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Ред 306:
Њемачка има [[континентално право|континентални правни систем]] заснован на [[римско право|римском праву]] с неким примјесама [[германско право|германског права]]. [[Савезни уставни суд Њемачке|Савезни уставни суд]] је њемачки врховни суд одговоран за уставна питања, са овлашћењем за [[судска ревизија|судску ревизију]].<ref name="state"/><ref>{{cite web| url = http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/EN/Homepage/home_node.html| title = Federal Constitutional Court| publisher = Bundesverfassungsgericht| accessdate = 25. 3. 2015}}</ref> Њемачки врховни суд је специјализован: за грађанске и криминалне случајеве, највиши жалбени суд је [[Инквизиторни систем|инквизиторни]] [[Савезни суд правде Њемачке|Савезни суд правде]], а за друге предмете су [[Савезни суд за рад]], [[Савезни социјални суд]], [[Савезни финансијски суд]] и [[Савезни административни суд]].
Криминално и грађанско право кодификовано је на националном нивоу [[Кривични закон Њемачке|Кривичним законом]] и [[Германски грађански законик|Грађанским закоником]]. Њемачки кривични систем тражи рехабилитацију криминалаца и заштиту јавности.<ref>{{cite web| url = http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stvollzg/__2.html| title = § 2 Strafvollzugsgesetz| publisher = Bundesministerium der Justiz| accessdate = 26. 3. 2011| language = de}}</ref> Осим ситних злочина, које се суде пред једним професионалним судијом, и озбиљних политичких злочина, све оптужбе се суде пред мјешовитим судовима на којима судије поротници сједе поред професионалних судија.{{sfn|Jehle|2009|p=23}}<ref>{{cite journal| title = Lay Judges in the German Criminal Courts| page = 141| first1 = Gerhard| last1 = Casper| first2 = Hans| last2 = Zeisel| journal = Journal of Legal Studies| volume = 1| issue = 1| year = 1972| jstor = 724014| ref = harv| doi = 10.1086/467481}}</ref> Многа фундаментална питања административног права остају у надлежности држава.
Њемачка има ниску стопу убистава, са 0,9 убистава на 100.000 људи у 2014. години.<ref>{{cite web| url = http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?locations=DE| title = Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) – Data| publisher = }}</ref>
Ред 687:
{{Почетак референци|2}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Zippelius| first1 = Reinhold| title = Kleine deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte : vom frühen Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart| year = 2006| publisher = Beck| location = München| isbn = 9783406476389| edition = Orig.-Ausg., 7., neu bearb. Aufl.| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Lloyd| first1 = Albert L.| last2 = Lühr| first2 = Rosemarie| last3 = Springer| first3 = Otto| title = Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen, Band II| year = 1998| publisher = Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht|id=ISBN 3-525-20768-9| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=iKfYGNwwNVIC&pg=PA523| language = de| accessdate = 9. 11. 2017}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Ehrt| first1 = Hugo| title = Neuer Harzbote| year = 2003| publisher = Fremdenverkehrsverein Bodfeld/Harz| location = Elbingerode (Harz)| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Schütz| first1 = Erhard| last2 = Gruber| first2 = Eckhard| title = Mythos Reichsautobahn : Bau und Inszenierung der "Strassen des Führers", 1933-1941| year = 2000| publisher = Ch. Links| location = Berlin| isbn = 9783861531173| edition = 2. Aufl.| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Steinberg| first1 = Heinz Günter| title = Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg: mit einem Überblick über die Entwicklung von 1945 bis 1990| year = 1991| publisher = Kulturstiftung der dt. Vertriebenen| isbn = 9783885570899| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = {{harvid|Langfristszenarien und Strategien|29. 3. 2012}}| title = Langfristszenarien und Strategien für den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland bei Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung in Europa und global| date = 29. 3. 2012| publisher = Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU)| location = Berlin| url = http://www.dlr.de/dlr/Portaldata/1/Resources/bilder/portal/portal_2012_1/leitstudie2011_bf.pdf| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Schrammel-Schäl| first1 = Nortrud G.| last2 = Kessler| first2 = Karl| last3 = Custodis| first3 = Paul-Georg| title = Fachwerk im Westerwald : Landschaftsmuseum Westerwald, Hachenburg, Ausstellung vom 11. September 1987 bis 30. April 1988| year = 1987| publisher = Kreisverwaltung des Westerwaldkreises in Montabaur| location = Montabaur| isbn = 9783921548370| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Edel| first1 = Heinrich| title = Die Fachwerkhäuser der Stadt Braunschweig. Ein kunst- und kulturhistorisches Bild| year = 1928| location = Braunschweig| publisher = Appelhans| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Marten|editor1-first=Thomas|editor2-last=Sauer|editor2-first=Fritz Joachim| title = Länderkunde : Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz (mit Liechtenstein) im Querschnitt| year = 2005| publisher = Inform-Verl.| location = Berlin|id=ISBN 3-9805843-1-3| edition = Neuausg. der Neuen Dreiländerkunde in 5. aktualisierte Aufl.| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Koppmann| first1 = Jan|editor1-last=Thierer|editor1-first=Manfred| title = Lust auf Barock : Himmel trifft Erde in Oberschwaben| year = 2002| publisher = Kunstverl. Fink| location = Lindenberg| isbn = 9783898700306| edition = 1. Aufl.| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=uBjrAAAAMAAJ| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Süvern| first1 = Wilhelm| title = Torbögen und Inschriften lippischer Fachwerkhäuser| year = 1971| publisher = Lipp. Heimatbund| url = https://books.google.com/books/about/Torbögen_und_Inschriften_lippischer_Fac.html?id=xLXfAAAAMAAJ| language = de}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Stiewe| first1 = Heinrich| title = Fachwerkhäuser in Deutschland : Konstruktion, Gestalt und Nutzung vom Mittelalter bis heute| year = 2007| publisher = Primus Verlag| location = Darmstadt| isbn = 9783896785893| language = de}}
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{{Почетак референци|2}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Demshuk| first1 = Andrew| title = The Lost German East: Forced Migration and the Politics of Memory, 1945-1970| year = 2012| publisher = Cambridge University Press| isbn = 9781107020733| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=ySLyE6YJEn0C&pg=PA52| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Bekker| first1 = Henk| title = Adventure guide.| year = 2005| publisher = Hunter| location = Edison, N.J.| isbn = 9781588435033| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Cleene| first1 = Marcel| last2 = Lejeune| first2 = Marie Claire| title = Compendium of Symbolic and Ritual Plants in Europe: Herbs| url = https://books.google.com/?id=g5GBAAAAMAAJ| year = 2002| publisher = Man & Culture| language = en| accessdate = 9. 11. 2017}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Claster| first1 = Jill N.| title = The Medieval experience : 300-1400| year = 1982| publisher = New York university press| location = New York ; London|id=ISBN 0-8147-1381-5| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Bowman|editor1-first=Alan|editor2-last=Cameron|editor2-first=Averil|editor3-last=Garnsey|editor3-first=Peter| series = The Cambridge Ancient History| title = The crisis of empire, A.D. 193–337| volume = 12| year = 2005| publisher = Cambridge University Press, .| location = Cambridge| isbn = 9780521301992| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = McBrien| first1 = Richard P.| title = Lives of the popes : the pontiffs from St. Peter to Benedict XVI| year = 2006| publisher = HarperSanFrancisco| location = [San Francisco, Calif.]| isbn = 9780060878078| edition = 1. HarperCollins pbk.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Eisenstein| first1 = Elizabeth L.| title = The printing press as an agent of change : communications and cultural transformations in early-modern Europe| year = 1980| publisher = Cambridge University Press| location = Cambridge| isbn = 9780521299558| edition = [3.] Repr. d. Ausg. 1980, pbk.| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=WR1eajpBG9cC| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Macfarlane| first1 = Alan| title = The savage wars of peace : England, Japan and the Malthusian trap| year = 1997| publisher = Blackwell| location = Oxford [u.a.]| isbn = 9780631181170| edition = 1| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Holborn| first1 = Hajo| title = A history of modern Germany| year = 1982| publisher = Princeton Univ. Press| location = Princeton, N.J.| isbn = 9780691007953| edition = [1st Princeton paperback print.].| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=350Qosar-UcC| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Gagliardo| first1 = John G.| title = Reich and nation : the holy Roman Empire as idea and reality, 1763-1806| year = 1980| publisher = Indiana U.P.| location = Bloomington| isbn = 9780253167736| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Bideleux| first1 = Robert| last2 = Jeffries| first2 = Ian| title = A history of Eastern Europe : crisis and change| year = 1998| publisher = Routledge| location = London| isbn = 9780415161114| edition = 1| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Batt| first1 = Judy| last2 = Wolczuk| first2 = Kataryna| title = Region, state and identity in Central and Eastern Europe| year = 2005| publisher = F. Cass| location = London| isbn = 9780714682259| edition = Digital print.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Clark|editor1-first=John O. E.|editor2-last=Black|editor2-first=Jeremy| title = 100 maps : the science, art and politics of cartography throughout history| year = 2005| publisher = Sterling Publ.| location = New York, NY| isbn = 9781402728853| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Olusoga| first1 = David| last2 = Erichsen| first2 = Casper W.| title = The Kaiser's holocaust : Germany's forgotten genocide and the colonial roots of Nazism| year = 2010| publisher = Faber and Faber| location = London| isbn = 9780571231416| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Boemeke|editor1-first=Manfred F.|editor2-last=Feldman|editor2-first=Gerald D.|editor3-last=Glaser|editor3-first=Elisabeth| title = The Treaty of Versailles : a reassessment after 75 years| year = 1998| publisher = Cambridge Univ. Press| location = Cambridge| isbn = 9780521621328| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Williamson| first1 = David G.| title = Germany Since 1789: A Nation Forged and Renewed| year = 2015| publisher = Palgrave Macmillan| isbn = 9781137350060| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=QM2cCwAAQBAJ| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Evans| first1 = Richard J.| title = The coming of the Third Reich| year = 2005| publisher = Penguin Books| location = New York| isbn = 9780143034698| edition = 1. амер.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Evans| first1 = Richard J.| title = The Third Reich in power| year = 2006| publisher = Penguin Books| location = New York| isbn = 9780143037903| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Axelrod| first1 = Alan| last2 = Kingston| first2 = Jack A.| title = Encyclopedia of World War II| year = 2007| publisher = H W Fowler| isbn = 9780816060221| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=LbWFgjW6KX8C| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Hiden|editor1-first=John|editor2-last=Lane|editor2-first=Thomas| title = The baltic and the outbreak of the second world war| year = 2002| publisher = Cambridge University Press| location = Cambridge| isbn = 9780521531207| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Fulbrook| first1 = Mary| title = A Concise History of Germany| year = 1994| publisher = Cambridge University Press| location = Cambridge| isbn = 9780521368360| edition = Updated Edition.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = McNab| first1 = Chris| title = Third Reich Databook,1939-45 : the essential facts and figures for Hitler's Germany| year = 2009| publisher = Amber| location = London| isbn = 9781906626518| edition = 1| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Niewyk| first1 = Donald L.| last2 = Nicosia| first2 = Francis R.| title = The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust| year = 2012| publisher = Columbia University Press| location = New York| isbn = 9780231528788| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=nzJAXkfozW8C| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Kershaw|editor1-first=Ian| title = Stalinism and Nazism : dictatorships in comparison| year = 1997| publisher = Cambridge Univ. Press| location = Cambridge [u.a.]|id=ISBN 0-521-56521-9| edition = Repr.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Beyer| first1 = John C.| last2 = Schneider| first2 = Stephen A.| title = Forced Labour under Third Reich| year = 1999| publisher = Nathan Associates| language = en}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20150824092603/http://www.nathaninc.com/sites/default/files/Pub%20PDFs/Forced%20Labor%20Under%20the%20Third%20Reich,%20Part%20One.pdf Дио 1] и [https://web.archive.org/web/20170403025028/http://www.nathaninc.com/sites/default/files/Pub%20PDFs/Forced%20Labor%20Under%20the%20Third%20Reich%2C%20Part%20Two.pdf Дио 2]
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Kershaw| first1 = Ian| title = The end : Hitler's Germany, 1944-45| year = 2012| publisher = Penguin| location = London| isbn = 9780141014210| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Wise| first1 = Michael Z.| title = Capital dilemma : Germany's search for a new architecture of democracy| year = 1998| publisher = Princeton Architectural Press| location = New York| isbn = 9781568981345| edition = 1| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Carlin| first1 = Wendy| chapter = West German growth and institutions (1945–90)|editor1-last=Crafts|editor1-first=Nicholas|editor2-last=Toniolo|editor2-first=Gianni| year = 1996| title = Economic Growth in Europe Since 1945| publisher = Cambridge University Press|id=ISBN 0-521-49964-X| language = en}}
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* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Jehle| first1 = Jörg-Martin| title = Criminal justice in Germany facts and figures| year = 2009| publisher = Forum-Verl. Godesberg| location = Mönchengladbach| isbn = 9783936999518| edition = 5.| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=-V-ng-8jOoQC&pg=PA23| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Roberts| first1 = J.M.| title = The new Penguin history of the world| year = 2002| publisher = Allen Lane| location = London| isbn = 9780713996111| edition = рев.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Solsten| first1 = Eric| title = Germany: A Country Study| year = 1999| publisher = DIANE Publishing| isbn = 9780788181795| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=vnocWI0_fywC| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Marzona| first1 = Daniel| title = Conceptual Art| year = 2005| publisher = Taschen| isbn = 9783822829622| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Berman| first1 = Harold| title = Bronzes : sculptors & founders; 1800 - 1930| year = 1994| publisher = Schiffer| location = Atglen, Pa| isbn = 9780887407017| edition = 2| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Payne| first1 = Christopher| title = Animals in bronze : reference and price guide| year = 1986| publisher = Antique Collectors' Club| location = [Woodbridge, Suffolk, England]|id=ISBN 0-907462-45-6| edition = Reprinted 1988.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Curl| first1 = James Stevens| title = A dictionary of architecture and landscape architecture| year = 2006| publisher = Oxford University Press| location = New York|id=ISBN 0-19-860678-8| edition = 2| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Jodidio| first1 = Philip| title = 100 Contemporary Architects| date = 21. 1. 2008| publisher = Taschen|id=ISBN 3-8365-0091-4| edition = 1| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Weidhaas| first1 = Peter|editor1-last=Gossage|editor1-first=C.M.|editor2-last=Wright|editor2-first=W.A.| title = A history of the Frankfurt Book Fair| year = 2007| publisher = Dundurn Press| location = Toronto, Ontario| isbn = 9781550027440| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Thompson| first1 = Kristin| last2 = Bordwell| first2 = David| title = Film history : an introduction| year = 2006| publisher = McGraw-Hill| location = Boston [u.a.]| isbn = 9780071151412| edition = [2.] 24 pr.| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Rother| first1 = Rainer| title = Leni Riefenstahl: The Seduction of Genius| date = 1. 7. 2003| publisher = Bloomsbury Publishing|id=ISBN 1-4411-5901-0| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Brockmann| first1 = Stephen| title = A critical history of German film| year = 2010| publisher = Camden House| location = Rochester, N.Y.|id=ISBN 1-57113-468-9| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Ehlers| first1 = Steve| last2 = Hurt| first2 = Jeanette| title = The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cheeses of the World| year = 2008| publisher = Penguin| isbn = 9781592577149| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=sjW9adVFS2kC&pg=PA113| language = en}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Large| first1 = David Clay| title = Nazi games : the Olympics of 1936| year = 2007| publisher = W.W. Norton| location = New York| isbn = 9780393058840| edition = 1| language = en}}
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:'''остали језици'''
{{Почетак референци|2}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv|editor1-last=Materskiego|editor1-first=Wojciecha|editor2-last=Szarota|editor2-first=Tomasza| title = Polska 1939-1945 : straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami| year = 2009| publisher = Instytut Pamięci Narodowej--Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu| location = Warszawa| isbn = 9788376290676| language = pl}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Vasmer| first1 = Max| title = Etymological dictionary of the Russian language| volume = III| publisher = Progress| year = 1986| location = Moscow| url = http://etymolog.ruslang.ru/vasmer.php?id=62&vol=3| language = ru}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Давидовић| first1 = Раде| title = Регионална географија Европе| volume = III| publisher = Природно-математички факултет Универзитета у Новом Саду| year = 2004| location = Нови Сад| url = | language = ср}}
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