Пауци — разлика између измена

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Спашавам 2 извора и означавам 0 мртвим. #IABot (v2.0beta15)
м .
Ред 195:
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20081216214632/http://imb.uq.edu.au/download/large/Venom_therapeutics.pdf
|archive-date = 16. 12. 2008
|dead-url -status= yesdead
|df =
}}</ref> [[Мождани удар|можданих удара]],<ref>{{cite journal
Ред 208:
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20081209094652/http://www.alomone.com/System/UpLoadFiles/DGallery/Docs/Venom%20Peptides%20and%20their%20Mimetics%20as%20Potential%20Drugs.pdf
|archive-date = 9. 12. 2008
|dead-url -status= yesdead
|df =
}}</ref> и [[Импотенција|импотенције]].<ref>{{cite journal
Ред 235:
Пептид -{GsMtx-4}-, присутан у отрову -{''[[Brachypelma vagans]]''}- врсте, се испитује да би се утврдило да ли се може ефективно примељивати у третману [[Аритмија|срчане аритмије]], [[Маскуларна дистрофија|маскуларне дистрофије]] или [[глиом]]а.<ref>{{Cite journal| url = http://www.ethnobiomed.com/content/7/1/12#B38| journal=Journal of ethnobiology and ethno medicine | title = A case of zootherapy with the tarantula Brachypelma vagans Ausserer, 1875 in traditional medicine of the Chol Mayan ethnic group in Mexico | year = 2011| author = Salima Machkour-M'Rabet | last2 = Hénaut| first2 = Yann| last3 = Winterton| first3 = Peter| author4 = Roberto Rojo }}</ref>
Пошто је [[паукова свила]] веома лагана и веома јака, [[BioSteel|ради]] се на њеној продукцији у [[Коза|козјем]] млеку и у биљном лишћу, применом [[Генетички инжењеринг|генетичког инжењерства]].<ref>{{cite journal | author=Hinman, M. B. | 2= | last2=Jones | first2=A. J.. | author3=Lewis, R. W. | title=Synthetic spider silk: a modular fiber | journal=Trends in Biotechnology | volume=18 | issue=9 | year=2000 | pages=374–9 | doi=10.1016/S0167-7799(00)01481-5 | url=http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/sme/FailureCases/Natural_Structures/Synthetic_spider_silk.pdf | format=PDF | accessdate = 19. 10. 2008. | pmid=10942961 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081216214633/http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/sme/FailureCases/Natural_Structures/Synthetic_spider_silk.pdf | archive-date = 16. 12. 2008 | dead-url-status=yesdead | df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal
| author=Menassa, R. | author2 = Zhu, H. | author3 = Karatzas, C. N. | author4 = Lazaris, A. | author5 = Richman, A. | author6 = Brandle, J.
| title=Spider dragline silk proteins in transgenic tobacco leaves: accumulation and field production
Ред 246:
| author=Ray, N. | year = 2002| title=Lonely Planet Cambodia | publisher=Lonely Planet Publications
| isbn = 978-1-74059-111-9| pages = 308
}}</ref> и код [[Пиароа]] индијанаца у јужној Венецуели – под условом да се врло иритантне длаке, које су главни одбрамбени систем паука, прво уклоне.<ref>{{Cite book | author=Weil, C. | title=Fierce Food | year=2006 | publisher=Plume | isbn=978-0-452-28700-6 | url=http://www.budgettravel.com/bt-dyn/content/article/2006/10/24/AR2006102400797.html | accessdate = 3. 10. 2008. | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110511192407/http://www.budgettravel.com/bt-dyn/content/article/2006/10/24/AR2006102400797.html | archive-date = 11. 05. 2011 | dead-url-status=yesdead | df= }}</ref>
=== Арахнофобија ===
[[Арахнофобија]] је специфична фобија — она је абнормални страх од паука или било чега што подсећа на пауке, као што су мреже или облици који наликују пауцима. Она је једна од најчешћих специфичних фобија,<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.phobias-help.com/Common_Phobia.html | title = A Common Phobia | accessdate = 2. 8. 2009 | publisher = phobias-help.com | archiveurl = https://www.webcitation.org/5ijWR89tc?url=http://www.phobias-help.com/Common_Phobia.html | archivedate = 2. 08. 2009 | quote = There are many common phobias, but surprisingly, the most common phobia is arachnophobia. | deadurl-url status= yesdead | df = }}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = http://phobias.about.com/od/introductiontophobias/a/arachnophobia.htm | title = Spider Fears or Arachnophobia | accessdate = 2. 8. 2009 | last = Fritscher | first = Lisa | 6 = | date = 3. 6. 2009 | work = Phobias | publisher = About.com | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20090619141443/http://phobias.about.com/od/introductiontophobias/a/arachnophobia.htm | archivedate = 19. 06. 2009 | quote = Arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, is one of the most common specific phobias. | deadurl-url status= yesdead | df = }}</ref> и поједине статистике показују да 50% жена и 10% мушкараца показују симптоме.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://10-most-common-phobias.com/common-phobias-home/10-most-common-phobias | title = The 10 Most Common Phobias — Did You Know? | accessdate = 2. 8. 2009 | publisher = 10 Most Common Phobias | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20090903171220/http://10-most-common-phobias.com/common-phobias-home/10-most-common-phobias | archivedate = 03. 09. 2009 | quote = Probably the most recognized of the 10 most common phobias, arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. The statistics clearly show that more than 50% of women and 10% of men show signs of this leader on the 10 most common phobias list. | deadurl-url status= yesdead | df = }}</ref> То може да буде претерана форма [[инстикт]]ивног респонса који је помогао раним људима да преживе,<ref>{{Cite book
| author1 = Friedenberg, J. | author2 = Silverman, G. | lastauthoramp = yes | title=Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Study of Mind
| publisher=SAGE | year = 2005| isbn = 978-1-4129-2568-6| pages = 244–245
Ред 272:
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Foelix| first = Rainer F.| year = 1996| publisher = Oxford University Press| location = 198 Madison Ave. NY, New York, 10016| isbn = 978-0-19-509593-7| title = Biology of Spiders| pages = 3}}
* {{Cite book | ref=harv | author=Weil, C. | title=Fierce Food | year=2006 | publisher=Plume | isbn=978-0-452-28700-6 | url=http://www.budgettravel.com/bt-dyn/content/article/2006/10/24/AR2006102400797.html | accessdate = 3. 10. 2008. | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110511192407/http://www.budgettravel.com/bt-dyn/content/article/2006/10/24/AR2006102400797.html | archive-date = 11. 05. 2011 | dead-url-status=yesdead | df= }}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| author=Ray, N. | year = 2002| title=Lonely Planet Cambodia | publisher=Lonely Planet Publications
| isbn = 978-1-74059-111-9| pages = 308
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