Teorija kontrole — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
'''Teorija kontrole''' u [[Аутоматика|inženjerstvu kontrole sistema]] se bavi kontrolom [[dynamical system|dianmičkihdinamičkih sistema]] koji su u kontinuiranom radu u industrijskim procesima i mašinama. Objektiv je razvoj modela kontrole za kontrolisanje takvih sistema koristeći kontrolne akcije na optimalan način bez ''zastoja ili prekoračenja'' i osiguravanje kontrole [[Stability theory|stabilnosti]].
To do this, a ''[[Controller (control theory)|controller]]'' with the requisite corrective behaviour is required. This controller monitors the controlled process variable (PV), and compares it with the reference or set point (SP). The difference between actual and desired value of the process variable, called the ''error'' signal, or SP-PV error, is applied as feedback to generate a control action to bring the controlled process variable to the same value as the set point. Other aspects which are also studied are [[controllability]] and [[observability]]. On this is based the advanced type of automation that revolutionized manufacturing, aircraft, communications and other industries. This is ''feedback control'', which is usually ''continuous'' and involves taking measurements using a [[sensor]] and making calculated adjustments to keep the measured variable within a set range by means of a "final control element", such as a [[control valve]].<ref>Bennett, Stuart (1992). A history of control engineering, 1930-1955. IET. p. 48. {{ISBN|978-0-86341-299-8}}.</ref>
Da bi se to ostvarilo, neophodan je ''[[Controller (control theory)|kontroler]]'' koji vrši korekcije. Kontroler prati promenljive kontrolisanog procesa (PV), i poredi ih sa referencom ili setom tačaka (SP). Razlika između stvarnih i željenih vrednosti parametara procesa se naziva signalom ''greške'', ili SP-PV greškom. Ona se povratno koristi za proizvođenje kontrolnih akcija da bi se kontrolisane procesne promenljive dovele na iste vrednosti kao i zadata tačka. Drugi aspekti koji se isto tako studiraju su [[controllability|kontrolibilnost]] i [[observability|opservabilnost]]. Na tome je baziran napredni tip automacije koji doveo do revolucionarnih promena u industrijskoj proizvodnji, industriji aviona, komunikacijama i drugim oblastima. To se naziva ''povratnom kontrolom'', i ona je obično ''kontinualna'' i obuhvata [[senzor]]ska merenja i vršenje proračuna za podešavanja kako bi se merene promenljive održale u okviru zadatog opsega putem „konačnih kontrolnih elemenata”, kao što su [[control valve|kontrolni ventili]].<ref>Bennett, Stuart (1992). A history of control engineering, 1930-1955. IET. p. 48. {{ISBN|978-0-86341-299-8}}.</ref>
Extensive use is usually made of a diagrammatic style known as the [[block diagram]]. In it the [[transfer function]], also known as the system function or network function, is a mathematical model of the relation between the input and output based on the [[differential equation]]s describing the system.
Obično se ekstenzivno upotrebljava dijagramski stil poznat kao [[block diagram|blok dijagram]]. Pri tome [[funkcija prenosa]], takođe poznata kao sistemska funkcija ili funkcija mreže, je matematički model relacije između inputa i outputa bazirana na [[Диференцијална једначина|diferencijalnim jedančinama]] koje opisuju sistem.
Control theory dates from the 19th century, when the theoretical basis for the operation of governors was first described by [[James Clerk Maxwell]].<ref>{{cite journal |first=J. C. |last=Maxwell |authorlink=James Clerk Maxwell |title=On Governors |date=1868 |journal=Proceedings of the Royal Society |volume=100 |issue= |pages= |url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/On_Governors.pdf}}</ref> Control theory was further advanced by [[Edward Routh]] in 1874, [[Jacques Charles François Sturm|Charles Sturm]] and in 1895, [[Adolf Hurwitz]], who all contributed to the establishment of control stability criteria; and from 1922 onwards, the development of [[PID control]] theory by [[Nicolas Minorsky]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=Minorsky |first=Nicolas |authorlink=Nicolas Minorsky |title=Directional stability of automatically steered bodies |journal=Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers |year=1922 |volume=34 |pages=280–309 |issue=2 |ref=harv |doi=10.1111/j.1559-3584.1922.tb04958.x}}</ref>
Although a major application of control theory is in control systems engineering, which deals with the design of [[process control]] systems for industry, other applications range far beyond this. As the general theory of feedback systems, control theory is useful wherever feedback occurs. A few examples are in [[physiology]], [[electronics]], [[climate model]]ing, [[machine design]], [[ecosystem]]s, [[navigation]], [[neural network]]s, [[Lotka–Volterra equations|predator–prey interaction]], [[gene expression]], and [[production theory]].<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Antunes|first1=Ricardo|last2=Gonzalez|first2=Vicente|title=A Production Model for Construction: A Theoretical Framework|journal=Buildings|date=March 3, 2015|volume=5|issue=1|pages=209–228|doi=10.3390/buildings5010209}}</ref>
Teorija kontrole je nastala u tokom 19. veka, kad je teoretsku bazu za operaciju kontrolera privi opisao [[Džejms Klerk Maksvel]].<ref>{{cite journal |first=J. C. |last=Maxwell |authorlink=James Clerk Maxwell |title=On Governors |date=1868 |journal=Proceedings of the Royal Society |volume=100 |issue= |pages= |url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/On_Governors.pdf}}</ref> Teoriju kontrole su dalje unapredili [[Edward Routh|Edvard Raut]] 1874, [[Жак Шарл Франсоа Штурм|Šarl Šturm]] i 1895. godine [[Adolf Hurwitz|Adam Hurvic]], koji su doprineli uspostavljanju kriterijuma kontrolne stabilnosti; a od 1922. godine na dalje [[Nicolas Minorsky|Nikolas Minorski]] koji je razvio teoriju [[PID control|PID kontrole]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=Minorsky |first=Nicolas |authorlink=Nicolas Minorsky |title=Directional stability of automatically steered bodies |journal=Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers |year=1922 |volume=34 |pages=280–309 |issue=2 |ref=harv |doi=10.1111/j.1559-3584.1922.tb04958.x}}</ref> Mada je glavna primena teorije kontrole u inženjerskim kontrolnim sistemima, koji se bave dizajnom industrijskih sistema [[process control|kontrole procesa]], drugi opsezi primene idu daleko izvan toga. Kao opšta teorija povratnih sistema, teorija kontrole je korisna kad god je javlja povratna sprega. Primeri toga se mogu naći u [[physiology|fiziologiji]], [[electronics|elektronici]], [[climate model|modelovanju klime]], [[machine design|mašinskom dizajnu]], [[ecosystem|ekosistemima]], [[navigation|navigaciji]], [[neural network|neuronskim mrežama]], [[Lotka–Volterra equations|interakcijama predatora i plena]], [[gene expression|izražavanju gena]], i [[production theory|teoriji produktivnosti]].<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Antunes|first1=Ricardo |last2=Gonzalez |first2=Vicente |title=A Production Model for Construction: A Theoretical Framework|journal=Buildings|date=March 3, 2015 |volume=5|issue=1 |pages=209–228 |doi=10.3390/buildings5010209}}</ref>
== Reference ==