Етимологија — разлика између измена

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Ред 2:
'''Етимологија''' је [[наука]] о пореклу [[реч]]и. Користећи разне методе, етимолози покушавају да утврде када је и како нека реч ушла у [[језик]], колико су се и на који начин променили њен облик и значење. Етимологија се углавном служи изучавањем старих [[рукопис]]а и других писаних докумената; у језицима у којима то није могуће користи се тзв. компаративни метод. Као и [[лингвистика]] уопште, много дугује ауторима [[санскрит]]ских граматика. Сама реч „етимологија“ потиче од старогрчких речи έτυμος (''-{étymos}-'' - истинит, тачан) и {{Грчки|λόγος}} (''-{lógos}-'' - реч).<ref>{{cite book|last=Zuckermann |first=Ghil'ad |year=2003 |url=http://www.palgrave.com/br/book/9781403917232 |title=Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew |publisher=[[Palgrave Macmillan]] |isbn=978-1403917232|pages=}}</ref>
For languages with a long [[recorded history|written history]], etymologists make use of texts, and texts about the language, to gather knowledge about how words were used during earlier periods, how they developed in [[Semantics|meaning]] and [[Phonological change|form]], or when and how they [[Loanword|entered]] the language. Etymologists also apply the methods of [[comparative linguistics]] to reconstruct information about forms that are too old for any direct information to be available.
By analyzing related languages with a technique known as the [[comparative method]], linguists can make inferences about their shared parent language and its vocabulary. In this way, [[root (linguistics)|word roots]] in European languages, for example, can be traced all the way back to the origin of the [[Indo-European languages|Indo-European]] [[language family]].
Even though etymological research originally grew from the [[philology|philological]] tradition, much current etymological research is done on [[language family|language families]] where little or no early documentation is available, such as [[Uralic languages|Uralic]] and [[Austronesian languages|Austronesian]].
The word ''etymology'' derives from the Greek word {{wikt-lang|grc|ἐτυμολογία}} ({{grc-transl|ἐτυμολογία}}), itself from {{wikt-lang|grc|ἔτυμον}} ({{grc-transl|ἔτυμον}}), meaning "true sense or sense of a truth", and the suffix ''-logia'', denoting "the study of".<ref>{{OEtymD|etymology}}</ref><ref>{{LSJ|e)tumologi/a|ἐτυμολογία}}, {{LSJ|e)/tumos|ἔτυμον|ref}}.</ref>
The term ''etymon'' refers to a word or [[morpheme]] (e.g., stem<ref>According to [[Ghil'ad Zuckermann]], the ultimate etymon of the English word ''machine'' is the Proto-Indo-European '''stem''' ''*māgh'' "be able to", see p. 174, {{cite book |last=Zuckermann |first=Ghil'ad |year=2003 |url=http://www.palgrave.com/br/book/9781403917232 |title=Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew |publisher=[[Palgrave Macmillan]] |isbn=978-1403917232}}</ref> or root<ref>According to [[Ghil'ad Zuckermann]], the co-etymon of the Israeli word ''glida'' "ice cream" is the Hebrew '''root''' ''gld'' "clot", see p. 132, {{cite book |last=Zuckermann |first=Ghil'ad |year=2003 |url=http://www.palgrave.com/br/book/9781403917232 |title=Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew |publisher=[[Palgrave Macmillan]] |isbn=978-1403917232}}</ref>) from which a later word or morpheme derives. For example, the Latin word ''candidus'', which means "white", is the etymon of English ''candid''. Relationships are often less transparent, however. English [[Toponym|place names]] such as [[Winchester]], [[Gloucester]], [[Tadcaster]] share in different modern forms a [[Suffix|suffixed]] etymon that was once meaningful, Latin ''castrum'' 'fort'.
[[File:Etymological Relationships Tree.png | thumb | Дијаграм који приказује односе између етимолошки повезаних речи]]
== Методе ==
Етимолози користе бројне методе за проучавање порекла речи, од којих су неке:
* [[Philology|Philological]] research. Changes in the form and meaning of the word can be traced with the aid of older texts, if such are available.
* Making use of [[dialectology|dialectological]] data. The form or meaning of the word might show variations between dialects, which may yield clues about its earlier history.
* The [[comparative method]]. By a systematic comparison of related languages, etymologists may often be able to detect which words derive from their common ancestor language and which were instead later borrowed from another language.
* The study of [[semantic change]]. Etymologists must often make hypotheses about changes in the meaning of particular words. Such hypotheses are tested against the general knowledge of semantic shifts. For example, the assumption of a particular change of meaning may be substantiated by showing that the same type of change has occurred in other languages as well.
== Референце ==
Линија 7 ⟶ 28:
== Литература ==
* Bammesberger, Alfred. ''English Etymology''. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1984.
* Barnhart, Robert K. & Sol Steinmetz, eds. ''Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology''. Bronx, NY: H. W. Wilson, 1988.