Кинески вртови — разлика између измена

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Ред 9:
[[Кинези]] су први уместо геометријског развили пејзажни стил у вртној [[уметност]]и. Друго обележје кинеског врта су велике димензије. Неки вртови били су велики и по неколико стотина километара. Тако је цар [[Ћин Ши Хуанг]] из [[династија Ћин|династије Ћин]] (3 век п. н. е.) имао врт који је обухватао тридесет округа,<ref name="Che Bing Chiu pg. 12">Che Bing Chiu, ''Jardins de Chine'', p. 12.</ref> са копијама двораца владара које је победио у рату. Велики освајач '''[[Ву Ти]]''' из [[династија Хан|династије Хан]] (2. век п. н. е) имао је тако велики врт да је на његовом одржавању радило тридесет хиљада робова. Из религиозних и филозофских разлога (конфучијанизам и таоизам) концепција кинеских вртова је била срачуната да остави утисак раја на земљи.
=== Стилови Кинеских вртова ===
'''Кинески врт''' је кроз векове формиран у три основна стила:
# '''Идиличан стил'''-обавезно је имао језеро са острвом, рибарском кућом на обали, врбама, чамцима и рибарским мрежама. Требало је да подсећа на рибарско село.
Ред 16:
У врту су постојали разни за нас необични архитектонски елементи као што су отворене галерије живих боја покривене лакираним црепом и капије разних облика. Најстарије капије имају осмоугаони облик или кружан (месечена врата). Пажљиво су биране громаде камена за [[башта|врт]]. Било је и патуљастог дрвећа одгајеног посебном '''бонсаи техником''' гајења биљака. Шетња вртом се готово искључиво обављала чамцима, а много мање стазама између делова врта.
== Историја ==
=== Почеци ===
The earliest recorded Chinese gardens were created in the valley of the [[Yellow River]], during the [[Shang Dynasty]] (1600–1046 BC). These gardens were large enclosed parks where the kings and nobles hunted game, or where fruit and vegetables were grown.
Early inscriptions from this period, carved on tortoise shells, have three Chinese characters for garden, ''you'', ''pu'' and ''yuan''. ''You'' was a royal garden where birds and animals were kept, while pu was a garden for plants. During the [[Qin dynasty]] (221–206 BC), ''[[wiktionary:園|yuan]]'' became the character for all gardens.<ref>Feng Chaoxiong, ''The Classical Gardens of Suzhou'', preface, and Bing Chiu, ''Jardins de Chine, ou la quete du paradis'', Editions de La Martiniere, Paris 2010, p. 10–11.</ref> The old character for ''yuan'' is a small picture of a garden; it is enclosed in a square which can represent a wall, and has symbols which can represent the plan of a structure, a small square which can represent a pond, and a symbol for a plantation or a pomegranate tree.<ref>Tong Jun, Records of Jiang Gardens, cited in Feng Chanoxiong, ''The Classical Gardens of Suzhou''.</ref>
A famous royal garden of the late Shang dynasty was the ''Terrace, Pond and Park'' of the Spirit (''Lingtai, Lingzhao Lingyou'') built by King Wenwang west of his capital city, [[Yinxu|Yin]]. The park was described in the [[Classic of Poetry]].<ref>Cited in Che Bing Chiu, Jardins de Chine, p. 11.</ref>
Another early royal garden was ''Shaqui'', or the ''Dunes of Sand'', built by the last Shang ruler, [[King Zhou of Shang|King Zhou]] (1075–1046 BC). It was composed of an earth terrace, or ''tai'', which served as an observation platform in the center of a large square park. It was described in one of the early classics of Chinese literature, the ''[[Records of the Grand Historian]]'' (''Shiji'').<ref>Tan, p. 10. See also Che Bing Chiu, ''Jardins de Chine'', p. 11.</ref>
According to the ''Shiji'', one of the most famous features of this garden was the ''Wine Pool and Meat Forest'' (酒池肉林). A large pool, big enough for several small boats, was constructed on the palace grounds, with inner linings of polished oval shaped stones from the sea shores. The pool was then filled with wine. A small island was constructed in the middle of the pool, where trees were planted, which had skewers of roasted meat hanging from their branches. King Zhou and his friends and concubines drifted in their boats, drinking the wine with their hands and eating the roasted meat from the trees. Later Chinese philosophers and historians cited this garden as an example of decadence and bad taste.<ref>Che Bing Chiu, "Jardins de Chine, ou la quete du paradis", p. 11.</ref>
During the [[Spring and Autumn period]] (722–481 BC), in 535 BC, the ''Terrace of Shanghua'', with lavishly decorated palaces, was built by [[King Jing of Zhou (Gui)|King Jing]] of the [[Zhou dynasty]]. In 505 BC, an even more elaborate garden, the ''Terrace of Gusu'', was begun. It was located on the side of a mountain, and included a series of terraces connected by galleries, along with a lake where boats in the form of blue dragons navigated. From the highest terrace, a view extended as far as [[Lake Tai]], the Great Lake.<ref>Che Bing Chiu, ''Jardins de Chine'', p. 12</ref>
== Референце ==