Бог — разлика између измена

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Ред 31:
Бог је замишљен као било [[personal god|личан]] или безличан. У [[Теизам|теизму]], Бог је [[creator deity|креатор]] и [[God the Sustainer|одржаватељ]] [[свемир]]а, док у [[Деизам|деизму]] Бог је креатор, али не и одржаватељ свемира. У [[Пантеизам|пантеизму]], бог је сам свемир. У [[атеизам|атеизму]], верује се да Бог не постоји, док се Бог сматра непознатим и несхвативим у контексту [[Агностицизам|агностицизма]]. Бог је такође замишљен као извор свих [[Deontološka etika|моралних облигација]], и „највећи замисливи вид постојања”.<ref name="Swinburne" /> Многи угледни филозофи су развили аргументе за и против [[Постојање Бога|постојања Бога]].<ref name=Platinga>[[Alvin Plantinga|Platinga, Alvin]]. "God, Arguments for the Existence of", ''Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy'', Routledge, 2000.</ref>
Многе различите концепције Бога и конкурентне тврдње о Божјим карактеристикама, циљевима и акцијама довеле су до развоја идеја [[omnitheism|омнитеизма]], [[pandeism|пандеизма]],<ref name="Lataster">{{Citecite book| last = Lataster | first = Raphael | title = There was no Jesus, there is no God: A Scholarly Examination of the Scientific, Historical, and Philosophical Evidence & Arguments for Monotheism |year=2013|isbn=978-1-4922-3441-8 | quote = This one god could be of the deistic or pantheistic sort. Deism might be superior in explaining why God has seemingly left us to our own devices and pantheism could be the more logical option as it fits well with the ontological argument's 'maximally-great entity' and doesn't rely on unproven concepts about 'nothing' (as in 'creation out of nothing'). A mixture of the two, pandeism, could be the most likely God-concept of all.| pages = 165}}</ref><ref name="Dawe">{{cite book | title = The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything|last=Dawe|first=Alan H.|year=20132011|isbn=978-10-4922473-344120114-82 | pages =48 | quote = Pandeism: This is the belief that God created the universe, is now one with it, and so, is no longer a separate conscious entity. This is a combination of pantheism (God is identical to the universe) and deism (God created the universe and then withdrew Himself).
| quote = This one god could be of the deistic or pantheistic sort. Deism might be superior in explaining why God has seemingly left us to our own devices and pantheism could be the more logical option as it fits well with the ontological argument's 'maximally-great entity' and doesn't rely on unproven concepts about 'nothing' (as in 'creation out of nothing'). A mixture of the two, pandeism, could be the most likely God-concept of all.}}</ref><ref name="Dawe">{{Cite book | title = The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything|last=Dawe|first=Alan H.|year=2011|isbn=978-0-473-20114-2 | pages =48
| quote = Pandeism: This is the belief that God created the universe, is now one with it, and so, is no longer a separate conscious entity. This is a combination of pantheism (God is identical to the universe) and deism (God created the universe and then withdrew Himself).
}}</ref> или [[Perenijalizam|перенијализма]], који постулирају да постоји једна темељна теолошка истина, о којој све религије изражавају парцијално разумевање, и „побожни у разним великим светским религијама у ствари обожавају тог једног Бога, али путем различитих, преклапајућих концепата или менталних приказа Њега”.<ref>''Christianity and Other Religions'', by John Hick and Brian Hebblethwaite. 1980. Page 178.</ref>
Линија 91 ⟶ 89:
== Бог у будизму ==
[[Буда]] (Гаутама Сидарта) је одбијао да да конкретан одговор на питање о постојању бога, тврдећи да таква питања немају практичне последице. Сматрао је да уместо метафизичких расправа треба развијати [[дух]]овну снагу, којом се може доћи до одговора на сва битна питања о егзистенцији.<ref name="veljacic">{{harvnb|Veljačić|1977|pp=33—4733–47}}</ref>
== Бог у филозофији ==
Линија 119 ⟶ 117:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Assmann | first = Jan | title=Religion and Cultural Memory: Ten Studies|location=|publisher=Stanford University Press|year=2005|id=|pages=59}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Assmann | first = Jan | title=Religion and Cultural Memory: Ten Studies|location=|publisher=Stanford University Press|year=2005|id=|pages=59}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv| title = The Grand Design|last=Hawking|first=Stephen|last2=Mlodinow|first2=Leonard| publisher = Bantam Books|year=2010|isbn=978-0-553-80537-6|pages=172}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|title=The Demon Haunted World |last=Sagan |first = Carl |authorlink= Carl Sagan |year=1996 | publisher = Ballantine Books | location = New York |isbn=978-0-345-40946-1|pages=278 }}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|title=The God Delusion |last=Dawkins |first = Richard |authorlink= Richard Dawkins |year=2006 | publisher = Bantam Press | location = Great Britain |isbn=978-0-618-68000-9|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Barton|first=G. A.|year=2006| title = A Sketch of Semitic Origins: Social and Religious|publisher = Kessinger Publishing|isbn=978-1-4286-1575-5|pages=}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv | title = The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything|last=Dawe|first=Alan H.|year=2011|isbn=978-0-473-20114-2 | pages =48| quote = Pandeism: This is the belief that God created the universe, is now one with it, and so, is no longer a separate conscious entity. This is a combination of pantheism (God is identical to the universe) and deism (God created the universe and then withdrew Himself).
| quote = Pandeism: This is the belief that God created the universe, is now one with it, and so, is no longer a separate conscious entity. This is a combination of pantheism (God is identical to the universe) and deism (God created the universe and then withdrew Himself).
* {{Cite book| ref=harv|last=Lataster|first=Raphael| title = There was no Jesus, there is no God: A Scholarly Examination of the Scientific, Historical, and Philosophical Evidence & Arguments for Monotheism | pages =165|year=2013|isbn=978-1-4922-3441-8| quote = This one god could be of the deistic or pantheistic sort. Deism might be superior in explaining why God has seemingly left us to our own devices and pantheism could be the more logical option as it fits well with the ontological argument's 'maximally-great entity' and doesn't rely on unproven concepts about 'nothing' (as in 'creation out of nothing'). A mixture of the two, pandeism, could be the most likely God-concept of all.| pages = 165}}
| quote = This one god could be of the deistic or pantheistic sort. Deism might be superior in explaining why God has seemingly left us to our own devices and pantheism could be the more logical option as it fits well with the ontological argument's 'maximally-great entity' and doesn't rely on unproven concepts about 'nothing' (as in 'creation out of nothing'). A mixture of the two, pandeism, could be the most likely God-concept of all.}}
* {{Cite book| ref=harv |last=Veljačić |first = Čedomir| title = Budizam |year=1977| publisher=OPUS| location = Beograd |isbn=978-86-7453-014-6| chapter = Nekoliko spornih tema u Buddhinu stavu prema religiji|pages=33—47}}
* [[Cliff Pickover|Pickover, Cliff]], <cite>''The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience''</cite>, Palgrave/St Martin's Press. {{page|year=2001|isbn=978-1-4039-6457-1|pages=}}
Линија 140 ⟶ 136:
| quote = The encyclopedia will contain articles on all the religions of the world and on all the great systems of ethics. It will aim at containing articles on every religious belief or custom, and on every ethical movement, every philosophical idea, every moral practice.|isbn=978-0-7661-3673-1
| oclc =
| doi = | url = | pages =476
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