Kanemsko carstvo — разлика између измена

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Ред 43:
== Teorije o poreklu Kanema ==
Kanem was located at the southern end of the [[trans-Saharan trade]] route between [[Tripoli]] and the region of [[Lake Chad]]. Besides its urban elite it also included a [[confederation]] of [[nomad]]ic peoples who spoke languages of the [[Teda language|Teda]]–[[Dazaga language|Daza]] ([[Toubou]]) group.
Kanem je bio smešten na južnom kraju [[trans-Saharan trade|transsaharske trgovačke]] rute između [[Tripoli]]ja i regiona [[Lake Chad|jezera Čad]]. Pored urbane elite, takođe je obuhvatao [[Конфедерација|konfederaciju]] [[nomad]]skih naroda koji su govorili jezike grupe [[Teda language|teda]]-[[Dazaga language|daza]] ([[Toubou|tubu]]).
In the 8th century, [[Wahb ibn Munabbih]] used Zaghawa to describe the Teda-Tubu group, in the earliest use of the ethnic name. [[Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi]] also mentions the Zaghawa in the 9th century, as did [[Ibn al-Nadim]] in his ''Kitāb al-Fihrist''<ref>''Al-Fiḥrist'',Book I, pp. 35-36</ref> in the 10th-century. Kanem comes from ''anem'', meaning south in the Teda and Kanuri languages, and hence a geographic term. During the first millennium, as the Sahara underwent [[desiccation]], people speaking the [[Kanembu language]] migrated to Kanem in the south. This group contributed to the formation of the [[Kanuri people]]. Kanuri traditions state the Zaghawa dynasty led a group of nomads called the Magumi.<ref name="Nehemia">{{cite book |last1=Levtzion |first1=Nehemia |editor1-last=Fage |editor1-first=J.D. |title=The Sahara and the Sudan from the Arab conquest of the Maghrib to the rise of the Almoravids, in The Cambridge History of Africa, Vol. 2, from c. 500 BC to AD 1050 |date=1978 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |isbn=0521215927 |pages=667, 680–683}}</ref>
InU the8. 8th century,veku [[Wahb ibn Munabbih|Vahb ibn Munabih]] usedje Zaghawakoristio toZagavu describeza theopisivanje Teda-Tubugrupe groupteda-tubu, inu thenajranijoj earliestupotrebi usetog ofetničkog the ethnic nameimena. [[MuhammadМухамед ел Хорезми|Muhamed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmiel Horezmi]] alsotakođe mentionspominje theZagavu Zaghawau in9. theveku, 9thkao century,što asučinio didi [[Ibn al-Nadim|Ibn el Nadim]] inu hissvom ''KitābKitab al-Fihristel Fihristu''<ref>''Al-Fiḥrist'',Book I, pp. 35-36</ref> u in10. the 10th-centuryveku. Kanem comesdolazi fromod ''anem'', meaningšto southznači injužno theu jeziku Teda andi Kanuri languagesKanura, andpa henceotuda ai geographicgeografski termpojam. During theTokom firstprvog millenniummilenijuma, askako theje Sahara underwentprolazila kroz [[desiccation|isušivanje]], peopleljudi speakingkoji thegovore [[Kanembu language|kanemski]] migratedjezik tomigrirali su u Kanem inna the southjugu. ThisOva groupgrupa contributedje todoprinela the formation of theformiranju [[Kanuri people|Kanurijskog]] naroda. Kanuri traditions stateKanurske thetradicije Zaghawanavode dynastyda ledje aZagavska groupdinastija ofpredvodila nomadsgrupu callednomada thezvanih Magumi.<ref name="Nehemia">{{cite book |last1=Levtzion |first1=Nehemia |editor1-last=Fage |editor1-first=J.D. |title=The Sahara and the Sudan from the Arab conquest of the Maghrib to the rise of the Almoravids, in The Cambridge History of Africa, Vol. 2, from c. 500 BC to AD 1050 |date=1978 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |isbn=0521215927 |pages=667, 680–683}}</ref>
This desiccation of the Sahara resulted in two settlements, those speaking Teda-Daza northeast of Lake Chad, and those speaking [[Chadic]] west of the lake in Bornu and [[Hausa people|Hausa-land]].<ref name=Smith/>{{rp|164}}
Izusišenje Sahare rezultiralo je dvama grupama naselja, onima koji govore teda-daza jezik severoistočno od jezera Čad, i onima koja govore [[Чадски језици|čadski]] zapadno od jezera u Bornu i [[Hausa|hauske]] zemlje.<ref name=Smith/>{{rp|164}}
=== Osnivanje lokalnog Kanembua (Dugua) oko 700. godnie ===
ThePoreklo originsKanema ofje Kanem are unclearnejasno. ThePrvi firstistorijski historicalizvori sourcespokazuju tendsda toje showkraljevstvo thatKanem thepočelo kingdomda ofse Kanemformira began forming aroundoko 700. AD undergodine thepod [[nomad]]icskim [[TebuKanembu languagepeople|TebuKanemima]]-speaking koji su govorili [[KanembuTebu peoplelanguage|Kanembutebski]] jezik. TheSmatra Kanembuse wereda supposedlysu forcedoni southwestbili towardsprisiljeni theda fertilemigriraju landsna aroundjugozapad Lakeprema Chadplodnim byzemljama politicaloko pressurejezera andČad [[desiccation]]usled inpolitičkog theirpritiska formeri rangeisušivanja njihovog nekadašnjeg opsega. TheTo areapodručje alreadyje possessedveć independent,imalo wallednezavisne [[cityГрад-држава|gradove-statedržave]]s belongingopasane tobedemima thekoji su pripadali [[Sao civilisation|Sao culturekulturi]]. Under the leadership ofPod thevodstvom [[Duguwa dynasty|Dugovske dinastije]], thekanemski Kanembunarod wouldje eventuallyvremenom dominateuspostavio thedominaciju Saonad starosedeocima, butali ne notpre beforenego adoptingšto manysu ofusvojili theirmnoge customsnjihove običaje.<ref>Urvoy, ''Empire'', 3–35; Trimingham, ''History'', 104–111.</ref> WarSukobi betweenizmeđu theta twodva continuednaroda upnastavili tose thedo latekraja 16th16. centuryveka.
=== Difuzionističke teorije ===
OneNaučnik scholar, DierkDirk Lange, hasje proposedpredložio anotherdrugu theoryteoriju basedkoja onje azasnovana na diffusionistdifuzionističkoj ideologyideologiji. ThisNaučna theoryzajednica wasje muchekstenzivno criticised by thekritikovala scientificovu communityteoriju, asjer itnije seriouslypodržana lacksdirektnim ofi directjasnim and clear evidencesdokazima. Lange connectspovezuje the creation ofstvaranje Kanem-BornuBornua withs exodusegzodusom from the collapsedsrušenog [[AssyrianАсирско Empireцарство|Asirskog carstva]] c.oko 600. BCgodine topne theseveroistočno northeast ofod Lakejezera ChadČad.<ref>Lange, [http://dierklange.com/pdf/reviews/dierklange_allgemein/FOUNDING_9.5.2011.pdf ''Founding of Kanem''], 31–38.</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://dierklange.com/component/content/article/14-books/25-reviews-of-dierk-lange-ancient-kingdoms-of-west-africa.html?Itemid=475 |title=Reviews of Dierk Lange – Ancient Kingdoms of West Africa |website=dierklange.com |access-date=16 May 2019}}</ref> On je takođe predlaže da je izgubljena država [[Agisymba|Agisima]] (koju je [[Клаудије Птолемеј|Ptolemej]] spomenuo sredinom -{II}- veka) bila prethodnica Kanemskog carstva.<ref>{{cite journal|url=http://dierklange.com/pdf/contents/12Mune-Symbol_as_the_Ark.pdf |last=Lange |first=Dierk |title=The 'Mune'-Symbol as the Ark of the Covenant between Duguwa and Sefuwa |publisher=Borno Museum Society |journal=Newsletter |issue=66–67 |date=2006 |pages=15–25 |access-date=16 May 2019 |via=dierklange.com}} The article has a map (page 6) of the ancient Central Sahara and proposes to identify Agisymba of 100 CE with the early Kanem state.</ref>
He also proposes that the lost state of [[Agisymba]] (mentioned by [[Ptolemy]] in the middle of the 2nd century AD) was the antecedent of the Kanem Empire.<ref>{{cite journal|url=http://dierklange.com/pdf/contents/12Mune-Symbol_as_the_Ark.pdf |last=Lange |first=Dierk |title=The 'Mune'-Symbol as the Ark of the Covenant between Duguwa and Sefuwa |publisher=Borno Museum Society |journal=Newsletter |issue=66–67 |date=2006 |pages=15–25 |access-date=16 May 2019 |via=dierklange.com}} The article has a map (page 6) of the ancient Central Sahara and proposes to identify Agisymba of 100 CE with the early Kanem state.</ref>
== Duguvanska dinastija (700-1086) ==