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Ред 54:
Ат Табарани приповеда у Ел Авсату да је Амар ибн Јасир рекао: Ко год је преферирао неког од Алаховог Посланика, нека га Алах благослови и подари му мир, над Абу Бакром и Омаром који омаловажавају Мухаџирун и Ансар.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Aydın|first=Kadir|title=Kalamullah.Com {{!}} The History Of The Khalifahs who Took The Right Way By Shaykh Jalaluddin Suyuti|url=https://www.academia.edu/12167723/Kalamullah.Com_The_History_Of_The_Khalifahs_who_Took_The_Right_Way_By_Shaykh_Jalaluddin_Suyuti|language=en}}</ref>
Мухамед је одредио Амар ибн Јасира за једаног од четворо Сахаба које би муслимани требалитребало да поштују, а такође и оне којима је обећан Рај.<ref>”So high a ranking did 'Ammar have among the Companions, that the Prophet Mohammad said: 'Follow the example of those two who come after me, Abu Bakr and Umar. And follow the guidance of 'Ammar” Abdul Aziz As-Shanawi, ''[https://books.google.com/books?id=zoN4bOdgJxkC&pg=PA122&dq=%22the+example+of+those+two+who+come+after+me,+Abu+bakr+and+umar%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi70IzK9vrRAhUBOhQKHWP4BfIQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q=%22the%20example%20of%20those%20two%20who%20come%20after%20me%2C%20Abu%20bakr%20and%20umar%22&f=false The Ministers around the Prophet - Page 122],'' Dar-us-Salam (2004), Приступљено 6 Feb 2017</ref><ref>”Huthaifa related that the Prophet said: "I do not know how long I shall be with you, so accept the leadership of the two who will follow me (and he pointed to Abu Bakr and Umar), and follow the guidance of Ammar. Believe whatever Ibn Massoud tells you.” [[International Islamic University Malaysia]], [http://www.iium.edu.my/deed/quran/in_the_shade_of_quran/s080.html Surah # 80 - The Frowning], by [http://www.iium.edu.my/deed/quran/in_the_shade_of_quran/index.html Sayyid Qutb] ([[Fi Zilal al-Quran|In the Shade of the Qur'an]]), retrieved on 6 Feb 2017</ref>
Када је Амар умро, Муавјиа га је назвао "једном од две руке тј. десном руком Алија", док је друга био [[Малик ел Аштар]]. [[Вилфред Маделунг|Маделунг]] цитира Ел Табарија извјештавајући о ономе што је Муавија рекао својим следбеницима након што је убио другог лојалног пратиоца Алија, [[Малик ел Аштар]]а: "Али б. Аби Талиб је имао две десне руке. Један од њих је био исечен у Сифину, што значи Амар б. Јасир, а други данас, ел Аштар.<ref name="веза38" /> Упркос Муавијиним провокацијама, Али ибн [[Абу Талиб ибн Абд ел Муталиб|Аби Талиб]], који је у то време био [[калиф]], високо је ценио подршку Амара ибн Јасира и Малик ел Аштара.<ref>{{cite web|last=Reckendorf|first=H.|title=ʿAmmār b. Yāsir|url=http://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopaedia-of-islam-2/ammar-b-yasir-SIM_0627?s.num=0|work=Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition|publisher=Brill|accessdate=7. 4. 2012}}(requires subscription for access)</ref> Ипак Али је дубоко жалио због губитка Амра.<ref name="веза48">Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy: "When Ali heard that Ammar was killed in action, he recited the 156th verse of the 2nd chapter of Al-Qur’an al-Majid as follows: 'We are for God, and toward Him is our return.' Ammar's death was a terrible shock to Ali. They had been friends since the days when Ammar and his parents were tortured by the Quraysh for accepting Islam, and their friend, Muhammad, comforted them. But Muhammad himself had, long since, parted company with them. Now Ammar also left this world, leaving Ali alone. Ali was overwhelmed by sorrow and by an awful feeling of “lonesomeness.” Ali and his friends said the funeral prayer for Ammar ibn Yasir, the friend of Allah, the companion of Muhammad, and the Martyr of Siffin, and gave him burial. Just like his two friends, Muhammad and Ali, Ammar had also fought the Quraysh all his life. Earlier, the Quraysh had killed his parents, and now they killed him. Each of the three Yasirs’ had won the crown of Martyrdom. Ali's sorrow at Ammar's death was matched by Muawiya's exultation. The latter often said that Ammar was one of the two arms of Ali (the other arm being Malik ibn Ashter), and he boasted that he had severed that arm.", A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims, The battle of Siffin @ Al-islam.org, Приступљено 21 May 2014</ref>У 20. веку, бивши палестински лидер, [[Јасер Арафат]], добио је надимак "Абу Амар" након Амара ибн Јасира.<ref name="веза49"> Helena Cobban (before Yasser Arafat's marriage): "Yasser Arafat is not married, but is called 'Abu 'Ammar' as an inversion of the name of the heroic early Muslim warrior 'Ammar bin ('son of) Yasser. The idea, presumably, that if Yasser Arafat had a son, he would or should be as heroic as the earlier Ammar [ibn Yasir]", The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power and Politics (Cambridge Middle East Library), page 272, Приступљено 21 May 2014</ref>