Терахерцно зрачење — разлика између измена

Садржај обрисан Садржај додат
м Cyrlat: 1 repl; Units: 4;
Ред 1:
[[Електромагнетни талас]]и познати као '''терахерцно зрачење''', '''терахерцни таласи''', '''T-зраци''', и '''THz''', покривају спектрално подручје између 300 [[гигахерц]]а (3x10<sup>11</sup> [[Херц (јединица)|Hz]]) до 3 [[терахерц]]а (3x10<sup>12</sup> Hz), што одговара таласним дужинама од субмилиметарских (<1 [[милиметар]]) до 100 [[микрон]]ских (крај далеког инфрацрвеног опсега).
[[Слика:Atmospheric terahertz transmittance at mauna kea(simulated).gif.gif|мини|десно|400п|Симулација атмосферске пропустљивости терахерцних зрака у опсегу 1 до 3 ТНzТНз, у зениту, на врху Маун аКеа при атмосферском садржају водене паре од 0,001 мм.]]
Ред 14:
<!--While terahertz radiation is emitted as part of the [[black body]] radiation from anything with temperatures greater than about 10 [[kelvin]], this thermal emission is very weak. [[As of 2004]] the only effective stronger sources of terahertz radiation are the [[gyrotron]], the [[backward wave oscillator]] ("BWO"), the [[far infrared laser]] ("FIR laser"), [[quantum cascade laser]], the [[free electron laser]] (''FEL''), [[synchrotron light]] sources, and single-cycle sources used in [[Terahertz time domain spectroscopy]]. The first images generated using terahertz radiation date from the 1960's; however, in [[1995]], images generated using [[terahertz time-domain spectroscopy]] generated a great deal of interest, and sparked a rapid growth in the field of terahertz science and technology. This excitement, along with the associated coining of the term "T-rays," even showed up in a contemporary novel by [[Tom Clancy]].
There have also been solid-state sources of millimeter and submillimeter waves for many years. AB Millimeter in Paris, for instance, produces a system that covers the entire range from 8 -{GHz}- to 10001.000 -{GHz}- with solid state sources and detectors. Nowadays, most time-domain work is done via ultrafast lasers.-->
==Развој теоријске и технолошке употребе==
Ред 30:
==Терахерцни наспрам милиметарских и субмилиметарских таласа==
<!--One terahertz is <math>10^{12}</math> Hz. Conventionally the microwave band extends to 30 -{GHz}- or so while the far-IR is nominally reckoned to start at around 1 THz. So the terahertz band lies between micowaves and the far-IR. On the other hand, in this frequency range the wavelengths of electromagnetic waves (in vacuum) are millimeter or sub-millimeter. So, logically, terahertz waves are the same thing as millimeter or submillimeter waves. However, in practice people who use the term terahertz are generally speaking of signals generated by ultrafast optical techniques or far-IR lasers. Focusing a sub-picosecond pulse on a photoconductive antenna of suitable dimensions will produce EM waves in the THz band. On the other hand, people who use the term millimeter or submillimeter waves are invariably speaking of sources and detectors based on harmonic multiplication of microwave signals.-->