Филозофија — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
[[Датотека:Raffael5.jpg|мини|280п|Детаљ са фреске [[Атинска школа]], на којој су приказани неки од највећих филозофа [[Класична Грчка|Класичне Грчке]]. Овде се виде [[Платон]] и [[Аристотел]] (у позадини) и [[Хераклит]] и [[Диоген из Синопе|Диоген]] (напред). Фреску је урадио [[Рафаел|Рафаел Сантиј]] и налази се у [[Апостолска палата|Апостолској палати]], у [[Ватикан]]у.]]
'''Филозофија''' је наука која се бави општим и темељним проблемима у вези са [[стварност|стварношћу]], [[Онтологија|постојањем]], [[Епистемологија|знањем]], [[Аксиологија|вредностима]], [[Логика|разумом]], [[филозофија духа|умом]] и [[филозофија језика|језиком]].{{sfn|Teichman|Evans|1999|p=1}}<ref name="philosophical">{{Cite book|editor=A.C. Grayling |author=A.C. Grayling | chapter = Editor's Introduction |title=Philosophy 1: A Guide through the Subject| publisher = Oxford University Press | volume = vol. 1 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=DyIiAQAAIAAJ |year=1999|isbn=978-0198752431| quote = The aim of philosophical inquiry is to gain insight into questions about knowledge, truth, reason, reality, meaning, mind, and value. Other human endeavors explore aspects of these same questions, not least art and literature, but it is philosophy that mounts a direct assault upon them...|pages=1}}</ref> [[Милан Вујаклија#Лексикон страних речи и израза|Лексикон страних речи и израза]] дефинише филозофију као „мудрост, научни рад на изграђивању општег погледа на свет и сам тај поглед на свет“.<ref name=autogenerated1>[[Милан Вујаклија]]; Лексикон страних речи и израза (издање из 1980); pp. 987.</ref>
Реч ''филозофија'' долази из [[старогрчки језик|старогрчког]] φιλοσοφία {{јез-лат|philosophia}} што у буквалном преводу значи ''љубав према мудрости''.<ref name="Online Etymology Dictionary">{{cite web|url=http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=philosophy&searchmode=none |title=Online Etymology Dictionary | publisher = Etymonline.com |date=| accessdate=22. 8. 2010}}</ref><ref name="Webster's New World Dictionary">The definition of philosophy is: "1.orig., love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge 2.theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe".{{Cite book|title=Webster's New World Dictionary | edition = Second College}}</ref><ref name=autogenerated1 /> [[Питагора|Питагори]] се приписују речи ''филозоф'' и ''филозофија''. Реч је уведена као супротност [[Софиста|софистима]] — мудрацима важним у [[Античка Грчка|античкој Грчкој]] који су продавали своје знање као учитељи — док се филозофи, као ''људи који воле мудрост'', нису бавили мудрошћу због новца.<ref>{{Cite book|title=The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism|year=2011| publisher = Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-983680-2|editor-last=Greco|editor-first=John| edition = 1st| url = {{google books | plainurl = y |id=Ozv0lftrUeEC}}}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|title=Thinking Things Through: An Introduction to Philosophical Issues and Achievements| last=Glymour| first = Clark|year=2015| url = {{google books | plainurl = y |id=G4lLCAAAQBAJ}}| publisher = A Bradford Book|isbn=978-0-262-52720-0| edition = 2nd| chapter = Chapters 1–6}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.iep.utm.edu/skepcont/|title=Contemporary Skepticism {{!}} Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy| website = www.iep.utm.edu| accessdate=25. 4. 2016}}</ref>
Ред 23:
Логика је грана филозофије која изучава идеалне [[метод]]е мишљења и испитивања; унутрашње и спољно посматрање, [[дедукција|дедукцију]] и [[Индукција (логика)|индукцију]], образовање [[хипотеза]] и [[експеримент]], [[анализа|анализу]] и [[синтеза|синтезу]].{{sfn|White|2014|pp=}}
Логика је [[наука]] o формалним [[услов]]има, [[принцип]]има и правилима исправног, коректног мишљења. Представља вештину и методу правилног [[мисао|мишљења]]. Она је „логија“ или метода сваке [[наука|науке]], сваког учења и сваке [[уметност]]и. Дефинише се као наука зато што се процес правилног мишљења може, као код [[физика|физике]] и [[математика|математике]], свести на законе, а вештина је зато што вежбањем човек стиче сигурност у своје мишљење.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Carnap| first = Rudolf|year=1953|title= "Inductive Logic and Science".| jstor = 20023651| journal = Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences| volume = 80| issue = 3| doi = 10.2307/20023651| pmid = |pages=189-97189–97}}</ref>
=== Метафизика ===
Ред 84:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=G & C. Merriam Co. |title=Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary | edition = 1913 | editor-last = Porter | editor-first = Noah | publisher = G & C. Merriam Co. |year=1913| quote = E*pis`te*mol"o*gy (?), n. Gr. knowledge + -logy. The theory or science of the method or grounds of knowledge. | accessdate=13. 5. 2012 | url = http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Webster%27s&word=epistemology&use1913=on | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20131015165808/http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Webster%27s&word=epistemology&use1913=on | archive-date=15. 10. 2013 |url-status=dead | df = |pages=501}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| editor = A.C. Grayling |author=A.C. Grayling | chapter = Editor's Introduction |title=Philosophy 1: A Guide through the Subject| publisher = Oxford University Press | volume = vol. 1 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=DyIiAQAAIAAJ |year=1999|isbn=978-0198752431| quote = The aim of philosophical inquiry is to gain insight into questions about knowledge, truth, reason, reality, meaning, mind, and value. Other human endeavors explore aspects of these same questions, not least art and literature, but it is philosophy that mounts a direct assault upon them...|pages=1}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| editor = A.C. Grayling |author=A.C. Grayling | chapter = Editor's Introduction |title=Philosophy 1: A Guide through the Subject| publisher = Oxford University Press | volume = vol. 1 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=DyIiAQAAIAAJ |year=1999|isbn=978-0198752431| quote = The aim of philosophical inquiry is to gain insight into questions about knowledge, truth, reason, reality, meaning, mind, and value. Other human endeavors explore aspects of these same questions, not least art and literature, but it is philosophy that mounts a direct assault upon them...|pages=1}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=G & C. Merriam Co. |title=Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary | edition = 1913 | editor-last = Porter | editor-first = Noah | publisher = G & C. Merriam Co. |year=1913| url = http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Webster%27s&word=epistemology&use1913=on | accessdate=13. 5. 2012 | quote = E*pis`te*mol"o*gy (?), n. [Gr. knowledge + -logy.] The theory or science of the method or grounds of knowledge. | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20131015165808/http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Webster%27s&word=epistemology&use1913=on | archive-date=15. 10. 2013 |url-status=dead | df = |pages=501}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|title=Webster's New World Dictionary | edition = Second College}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Teichman| first = Jenny| last2=Evans| first2 = Katherine C.|title=Philosophy: A Beginners Guide| url = http://books.google.com/books?id=Zk5cRt_cJi0C|year=1999| publisher = Wiley|isbn=978-0-631-21321-5|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=G & C. Merriam Co. |title=Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary | edition = 1913 | editor-last = Porter | editor-first = Noah | publisher = G & C. Merriam Co. |year=1913| url = http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Webster%27s&word=epistemology&use1913=on | accessdate=13. 5. 2012 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20131015165808/http://machaut.uchicago.edu/?resource=Webster%27s&word=epistemology&use1913=on | archive-date=15. 10. 2013 |url-status=dead | df = }}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| editor-last = Bullock | editor-first = Alan | editor2 = R. B. Woodings| editor-last3 = Cumming | editor-first3 = John |title=The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thinkers|year=1992| url = | publisher = Fontana Press| location = Hammersmith, Eng.|isbn=978-0-00-636965-3|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Bullock| first = Alan| last2=Stallybrass| first2 = Oliver|title=The Harper dictionary of modern thought| url = http://books.google.com/books?id=NJAYAAAAIAAJ|year=1977| publisher = Harper & Row}}
Ред 108:
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| first=Frederick Charles | last=Copleston||title=A history of philosophy: volume III: Ockham to Suárez| url = https://books.google.rs/books?id=QZ1WkHs5wHcC|year=1953| publisher = Paulist Press|isbn=978-0-8091-0067-5|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| last=Leaman| first = Oliver| first2 = Parviz | last2=Morewedge| chapter = Islamic philosophy modern|editor-first= Edward |editor-last=Craig| publisher = Psychology Press |year=2000|isbn=978-0-415-22364-5|title=Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy| url = https://books.google.rs/books?id=-MWK96fFN4UC}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Buccellati| first = Giorgio|date=1. 1. 1981|title=Wisdom and Not: The Case of Mesopotamia| url = http://www.jstor.org/stable/602163| journal = Journal of the American Oriental Society| volume = 101| issue = 1| doi = 10.2307/602163|ref=harv|pages=35-4735–47}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Blumenau|first=Ralph|title=Philosophy and Living|year=|isbn=978-0-907845-33-1|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Craig|first=Edward|title=Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction|year=|isbn=978-0-19-285421-6|pages=}}
Ред 126:
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Hamilton|first=Sue|title=Indian Philosophy: a Very Short Introduction|year=|isbn=978-0-19-285374-5|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Kupperman|first=Joel J.|title=Classic Asian Philosophy: A Guide to the Essential Texts|year=|isbn=978-0-19-513335-6|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|author last = Lee, | first = Joe and| author2 = Powell, Jim | title=Eastern Philosophy For Beginners|year=|isbn=978-0-86316-282-4|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Smart|first=Ninian|title=World Philosophies|year=|isbn=978-0-415-22852-7|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Copleston|first=Frederick|title=Philosophy in Russia: From Herzen to Lenin and Berdyaev|year=|isbn=978-0-268-01569-5|pages=}}
Ред 174:
* ''A History of Russian Philosophy: From the Tenth to the Twentieth Centuries'' by Valerii Aleksandrovich Kuvakin
* {{Cite book| ref = harv | editor=Ayer, A.J. et al.|title=1994|title=A Dictionary of Philosophical Quotations|location=Basil Blackwell Ltd|publisher=Blackwell Reference Oxford. Oxford|year=1994id=|pages=}}
* {{citeCite book| ref = harv | author=Blackburn, S., Ed|title=The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy|location=Oxford|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=1996|id=|pages=}}
* Mauter, T., Ed. ''The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy''. London, Penguin Books.
* Runes, D., Ed. (1942). [http://www.ditext.com/runes/ ''The Dictionary of Philosophy'']. New York, The Philosophical Library, Inc.
Ред 180:
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|editor-first=Nicholas |editor-last=Bunnin|editor-first2=Eric |editor-last2=Tsui-James|title=The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy| url = https://books.google.rs/books?id=HNWIcgEswrsC|year=2008| publisher = John Wiley & Sons|isbn=978-0-470-99787-1|pages=}}
* Hoffman, Eric, Ed. (1997) ''Guidebook for Publishing Philosophy''. Charlottesville, Philosophy Documentation Center.
* {{citeCite book| ref = harv | author=Popkin, R.H. |title=The Columbia History of Western Philosophy|location=New York|publisher=Columbia University Press|year=1999|id=|pages=}}