Индустријска револуција — разлика између измена

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Ред 5:
Индустријска револуција представља прелаз на нове производне процесе у периоду од око 1760. до раздобља између 1820. и 1840. Она се састојала од прелаза са ручних производних метода на машинске, нове хемијске производње и процес за продукцију гвожђа, побољшане ефиктивности [[Водени точак|снага воде]], повећане употребе [[Парна машина|снаге паре]], и развоја [[Алатни строј|машинских оруђа]]. Она је такође обухватала прелаз са дрвета и других [[Биогорива|био-горива]] на [[угаљ]]. Индустрија текстила је била доминантна током индустријске револуције у погледу запошљавања, вредности производа и инвестираног капитала; текстилна индустрија је такође била прва да примени модерне методе производње.{{sfn|Landes|1969|p=40}}
Индустријска револуција обележава значајну историјску прекретницу. Она је утицала на скоро сваки аспект дневног живота на известан начин. Специфично, просечни приход и величина популације су почеле да манифестују раније невиђени степен константног раста. Неки економисти сматрају да је главни импакт индустријске револуције да је [[Животни стандард|стандард живота]] генералне популације почео да конзистентно расте по први пут у историји, мада други тврде није дошло до знатног побољшања до касног 19. и до 20. века.<ref name="Lectures on Economic Growth"/><ref name="Feinstein2014">{{cite journal|last=Feinstein|first=Charles|title=Pessimism Perpetuated: Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Britain during and after the Industrial Revolution|journal=Journal of Economic History |date year=1998|volume=58 |issue=3 |url=http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=4123540 |accessdate=6. 5. 2014|doi=10.1017/s0022050700021100|pages=625-58625–58}}</ref><ref name="SzreterMooney2014">{{cite journal|author=Szreter & Mooney|title=Urbanization, Mortality, and the Standard of Living Debate: New Estimates of the Expectation of Life at Birth in Nineteenth-Century British Cities|journal=The Economic History Review|date year=1998|volume=51|issue=1|url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-0289.00084/abstract|accessdate=6. 5. 2014|doi=10.1111/1468-0289.00084|last2=Mooney|pages=104}}</ref>
Индустријска револуција је почела у Великој Британији, и проширила се на Западну Европу и Северну Америку у току неколико декада.<ref name="harvnb|Landes|1969">{{harvnb|Landes|1969}}</ref> Прецизни почетак и крај индустријске револуције је још увек предмет дебате међу историчарима, као и темпо економских и друштвених промена.<ref name="revolution"/><ref>{{Cite book|last=Inikori|first=J. E.|title=Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=IRJDv5tmF1MC|year=2002|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-01079-5|pages=}}</ref><ref name="Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution"/><ref name="lorenzen"/> [[Бруто домаћи производ|ГДП]] по становнику је био углавном стабилан пре индустријске револуције и појаве модерне [[капитализам|капиталистичке]] економије,<ref name="The Industrial Revolution"/> док је индустријска револуција почела еру [[економски раст|економског раста]] у капиталистичким економијама.<ref name="The Industrial Revolution ''Past and Future''"/> Економски историчари се слажу да је индустријска револуција најважнији догађај у историји човечанства од периода доместикације животиња, биљки<ref name="ReviewOfCambridge"/> и ватре.
Ред 72:
<ref name="revolution">Eric Hobsbawm, ''The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789–1848''. {{page1|location=|publisher=Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd|year=|isbn=978-0-349-10484-3|pages=27}}</ref>
<ref name="Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution">{{cite journal|doi=10.2307/2598327 |title=Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution |year=1992|last=Berg|first=Maxine|journal=The Economic History Review |volume=45 |last2=Hudson|first2=Pat|issue=1 |publisher=The Economic History Review, Vol. 45, No. 1 |jstor=2598327 |authorlink2= |pages=24-5024–50}}</ref>
<ref name="lorenzen">[http://www.julielorenzen.net/berg.html Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution] {{Wayback|url=http://www.julielorenzen.net/berg.html |date=20061109022755 }} by Julie Lorenzen, Central Michigan University. Приступљено November 2006.</ref>
Ред 88:
<ref name="industrial10">{{Cite book|author = Hudson, Pat|title=The Industrial Revolution|publisher=Oxford University Press US|location=|year=|isbn=978-0-7131-6531-9|pages=}}</ref>
<ref name="association">{{cite journal |last=Fullerton|first= Ronald A. |title= How Modern Is Modern Marketing? Marketing's Evolution and the Myth of the "Production Era" |journal= The Journal of Marketing |volume= 52 |issue= 1 |publisher= [[American Marketing Association]] |location= New York City, NY |year=1988|doi= 10.2307/1251689 |id= |jstor=1251689|pages=108-125108–125}}</ref>
<ref name="Technics & Civilization">{{cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/015688254X?p=S00Q&checkSum=udoW5CVmUdy3Y45ns0wtGk7Wesh6yWx220dcukbd7VE%3D |title=Technics & Civilization |publisher=Lewis Mumford |accessdate=8. 1. 2009}}</ref>
Ред 96:
<ref name="dklevine">Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine, [http://www.dklevine.com/general/intellectual/againstfinal.htm Against Intellectual Monopoly], {{cite web|url=http://www.dklevine.com/papers/imbookfinal01.pdf |title=Chapter 1, final online version January 2, 2008 }} {{small|(55 KB)}}. {{page1|location=|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2008|isbn=978-0-521-87928-6|pages=15}}</ref>
<ref name="mott-smith">{{Cite book|title=The Concept of Energy Simply Explained |last=Mott-Smith |first=Morton|year=1964| origyear=Unabridged and revised version of the book first published by D. Appleton-Century Company in 1934 under the former title: The Story of Energy |publisher=Dover Publications, Inc. |location=New York |isbn=978-0-486-21071-1|pages=13-1413–14}}</ref>
Ред 105:
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Deane|first=P. M.|title=The First Industrial Revolution|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=eMBG_soDdNoC|year=1979|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-29609-0|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Inikori|first=J. E.|title=Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=IRJDv5tmF1MC|year=2002|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-01079-5|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Mott-Smith |first=Morton|year=1964| origyear=Unabridged and revised version of the book first published by D. Appleton-Century Company in 1934 under the former title: The Story of Energy |publisher=Dover Publications, Inc. |location=New York |isbn=978-0-486-21071-1|title=The Concept of Energy Simply Explained |pages=13-1413–14}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Lucas|first= Robert E., Jr. |authorlink= |title= Lectures on Economic Growth |publisher= Harvard University Press |year=2002|location= Cambridge |url= |doi= |id= |isbn=978-0-674-01601-9|pages=109-10109–10}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Taylor|first= George Rogers |isbn=978-0-87332-101-3|pages=}} No name is given to the transition years. The "Transportation Revolution" began with improved roads in the late 18th century.</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Hunter|1985|title=The Transportation Revolution, 1815–1860 |pp=}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Ashton|first=Thomas S.|authorlink=
|title=The Industrial Revolution (1760–1830) | publisher =Oxford University Press|year=1948
|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=1948
* {{Cite book | ref = harv | editor-last=Berlanstein|editor-first=Lenard R.
* {{Cite book
|title=The Industrial Revolution and work in nineteenth-century Europe | publisher =Routledge
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|title=The Industrial Revolution and work in nineteenth-century Europe
|publication-place=London and New York|year=1992
Линија 122 ⟶ 119:
* {{Cite journal|first=J. H.|last=Clapham
|title=An Economic History of Modern Britain: The Early Railway Age, 1820–1850 | publisher =Cambridge University Press|year=1926
|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=1926
Линија 129 ⟶ 125:
* -{Clapham, J. H. ''The Economic Development of France and Germany 1815–1914'' (1936)}-
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Clark|first=Gregory
|title=A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World | publisher =Princeton University Press|year=2007|isbn=978-0-691-12135-2
|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=2007|isbn=978-0-691-12135-2
* {{Cite journal|first=M. J.|last=Daunton
|title=Progress and Poverty: An Economic and Social History of Britain, 1700–1850 | publisher =Oxford University Press|year=1995
|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=1995
Линија 141 ⟶ 135:
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Dodd|first=William|authorlink= |title= The Laboring Classes of England : especially those engaged in agriculture and manufactures; in a series of letters|year=1847|publisher=John Putnam|location=Boston}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Dunham|first=Arthur Louis
|title=The Industrial Revolution in France, 1815–1848 | publisher =Exposition Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
|publisher=Exposition Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
|publication-place=New York|year=1955
Линија 152 ⟶ 145:
|title=Farm to factory: a reinterpretation of the Soviet industrial revolution|year=2004|author=Gatrell, Peter
|journal=The Economic History Review
|volume=57 | pages =794|issue=4
* {{Cite book| ref=harv |last=Griffin | first =Emma
|title=Short History of the British Industrial Revolution|year=2010 | publisher =Palgrave
| first=Emma
|title=Short History of the British Industrial Revolution|year=2010
* -{Haber, Ludwig. ''The Chemical Industry During the Nineteenth Century: A Study of the Economic Aspect of Applied Chemistry in Europe and North America'' (1958); ''The Chemical Industry: 1900–1930: International Growth and Technological Change'' (1971)}-
* {{Cite journal|first=Margaret C.|last=Jacob
|title=Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West | publisher =Oxford University Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
|publisher=Oxford University Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
|publication-place=Oxford, UK|year=1997
Линија 169 ⟶ 158:
* {{Cite book| ref=harv | last=Kindleberger|first=Charles Poor |title=A Financial History of Western Europe |url=http://books.google.com/?id=PFgIE7_eYwwC |publisher=Oxford University Press US |year=1993|isbn=978-0-19-507738-4|pages=}}
* {{Cite journal|first=Herbert|last=Kisch
|title=From Domestic Manufacture to Industrial Revolution The Case of the Rhineland Textile Districts | publisher =Oxford University Press|year=1989
|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=1989
* -{Kornblith, Gary. ''The Industrial Revolution in America'' (1997)}-
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|title=The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present|last=Landes|first= David S.|authorlink= |year=1969|publisher =Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge|location= Cambridge, New York|id=ISBN 0-521-09418-6|postscript = }}
* -{McNeil, Ian, ed. ''An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology'' (1996), 1063pp [http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Technology-Routledge-Companion-Encyclopedias/dp/0415147921/ excerpt and text search]}-
* {{Cite journal|first=Angus|last=Maddison|authorlink=
|title=The World Economy: Historical Statistics | publisher =Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
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Линија 190 ⟶ 177:
* {{Cite journal|first=Constance|last=McLaughlin Green
|title=''Holyoke, Massachusetts: A Case History of the Industrial Revolution in America | publisher =Yale University Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
|publisher=Yale University Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
|publication-place=New Haven, CT|year=1939
Линија 204 ⟶ 190:
* {{Cite journal|last=More|first=Charles
|title=Understanding the Industrial Revolution | publisher =Routledge
Линија 212 ⟶ 197:
* -{Olson, James S. ''Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in America'' (2001)}-
* {{Cite journal|first=Sidney|last=Pollard
|title=Peaceful Conquest: The Industrialization of Europe, 1760–1970 | publisher =Oxford University Press|year=1981
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Линија 219 ⟶ 203:
* -{Rider, Christine, ed. ''Encyclopedia of the Age of the Industrial Revolution, 1700–1920'' (2 vol.}-) 2007
* {{Cite journal|authorlink=|last=Smelser|first=Neil J.
|title=Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An Application of Theory to the British Cotton Industry | publisher =University of Chicago Press|year=1959
|publisher=University of Chicago Press|year=1959
|postscript= }}
* -{Staley, David J. ed. ''Encyclopedia of the History of Invention and Technology'' (3 vol 2011), 2000pp}-
* {{Cite journal|last=Stearns|first=Peter N.
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Линија 247 ⟶ 229:
* {{Cite journal|last=Snooks|first=G.D.
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* {{Cite journal|last=Szostak|first=Rick
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Линија 274 ⟶ 254:
* {{Cite journal|last=Uglow|first=Jenny|authorlink=
|title=The Lunar Men: The Friends who made the Future 1730–1810 | publisher =Faber and Faber
|publisher=Faber and Faber
* {{Cite journal|last=Usher|first=Abbott Payson
|title=An Introduction to the Industrial History of England|year=1920 | publisher =University of Michigan Press. {{page|year=|id=|pages=}}
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