Парагвајски рат — разлика између измена

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м Dodavanje datuma u šablone za održavanje i/ili sredjivanje referenci
Ред 1:
{{Инфокутија Војни сукоб
| битка = Парагвајски рат
Линија 6 ⟶ 5:
| величина_слике = 300п
| опис_слике = Сцене из рата
| датум = [[13. децембар]] [[1864]].<ref>Richard Francis Burton: "Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay", p.76 – Tinsley Brothers Editors – London (1870) – Burton, as a witness of the conflict, marks this date as the real beginning of the war. He writes: "The Brazilian Army invades the Banda Oriental, despite the protestations of President López, who declared that such invasion would be held a 'casus belli'."</ref> — [[1. март]] [[1870]].
| датум = [[13. децембар]] [[1864]] — [[1. март]] [[1870]].
| локација = [[Јужна Америка]]
| узрок =
| територија =
| резултат = Победа тројног савеза.
Линија 19 ⟶ 18:
| јачина1 = 150.000{{чињеница| date = 10. 2015.}}
| јачина2 = 199.756{{чињеница| date = 10. 2015.}}
| губици1 = око 140.000 војника и цивила<ref>{{cite web|url=http://remilitari.com/guias/victimario5.htm|title=De re Militari: muertos en Guerras, Dictaduras y Genocidios|website=remilitari.com}}</ref>
| губици1 = од 300.000 до 400.000
| губици2 = 100.000
| цивилне жртве = 200.000
'''Рат Тројног савеза''', познат и као '''Парагвајски рат''', трајао је од [[1864]]. до [[1870]]. између [[Парагвај]]а и савезничких земаља [[Аргентина|Аргентине]], [[Бразил]]а и [[Уругвај]]а.{{sfn|Marley|1998|p=570}}<ref>[http://www.portalguarani.com/obras_autores_detalles.php?id_obras=8696 ''Testimonios de la Guerra Grande y Muerte del Mariscal López''] by Julio César Frutos</ref><ref>[http://www.cultura.gov.py/lang/gu/2011/05/la-guerra-de-la-triple-alianza-1864-70/ ''Ñorairõ Guasu, 1864 guive 1870 peve''] by Guido Rodríguez Alcalá. Secretaría Nacional de Cultura, 28 May 2011</ref> То је био најкрвавији сукоб у историји [[Латинска Америка|Латинске Америке]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.britannica.com/event/War-of-the-Triple-Alliance|title=War of the Triple Alliance - South American history|website=Encyclopedia Britannica}}</ref>
Парагвај је годинама био у царинским и граничним препиркама и на ивици рата са својим већим и моћнијим сусједима, Аргентином и Бразилом. Уругвај је такође устрајао на својој независности од истих, посебно од Аргентине, због језичке блискости.
Линија 38 ⟶ 37:
У међувремену, Колорадоси су учврстили своју власт у Уругвају којим су владали све до [[1958]] године. Биле су потребне деценије да се Парагвај опорави од хаоса и демографског дисбаланса. Посљедице су видљиве и дан данас. Маршал Франциско Лопез данас ужива епитет највећег Парагвајског хероја.
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{cite journal
| last1 = Abente
| first1 = Diego
| year = 1987
| title = The War of the Triple Alliance
| journal = Latin American Research Review
| volume = 22
| issue = 2
| pages = 47–69
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Amerlan
| first1 = Albert
| year = 1902
| title = Nights on the Río Paraguay: Scenes on the Paraguayan War and Charactersketches
| publisher = Herman Tjarks and Co.
| location = Buenos Aires
| ref = harv
* {{cite book | last = Bormann | first = José Bernardino | title = A Campanha do Uruguay (1864–65) | year = 1907 | publisher = Imprensa Nacional | location = Rio de Janeiro | isbn = | ref = harv |language=Portuguese }}
* {{cite book
| last1 = Box
| first1 =Pelham Horton
| year = 1967
| title = The origins of the Paraguayan War
| publisher = Russel & Russel
| location = New York
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Burton
| first1 =Richard Francis
| year = 1870
| title = Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay
| publisher = Tinsley Brothers
| location = London
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Cancogni and Boris
| year = 1972
| language = Italian
| title = Il Napoleone del Plata (The Napoleon of the Plate)
| publisher = Rizzoli Editores
| location = Milano
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = [[Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham|Cunninghame Graham]]
| first1 =Robert Bontine
| year = 1933
| title = Portrait of a Dictator: Francisco Solano López
| publisher = William Heinemann Ltd.
| location = London
| ref = harv
* {{cite book|ref=harv|last=Doratioto|first=Francisco|title=Maldita guerra: nova história da Guerra do Paraguai|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=OfQca2PPOgMC|accessdate=19 June 2015|date=2003|publisher=Companhia das Letras|isbn=978-85-359-0224-2}}
* {{cite journal
| last1 = Hardy
| first1 = Osgood
| date = October 1919
| title = South American Alliances: Some Political and Geographical Considerations
| journal = Geographical Review
| volume = 8
| issue = 4/5
| pages = 259–265
| ref = harv
| doi = 10.2307/207840
| jstor = 207840
* {{cite book
| last1 = Herrera
| first1 = Luis Alberto
| year = 1943
| title = El Drama del 65: La Culpa Mitrista
| publisher = Edición Homenaje
| location = Buenos Aires - Montevideo
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Hooker
| first1 = Terry D.
| year = 2008
| title = The Paraguayan War
| publisher = Foundry Books
| location = Nottingham
| isbn = 1-901543-15-3
| ref = harv
* JACEGUAY, "A Guerra do Paraguay: reflexões críticas sobre as operações combinadas da esquadra brasileira e exércitos aliados". In, JACEGUAY, baron de & OLIVEIRA DE FREITAS, Carlos Vidal. ''Quatro séculos de atividade marítima: Portugal e Brasil''. Imprensa Nacional, 1900
* {{cite book
| last1 = Kolinski
| first1 = Charles J.
| year = 1965
| title = Independence or Death! The story of the Paraguayan War
| publisher = University of Florida Press
| location = Gainesville, Florida
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Kraay
| first1 = Hendrik
| last2 = Whigham
| first2 = Thomas L.
| year = 2004
| title = I Die with My Country: Perspectives on the Paraguayan War, 1864–1870
| publisher = Thomson-Shore
| location = Dexter, Michigan
| isbn = 978-0-8032-2762-0
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Leuchars
| first1 = Chris
| year = 2002
| title = To the Bitter End: Paraguay and the War of the Triple Alliance
| publisher = Greenwood Press
| location = Westport, Connecticut
| isbn = 0-313-32365-8
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Marley
| first1 = David
| year = 1998
| title = Wars of the Americas
| publisher = ABC-CLIO
| location = Santa Barbara
| isbn = 0-87436-837-5
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Mellid
| first =Atilio García
| year = 1959
| language = Spanish
| title = Proceso a los Falsificadores de la Historia del Paraguay (2 vols.).
| publisher = Ediciones Theoría
| location = Buenos Aires
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Nabuco
| first =Joaquim
| year = 1901
| language = Spanish
| title = La Guerra del Paraguay
| publisher = Ediciones Garnier
| location = Buenos Aires
| ref = harv
* {{cite book | last = Needell | first = Jeffrey D. | title = The Party of Order: the Conservatives, the State, and Slavery in the Brazilian Monarchy, 1831–1871 | year = 2006 | publisher = Stanford University Press | location = Stanford, California | isbn = 978-0-8047-5369-2 | ref = harv }}
* {{cite book
| last1 = O'Leary
| first =Juan
| year = 2011
| language = Spanish
| title = Recuerdos de Gloria: Artículos Históricos sobre la Guerra de la Triple Alianza
| publisher = Servilibro
| location = Asunción
| ref = harv
* {{cite journal
| last1 = Peñalba
| first1 = José Alfredo Fornos
| date = April 1982
| title = Draft Dodgers, War Resisters and Turbulent Gauchos: The War of the Triple Alliance against Paraguay
| journal = The Americas
| volume = 38
| issue = 4
| pages = 463–479
| jstor = 981208
| ref = harv
| doi = 10.2307/981208
* {{cite book
| last1 = Pomer
| first =León
| year = 2008
| language = Spanish
| title = La Guerra del Paraguay: Estado, Política y Negocios
| publisher = Editorial Colihue
| location = Buenos Aires
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Rosa
| first =José María
| year = 2008
| language = Spanish
| title = La Guerra del Paraguay y las Montoneras Argentinas
| publisher = Editorial Punto de Encuentro
| location = Buenos Aires
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Salles
| first = Ricardo
| year = 2003
| language = Portuguese
| title = Guerra do Paraguai: Memórias & Imagens
| publisher = Bibilioteca Nacional
| location = Rio de Janeiro
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Scheina
| first1 = Robert
| year = 2003
| title = Latin America's Wars: The Age of the Caudillo, 1791–1899
| publisher = Brassey's
| location = Dulles, Virginia
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last = Schneider
| first = Louis
| title = A Guerra da Tríplice Aliança Contra o Paraguai
| year = 2009
| publisher = Pradense
| location = Porto Alegre
| isbn = 978-85-89072-13-7
| ref = harv
|language=Portuguese }}
* {{cite book
| last1 = Shaw
| first1 = Karl
| year = 2005
| origyear = 2004
| language = Czech
| title = Power Mad!
|trans-title=Šílenství mocných
| publisher = Metafora
| location = Praha
| isbn = 978-80-7359-002-4
| ref = harv
* {{cite book | last1 = Tasso Fragoso | first1 = Augusto | authorlink1 = Augusto Tasso Fragoso | year = 2009 | language = Portuguese | title = História da Guerra entre a Tríplice Aliança e o Paraguai | volume = 1 | edition = 3 | publisher = Biblioteca do Exército | location = Rio de Janeiro | ref = {{sfnRef|Tasso Fragoso 2009, Vol 1}}}}
*{{cite journal
|first=E. N.
|title=Britain and Latin America in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Paraguay
| journal = Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv, Neue Folge
| volume = 5
| issue = 1
| pages = 39–70
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Thompson
| first1 = George
| year = 1869
| title = The War in Paraguay: With a historical sketch of the country and its people and notes upon the military engineering of the war.
| publisher = Longmans and Green Co.
| location = London, England
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Vasconsellos
| first1 = Victor N.
| year = 1970
| title = Resumen de Historia del Paraguay. Delimitaciones Territoriales
| publisher = Industria Grafica Comuneros
| location = Asunción, Paraguay
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Washburn
| first1 = Charles
| year = 1871
| title = The history of Paraguay : with notes of personal observations, and reminiscences of diplomacy under difficulties (2 vols).
| publisher = University of Nebraska Press
| location = Lincoln, Nebraska
| ref = harv
*{{cite book |last=Weisiger |first=Alex |date=2013 |title=Logics of War: Explanations for Limited and Unlimited Conflicts |url=https://books.google.com/?id=JhoarI_MSV4C&pg=PA97&lpg=PA97&dq=Paraguay+Brazil+ultimatum#v=onepage&q=Paraguay%20Brazil%20ultimatum&f=false |location=Ithaca, New York |publisher= Cornell University Press |isbn=9780801468162|ref=harv}}
* {{cite book
| last1 = Whigham
| first1 = Thomas L.
| year = 2002
| title = The Paraguayan War: Causes and Early Conduct
| volume = 1
| publisher = University of Nebraska Press
| location = Lincoln, Nebraska
| isbn = 978-0-8032-4786-4
| ref = harv
* {{cite journal
|first=John Hoyt
|title=The Undrawn Line: Three Centuries of Strife on the Paraguayan-Mato Grosso Frontier
|journal=Luso-Brazilian Review
|publisher=University of Wisconsin Press
* {{cite journal
| last1 = Williams
| first1 = John Hoyt
| date = April 2000
| title = The Battle of Tuyuti
| journal = Military History
| volume = 17
| issue = 1
| page = 58
| ref = harv
* {{cite journal
| last1 = Wilson
| first1 = Peter
| date = May 2004
| title = Latin America's Total War
| journal = History Today
| volume = 54
| issue = 5
| issn = 0018-2753
| ref = harv
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commonscat|War of the Triple Alliance}}
* -{[http://www.onwar.com/aced/data/tango/triple1864.htm <nowiki>http://www.onwar.com/aced/data/tango/triple1864.htm</nowiki>Armed Conflict Timeline Index 2010 - 2019 ]}-
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[[Категорија:Историја Парагваја]]