean]]s (such as the [[Arctic Ocean]]) can drastically modify the climate.<ref>{{cite web
| url=http://www.ecn.ac.uk/Education/factors_affecting_climate.htm
| archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110716163841/http://www.ecn.ac.uk/Education/factors_affecting_climate.htm
| archivedate= 16. 7. 2011
| title=Factors affecting climate
| publisher=The United Kingdom Environmental Change Network}}</ref> As the altitude increases, the main form of [[precipitation (meteorology)|precipitation]] becomes [[snow]] and the winds increase.{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=12}}
The effect of the climate on the ecology at an elevation can be largely captured through a combination of amount of precipitation, and the [[Holdridge life zones|biotemperature]], as described by [[Leslie Holdridge]] in 1947.<ref>{{cite journal |url=http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/abstracts/archived/lugo.htm |archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/6EN4ZYhX6?url=http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/abstracts/archived/lugo.htm |archivedate= 2013-02-12 |last1=Lugo |first1=Ariel E. |first2=Sandra L. |last2=Brown |first3=Rusty |last3=Dodson |first4=Tom S. |last4=Smith |first5=Hank H. |last5=Shugart |year=1999 |title=The Holdridge Life Zones of the conterminous United States in relation to ecosystem mapping |journal=Journal of Biogeography |volume=26 |pages=1025–1038 |doi=10.1046/j.1365-2699.1999.00329.x |issue=5}}</ref> Biotemperature is the mean temperature; all temperatures below {{convert|0|C|F}} are considered to be 0&nbsp;°C. When the temperature is below 0&nbsp;°C, plants are [[dormancy|dormant]], so the exact temperature is unimportant. The peaks of mountains with permanent snow can have a biotemperature below {{convert|1.5|C|F}}.
== Екологија ==
{{main article|Планинска екологија}}
[[Датотека:GlarusAlps.jpg|thumb|250п|left|An alpine [[Bog|mire]] in the [[Swiss Alps]]]]
The colder climate on mountains affects the plants and animals residing on mountains. A particular set of plants and animals tend to be adapted to a relatively narrow range of climate. Thus, ecosystems tend to lie along elevation bands of roughly constant climate. This is called [[altitudinal zonation]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=Daubenmire |first=R.F. |date= 1943 |title=Vegetational Zonation in the Rocky Mountains |journal=Botanical Review |volume=9 |issue=6 |pages=325–393 |url= |doi=10.1007/BF02872481 }}</ref>
In regions with dry climates, the tendency of mountains to have higher precipitation as well as lower temperatures also provides for varying conditions, which enhances zonation.{{sfn|Blyth|2002}}<ref name="Merriam">{{cite web|title=Biotic Communities of the Colorado Plateau: C. Hart Merriam and the Life Zones Concept|url=http://cpluhna.nau.edu/Biota/merriam.htm|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/6EBRUtV6A?url=http://cpluhna.nau.edu/Biota/merriam.htm |archivedate=2013-02-04 |accessdate= 30. 1. 2010}}</ref>
Some plants and animals found in altitudinal zones tend to become isolated since the conditions above and below a particular zone will be inhospitable and thus constrain their movements or [[Biological dispersal|dispersal]]. These isolated ecological systems are known as [[sky island]]s.<ref>{{cite book |last=Tweit |first=Susan J. |title=The Great Southwest Nature Factbook |publisher=[[Alaska Northwest Books]] |year=1992 |pages=209–210 |isbn=0-88240-434-2}}</ref>
Altitudinal zones tend to follow a typical pattern. At the highest elevations, trees cannot grow, and whatever life may be present will be of the [[Alpine climate|alpine]] type, resembling [[tundra]].<ref name="Merriam"/> Just below the [[tree line]], one may find [[subalpine]] forests of [[Pinophyta|needleleaf]] trees, which can withstand cold, dry conditions.<ref>{{Cite encyclopedia|title=Tree|encyclopedia=Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2003| publisher=Microsoft Corporation|origyear=1993|year=2002|id=60210-442-1635445-74407}}</ref> Below that, [[montane forest]]s grow. In the temperate portions of the earth, those forests tend to be needleleaf trees, while in the tropics, they can be [[broadleaf]] trees growing in a [[rain forest]].
== У друштву ==
[[Датотека:M Rainier.jpg|thumb|250п|right|Mountain climbers ascending [[Mount Rainier]]]]
[[Датотека:War Memorial, Ben Nevis.jpg|thumb|250п|The summit of [[Ben Nevis]], the British Isles' highest, has a memorial]]
Mountains are generally less preferable for [[human]] habitation than lowlands, because of harsh weather and little level ground suitable for [[agriculture]]. While 7% of the land area of Earth is above {{convert|2500|m|ft}},{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=14}} only 140 million people live above that altitude<ref>{{cite journal |title=Human Genetic Adaptation to High Altitude |first=Lorna G. |last=Moore |journal=High Alt Med Biol |year=2001 |volume=2 |issue=2 |pages=257–279 |doi=10.1089/152702901750265341 |pmid=11443005}}</ref> and only 20-30 million people above {{convert|3000|m|ft}} elevation.<ref>{{cite journal |url=http://bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org/content/106/4/1441.long |title=The influence of high-altitude living on body iron |first1=James D. |last1=Cook |first2=Erick |last2=Boy |first3=Carol |last3=Flowers |first4=Maria |last4=del Carmen Daroca |journal=Blood |year=2005 |volume=106 |pages=1441–1446 |doi=10.1182/blood-2004-12-4782 |issue=4 |pmid=15870179}}</ref> The decreasing atmospheric pressure with increasing elevation means that less oxygen is available for breathing, and there is less protection against solar radiation ([[Ultraviolet|UV]]).{{sfn|Blyth|2002}} Due to decreasing oxygen, the highest known permanent habitation in the world is at {{convert|5100|m|ft}}, while the highest known permanently tolerable altitude is at {{convert|5950|m|ft}}.<ref name=highestHabitation>{{cite journal |last=West |first=JB |pmid=12631426 |title=Highest permanent human habitation |journal=High Altitude Medical Biology |volume=3 |pages=401–7 |year=2002 |doi=10.1089/15270290260512882 |issue=4}}</ref> Above {{convert|8000|m|ft}} elevation, there is not enough oxygen to support human life. This is known as the "[[death zone]]".<ref name="PBS">{{cite web
|url= http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2506everest.html|title= Everest:The Death Zone|work=Nova|publisher= PBS |date= 24. 2. 1998}}</ref> The summits of [[Mount Everest]] and [[K2]] are in the death zone.
About half of mountain dwellers live in the [[Andes]], [[Central Asia]], and [[Africa]].<ref name=panos/> Traditional mountain societies rely on agriculture, with higher risk of [[crop failure]] than at lower elevations. Minerals often occur in mountains, with [[mining]] being an important component of the economics of some montane societies. More recently, [[tourism]] supports mountain communities, with some intensive development around attractions such as [[national park]]s or [[ski resorts]].{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=17}} About 80% of mountain people live below the poverty line.<ref name=panos/>
Most of the world's [[river]]s are fed from mountain sources, with snow acting as a storage mechanism for downstream users.{{sfn|Blyth|2002|p=22}} More than half of humanity depends on mountains for water.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=3903&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20061007104411/http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID%3D3903%26URL_DO%3DDO_TOPIC%26URL_SECTION%3D201.html |archivedate= 7. 10. 2006 |title=International Year of Freshwater 2003 |accessdate= 7. 12. 2006 |deadurl=yes |df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mountain.org/mountains/whymtns.cfm?slidepage=water|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060709060421/http://www.mountain.org/mountains/whymtns.cfm?slidepage=water |archivedate= 9. 7. 2006|title=The Mountain Institute |accessdate= 7. 12. 2006}}</ref>
Mountaineering, mountain climbing, or alpinism is the [[sport]], [[hobby]] or [[profession]] of hiking, skiing, and climbing mountains. While mountaineering began as attempts to reach the highest point of unclimbed big mountains it has branched into specializations that address different aspects of the mountain and consists of three areas: rock-craft, snow-craft and skiing, depending on whether the route chosen is over [[rock (geology)|rock]], [[snow]] or [[ice]]. All require experience, athletic ability, and technical knowledge to maintain safety.<ref name="freedom">{{cite book | edition = 7 | editor1-last= Cox|editor1-first= Steven M.|editor2-first= Kris| editor2-last=Fulsaas | title = [[Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills]] | publisher = The Mountaineers | isbn = 0-89886-828-9| location = Seattle | origyear = 2003 | year=2009}}</ref>
== Подела планина ==
Линија 11 ⟶ 105:
== Највиши планински врхови ==
* [[Европа]] - [[Елбрус]] (5.642 м), [[Монблан|Мон Блан]] (4.807 м)
* [[Азија]] - [[Монт Еверест]] (8.848 м), [[К2]] (8.611 м)
Линија 18 ⟶ 113:
* [[Јужна Америка]] - [[Аконкагва]] (6.960 м)
* [[Антарктик]] - [[Винсон]] (5.140 м)
* [[Србија]] - [[Ђеравица]], [[Проклетије]] (2.656 м)
* [[Црна Гора]] - [[Зла Колата]], [[Проклетије]] (2.534 м)
* [[Република Српска]] ([[Босна и Херцеговина]]) - [[Маглић (планина)|Маглић]] (2.386 м)
== Референце ==
{{Облици рељефа}}
== Литература ==
*{{cite web|last1=Blyth |first1=S. |last2=Groombridge |first2=B. |last3=Lysenko |first3=I. |last4=Miles |first4=L. |last5=Newton |first5=A. |url=http://www.unep-wcmc.org/mountains/mountain_watch/pdfs/WholeReport.pdf |archive-url=https://wayback.archive-it.org/all/20080511044709/http://www.unep-wcmc.org/mountains/mountain_watch/pdfs/WholeReport.pdf |dead-url=yes |archive-date= 11. 5. 2008 |title=Mountain Watch |year=2002 |publisher=UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK |accessdate= 17. 2. 2009 |ref=harv |df= }}
*{{cite book |last1=Fraknoi |first1=A. |last2=Morrison |first2=D. |last3=Wolff |first3=S. |year=2004 |title=Voyages to the Planets |edition=3rd |location=Belmont |publisher=Thomson Books/Cole |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=c5keAQAAIAAJ |ref=harv |isbn=9780534395674}}
*{{cite book |last=Gerrard |first=A.J. |title=Mountain Environments: An Examination of the Physical Geography of Mountains |location=Cambridge, Mass |publisher=MIT Press |year=1990 |isbn=978-0262071284 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=jHnrVEyMhkQC |ref=harv}}
== Спољашње везе ==
*{{cite EB1911|wstitle=Mountain |volume=18 |short=x}}
*{{Commons-inline|Gallery of mountains|Mountains}}
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