Арнулф Карантанијски — разлика између измена

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м Бот: исправљам преусмерења
Ред 1:
{{Инфокутија владар
| име = Арнулф Карантанијски
Линија 9 ⟶ 8:
| држава_рођења =
| датум_смрти = [[8. децембар]] [[899]].
| место_смрти = [[Регензбург]], [[Војводство Баварска]]
| држава_смрти = [[Источна Франачка]] (сад [[Баварска]], [[Немачка]])<ref name="Useful Knowledge page 623">''The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge'', Vol. III, Part II (page 623), printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, London, 1844</ref>
| држава_смрти =
| сахрањен =
| функција =
Линија 24 ⟶ 23:
| опис_грба =
'''Арнулф Карантанијски''' или '''Арнулф Корушки''' ({{јез-нем|Arnulf von Kärnten}}; [[850]]—[[8. децембар]] [[899]]) је био краљ [[списак владара Немачке|Немачке]] (887—899), [[краљ Италије]] (896—899) и [[цар Светог римског царства]] (896—899).<ref>East Francia had been split from the rest of [[Frankish Realm]] by the [[Treaty of Verdun]] in 843. It evolved into [[Holy Roman Empire]] after end of Carolingian rule.</ref> Члан је каролиншке династије Источне Франачке (Немачке), која се одвојила [[Верденски споразум|Верденским споразумом]] [[843]]. године. Арнулф је незаконити сина [[Карломан Баварски|Карломана Баварског]].
== Рани живот ==
=== Незаконитост и рани живот ===
Arnulf was the illegitimate son of [[Carloman of Bavaria]],<ref>Bradbury, Jim. ''The Capetians: Kings of France 987-1328''. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007. p 31</ref><ref>McDougall, Sara. ''Royal Bastards: The Birth of Illegitimacy, 800-1230''. Oxford University Press, 2017. p 91</ref> and Liutswind,<ref>Also Litwinde or Litwindie</ref> who may have been the sister of Ernst, Count of the Bavarian [[Nordgau (Bavaria)|Nordgau Margraviate]] in the area of the [[Upper Palatinate]], or perhaps the burgrave of [[Passau]], according to other sources. After Arnulf's birth, Carloman married, before 861, a daughter of that same Count Ernst, who died after 8 August 879. As it is mainly West-Franconian historiography<ref>[http://www.manfred-hiebl.de/mittelalter-genealogie/karolinger_ostfraenkische_linie/karlmann_ostfraenkischer_koenig_880.html Konecny, Silvia. ''Die Frauen des karolingischen Königshauses. Die politische Bedeutung der Ehe und die Stellung der Frau in der fränkischen Herrscherfamilie vom 7. bis zum 10. Jahrhundert.'' PhD thesis Vienna 1976, p. 139]</ref> that speaks of Arnulf's illegitimacy, it is quite possible that the two females are actually one and the same person and that Carloman married Arnulf's mother, thus legitimizing his son.<ref>[http://www.mittelalter-genealogie.de/karolinger_ostfraenkische_linie/luitswinda_mutter_kaiser_arnulfs_891.html Mediaeval Genealogy: Liutswind:] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20030902183355/http://www.mittelalter-genealogie.de/karolinger_ostfraenkische_linie/luitswinda_mutter_kaiser_arnulfs_891.html |date=September 2, 2003 }} Various theories about her descent and her relation to Carloman (in German)</ref>
=== Свргавање Карла Дебелог ===
Линија 89 ⟶ 95:
|31 =
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Bowlus|first=Charles R.|title=Franks, Moravians, and Magyars: The Struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-907|year=1995|location=Philadelphia|publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=x5x0BAAAQBAJ}}
* Duckett, Eleanor (1968). ''Death and Life in the Tenth Century''. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
* Comyn, Robert. [https://archive.org/stream/historywesterne01unkngoog#page/n6/mode/2up ''History of the Western Empire, from its Restoration by Charlemagne to the Accession of Charles V, Vol. I''.] 1851
* Bryce, James, [https://archive.org/stream/holyromanempir00bryc#page/n5/mode/2up ''The Holy Roman Empire''], MacMillan. 1913
* Mann, Horace, K. [https://archive.org/stream/livesofpopesinea03mann#page/n7/mode/2up ''The Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages, Vol III: The Popes During the Carolingian Empire, 858–891''.] 1925
* Mann, Horace, K. [https://archive.org/stream/livesofpopesinea04mann#page/n7/mode/2up ''The Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages, Vol IV: The Popes in the Days of Feudal Anarchy, 891–999''.] 1925
== Спољашње везе ==