Књига — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
[[Датотека:OtvorenaBook knjigaCollage.JPGpng|250px|мини|десно|Књиге]]
[[Датотека:Otvorena knjiga.JPG|250px|мини|десно|Отворена књига]]
'''Књига''' (<small>порекло речи нејасно; могуће од [[старословенски језик|старословенске]] ''кеннинг'' — знак, белешка</small>), у ширем смисли означава сваки писмом фиксиран језични документ већег обима, забележен на лако преносивом материјалу. Предуслов за појаву књиге било је постојање [[Писмо|писма]] и одговарајућег материјала на коме би се писало. <ref name="enciklopedija">[http://www.enciklopedija.hr/ Hrvatska enciklopedija]</ref>
'''Књига''' (<small>порекло речи нејасно; могуће од [[старословенски језик|старословенске]] ''кеннинг'' — знак, белешка</small>), у ширем смисли означава сваки писмом фиксиран језични документ већег обима, забележен на лако преносивом материјалу. Предуслов за појаву књиге било је постојање [[Писмо|писма]] и одговарајућег материјала на коме би се писало. <ref name="enciklopedija">[http://www.enciklopedija.hr/ Hrvatska enciklopedija]</ref> Књига је и обично преносиви физички објекат и тело нематеријалних репрезентација или интелектуалног објекта чији материјални знакови су написане или нацртане линије.
Као физички објекат, књига је обично свежањ углавном правоугаоних [[Page (paper)|страница]] (направљених од [[папирус]]а, [[Пергамент|пергамента]], [[велум]]а или [[папир]]а) оријентираних са једном дужом страном (било лево или десно, у зависности од правца у коме се чита писмо) везаних, зашивених или другачије фиксираних заједно, а затим [[bookbinding|књиговезаних]] за флексибилну кичму заштитних [[Book cover|корица]] од тежег, релативно крутог материјала, тако да, када се отворена предња корица преклопи са довољно масовном количином листова, књига може да лежи равно.<ref>IEILS, p. 41</ref> Технички израз за овај физички аранжман је ''[[кодекс]]'' (у множини ''кодекси''). У историји ручне физичке подршке за дуготрајне писане композиције или записе, кодекс замењује свог непосредног претходника, [[Scroll|свитак]].
== Стари век ==
As an intellectual object, a book is prototypically a composition of such great length that it takes a considerable investment of time to compose and a still considerable, though not so extensive, investment of time to read. This sense of book has a restricted and an unrestricted sense. In the restricted sense, a book is a self-sufficient section or part of a longer composition, a usage that reflects the fact that, in antiquity, long works had to be written on several scrolls, and each scroll had to be identified by the book it contained. So, for instance, each part of [[Aristotle]]'s ''[[Physics (Aristotle)|Physics]]'' is called a book, as of course the Bible encompasses many different books. In the unrestricted sense, a book is the compositional whole of which such sections, whether called books or chapters or parts, are parts.
But the intellectual content in a physical book need not be a composition, or can be called a book. Books can consist only of drawings, engravings, or photographs, or such things as crossword puzzles or cut-out dolls. In a physical book the pages can be left blank or can feature an abstract set of lines as support for on-going entries, i.e., an account book, an appointment book, a log book, an autograph book, a notebook, a diary or day book, or a sketch book. Some physical books are made with pages thick and sturdy enough to support other physical objects, like a scrapbook or photograph album.
Books may be distributed in electronic form as [[e-book]]s and other formats. In its "Revised Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Statistics on the Production and Distribution of Books, Newspapers and Periodicals" of 1 November 1985, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ([[UNESCO]]) stated that it was "convinced that it is desirable that the national authorities responsible for collecting and reporting statistics relating to the production and distribution of printed publications should be guided by certain standards in the matter of definitions, classification and presentation," and so "in order to improve the international comparability of statistics," it defined a book as "a non-periodic publication of at least 49 pages exclusive of the cover pages, published in the country and made available to the public" (11(a)), so that books statistics could be collected on "(a) Government publications, i.e., publications issued by public administrations or their subsidiary bodies, except for those which are confidential or designed for internal distribution only; (b) School textbooks, books prescribed for pupils receiving education at the first and second level as defined in the revised Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Educational Statistics adopted by the General Conference; (c) University theses; (d) Offprints, i.e., reprints of a part of a book or a periodical already published, provided that they have a title and a separate pagination and that they constitute a distinct work; (e) Publications which form part of a series, but which constitute separate bibliographical units; (f) Illustrated works: (i) Collections of prints, reproductions of works of art, drawings, etc., when such collections form complete, paginated volumes and when the illustrations are accompanied by an explanatory text, however short, referring to these works or to the artists themselves; (ii) Albums, illustrated books and pamphlets written in the form of continuous narratives, with pictures illustrating certain episodes; (iii) Albums and picture-books for children; (iv) Comic books" (9-10).<ref>{{cite web|url=http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13146&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html|title=Revised Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Statistics on the Production and Distribution of Books, Newspapers and Periodicals: UNESCO|website=portal.unesco.org}}</ref> A single sheet in a codex is a [[Recto|leaf]], and each side of a leaf is a [[page (paper)|page]].
Although in ordinary academic parlance a [[Monograph|monograph]] is understood to be a specialist academic work, rather than a reference work on a single scholarly subject, in [[library and information science]] ''monograph'' denotes more broadly any non-serial publication complete in one [[Volume (bibliography)|volume]] (book) or a finite number of volumes (even a novel like Proust's seven-volume [[In_Search_of_Lost_Time|''In Search of Lost Time'']]), in contrast to serial publications like a [[magazine]], [[academic journal|journal]], or [[newspaper]]. An avid reader or collector of books or a book lover is a [[Bibliophilia|bibliophile]] or colloquially, "bookworm". A shop where [[Bookselling|books are bought and sold]] is a [[bookshop]] or bookstore. Books are also sold elsewhere. Books can also be borrowed from [[Lending library|libraries]]. [[Google]] has estimated that as of 2010, approximately 130,000,000 distinct titles had been published.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://booksearch.blogspot.com/2010/08/books-of-world-stand-up-and-be-counted.html |date=August 5, 2010 |title=Books of the world, stand up and be counted! All 129,864,880 of you|accessdate=August 15, 2010 |quote=After we exclude serials, we can finally count all the books in the world. There are 129,864,880 of them. At least until Sunday. }}</ref> In some wealthier nations, the sale of printed books has decreased because of the use of [[Ebooks|e-books]],<ref>{{cite book|last1=Curtis|first1=George|title=The Law of Cybercrimes and Their Investigations|date=2011|page=161}}</ref> though sales of e-books declined in the first half of 2015.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/business/media/the-plot-twist-e-book-sales-slip-and-print-is-far-from-dead.html |date=September 22, 2015 |title=The Plot Twist: E-Book Sales Slip, and Print Is Far From Dead |accessdate=October 8, 2015 |publisher=The New York Times}}</ref>
== Етимологија ==
The word book comes from [[Old English]] "bōc", which in turn comes from the [[Germanic languages|Germanic]] root "*bōk-", [[cognate]] to "[[beech]]".<ref>{{cite web|url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/book |title=Book |publisher=Dictionary.com |date= |accessdate=November 6, 2010}}</ref><!-- see American Heritage Dictionary and Online Etymology Dictionary --> Similarly, in [[Slavic languages]] (for example, [[Russian language|Russian]], [[Bulgarian language|Bulgarian]], [[Macedonian language|Macedonian]]) "буква" (bukva—"letter") is cognate with "beech". In Russian and in [[Serbian language|Serbian]] and Macedonian, the word "букварь" (bukvar') or "буквар" (bukvar) refers specifically to a primary school textbook that helps young children master the techniques of reading and writing.
It is thus conjectured that the earliest [[Indo-European languages|Indo-European]] writings may have been carved on beech wood.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.northvegr.org/holy/b.php|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081103044850/http://www.northvegr.org/holy/b.php|dead-url=yes|archive-date=November 3, 2008|title=Northvegr - Holy Language Lexicon|date=November 3, 2008|publisher=|accessdate=December 30, 2016}}</ref> Similarly, the Latin word ''codex'', meaning a book in the modern sense (bound and with separate leaves), originally meant "block of wood".
== Историја ==
{{main article|Историја књига}}
=== Антика ===
[[Датотека:Tablet describing goddess Inanna's battle with the mountain Ebih, Sumerian - Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago - DSC07117.JPG|thumb|upright|[[Sumer]]ian [[clay tablet]], currently housed in the [[University of Chicago Oriental Institute|Oriental Institute]] at the [[University of Chicago]], inscribed with the text of the poem ''[[Inanna#Justice myths|Inanna and Ebih]]'' by the priestess [[Enheduanna]], the first author whose name is known<ref>{{cite book|author=Roberta Binkley|title=Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks|year=2004|publisher=SUNY Press|isbn=9780791460993|pages=47|chapter=Reading the Ancient Figure of Enheduanna}}</ref>]]
When [[History of writing|writing systems]] were created in [[ancient civilization]]s, a variety of objects, such as stone, [[clay tablet|clay]], tree bark, metal sheets, and bones, were used for writing; these are studied in [[epigraphy]].
=== Стари век ===
Историја књиге обухвата период од 50 векова. У овом периоду књига је имала различите облике, што је највише зависило од материјала од ког се израђивала.
Линија 60 ⟶ 85:
== Књига код Срба ==
[[Датотека:Narodna biblioteka Beograd.jpg|250px|мини|десно|[[Народна библиотека Србије]]<ref name="3veka">[http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/kultura.71.html:422274-Tri-veka-burne-istorije-Narodne-biblioteke-Srbije Три века бурне историје Народне библиотеке Србије („Вечерње новости“, 1. март 2013)], Приступљено 15. 4. 2013.</ref>]]
* Најстарија сачуване [[Рукописна књига|рукописне књиге]] писане [[Ћирилица|ћирилицом]] потичу из 12. века. Најзначајнија међу њима је [[Мирослављево јеванђеље]].
* 4. јануара 1494 објављена је [[Штампарија Црнојевића|прва књига на словенском југу]] штампана ћирилицом. То је био [[Октоих|Октоих првогласник]].<ref>[http://www.rastko.rs/isk/isk_09.html Ивић, Павле; Пешикан, Митар: „Српско штампарство“, ''Пројекат Растко'']</ref>
* 4. августа 1552. године ѕавршено је штампање прве књиге одштампане у Београду. То је било [[Београдско четворојеванђеље]].<ref>[http://www.bgb.rs/index.php/2-uncategorised/753-463-r-d-nd-n-b-gr-ds-g-c-v-r-v-nd-lj-u-bibli-ci-gr-d-b-gr-d „463. рођендан Београдског четворојеванђеља у Библиотеци града Београда“, ''Библиотека града Београда'']</ref>ој
* Године 1934. [[Радивој С. Момирски]] из Великог Бечкерека (данашњег Зрењанина) објавио је '''најкраћу књигу на свету'''. Њен наслов је био (питање): "Шта управља светом?", а '''једина реч''' у целој "књизи", на трећој страни је била (одговор): "[[новац]]". Исте године је књига, чија је цена један динар, имала три издања. Аутор је био на путу да се на брзину обогати.<ref>Никола Шлајх: "Монографија града Великог Бечкерека", Зрењанин 2018. године</ref>
== Види још ==
* [[Сликовница]]
* [[Поп-ап књиге]]
* [[Књижевност]]
* [[Библиотека]]
* [[Рукописна књига]]
* [[Илуминирани рукописи]]
* [[Штампарство]]
* [[Штампарска машина]]
* [[Јохан Гутенберг]]
* [[Инкунабула]]
* [[Гутенбергова Библија]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{Citation
| last = Бараћ
| first = Драган
Линија 81 ⟶ 123:
| page =
* "IEILS": [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gvzfCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA41 "Book"], in ''International Encyclopedia of Information and Library Science'', Editors: John Feather, Paul Sturges, 2003, Routledge, {{ISBN|1134513216}}, 9781134513215
* [[Tim Parks]] (August 2017), [http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2017/08/15/the-books-we-dont-understand/ The Books We Don’t Understand], ''New York Review of Books''
== Види још ==
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1998–2002 | title= The Cambridge history of the book in Britain | edition= | publisher= Cambridge University Press | location= Cambridge UK ; New York | id= {{ISBN|0-521-57346-7}} (v. 3), {{ISBN|0-521-66182-X}} (v. 4)}} Contents: v. 1 ed. Richard Gameson (publication forthcoming 2008), v. 2 eds. Nigel Morgan and Rod Thomson (publication forthcoming 2007), v. 3 1400–1557 eds. Lotte Hellinga and J.B. Trapp, v. 4 1557–1695 eds. John Barnard and D.F. McKenzie, with the assistance of Maureen Bell.
* [[Сликовница]]
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1989 | title= Histoire de l'édition française | edition= | publisher= Fayard : Cercle de la Librairie | location= Paris | id={{ISBN|2-213-02399-9}} (v. 1)}} v. 1–4 ; eds. Roger Chartier and [[Henri-Jean Martin]].
* [[Поп-ап књиге]]
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1988 | title= Histoire des bibliothèques françaises | edition= | publisher= Promodis-Éd. du Cercle de la Librairie | location= Paris | id={{ISBN|2-903181-72-1}} (v. 1)}} v. 1–4 ; eds. André Vernet, Claude Jolly, [[Dominique Varry]], Martine Poulain.
* [[Књижевност]]
* [[Ann M. Blair|Blair, Ann]] (2010). ''Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age''. Yale University Press. {{ISBN|978-0300165395}}.
* [[Библиотека]]
* {{cite book | first= Roger | last= Chartier | authorlink= | year= 2005 | title= Inscrire et effacer : culture écrite et littérature (XIe-XVIIIe siècle) | edition= | publisher= Gallimard : Le Seuil | location= Paris | isbn= 2-02-081580-X}}
* [[Рукописна књига]]
* {{cite book | first= Kai-Wing | last= Chow | authorlink= | year= 2004 | title= Publishing, Culture, and Power in Early Modern China | edition= | publisher= Stanford University Press | location= Stanford | isbn= 0-8047-3368-6}}
* [[Илуминирани рукописи]]
* Craughwell, Thomas J., and Damon Smith (2004). ''Q.P.B. Short History of the Paperback, and Other Milestones in Publishing''. New and updated ed. New York: Quality Paperback Book Club. {{ISBN|1-58288-104-9}}
* [[Штампарство]]
* {{cite book | first= Joseph | last= Dane | authorlink= | year= 2003 | title= The Myth of Print Culture: Essays on Evidence, Textuality, and Bibliographical Method | edition= | publisher= University of Toronto Press | location= Toronto | isbn= 0-8020-8775-2 |id={{ISBN|9780802087751}}}}
* [[Штампарска машина]]
* [[Robert Darnton|Darnton, Robert]] (2009). ''The case for books: Past, present, and future''. PublicAffairs.
* [[Јохан Гутенберг]]
* {{cite book | first= Robert | last= Darnton | authorlink= Robert Darnton | year= 1985 | title= The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history | edition= | publisher= Penguin | location= Harmondsworth | isbn= 0-14-055089-5}}
* [[Инкунабула]]
* {{cite book | first= David | last= Diringer | authorlink= David Diringer | year= 1982 | title= The book before printing : ancient, medieval, and oriental | edition= | publisher= Dover | location= New York | isbn= 0-486-24243-9}}
* [[Гутенбергова Библија]]
* {{cite book | first= Elizabeth | last= Eisenstein | authorlink= Elizabeth Eisenstein | year= 2005 | title= The printing revolution in early modern Europe | edition= | publisher= Cambridge University Press | location= Cambridge UK ; New York | isbn= 0-521-84543-2 |id={{ISBN|0-521-60774-4}}}}
* {{cite book | first= Lucien | last= Febvre | authorlink= Lucien Febvre |author2=[[Henri-Jean Martin]] | year= 1997 | title= The coming of the book : the impact of printing 1450–1800 | edition= | publisher= Verso | location= London | isbn= 1-85984-108-2}} tr. by David Gerard ; ed. by Geoffrey Nowell-Smith and David Wootton ; Note : reprint, other reprints by this publisher 1990 & 1984, originally published (London : N.L.B., 1976) ; Translation of <U>L'apparition du livre</U>.
* {{cite book | first= David | last= Finkelstein | authorlink= | year= 2005 | title= An introduction to book history | edition= | publisher= Routledge | location= New York | isbn= 0-415-31442-9 |id={{ISBN|0-415-31443-7}}}}
* {{cite book |last=Fischer |first=Ernst |date=2010 |title=The Book Market |url=http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0159-20100921223 |location=Mainz |publisher=[[Leibniz Institute of European History]] |oclc=692301471}}
* {{cite book | first= David | last= Hall | authorlink= | year= 1996 | title= Cultures of Print: Essays in the History of the Book | edition= | publisher= [[University of Massachusetts Press]] | location= Amherst | isbn= 0-585-14207-6 |id={{ISBN|9780585142074}}}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 2004–2007 | title= History of the book in Canada | edition= | publisher= University of Toronto Press | location= Toronto | id={{ISBN|0-8020-8943-7}} (v. 1), {{ISBN|0-8020-8012-X}} (v. 2), {{ISBN|978-0-8020-9047-8}} (v. 3)}} Contents: v. 1 eds. Patricia Fleming and Fiona Black (2004), v. 2 eds. Patricia Fleming, Yvan Lamonde, and Fiona Black (2005), v. 3 eds. Carole Gerson and Jacques Michon (2007).
* {{cite book | first= Leslie | last= Howsam | authorlink= | year= 2006 | title= Old Books and New Histories: An orientation to studies in book and print culture | edition= | publisher= University of Toronto Press | location= Toronto | isbn= 978-0-8020-9438-4}}
* {{cite book | first= Adrian | last= Johns | authorlink= | year= 1998 | title= The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making | edition= | publisher= The University of Chicago Press | location= Chicago | isbn= 978-0-226-40122-5}}
* {{cite book | first= Bill | last= Katz | authorlink= | year= 1998 | title= Cuneiform to computer : a history of reference sources | edition= | publisher= Scarecrow Press | location= Lanham Md. | isbn= 0-8108-3290-9}} Series : History of the book, no. 4.
* {{cite book | first= Henri-Jean | last= Martin | authorlink= Henri-Jean Martin | year= c. 2004 | title= Les métamorphoses du livre | edition= | publisher= Albin Michel | location= Paris | isbn= 2-226-14237-1}} Series : Itinéraires du savoir.
* {{cite book | first= David | last= McKitterick | authorlink= | year= 2003 | title= Print, Manuscript and the Search for Order, 1450–1830 | edition= | publisher= Cambridge University Press | location= Cambridge | isbn= 0-521-82690-X}}
* Nunberg, Geoffrey (Ed.) (1996). ''The Future of the Book''. University of California Press. {{ISBN|9780520204515}}
* [[Leah Price|Price, Leah]] (2012). ''How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain''. Princeton University Press. {{ISBN|978-0691114170}}.
* [[Jean-Pierre Thiollet|Thiollet, Jean-Pierre]] (2005). ''Je m'appelle Byblos'', H & D, Paris. {{ISBN|2-914266-04-9}}
* {{cite book | first= Michael | last= Warner | authorlink= | year= 1990 | title= The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century America | edition= | publisher= Harvard University Press | location= Cambridge, MA | isbn= 0-674-52785-2}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1889 | title= The Library: Transactions of The Bibliographical Society | edition= | publisher= Bibliographical Society | location= London | issn= 0024-2160}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1899 | title= The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America | edition= | publisher= Bibliographical Society of America | location= New York | issn= 0006-128X}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1962 | title= The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada | edition= | publisher= The Bibliographical Society of Canada | location= Toronto, Canada | issn= 0067-6896}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1948 | title= Studies in Bibliography | edition= | publisher= The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | location= Charlottesville, VA | issn= 0081-7600}}
* {{citation |title=British Library Journal |publisher=[[British Library Board]] |url=http://www.bl.uk/eblj/index.html |issn=1478-0259 |quote=Scholarly research into the contents and history of the British Library and its collections }} 1975– . {{free access}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1956 | title= Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens | edition= | publisher= Buchhändler-Vereinigung | location= Frankfurt am Main | issn= 0066-6327}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1970 | title= Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries | edition= | publisher= Martinus Nijhoff | location= The Hague | issn= 0303-5964}}
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1970 | title= Script & Print | edition= | publisher= Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand| location= Australia | issn= 1834-9013}} Note: previously ''Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand''.
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1971 | title= [[Quaerendo]] | edition= | publisher= Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd. | location= Amsterdam | issn= 0014-9527 }} Note "A quarterly journal from the low countries devoted to manuscripts and printed books."
* {{cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | year= 1971 | title= Revue française d'histoire du livre | edition= | publisher= Société des bibliophiles de Guyenne | location= Bordeaux | issn= 0037-9212 | oclc = 1791119}}
* {{cite book | year= 1998 | title= [[Book History (journal)|Book History]] | edition= | publisher= [[Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing]] | location= US | issn= 1098-7371}}
== Спољашње везе ==
Линија 112 ⟶ 181:
* [http://www.hss.ed.ac.uk/ Центар за историју књиге]
* [http://www.korisnaknjiga.com/ Збирка књига и електронске књиге]
* -{[http://www.sil.si.edu/SILPublications/old-books.htm Information on Old Books], Smithsonian Libraries}-
* -{[http://shikan.org/bjones/Books/booktext.html "Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World"]}-
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