Кухињска со — разлика између измена

Садржај обрисан Садржај додат
Ред 149:
== Употребе ==
InПоред additionпознате toдомаће theупотребе familiar domestic uses of saltсоли, moreдоминантније dominantпримене applicationsод ofоко the250 approximatelyмегатона 250годишње megatons(према perподацима yearиз production (2008.) data)укључују хемикалије includeи chemicalsсредства andза de-icingодлеђивање.<ref name=Ullmann>Westphal, Gisbert ''et al.'' (2002) "Sodium Chloride" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim {{DOI|10.1002/14356007.a24_317.pub4}}.</ref>
=== Хемијска продукција ===
Salt is used, directly or indirectly, in the production of many chemicals, which consume most of the world's production.<ref name=usgs/>
Со се користи директно или индиректно у производњи многих хемикалија, што конзумира већину светске производње.<ref name=usgs/>
====Chlor-alkali industry====
{{See also|Chloralkali process}}
It is the starting point for the [[chloralkali process]], the industrial process to produce [[chlorine]] and [[sodium hydroxide]], according to the [[chemical equation]]
: 2 NaCl + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O → Cl<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub> + 2 NaOH
==== Хлоралкална индустрија ====
This electrolysis is conducted in either a mercury cell, a diaphragm cell, or a membrane cell. Each of those uses a different method to separate the chlorine from the sodium hydroxide. Other technologies are under development due to the high energy consumption of the electrolysis, whereby small improvements in the efficiency can have large economic paybacks. Some applications of chlorine include [[PVC]], disinfectants, and solvents. Sodium hydroxide enables industries that produce paper, soap, and aluminium.
{{See also|Хлоралкални процес}}
Со је полазна основа за [[chloralkali process|хлоралкални процес]], индустријски процес за производњу [[хлор]]а и [[натријум хидроксид]]а, према [[chemical equation|хемијској једначини]]
: -{2 NaCl + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O → Cl<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub> + 2 NaOH}-
Sodium chloride has an international standard that is created by [[ASTM International]]. The standard is named '''ASTM E534-13''' and is the standard test methods for chemical analysis of sodium chloride. These methods listed provide procedures for analyzing sodium chloride to determine whether it is suitable for its intended use and application.
Ова електролиза се врши или у живиној ћелији, ћелији с дијафрагмом или мембранској ћелији. Свака од њих користи другачију методу за одвајање хлора од натријум хидроксида. Остале технологије су у развоју због велике потрошње енергије при електролизи, при чему мала побољшања ефикасности могу имати велике економске повраћаје. Неке примене хлора укључују [[ПВЦ]], дезинфекциона средства и раствараче. Натријум хидроксид је сировина у индустрији папира, сапуна и алуминијума.
===Water softening===
[[Hard water]] contains calcium and magnesium ions that interfere with action of [[soap]] and contribute to the buildup of a scale or film of alkaline mineral deposits in household and industrial equipment and pipes. Commercial and residential water-softening units use [[ion-exchange resin]]s to remove the offending ions that cause the hardness. These resins are generated and regenerated using sodium chloride.<ref name=usgs/><ref name=Ullmann/>
=== Стандард ===
Натријум-хлорид има међународни стандард који је креирала организација [[ASTM International|-{ASTM}-]]. Стандард је именован -{'''ASTM E534-13'''}- и обухвата стандардне поступке испитивања за хемијску анализу натријум хлорида. Наведене методе пружају поступке за анализу натријум хлорида како би се утврдило да ли је погодан за његову намеравану употребу и примену.
=== Омекшавање воде ===
[[Tvrdoća vode|Тврда вода]] садржи јоне калцијума и магнезијума који ометају дејство [[сапун]]а и доприносе накупљању [[Kamenac (naslaga)|каменца]] или филма алкалних наслага минерала у домаћинству и индустријској опреми и цевима. Комерцијалне и стамбене јединице за омекшавање воде користе [[Ion-exchange resin|јоноизмењивачке смоле]] за уклањање штетних јона који узрокују тврдоћу. Ове смоле се стварају и регенеришу коришћењем натријум хлорида.<ref name=usgs/><ref name=Ullmann/>
=== Друмска со ===
[[File:WatNaCl.png|thumb|left|upright=1.15|PhaseФазни diagramдијаграм ofсмеше water–NaCl mixtureвода–-{NaCl}-]]
===Road salt===
[[File:WatNaCl.png|thumb|left|upright=1.15|Phase diagram of water–NaCl mixture]]
The second major application of salt is for [[de-icing]] and anti-icing of roads, both in [[grit bin]]s and spread by [[winter service vehicle]]s. In anticipation of snowfall, roads are optimally "anti-iced" with brine (concentrated [[solution]] of salt in water), which prevents bonding between the snow-ice and the road surface. This procedure obviates the heavy use of salt after the snowfall. For de-icing, mixtures of brine and salt are used, sometimes with additional agents such as [[calcium chloride]] and/or [[magnesium chloride]]. The use of salt or brine becomes ineffective below {{convert|−10|°C|0}}.
[[File:Winter road salt.jpg|thumbnail|left|upright=1.15|MoundsГомиле ofдрумске roadсоли saltза forупотребу use in winterзими]]
Salt for de-icing in the United Kingdom predominantly comes from a single mine in [[Winsford]] in [[Salt in Cheshire|Cheshire]]. Prior to distribution it is mixed with <100 ppm of [[sodium ferrocyanide]] as an anti-caking agent, which enables rock salt to flow freely out of the gritting vehicles despite being stockpiled prior to use. In recent years this additive has also been used in table salt. Other additives had been used in road salt to reduce the total costs. For example, in the US, a byproduct carbohydrate solution from sugar-beet processing was mixed with rock salt and adhered to road surfaces about 40% better than loose rock salt alone. Because it stayed on the road longer, the treatment did not have to be repeated several times, saving time and money.<ref name=usgs/>
In the technical terms of physical chemistry, the minimum freezing point of a water-salt mixture is {{convert|−21.12|C|F}} for 23.31 wt% of salt. Freezing near this concentration is however so slow that the [[eutectic point]] of {{convert|−22.4|C|F}} can be reached with about 25 wt% of salt.<ref name="u1"/>
==== Утицаји на животну средину ====
====Environmental effects====
Road salt ends up in fresh-water bodies and could harm aquatic plants and animals by disrupting their [[osmoregulation]] ability.<ref>Rastogi, Nina (16 February 2010) [http://www.slate.com/id/2244156 Does road salt harm the environment?] slate.com.</ref> The omnipresence of salt poses a problem in any coastal coating application, as trapped salts cause great problems in adhesion. Naval authorities and ship builders monitor the salt concentrations on surfaces during construction. Maximal salt concentrations on surfaces are dependent on the authority and application. The [[International Maritime Organization|IMO]] regulation is mostly used and sets salt levels to a maximum of 50&nbsp;mg/m<sup>2</sup> soluble salts measured as sodium chloride. These measurements are done by means of a [[Bresle test]]. Salinization (increasing salinity, aka ''freshwater salinization syndrome'') and subsequent increased metal leaching is an ongoing problem throughout North America and European fresh waterways.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://phys.org/news/2018-12-saltier-waterways-dangerous-chemical-cocktails.html|title=Saltier waterways are creating dangerous 'chemical cocktails'|website=phys.org}}</ref>
In highway de-icing, salt has been associated with [[corrosion]] of bridge decks, motor vehicles, reinforcement bar and wire, and unprotected steel structures used in road construction. Surface runoff, vehicle spraying, and windblown actions also affect soil, roadside vegetation, and local surface water and groundwater supplies. Although evidence of environmental loading of salt has been found during peak usage, the spring rains and thaws usually dilute the concentrations of sodium in the area where salt was applied.<ref name=usgs/> A 2009 study found that approximately 70% of the road salt being applied in the [[Minneapolis-St Paul]] metro area is retained in the local watershed.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090210125424.htm |title=Most Road Salt Is Making It into Lakes And Rivers |date=20 February 2009 |website=www.sciencedaily.com |publisher=University of Minnesota |access-date=27 September 2015}}</ref>
====Substitution Замене ====
Some agencies are substituting beer, molasses, and beet juice instead of road salt.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://phys.org/news/2018-01-salt-solution-winter-dangers-threatens.html|title=Turning to beet juice and beer to address road salt danger|website=phys.org}}</ref> Airlines utilize more [[glycol]] and [[sugar]] rather than salt based solutions for [[de-icing]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.mro-network.com/maintenance-repair-overhaul/easa-cautions-organic-salt-deicing-fluid|title=EASA Cautions on Organic Salt Deicing Fluid|date=9 December 2016|website=MRO Network}}</ref>