Личност — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
'''Личност''' је један од темељних појмова [[психологија|психологије]] који се односи на непоновљив, релативно чврсто интегрисан, стабилан и комплексан [[психаПсиха (психологија)|психички]] склоп [[особина]], који одређује карактеристично и доследно [[понашање]] индивидуе.<ref name="Handbook">{{cite book|last1=Corr|first1=Philip J.|last2=Matthews|first2=Gerald|title=The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology|date=2009|publisher=Cambridge University Press|location=Cambridge|isbn=978-0-521-86218-9|edition= 1. publ.}}</ref> У те особине спадају интелектуалне [[способност]]и, [[вредност]]и, мотиви, [[emocija|емоције]], циљеви и намере, начин [[понашање|понашања]]. Личност је динамичка структура коју чини [[систем]] међусобно повезаних црта ([[способност]]и, темперамента, [[карактер]]а), мотива, [[вредност]]и, [[став]]ова итд. Најопштије, то је стабилна [[организација]] индивидуалних [[карактеристика]] [[човек]]а на основу које се сваки [[индивидуа]] разликује од свих осталих. Према Олпорту, '''личност''' је динамичка организација оних психо-физичких [[систем]]а унутар индивидуе који одређују њено карактеристично [[понашање]] и њен карактеристичан начин [[мисао|мишљења]].<ref>{{cite book|last1=Sadock|first1=Benjamin|last2=Sadock|first2=Virginia|last3=Ruiz|first3=Pedro|title=Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry|publisher=Wolters Kluwer|isbn=978-1-4511-0047-1|year=2017}}</ref>
[[Сигмунд Фројд]] је дао једну од првих дефиниција личности. Према [[психоанализа|психоанализи]], '''личност''' је сложен структурални и динамички [[систем]] који обухвата већи број подсистема или инстанци. Зато се [[психоанализа]] оријентише на специфично дубинско разматрање несвесних слојева '''личност'''и, као и на изучавање динамике развоја, укључујући, поред нормалних, и патолошке последице дисхармоничног развоја. [[Карл Густав Јунг|Јунг]] томе додаје још и елементе колективне [[несвесно|подсвести]] који улазе у структуру '''личност'''и.<ref>{{РСР}}</ref>
== Мерење ==
Personality can be determined through a variety of tests. Due to the fact that personality is a complex idea, the dimensions of personality and scales of personality tests vary and often are poorly defined. Two main tools to measure personality are [[objective test]]s and projective measures. Examples of such tests are the: [[Big Five personality traits|Big Five Inventory]] (BFI), [[Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory]] (MMPI-2), [[Rorschach test|Rorschach Inkblot test]], [[Neurotic Personality Questionnaire KON-2006]],<ref><span lang="PL">{{cite journal|url=http://www.archivespp.pl/uploads/images/2009_11_1/21_p_Archives_1_09.pdf|vauthors=Aleksandrowicz JW, Klasa K, Sobański JA, Stolarska D|title=KON-2006 Neurotic Personality Questionnaire|journal=Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy|year=2009|volume=1|pages=21–22}}</span></ref> or [[Hans Eysenck|Eysenck's]] Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R). All of these tests are beneficial because they have both [[reliability (research methods)|reliability]] and [[Test validity|validity]], two factors that make a test accurate. "Each item should be influenced to a degree by the underlying trait construct, giving rise to a pattern of positive intercorrelations so long as all items are oriented (worded) in the same direction."<ref>{{Citation|last=Hogan|first=Joyce|title=Conscientiousness and Integrity at Work|date=1997|work=Handbook of Personality Psychology|pages=849–870|publisher=Elsevier|isbn=978-0-12-134645-4|last2=Ones|first2=Deniz S.|doi=10.1016/b978-012134645-4/50033-0}}</ref> A recent, but not well-known, measuring tool that psychologists use is the 16 PF. It measures personality based on Cattell's 16 factor theory of personality. Psychologists also use it as a clinical measuring tool to diagnose psychiatric disorders and help with prognosis and therapy planning.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Boundless dominion : providence, politics, and the early Canadian presbyterian worldview|last=Denis|first=McKim|isbn=978-0-7735-5240-1|location=Montreal|oclc=1015239877|date=2017-11-30}}</ref> The Big Five Inventory is the most used measuring tool because it has criterion that expands across different factors in personality, allowing psychologists to have the most accurate information they can garner.
== Модел пет фактора ==
Personality is often broken into statistically-identified factors called the [[Big Five personality traits|Big Five]], which are [[openness to experience]], [[conscientiousness]], [[Extraversion and introversion|extraversion]], [[agreeableness]], and [[neuroticism]] (or emotional stability). These components are generally stable over time, and about half of the variance appears to be attributable to a person's genetics rather than the effects of one's environment.<ref name="Lucas & Baird">Lucas & Baird 2004, pp. 473-485.</ref><ref name="Briley2014">{{cite journal|author= Briley, D.A. |author2= Tucker-Drob, E.M.|year=2014|title= Genetic and environmental continuity in personality development: A meta-analysis|journal= Psychological Bulletin|volume=140|issue=5|pages=1303–1331|url= https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263324524|doi=10.1037/a0037091|pmid=24956122|pmc=4152379}}</ref>
== Референце ==
Линија 7 ⟶ 15:
== Литература ==
* Santrock, J.W. (2008).The Self, Identity, and Personality. In Mike Ryan(Ed.). ''A Topical Approach To Life-Span Development''. (pg 411-412). New York:McGraw-Hill.
* {{Cite journal | doi = 10.1037/0021-843X.87.1.49 | author = Abramson, L., |author2= M.E.P. Seligman, and|author3= J. Teasdale | year = 1978 | title = Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation | url = | journal = Journal of Abnormal Psychology | volume = 87 | issue = 1| pages = 49–74 | pmid = 649856 }}
* Allport, G. W. (1937). ''Personality: A psychological interpretation.'' New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
* Baron, J. (1982). "Intelligence and Personality." In R. Sternberg (Ed.). ''Handbook of Intelligence''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Линија 17 ⟶ 25:
* Handbook of Personality, Third Edition: Theory and Research" by Oliver P. John PhD, Richard W. Robins PhD, and Lawrence A. Pervin PhD, The Guilford Press, New York, 2008
* Hjelle, L. and D. Ziegler (1992). ''Personality: Basic Assumptions, Research and Applications.'' New York: McGraw Hill
* * {{cite journal | doi = 10.1027//1016-9040.7.2.134 | title = The European Origins of "Personality Psychology" | year = 2002 | last1 = Lombardo | first1 = Giovanni Pietro | last2 = Foschi | first2 = Renato | journal = European Psychologist | volume = 7 | issue = 2 | pages = 134–145 }}
* {{cite journal | doi = 10.1037/1093-4510.6.2.123 | title = The concept of personality in 19th-century French and 20th-century American psychology | year = 2003 | last1 = Lombardo | first1 = Giovanni Pietro | last2 = Foschi | first2 = Renato | journal = History of Psychology | volume = 6 | issue = 2 | pages = 123–142 | pmid = 12817602 }}
* Ryckman, R. (2004). ''Theories of Personality''. Belmont, California: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Линија 26 ⟶ 34:
* Lombardo G.P., Foschi R. (2003), "The Concept of Personality between 19th Century France and 20th Century American Psychology", ''History of Psychology'', 6, 133-142.
* {{Cite journal | doi = 10.1027//1016-9040.7.2.134 |author1=Lombardo G.P. |author2=Foschi R. | year = 2002 | title = The European origins of "personality psychology | url = | journal = European psychologist | volume = 7 | issue = 2| pages = 134–145 }}
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