Росова ледена плоча — разлика између измена

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Научници су дуго били заинтригирани Росовом леденом плочом и њеном структуром. Један велики покушај је био низ студија извршен између 1957. и 1958, а студије су се наставили током 1960. и 1961.<ref>Swithinbank, Charles. "To the Valley Glaciers That Feed the Ross Ice Shelf, ''The Geographical Journal'', Vol. 130, No. 1 (Mar., 1964), pp. 32-48</ref>
Значајан научни подухват назван „Пројекат Росова ледена плоча“ ({{jez-en|Ross Ice Shelf Project}}) је покренут са планом да се буши плоша да би се прикупили узорци [[биомаса|биомасе]] и истражила сама плоча и њен утицај на море испод ње. Планирано је да пројекат почне 1974, али су бушења одложена до 1976. Коначно, године 1977. научници су успели да пробуше лед и направе рупу кроз коју ће моћи да ваде узорке. Тим је такође успео да мапира дно мора, проучи таласе и проучи рибе и друге облике живота. Такође су истражили океанографске и геолошке услове, као и температуру леда. Проценили су да је температура базе плоче око -2,16 °-{C}-, а извели су и прорачуне о колебању температуре. <ref>Clough, John W. and B. Lyle Hansen. "The Ross Ice Shelf Project," ''Science'', Vol. 203, No. 4379, Feb. 2, 1979, pp. 433-434.</ref>
More detailed surveys were executed between 1973 and 1978.
Током 1980их подигнут је низ метеоролошких станица да мере температуру на плочи, као и на унутрашњости континента.<ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/509940.stm</ref>
A significant scientific endeavor called the Ross Ice Shelf Project was launched with a plan of drilling into the shelf to sample the biomass in the area and make other determinations about the shelf and its relationship to the sea floor. The project was to have begun in 1974, but the actual drilling was delayed until 1976. Finally, in 1977, the scientists were able to successfully drill through the ice, making a hole that could be sampled every few days for three weeks. The team was able to map the sea floor, study the tides, and assess the fish and various other forms of life in the eaters. The team also examined the oceanographic and geological conditions as well as the temperature of the ice. They estimated that the base of the shelf was negative 2.16 degrees Celsius. They also made other calculations about the fluctuations of the temperatures. <ref>Clough, John W. and B. Lyle Hansen. "The Ross Ice Shelf Project," ''Science'', Vol. 203, No. 4379, Feb. 2, 1979, pp. 433-434.</ref>
The results of these various projects appear in a series of reports in ''Science'' magazine, published February 2, 1979.<ref>''Science'', Vol. 203, No. 4379, Feb. 2, 1979, pp. 433-455.</ref>
In the 1980s, a network of weather stations were installed to record temperatures on the shelf as well as throughout the more remote reaches of the continent.<ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/509940.stm</ref>
[[Image:Glacier-ice shelf interactions.svg|thumb|250px|Glacier-ice shelf interactions]]
Линија 33 ⟶ 29:
Continuing scientific exploration continues to uncover interesting information and the analyses have resulted in some interesting theories being posited and publicized. One such opinion, given in 2006 based on a geological survey, suggested that the ice shelf had previously collapsed, perhaps suddenly, which could well happen again. <ref>http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20840754-23109,00.html</ref>