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Ред 40:
Обала [[острво|острва]] је због [[мочвара|мочварних]] шума [[мангрове|мангрова]] релативно неприступачна, што као последицу има и слабу насељеност обала. Чак нити већина [[река]] нису (због морских наноса) приступачне с морске стране. Велика подручја су још увијек покривена густим [[прашума]]ма.
Од крајњег северног дела острва, Кап Сампанмангио, па до северозападног краја на Кап Дату пружа се дугачак брдски ланац. На централној [[висораван|висоравни]] издиже се више група брда окружених равницама. Највиша тачка на острву је врх [[Кинабалу]] (4.101 [[метар]]а над морем) и налази се на североистоку. Брда од [[гранит]]а и [[шкриљац|шкриљца]] су претежно на западном делу Борнеа. Највећи речни систем је [[Kapuas River|Капуас]] у [[West Kalimantan|Западном Килимантану]], са дужином од {{convert|1000|km|abbr=on}}.<ref name="TanMerdikawati2015">{{Cite bookharvnb|author=Khee Giap Tan|author2=Nurina Merdikawati|author3=Mulya Amri|author4=Blake Harley Berger|title=2014 Annual Competitiveness Analysis and Development Strategies for Indonesian Provinces|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=G1gGCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA286|date=08. 09. 2015|publisher=World Scientific|isbn=978-981-4730-43-3|pages=286}}</ref> Друге главне реке су [[Mahakam River|Махакам]] у [[East Kalimantan|Источном Калимантану]] ({{convert|920|km|mi|abbr=on|adj=mid|дуг}}),<ref>{{Cite book|last=Tomascik|first=Tomas|title=The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=0Kc80Hd2HagC&pg=PP54|year=1997|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-850186-2|pagespp=54}}</ref> [[Barito River|Барито]] у [[South Kalimantan|Јужном Калимантану]] ({{convert|900|km|mi|abbr=on|adj=mid|дуг|pages=}}),<ref>{{Cite bookharvnb|author=Khee Giap Tan|author2=Mulya Amri|author3=Linda Low|author4=Kong Yam Tan|title=Competitiveness Analysis and Development Strategies for 33 Indonesian Provinces|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Q526CgAAQBAJ&pg=PA338|year=2013|publisher=World Scientific|isbn=978-981-4504-86-7|pagespp=338}}</ref> [[Rajang River|Рајанг]] у Сараваку ({{convert|565|km|mi|abbr=on|adj=mid|дуг}})<ref>{{Cite book|title=Tropical River Fisheries Valuation: Background Papers to a Global Synthesis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=mmrmRVVSiIYC&pg=PT218|year=2008|publisher=WorldFish|isbn=978-983-2346-61-6|pages=218}}</ref> и [[Kinabatangan River|Кинабатанган]] у Сабаху ({{convert|560|km|mi|abbr=on|adj=mid|дуг}}).<ref>{{cite bookharvnb|last=Tietze|first=Uwe|author2=Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations|title=Credit and Microfinance Needs in Inland Capture Fisheries Development and Conservation in Asia|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ihTrWUKDvLUC&pg=PA131|year=2007|publisher=Food & Agriculture Org.|isbn=978-92-5-105756-8|pagespp=131}}</ref>
Обала је дугачка 4.971 [[км]]. Није јако разуђена, али ипак има неколико добрих и сигурних [[залив]]а у којима су луке. Пре него што су нивои мора порасли на крају задњег [[Ice Age|леденог доба]], Борнео је био део азијске копнене масе, формирајући са [[Java|Јавом]] и [[Sumatra|Суматром]] горска подручја полуострва које се протезало источно од данашње [[Indochina|Индокине]]. [[South China Sea|Јужно кинеско море]] и [[Gulf of Thailand|Тајландски залив]] сад прекривају бивше низијске делове полустрва. Дубље воде које раздвајају Борнео од суседног [[Sulawesi|Сулавесија]] су спречавале копнену везу са тим острвом, чиме је креирано раздвајање познато као [[Wallace's Line|Воласова линија]] између биолошких региона Азије и Аустралије-[[New Guinea|Нове Гвинеје]].<ref>{{cite book|authorlast=Taylor|first=James Allan Taylor|title=Biogeography: Recent Advances and Future Directions|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=xz9dWjh_CAsC&pg=PA178|year=1984|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield|isbn=978-0-389-20507-4|pages=178}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.starfish.ch/dive/Wallacea.html|title=Wallacea|last=Zubi|first=Teresa|publisher=Starfish|date=25. 10. 2015.|accessdate=26. 05. 2017.|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170525180130/http://www.starfish.ch/dive/Wallacea.html|archivedate=25. 05. 2017.|deadurl=yes|df=dmy-all|pages=}}</ref>
Западно од Борнеа су [[Анамба острва]].
Ред 88:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|title=Tropical River Fisheries Valuation: Background Papers to a Global Synthesis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=mmrmRVVSiIYC&pg=PT218|year=2008|publisher=WorldFish|isbn=978-983-2346-61-6|pages=218}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|authortitle=KheeTropical GiapRiver Tan|author2=MulyaFisheries Amri|author3=LindaValuation: Low|author4=KongBackground YamPapers Tan|title=Competitivenessto Analysisa andGlobal Development Strategies for 33 Indonesian ProvincesSynthesis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Q526CgAAQBAJmmrmRVVSiIYC&pg=PA338PT218|year=20132008|publisher=World ScientificWorldFish|isbn=978-981983-45042346-8661-76|pages=338218}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Tan|first=Khee Giap|last2=Amri|first2=Mulya|last3=Low|first3=Linda|last4=Tan|first4=Kong Yam|title=Competitiveness Analysis and Development Strategies for 33 Indonesian Provinces|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Q526CgAAQBAJ&pg=PA338|year=2013|publisher=World Scientific|isbn=978-981-4504-86-7|pages=338}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Tomascik|first=Tomas|title=The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=0Kc80Hd2HagC&pg=PP54|year=1997|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-850186-2|pages=54}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|authorlast=Tan|first=Khee Giap Tan|author2last2=Nurina Merdikawati|author3first2=Nurina|last3=Mulya Amri|author4first3=Mulya|last4=Berger|first4=Blake Harley Berger|title=2014 Annual Competitiveness Analysis and Development Strategies for Indonesian Provinces|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=G1gGCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA286|date=08. 09. 2015|publisher=World Scientific|isbn=978-981-4730-43-3|pages=286}}
* {{citation|title=British North Borneo / by L. W. W. Gudgeon ; with twelve full-page illustrations in colour by Allan Stewart
|author = L. W. W Gudgeon
|author2 = Allan Stewart|year=1913|publisher=Adam and Charles Black
|year=1913|publisher=Adam and Charles Black
* {{cite book
|author=Redmond O'Hanlon|year=1984|title=Into the Heart of Borneo: An Account of a Journey Made in 1983 to the Mountains of Batu Tiban with James Fenton|publisher=Salamander Press|isbn=978-0-9075-4055-7|ref=harv}}
|author = Redmond O'Hanlon
|year=1984|title=Into the Heart of Borneo: An Account of a Journey Made in 1983 to the Mountains of Batu Tiban with James Fenton|publisher=Salamander Press|isbn=978-0-9075-4055-7
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author=Eric Hansen|year=1988|title=Stranger in the Forest: On Foot Across Borneo|publisher=Century|isbn=978-0-7126-1158-9|ref=harv}}
|author = Eric Hansen
|year=1988|title=Stranger in the Forest: On Foot Across Borneo|publisher=Century|isbn=978-0-7126-1158-9
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author = Gordon Barclay Corbet
|author2=John Edwards Hill|year=1992|title=The mammals of the Indomalayan Region: a systematic review|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-854693-1|ref=harv}}
|author2 = John Edwards Hill
|year=1992|title=The mammals of the Indomalayan Region: a systematic review|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-854693-1
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author = Robert Young Pelton|year=1995|title=Fielding's Borneo|publisher=Fielding Worldwide|isbn=978-1-5695-2026-0|ref=harv}}
|year=1995|title=Fielding's Borneo|publisher=Fielding Worldwide|isbn=978-1-5695-2026-0
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author=Ghazally Ismail|year=1996–2001|title=A Scientific Journey Through Borneo|publisher=[[Universiti Malaysia Sarawak]]
|author = Ghazally Ismail
| location = Kota Samarahan|ref=harv}}
|year=1996–2001|title=A Scientific Journey Through Borneo|publisher=[[Universiti Malaysia Sarawak]]
| location = Kota Samarahan
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author = K. M. Wong
|author2=Chew Lun Chan|year=1997|title=Mount Kinabalu: Borneo's Magic Mountain: An Introduction to the Natural History of One of the World's Great Natural Monuments|publisher=[[Natural History Publications (Borneo)|Natural History Publications]]
|author2 = Chew Lun Chan
| location = Kota Kinabalu|isbn=978-983-812-014-2|ref=harv}}
|year=1997|title=Mount Kinabalu: Borneo's Magic Mountain: An Introduction to the Natural History of One of the World's Great Natural Monuments|publisher=[[Natural History Publications (Borneo)|Natural History Publications]]
| location = Kota Kinabalu|isbn=978-983-812-014-2
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author=Dennis Lau|year=1999|title=Borneo: a photographic journey|publisher=Travelcom Asia|isbn=978-983-99431-1-5|ref=harv}}
|author = Dennis Lau
|year=1999|title=Borneo: a photographic journey|publisher=Travelcom Asia|isbn=978-983-99431-1-5
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author=John Wassner|year=2001|title=Espresso with the Headhunters: A Journey Through the Jungles of Borneo|publisher=Summersdale|isbn=978-1-84024-137-2|ref=harv}}
|author = John Wassner
|year=2001|title=Espresso with the Headhunters: A Journey Through the Jungles of Borneo|publisher=Summersdale|isbn=978-1-84024-137-2
| ref = harv
* {{citation|title=The bats of Niah National Park, Sarawak
|author = Less S. Hall
|author2 = Greg Richards
|author3 = Mohamad Tajuddin Abdullah
| journal = The Sarawak Museum Journal|year=2002
* {{citation|title=Diversity, Relative Abundance and Conservation of Chiropterans in Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
|author = Mohd Azlan J.
|author2 = Ibnu Martono
|author3 = Agus P. Kartono
|author4 = Mohamad Tajuddin Abdullah
| journal = The Sarawak Museum Journal|year=2003
* {{citation|title=Biogeography and variation of Cynopterus brachyotis in Southeast Asia|last=Abdullah|first=Mohd Tajuddin|publisher=[[University of Queensland]]
|author = Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah|publisher=[[University of Queensland]]
| location = Brisbane
| edition = [[Thesis|PhD thesis]]|year=2003
* {{citation|title=Mammals
|author = Catherine Karim
|author2 = Andrew Alek Tuen
|author3 = Mohamad Tajuddin Abdullah
| journal = The Sarawak Museum Journal|year=2004
* {{citation|title=Biogeography of fruit bats in Southeast Asia
|author = Less S. Hall
|author2 = Gordon G. Grigg
|author3 = Craig Moritz
|author4 = Besar Ketol
|author5 = Isa Sait
|author6 = Wahab Marni
|author7 = M.T. Abdullah
| journal = The Sarawak Museum Journal|year=2004
| title-link = fruit bat
* {{cite book
|author = Stephen Holley|year=2004|title=A White Headhunter in Borneo|publisher=Natural History Publications
| location = Kota Kinabalu|isbn=978-983-812-081-4|ref=harv}}
|year=2004|title=A White Headhunter in Borneo|publisher=Natural History Publications
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|year=2006|title=Wild Borneo: The Wildlife and Scenery of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, and Kalimantan|publisher=New Holland Publishers|isbn=978-1-84537-378-8|ref=harv}}
| location = Kota Kinabalu|isbn=978-983-812-081-4
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|year=2006|title=Wild Borneo: The Wildlife and Scenery of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, and Kalimantan|publisher=New Holland Publishers|isbn=978-1-84537-378-8
| ref = harv
* {{citation|title=Borneo's Moment of Truth
|author = Mel White
|date=November 2008|publisher=[[National Geographic (magazine)|National Geographic]]
* {{cite book
|author = Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis|year=2009|title=Quer durch Borneo
| language = Dutch|publisher=BoD – Books on Demand|isbn=978-3-86195-028-8|ref=harv}}
|year=2009|title=Quer durch Borneo
| language = Dutch|publisher=BoD – Books on Demand|isbn=978-3-86195-028-8
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|author=G. W. H. Davison|year=2010|title=A Photographic Guide to Birds of Borneo: Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan|publisher=New Holland|isbn=978-1-84773-828-8|ref=harv}}
|author = G. W. H. Davison
|year=2010|title=A Photographic Guide to Birds of Borneo: Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan|publisher=New Holland|isbn=978-1-84773-828-8
| ref = harv
* {{citation|title=Hose's Civet: Borneo's mysterious carnivore
|author = John Mathai
| series = Nature Watch 18/4: 2–8|year=2010
* {{citation|title=Small carnivores in a logging concession in the Upper Baram, Sarawak, Borneo
|author = John Mathai
|author2 = Jason Hon
|author3 = Ngumbang Juat
|author4 = Amanda Peter
|author5 = Melvin Gumal
| series = Small Carnivore Conservation 42: 1–9|year=2010
* {{cite book
|author=Charles M. Francis|year=2013|title=A Photographic Guide to Mammals of South-East Asia|publisher=Bloomsbury Publishing Plc|isbn=978-1-84773-531-7|ref=harv}}
|author = Charles M. Francis
|year=2013|title=A Photographic Guide to Mammals of South-East Asia|publisher=Bloomsbury Publishing Plc|isbn=978-1-84773-531-7
| ref = harv
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