Шаблон:Подаци о пандемији ковида 19 — разлика између измена

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Ред 14:
! scope="row" class="unsortable" style="text-align:right;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref name="JHMap"/>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|United States}}{{efn|Укључује све случајеве на [[Гвам]]у, у [[Порторико|Порторику]] и на [[Америчка Девичанска Острва|Америчким Девичанским Острвима]], уз случајеве идентификоване на ''Гранд'Сједињене принцесуДржаве''.}}'{{olist
|Тестирање је ограничено на ризичне групе са тешким симптомима.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-testing-20200321.html|title=Health officials in New York, California restrict coronavirus testing to health care workers and people who are hospitalized|date=March 21, 2020|via=The Inquirer}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://nypost.com/2020/03/12/health-officials-limiting-coronavirus-testing-to-high-risk-patients/|title=Health officials limiting coronavirus testing to high-risk patients|date=March 12, 2020|via=nypost.com}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{formatnum:{{Sum|101276<!--Mainland U.S.-->|15<!--Guam-->|17<!--Puerto Rico-->|6<!--Virgin Islands-->}}}}<!--Use these templates to sum up territories; don't use commas, they are added automatically-->
|Заражени и умрли искључују све прекоморске територије.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{formatnum:{{Sum|1572<!--Mainland U.S.-->|0<!--Guam-->|0<!--Puerto Rico-->|0<!--Virgin Islands-->}}}}
|Нема поузданог извора за опорављене по територији. Опорављени у прекоморским територијама можда су укључени у ред за Сједињене Државе.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{formatnum:{{Sum|2465<!--Mainland U.S.-->|0<!--Guam-->|0<!--Puerto Rico-->|0<!--Virgin Islands-->}}}}
|Бројке укључују случајеве идентифковане на ''Гранд принцесу''.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC">{{cite web |url=https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries |title=Coronavirus Update (Live) - Worldometer |website=www.worldometers.info}}</ref><ref name="JHU">{{cite web| last = Johns Hopkins CSSE| title = Coronavirus COVID19 (2019-nCoV)| work = Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases| format = ArcGIS| accessdate = March 16, 2020| url = https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6}}</ref>
|Подаци су од незваничних трекера а не од званичних центара за контролу и превенцију болести (CDC).}}}}
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|215066<!-- USA overall aggregate -->|-286<!-- Puerto Rico -->|-77<!-- Guam -->|-6<!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->|-30<!-- U.S. Virgin Islands -->}}}}<!-- Add overall USA figure and then negative figures for overseas territories. Do not use comma, they will be added automatically. -->
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|4102<!-- USA overall aggregate -->|-11<!-- Puerto Rico -->|-3<!-- Guam -->|-1<!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->|0<!-- U.S. Virgin Islands -->}}}}<!-- Add overall USA figure and then negative figures for overseas territories. Do not use commas, they will be added automatically. -->
|<ref name="WOMC">{{cite web |url=https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries |title=Coronavirus Update (Live) - Worldometer |website=www.worldometers.info}}</ref><ref name=":1p3a">{{cite web |title=COVID-19/Coronavirus Real Time Updates With Credible Sources in US and Canada {{!}} 1Point3Acres |url=https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en |website=coronavirus.1point3acres.com}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Italy}}{{efn|'''Италија'''<br>
:Само су ризичне особе са симптомима тестиране од 27. фебруара 2020. па надаље.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://apnews.com/6c7e40fbec09858a3b4dbd65fe0f14f5|title=Italy blasts virus panic as it eyes new testing criteria|date=February 27, 2020|website=AP NEWS}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.wired.co.uk/article/coronavirus-italy|title=How Italy became the ground zero of Europe’s coronavirus crisis|first=Alessio|last=Perrone|date=March 14, 2020|via=www.wired.co.uk}}</ref>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 86.498
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9.134
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 10.950
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Note: this ArcGIS map has been provided to the public by the civil protection department of Italy, and is therefore a government source--><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://opendatadpc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/b0c68bce2cce478eaac82fe38d4138b1|author=Dipartimento della Protezione Civile|title=COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio della situazione
|website=opendatadpc.maps.arcgis.com}}</ref><!-- <ref>{{cite web |title=Ministero della Salute - Nuovo coronavirus |url=http://www.salute.gov.it/nuovocoronavirus |website=www.salute.gov.it |accessdate=22 March 2020 |language=IT}}</ref> -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ChinaSpain}}{{efn|Укључује клинички дијагностиковане случајеве и смрти од 12. фебруара 2020. па надаље у покрајини [[Хубеј|Хубеи]].}}'''Шпанија'''{{olist
|Укључујући аутономне регионе [[Сеута]] и [[Мелиља]].
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 81.340<!--WARNING! Please subtract Hong Kong (香港), Macau (澳门), and Taiwan (台湾) numbers if included in the total-->
|Тестирање је ограничено на ризичне особе са симптомима.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-03-23/640000-rapid-coronavirus-tests-arrive-in-spain.html|title=640.000 rapid coronavirus tests arrive in Spain|first=Elena|last=Sevillano|date=March 23, 2020|via=www.elpais.com}}</ref>}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.292
|104.118<!-- DO NOT update Spain data from worldometer/WOMC -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 74.588
|9.387<!-- DO NOT update Spain data from worldometer/WOMC -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nhc.gov.cn/xcs/yqfkdt/202003/097e6e91ecb6464ea69fd1a324c9b1b4.shtml|title=截至3月20日24时新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情最新情况|work=National Health Commission|language=zh|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
|22.647<!-- DO NOT update Spain data from worldometer/WOMC -->
|<!--IMPORTANT: SOURCING INSTRUCTIONS! Keep the most up-to-date source uncommented and comment the others. All these three sources ("es-rtve", "es-elpais", "es-iscii") are reliable sources. --><ref name="es-rtve">{{cite web |url=https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20200329/mapa-del-coronavirus-espana/2004681.shtml |title=El mapa del coronavirus en España: 9.053 muertos y más de 102.000 casos |website=RTVE |language=es|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref><!-- <ref name="es-elpais">{{cite web|url=https://elpais.com/sociedad/2020/03/16/actualidad/1584379038_891570.html|title=Casos confirmados en España y en el mundo y claves para entender el coronavirus|website=El País|language=es}}</ref> --><!-- <ref name="es-iscii">{{cite web|url=https://covid19.isciii.es/|title=Situación de COVID-19 en España|work=Instituto de Salud Carlos III|language=es}}</ref> -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SpainChina}}{{efn|'''Кина'''{{olist
|Искључујући 1.367 (1. април 2020) асимптоматичних случајева под медицинском опсервацијом.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 64.095<!-- please, DO NOT update Spain data from worldometers/WOMC, RTVE is more up-to-date and reliable -->
|Асимптоматични случајеви нису регистровани пре 31. марта 2020.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4.934
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9.357
|81.554<!--WARNING! Please subtract Hong Kong (香港), Macau (澳門/澳门), and Taiwan (臺灣/台湾) numbers if included in the total-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19.isciii.es/|title=Situación de COVID-19 en España|work=Instituto de Salud Carlos III|language=es}}</ref>--><ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20200319/mapa-del-coronavirus-espana/2004681.shtml |title=Coronavirus El mapa del coronavirus en España: 831 muertos y más de 18.000 casos |website=RTVE |language=es}}</ref><!--RTVE (Spanish Radio and Television Corporation) is a public broadcasting service run by the Spanish government-->
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nhc.gov.cn/xcs/yqtb/202004/28668f987f3a4e58b1a2a75db60d8cf2.shtml|script-title=zh:截至3月31日24时新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情最新情况|publisher=[[National Health Commission]]|language=zh-cn|date=1 April 2020|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Germany}}{{efn|'''Немачка'''<br />
:Све државне агенције не броје опорављене.<ref name="zeit"/>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 50.871
|77.981<!-- Use Tagesspiegel: more reliable cases and death counts -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 351
|931<!-- Use Tagesspiegel: more reliable cases and death counts -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.144
|11.722<!-- Use Zeit Online; Tagesspiegel publishes an estimate of recoveries, not an acutal count -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this major german news source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://interaktiv.morgenpost.de/corona-virus-karte-infektionen-deutschland-weltweit/|title=Coronavirus: Interaktive Karte zeigt aktuelle Zahl der Infektionen in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit|website=Berliner Morgenpost|language=de|access-date=2020-03-21}}</ref>
|<!-- <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://interaktiv.morgenpost.de/corona-virus-karte-infektionen-deutschland-weltweit/|title=Coronavirus-Monitor|website=Berliner Morgenpost|language=de|access-date=2020-03-27}}</ref> --><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/karte-sars-cov-2-in-deutschland-landkreise/|title=Corona-Karte Deutschland: COVID-19 live in allen Landkreisen und Bundesländern|website=Tagesspiegel|language=de|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref name="zeit">{{Cite web|url=https://www.zeit.de/wissen/gesundheit/2020-03/coronavirus-deutschland-infektionen-faelle-verbreitung-epidemie-karte|access-date=2020-03-07|title=Wie sich das Coronavirus in Ihrer Region ausbreitet|trans-title=How the coronavirus affects your region|publisher=Zeit Online|language=German}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|France}}{{efn|'''Француска'''{{olist
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|France}}{{efn|Укључује прекоморске случајеве у [[Француска Гвајана|Француској Гијани]], [[Гвадалуп]]у, на [[Мартиник]]у, [[Мајот]]у и [[Реинион]]у, као и колективитетима [[Француска Полинезија]], [[Нова Каледонија]], [[Сен Бартелеми]] и [[Свети Мартин (Француска)|Сен Мартен]]у.}}<!--DO NOT REMOVE THIS MESSAGE! The French territories' cases should be included in the total of France as they are not independent/separate entities as is done with Denmark (Faroe Islands) and the United Kingdom (Gibraltar, etc.)--><!--Figures includes one from Guadeloupe, which is apparently not included by Worldometer (Worldometer is not an accurate source)-->
|Тестирање је ограничено на ризичне особе са озбиљним симптомима.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20200318-france-step-up-coronavirus-new-test-methods-death-toll-climbs-covid-19-priority-risk-elderly-symptoms|title=France to step up coronavirus testing methods as death toll climbs|date=March 18, 2020|via=rfi.fr}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 32.964
|Искључујући све прекоморске департмане и регионе и прекоморске колективитете.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.995
|Умрли и опорављени укључују само хоспитализоване случајеве.<ref name="gouvernement.fr"/><ref name="France Geodes"/>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5.700
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/maladies-et-traumatismes/maladies-et-infections-respiratoires/infection-a-coronavirus/articles/infection-au-nouveau-coronavirus-sars-cov-2-covid-19-france-et-monde|title=Infection au nouveau Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), COVID-19, France et Monde|work=Santé publique France|language=fr}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/sante/en-direct-coronavirus-nouveau-conseil-de-defense-avant-une-probable-prolongation-du-confinement_2121451.html|title=EN DIRECT. Coronavirus : 450 morts en France depuis le début de l'épidémie|date=2020-03-20|website=LExpress.fr|language=fr|access-date=2020-03-20}}</ref>
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|56989<!-- France overall -->|-247<!-- Reunion -->|-114<!-- Guadeloupe -->|-119<!-- Martinque -->|-94<!-- Mayotte -->|-43<!-- French Guiana -->|-18<!-- Saint Martin -->|-6<!-- Saint Barthelemy -->}}}}<!-- DO NOT add French Polynesia and New Caledonia -->
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|4032<!-- France overall -->|0<!-- Reunion -->|-5<!-- Guadeloupe -->|-2<!-- Martinque -->|1<!-- Mayotte -->|0<!-- French Guiana -->|-1<!-- Saint Martin -->|0<!-- Saint Barthelemy -->}}}}
|7.882<!-- From Geodes, not selecting overseas territories, but only counts hospitalised cases -->
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref name="gouvernement.fr">{{Cite web|url=https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/carte-et-donnees|title=COVID-19|last=|first=|date=|website=gouvernement.fr|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref><ref name="France Geodes">{{Cite web|url=https://geodes.santepubliquefrance.fr/#bbox=-704328.6766248.2390417.1848309&c=indicator&f=0&i=covid_hospit.rad&s=2020-03-30&t=a01&view=map2|title=Nombre cumulé de personnes retournées à domicile depuis le 1er mars 2020 |last=|first=|date=2020-03-30 |website=geodes.santepubliquefrance.fr |url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Iran}}{{efn|Због<ref ограничењаgroup="lower-alpha">'''Иран'''<br ресурса, тестирање је ограничено само на озбиљне случајеве. Укључује клинички дијагностиковане случајеве и смрти од 9. марта 2020. па надаље.}}/>
:Укључујући клинички дијагностиковане заражене и умрле од 9. марта 2020. па надаље.</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 32.332
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2.387
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11.133
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.gulftoday.ae/news/2020/03/21/123-new-coronavirus-deaths-in-iran-toll-rises-to-1556|title=123 new coronavirus deaths in Iran; toll rises to 1.556|work=Gulf Today|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--Twitter account of the Islamic Republic News Agency which regularly tweets latest figures--><!-- <ref>{{cite tweet |user=IrnaEnglish |number=1240622152040304641 |date=19 March 2020 |title=#Iran's #coronavirus toll update March 19, 2020 #COVID19}}</ref> -->
|<!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--Twitter account of the Islamic Republic News Agency which regularly tweets latest figures--><!-- <ref>{{cite tweet |user=IrnaEnglish |number=1243115776493662208 |date=26 March 2020 |title=Head of #Iran's Health Ministry Public Relations Office @drjahanpur said on Thursday that 10.457 people out of a total of 29.406 infected by the #coronavirus have survived it while 2.234 have unfortunately succumbed to the deadly virus}}</ref> --><ref>{{cite news |title=Official: Coronavirus death toll hits 3.036 in Iran |url=https://en.irna.ir/news/83735386/Official-Coronavirus-death-toll-hits-3-036-in-Iran |accessdate=1 April 2020 |work=IRNA English |date=1 April 2020 |language=en}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Уједињено Краљевство" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SwitzerlandUnited Kingdom|name=УК}}{{Efnefn|Иако'''Уједињено има више позитивних случајева у Швајцарској, цифра дата овде је само број потврђених случајева.}}Краљевство'''<br>
:Искључујући све британске прекоморске територије и крунске депенденције.}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 12.928
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 231
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.530
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url= https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/situation-schweiz-und-international.html#-1199962081 |title= Current situation in Switzerland |publisher= Federal Office of Public Health}}</ref><ref name="JHU"/>
|<ref name="WOMC"/><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future --><ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f94c3c90da5b4e9f9a0b19484dd4bb14 |title= Total UK cases COVID-19 Cases Update |publisher=Public Health England}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Уједињено Краљевство" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|United Kingdom|name=УКSwitzerland}}{{efn|Укључује 17 случајева, 1 смрт и 2 опоравка у британски прекоморским територијама, како следи:
* [[Акротири и Декелија]] (3 случаја)<ref>{{cite web|url= https://in-cyprus.com/coronavirus-one-more-tests-positive-in-british-bases/|title=
Coronavirus: One more tests positive in British Bases|website=in-cyprus}}</ref>
* [[Бермуда]] (2 случаја)<ref>{{cite web |url=http://bernews.com/2020/03/first-cases-of-covid-19-in-bermuda-confirmed/ |title=First Cases Of Covid-19 In Bermuda Confirmed|website=bernews.com}}</ref>
|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://interactif.tdg.ch/2020/covid-19-carte-suisse/|title=Cas d'infection au Sars-CoV-2 en Suisse|work=Tribune de Genève|language=fr}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!-- <ref>{{cite web|url= https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/situation-schweiz-und-international.html#-1199962081 |title= Current situation in Switzerland |publisher= Federal Office of Public Health}}</ref> -->
* [[Кајманска Острва]] (3 случаја; 1 смрт)<ref>{{cite news |last1=Whittaker |first1=James |title=Two new coronavirus cases confirmed |url=https://www.caymancompass.com/2020/03/20/two-new-coronavirus-cases-confirmed/ |accessdate=21 March 2020 |work=caymancompass.com/ |publisher=Cayman Compass |date=19 March 2020}}</ref>
* [[Гибралтар]] (8 случајева; 2 опоравка)<ref>{{cite web |title=Covid-19 Government Public Notifications |url=https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/covid19 |website=gibraltar.gov.gi |publisher=HM Government of Gibraltar |accessdate=21 March 2020}}</ref>
* [[Монсерат]] (1 случај)<ref name="WOMC"/>}}<!--DO NOT REMOVE THIS MESSAGE! All dependencies should be included in the total of the United Kingdom as they are not independent/separate entities as is done with Denmark (Faroe Islands) and France (French Guyana, etc.). Information about dependencies is detailed in the main UK article.-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11.660
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 578
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 140
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f94c3c90da5b4e9f9a0b19484dd4bb14 |title= Total UK cases COVID-19 Cases Update |publisher=Public Health England}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public|title=Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK|work=gov.uk}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|South KoreaTurkey}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9.332
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 139
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4.528
|<ref>{{cite news |title=Turkey’s coronavirus death toll rises to 277, with 15.679 total cases |url=https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-coronavirus-death-toll-rises-to-277-with-15-679-total-cases-153491 |accessdate=1 April 2020 |agency=Hürriyet Daily News}}</ref><!--The following source is the Health Ministry page, i.e. the official source, however it is not in English. Please include an English-language source too. Do not forget to edit the access date as you update the numbers--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid19.saglik.gov.tr/|title=T.C Sağlık Bakanlığı Günlük Koronavirüs Tablosu, Turkey Ministry of Health Daily Coronavirus Table|website=covid19.saglik.gov.tr|language=tr|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.cdc.go.kr/board/board.es?mid=a20501000000&bid=0015 |title=Press release |website=www.cdc.go.kr |last=KCDC |language=ko}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Belgium}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Netherlands}}{{efn|Укључује случајеве у све четири конститутивне земље Краљевине Холандије: европска Холандија, [[Аруба]], [[Курасао]] и Сен Мартен.}}<!--PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS MESSAGE! ''Netherlands'' is ambiguous. The Kingdom NL includes the country NL but is not the same as the country NL-->{{efn|Холандска влада (одговорна агенција RIVM) не броји случајеве опорављених.<ref>{{Cite news |title=Coronavirus in the Netherlands: the questions you want answered |work=Dutch News |url= https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/03/coronavirus-in-the-netherlands-the-questions-you-want-answered/ |date=2020-03-12}}</ref>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{formatnum:{{Sum| 8641<!--European Netherlands-->| 5<!--Aruba-->| 3<!--Curaçao-->| 1<!--Sint Maarten-->}}}}<!--Use these templates to sum up territories; don't use commas, they are added automatically-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{formatnum:{{Sum| 547<!--European Netherlands-->| 0<!--Aruba-->| 1<!--Curaçao-->| 0<!--Sint Maarten-->}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{color|darkgray|–}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.rivminfo-coronavirus.be/nl/nieuwsnews/actuele-informatie-over-coronavirus |title=ActueleCoronavirus informatie over het nieuwe coronavirus (COVID-19) |languagewebsite=Dutch |publisher=RIVM |accessdate=2020info-03-15coronavirus.be}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AustriaNetherlands}}{{efn|'''Холандија'''{{olist
|Све четири конститутивне земље Краљевине Холандије ([[Аруба]], [[Курасао]] и [[Сен Мартен]]) наведене су посебно.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7.557
|Специјалне општине су наведене посебно.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 58
|Холандска владина агенција RIVM, одговорна за конститутивне земље Холандије, не броји опорављене.<ref>{{Cite news |title=Coronavirus in the Netherlands: the questions you want answered |work=Dutch News |url= https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/03/coronavirus-in-the-netherlands-the-questions-you-want-answered/ |access-date=2020-03-27}}</ref>}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 112
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://info.gesundheitsministerium.at/|title=info.gesundheitsministerium.at|publisher=Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz|language=de}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.sozialministerium.at/Informationen-zum-Coronavirus/Neuartiges-Coronavirus-(2019-nCov).html |title=Neuartiges Coronavirus (2019-nCov) |language=German |website=www.sozialministerium.at}}</ref>
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.rivm.nl/nieuws/actuele-informatie-over-coronavirus |title=Actuele informatie over het nieuwe coronavirus (COVID-19) |language=Dutch |publisher=RIVM |accessdate=2020-03-31}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BelgiumAustria}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7.284
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 289
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 858
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--> <ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.info-coronavirussozialministerium.beat/nl/newsInformationen-zum-Coronavirus/Neuartiges-Coronavirus-(2019-nCov).html |title=Neuartiges Coronavirus COVID(2019-19nCov) |websitelanguage=www.de |publisher=Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection}}</ref>--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://info.gesundheitsministerium.at/|title=Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 - öffentlich zugängliche Informationen|language=de|publisher=Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection }}</ref><ref name="JHU">{{cite web|url=https://coronavirus.bejhu.edu/map.html|title=Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|TurkeySouth Korea}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5.698
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 92
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 42
|<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.cdc.go.kr/board/board.es?mid=a20501000000&bid=0015 |title=Press release |website=www.cdc.go.kr |last=KCDC |language=ko}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Minister of Health of Turkey is a reliable source for Turkish public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite tweet |user=drfahrettinkoca |number=1241095676529958912 |date=20 March 2020 |title=Son 24 saatte 3656 ŞÜPHELİYE TEST yapıldı. 311’i POZİTİF ÇIKTI. Hasta sayımız 670’e ulaştı. Yaşlı ve direnci zayıf 5 HASTAMIZI KAYBETTİK. Bugüne dek toplam 9 can kaybımız var. Tamamı yaşlılarımızdan. Yaşlılarımızı koruyalım. MÜCADELEMİZDE BİR AN BİLE ESNEKLİK GÖSTERMEYELİM.}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Canada}}
|9.713<!--If using CTVNews as the source, take the total case count and subtract the presumptive cases from the total count before reporting it here. Do NOT report active cases.-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4.622
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 53
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 257
|<ref>{{cite stylenews|url="paddinghttps:0px//www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/health/coronavirus/tracking-every-case-of-covid-19-in-canada-1.4852102 2px;"|title=Tracking every case of COVID-19 in Canada |publisher=CTV News}}</ref><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref!-- name="JHU"/><ref>{{cite web |title= Covid-19: Outbreak update |publisher=Government of Canada |url= https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html |year=2020}}</ref> -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Portugal}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4.268
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 76
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 43
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url=https://covid19.min-saude.pt/relatorioponto-de-situacao-atual-em-portugal/ |title=Covid-19Ponto Situationde ReportSituação Atual em Portugal |publisher=Ministry of Health |location=Portugal|language=pt}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Brazil}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Norway}}{{efn|Од 13. марта, тестирање нормалне популације је престало, а сада се само резервише за стручно медицинско особље и акутно болесне људе у ризичним групама. Норвешки институт за јавно здравство изјавио је да има више инфицираних људи у Норвешкој него што цифре показују. Број оболелих и умрлих је по претпоставци већи јер је тестирање ограничено..<ref name="VG"/>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.703
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 19
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{color|darkgray|–}}<!--Please do not use recoveries from Worldometer/WOMC, as the given source explains, there is no comprehensive and reliable source for it-->
|<ref stylename="padding:0px 2px;JHU"| /><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>[https://www.fhi.no/sv/smittsomme-sykdommer/corona/dags--og-ukerapporter/dags--og-ukerapporter-om-koronavirus/ FHI: Dags- og ukerapporter om koronavirussykdom (covid-19)] ''www.fhi.no''</ref>--><ref name="VG">{{Cite web |url=https://wwwcovid.vgsaude.no/spesial/2020/corona-virusetgov.br/ |title=Live:Painel Corona-virusetCoronavírus sprer seg i Norge og verden|first1publisher=Av Sondre|last1=Nilsen|first2=OdaMinistry Leraan|last2=Skjetne|first3=Yasmin|last3=Sfrintzeris|first4=Hannaof Haug|last4=Røset|first5=Carina|last5=Hunshamar|first6=Sofie|last6=Fraser|first7=Ole|last7=Løkkevik|first8=ogHealth (Brazil) VGs|last8language=breaking-avdeling|website=VG Nettpt}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BrazilIsrael}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.417
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 92
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6
|<ref>{{cite news |title=Coronavirus cases in Israel jump to 6.092 with 95 in serious condition |url=https://www.timesofisrael.com/coronavirus-cases-in-israel-jump-to-6092-with-95-in-serious-condition/ |accessdate=1 April 2020 |work=www.timesofisrael.com}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url=http://plataforma.saude.gov.br/novocoronavirus |title=Notificação de casos de doença pelo coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) |publisher= Ministry of Health (Brazil)}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Australia}}{{efn|<ref group="lower-alpha">'''Аустралија'''<br />
:Искључујући случајеве са крузера ''Дајамонд принцес'' који се класификују као „међународна предаја”. Десет случајева, укључујући један смртни, забележила је аустралијска влада.}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.180
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 13
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 118
|<ref>{{Cite styleweb|url="paddinghttps:0px//www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-current-situation-and-case-numbers|title=Coronavirus 2px;"(COVID-19) current situation and case numbers|last=Health|first=Australian Government Department of|date=2020-03-15|website=Australian Government Department of Health|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{cite newsweb |title=Coronavirus3月27日:澳洲确诊3179例 update西澳五个月大婴儿确诊 |url=https://www.abc.net.au/chinese/2020-03-27/australia-coronavirus-live-update-latest-news-/12095358 Italy|website=ABC中文 records|accessdate=31 biggestMarch day2020 |language=zh-toCN |date=27 March 2020}}</ref><!-day-<ref>{{cite riseweb in|last1=Ting deaths,|first1=Inga $15.6m|last2=Workman to|first2=Michael develop|last3=Doman new|first3=Mark test|last4=Scott 'within|first4=Nathanael weeks'|title=Charting the COVID-19 spread |url=https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-2117/coronavirus-australiacases-livedata-updatesreveals-how-covid-19-latestspreads-newsin-march-21australia/1207688412060704 |accessdate=21 March 2020 |workwebsite=ABC News |dateaccessdate=2129 March 2020 |language=en-AU |date=29 March 2020}}</ref>--><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the "AU_health" source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future --><ref name="AU_health">{{cite web|url=https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-current-situation-and-case-numbers|title=Coronavirus (COVID-19) current situation and case numbers|date=19 March 2020|website=Australian Government Department of Health|language=en}}</ref>-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Sweden}}{{efn|<ref group="lower-alpha">'''Шведска'''<br />
:Тестирање оних за које се сумња да су инфицирани било је полуобустављено у одређеним регионима 12. марта 2020, како би се напори фокусирали на људе с повећаним ризиком од озбиљног оболевања и компликација.}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.069
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 104
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 16
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="SVT_livefeed">{{Cite web|url=https://www.svt.se/datajournalistik/the-spread-of-the-coronavirus/|title=The spread of the new coronavirus — Currently in Sweden|publisher=[[Sveriges Television]] (Swedish Television)| language=English| work=SVT Datajournalistik|access-date=2020-03-1322}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://platz.se/coronavirus/?c=219|title=Coronavirus i Sverige|author=Han Lin Yap|access-date=2020-03-22}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|IsraelNorway}}{{efn|'''Норвешка'''{{olist
|Од 13. марта 2020, тестирање опште популације је прекинуто, а сада се само тестирају здравствени радници и акутно оболеле особе у рањивим групама.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3.035
|NIPH каже да има више оболелих него што бројке показују.<ref name="VG"/>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 10
|Процена броја заражених:<div><ul>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 79
<li>23. март 2020 — '''20.200'''<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.nrk.no/norge/20.200-personer-registrert-med-korona-diagnose-1.14956823|title=20.200 personer registrert med korona-diagnose|first=Vegard|last=Venli|date=March 23, 2020|website=[[NRK]]}}</ref></li>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news |url=https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/883-Israelis-diagnosed-with-coronavirus-15-in-serious-condition-621779 |title=883 Israelis diagnosed with coronavirus, 15 in serious condition |accessdate=21 March 2020 |work=The Jerusalem Post |date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
<li>24. март 2020 — '''7.120'''—'''23.140'''<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.nrk.no/norge/folkehelseinstituttet-mener-23.000-kan-vaere-smittet-1.14958149|title=FHI: 23.000 kan være koronasmittet|first=Mette|last=Kristensen|date=March 24, 2020|website=NRK}}</ref></li>
|{{color|darkgray|–}}<!--Do not use recoveries from Worldometer/WOMC, as the given source explains, there is no comprehensive and reliable source for it-->
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>[https://www.fhi.no/sv/smittsomme-sykdommer/corona/dags--og-ukerapporter/dags--og-ukerapporter-om-koronavirus/ FHI: Dags- og ukerapporter om koronavirussykdom (covid-19)] ''www.fhi.no''</ref>--><ref name="VG">{{Cite web|url=https://www.vg.no/spesial/2020/corona-viruset/|title=Live: Corona-viruset sprer seg i Norge og verden|first1=Av Sondre|last1=Nilsen|first2=Oda Leraan|last2=Skjetne|first3=Yasmin|last3=Sfrintzeris|first4=Hanna Haug|last4=Røset|first5=Carina|last5=Hunshamar|first6=Sofie|last6=Fraser|first7=Ole|last7=Løkkevik|first8=og VGs|last8=breaking-avdeling|website=VG Nett}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Czech Republic}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2.279
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url=https://onemocneni-aktualne.mzcr.cz/covid-19 |title=COVID-19 &#124; Onemocnění aktuálně od MZČR |publisher=[[Ministry of Health (Czech Republic)]] |year=2020 |accessdate=2020-03-1930 }}</ref><!--<ref>{{cite web |url=https://mobile.twitter.com/adamvojtechano/status/1238355040026480640 |title=Minister of Health (Twitter)}}</ref>-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Ireland}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Denmark}}{{efn|Укључује све случајеве у конститутивним земљама: [[Фарска Острва]] и [[Гренланд]].}}<!--DO NOT REMOVE THIS MESSAGE! Faroe Islands' cases should be included in the total of the Denmark as they are not independent/separate entities as is done with the United Kingdom (Gibraltar, etc.) and France (French Guiana, etc.)-->{{efn|Данска влада не броји случајеве опоравка.<ref>{{Cite news|last=|first=|url=https://www.berlingske.dk/samfund/801-personer-i-danmark-er-konstateret-smittet-med-coronavirus|title=801 personer i Danmark er konstateret smittet med coronavirus|date=13 March 2020|work=Berlingske|access-date=13 March 2020|url-status=live|agency=Ritzau|language=da}}</ref>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2.199<!--Worldometer is not accurate here; Please do not update this number with the number from Worldometer, as it does not take the Faroe Islands into account, as is done here--><!--Includes Denmark proper, Faroe islands, and Greenland.-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 52
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| {{color|darkgray|–}}
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url= https://www.gov.ie/en/news/7e0924-latest-updates-on-covid-19-coronavirus/ |title=Latest updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) |publisher=Department of Health (Ireland)|date=22 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref><!--Do not remove this reference, because it's more up-to-date and reliable than "WOMC"-->{{cite web|url=https://www.sst.dk/da/corona/tal-og-overvaagning|title=Coronavirus, COVID-19|date=13 March 2020|work=Status på COVID-19|publisher=[[Sundhedsstyrelsen]]|language=Danish|accessdate=13 March 2020|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Følg smittespredningen af ny coronavirus |url=https://nun.gl/Emner/Borgere/Coronavirus%20emne/Foelg%20smittespredningen?sc_lang=da |website=Nunatsinni Nakorsaaneqarfik |accessdate=18 March 2020 |language=da}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MalaysiaDenmark}}{{efn|'''Данска'''{{olist|
|Аутономне територије [[Фарска Острва]] и [[Гренланд]] наведене су посебно.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2.161
|Од 12. марта до 1. априла, тестирање је било примарно фокусирано на људе са озбиљним симптомима, рањиве особе и здравствене раднике. Пре овога и после је шире и укључује и особе са благим симптомима и оне у контакту са зараженима.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Retningslinjer-marts/Retningslinje-COVID-19.ashx|title=Retningslinjer for håndtering af COVID-19 i sundhedsvæsenet|publisher=[[Sundhedsstyrelsen]] (Danish Health Authority)|date=2020-04-01|language=da|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 26
|3.107<!-- WARNING: Do not include cases in Greenland and the Faroe Islands -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 259
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/2019-ncov-wuhan |title=Covid-19 (Maklumat Terkini) |publisher=Ministry of Health (Malaysia)}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://says.com/my/news/8-m-sians-have-died-from-covid-19-as-dr-noor-hisham-warns-of-a-rise-in-new-cases-next-week|title=8 M'sians Have Died From COVID-19 As Dr Noor Hisham Warns Of A Rise In New Cases Next Week|last=Ram|first=Sadho|work=Says.com|date=21 March 2020|accessdate=21 March 2020|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200321114313/https://says.com/my/news/8-m-sians-have-died-from-covid-19-as-dr-noor-hisham-warns-of-a-rise-in-new-cases-next-week|archive-date=21 March 2020|url-status=live}}</ref>
|<ref name="gov-dk"><!--Do not remove this reference, because it's more up-to-date and reliable than "WOMC"-->{{cite web|url=https://www.sst.dk/da/corona/tal-og-overvaagning|title=Tal og overvågning af COVID-19|date=1 April 2020|work=Coronavirus/COVID-19|publisher=[[Sundhedsstyrelsen]] (Danish Health Authority)|language=Danish|accessdate=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|IrelandChile}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2.121
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 22
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url= https://www.govgob.iecl/en/news/7e0924-latest-updates-on-covid-19-coronavirus/ casosconfirmados/|title=LatestCasos updates onconfirmados COVID-19 (Coronavirus) |publisherwork=DepartmentGobierno ofde Health (Ireland)Chile|language=es}}</ref><!-- see the link to "mapa coronavirus" at infogram -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ChileMalaysia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.610
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 43
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/2019-ncov-wuhan|title=Covid-19 (Maklumat Terkini)|publisher=[[Ministry of Health (Malaysia)]]}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref name="Cases_434">{{cite news |title=Coronavirus en Chile: nuevos casos y últimas noticias de hoy en vivo|url=https://chile.as.com/chile/2020/03/20/tikitakas/1584701975_596888.html |accessdate=20 March 2020 |work=chile.as.com|issue=Mar2020 |publisher=chile.as.com|date=20 March 2020 |language=es-ES}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|LuxembourgRussia}}{{efn|'''Русија'''{{olist|
|Укључује случајеве са спорног [[Крим]]а, који је Русија анектирала 2014. али је остао међународно признат као [[Украјина|украјински]] суверенитет.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.605
|Искључујући случајеве са крузера ''Дајамонд принцес'' који се класификују као „међународна предаја”.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 15
|Руске власти нису забележиле један смртни случај као такав да му је узрок био вирус корона.<ref>{{cite news |title=First death from coronavirus registered in Moscow |url=https://tass.com/society/1132327 |accessdate=19 March 2020 |agency=TASS |date=19 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=О подтвержденных случаях новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-2019 в России |url=https://rospotrebnadzor.ru/about/info/news/news_details.php?ELEMENT_ID=14060 |accessdate=19 March 2020 |work=[[Rospotrebnadzor]] |date=19 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Оперштаб заявил об отсутствии в России летальных исходов от коронавируса |url=https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/5e736ddf9a7947c662f701ed |accessdate=19 March 2020 |work=RBC |date=19 March 2020 |language=ru}}</ref>}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://gouvernement.lu/en/dossiers.gouv_msan%2Ben%2Bdossiers%2B2020%2Bcorona-virus.html |title= Coronavirus: COVID-19 |publisher=Government of Luxembourg}}</ref>
|190 <!--The figure at WOMC is incorrect because it includes the Diamond Princess cases. See official sources-->
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=Оперативные данные. По состоянию на 1 апреля |url=https://xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/ |website=Стопкоронавирус.рф |accessdate=1 April 2020 |language=ru |date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Ecuador}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.403
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 34
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
|<ref>{{cite news |title=En Azuay y Cañar aumentan los casos de covid-19, pero los contagios no son comunitarios |url=https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/azuay-canar-aumentan-casos-covid.html |accessdate=2 April 2020 |work=El Comercio}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Do not remove this reference, because it's more up-to-date and reliable than "WOMC"--><!--Twitter account of Ecuador's Ministry of Public Health which regularly updates the latest figures--><ref>{{cite tweet|user=Salud_Ec |number=1241381538962554880 |date=21 March 2020 |title=El Ministerio de Salud Pública informa 506 casos positivos, 857 casos en sospecha, 7 fallecidos y 601 casos descartados. Total de muestras 1964. #QuedateEnCasa}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Poland}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.389
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 16
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1235<!--Beware a possibly wrong number of recovered patients published by WOMC/Worldometer-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Do not remove this reference, because it's more up-to-date and reliable than "WOMC"--><!--Twitter account of Poland's Ministry of Health which regularly updates the latest figures--><ref>{{cite tweet |author=Ministerstwo Zdrowia |user=MZ_GOV_PL |number=1241339128085712896 1245431656380608518|date=211 MarchApril 2020 |title=2 z woj. podlaskiego i po 1 osobie z woj. podkarpackiego, małopolskiego, lubelskiego i kujawsko-pomorskiego. W sumie liczba osób zakażonych koronawirusem: 4522554/543 (wszystkie pozytywne przypadki/w tym osoby zmarłe).}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://tvp.info/47162335/negatywny-wynik-testow-pacjenta-zero-moze-opuscic-szpital|title=Negatywny wynik testów „pacjenta zero”. Może opuścić szpital|work=TVP|date=17 March 2020|access-date=19 March 2020|language=pl}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|JapanRomania}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.387
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 46
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 359
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simplySimply comment out the following sourcessource if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{citeCite web news|url=https://www.mhlwmai.gogov.jpro/stfinformare-covid-19-grupul-de-comunicare-strategica-29-martie-ora-13-00/newpage_10349.html|title=新型コロナウイルスに関連した患者等の発生について(3月19日公表分)|language=ja|date=Informare COVID -19, MarchGrupul 2020de Comunicare Strategică, 29 martie, ora 13.00|access-date=2029 March 2020 |workpublisher=Ministry of HealthInternal Affairs|language=ro}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://m.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/informatii-oficiale-despre-coronavirus-in-romania-1266261|title=Coronavirus România, LabourINFORMAȚII andOFICIALE: Welfare1.952 (Japan)de infecții.180 de pacienți vindecați. 46 de persoane au murit din cauza COVID-19|date=30 March 2020|publisher=[[Digi24]]|language=ro}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|PakistanLuxembourg}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.296
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 23
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://gouvernement.lu/en/dossiers.gouv_msan%2Ben%2Bdossiers%2B2020%2Bcorona-virus.html |title= Coronavirus: COVID-19 |publisher=Government of Luxembourg}}</ref><!--for recoveries--><ref name="JHU"/>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news |title=Live - Coronavirus Pandemic |url=https://www.dawn.com/live-blog/ |accessdate=21 March 2020 |work=www.dawn.com |date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|RomaniaPhilippines}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.292
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 25
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 115
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--SimplyPlease simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Citecite web |url=https://wwwncovtracker.maidoh.gov.ro/informare-covidph|title=COVID-19 Cases: Philippines}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://news.abs-grupulcbn.com/news/04/01/20/coronavirus-dephilippines-comunicarecovid19-strategicaupdates-21cases-martie-ora-13-00/2311|title=InformareDOH COVIDannounces 227 new COVID-19 cases; Grupultotal deat Comunicare Strategică, 21 martie, ora 132.00311|date=211 MarchApril 2020 |publisherwork=MinisterulABS Afacerilor Interne (Romania)|language=roCBN}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Јужна Африка" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|South Africa|name=ЈАРJapan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;" | 1.170
| style="padding:0px 2px;" | 1
| style="padding:0px 2px;" | 31
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite news |title=新型コロナウイルス感染症の現在の状況と厚生労働省の対応について(令和2年4月1日版)|url=https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_10651.html |work=Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan) |date=1 April 2020 |access-date=1 April 2020 |language=ja}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"|<ref name="za.nicd240stats">{{Cite web
|url=https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/coronavirus-positive-cases-in-sa-jump-to-240-as-eastern-cape-records-its-first-case-20200321 |title=Coronavirus: Positive cases in SA jump to 240 as Eastern Cape records its first case |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=News 24}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ThailandPakistan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.136
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 97
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=COVID-19 Health Advisory Platform by Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination |url=http://covid.gov.pk/ |website=covid.gov.pk |accessdate=29 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC"/><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/coronavirus-covid-19-thailand-cases-toll-highest-daily-jump-12563182# |title=Thailand reports 89 new Covid-19 cases in highest daily jump |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=CNA}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Saudi ArabiaIndia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.104
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 35
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mohfw.gov.in/|title=Home - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare - GOI|website=mohfw.gov.in|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><!--NOTICE!!! Please do not add covid19india.org as source because data is crowd-sourced and may not be always accurate-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.alarabiya.net/ar/coronavirus/2020/03/21/السعودية-48-اصابة-جديدة-بكورونا-لترتفع-الحصيلة-الى-392.html|title=السعودية: 48 إصابة جديدة بكورونا لترتفع الحصيلة إلى 392|date=March 21, 2020|website=العربية نت}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|IndonesiaThailand}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.046
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 87
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 46
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url= https://infeksiemergingcovid19.kemkesmoph.go.id th/#/portal|title=โรคติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนา Corona Virus Update2019 (COVID-19)|publisherwork= MinistryDepartment of HealthDisease Control (IndonesiaThailand)|language=th}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://mwww.cnnindonesiachannelnewsasia.com/nasionalnews/20200321151321-20-485605asia/updatecovid-corona19-21thailand-maretcoronavirus-450cases-positifdeaths-38-meninggal-20-sembuh# 12597736|title=UpdateThailand Coronaconfirms 21120 Maret:new 450coronavirus Positifcases, 382 Meninggal, 20 Sembuhmore deaths|publisherdate=CNN1 IndonesiaApril 2020|datework=21 March 2020CNA}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|FinlandSaudi Arabia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.041
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 10
|<ref>{{cite news|url= https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2020/04/01/Coronavirus-Saudi-Arabia-records-56-new-cases-total-stands-at-1-720.html|title=Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia records 157 new cases with six new deaths|work=Al Arabiya|date=1 April 2020|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates |title=Coronavirus COVID-19 – Latest Updates |publisher= Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Indonesia}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Russia}}{{efn|name="recov"|Искључујући случајеве на крузеру ''Дајамонд принцес'', који се класификују као „међународна предаја”. Један смртни случај није званично забележен од руских власти као такав да га је изазвао вирус корона.<ref>{{cite news |title=First death from coronavirus registered in Moscow |url=https://tass.com/society/1132327 |accessdate=19 March 2020 |agency=TASS |date=19 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=О подтвержденных случаях новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-2019 в России |url=https://rospotrebnadzor.ru/about/info/news/news_details.php?ELEMENT_ID=14060 |accessdate=19 March 2020 |work=[[Rospotrebnadzor]] |date=19 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Оперштаб заявил об отсутствии в России летальных исходов от коронавируса |url=https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/5e736ddf9a7947c662f701ed |accessdate=19 March 2020 |work=RBC |date=19 March 2020 |language=ru}}</ref>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1.036
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 45 <!--The figure at WOMC is incorrect because it includes the Diamond Princess cases. See official sources-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{cite web |title=Number of coronavirus cases in Russia up from 199 to 253 in past day |url=https://tass.com/society/1133227|website=[[TASS]] |accessdate=19 March 2020}}</ref><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>{{cite web |title=Информация о новой коронавирусной инфекции |url=https://www.rosminzdravcovid19.rugo.id/ministry/covid19|publisher=[[Ministry of Health (Russia)]] |accessdate=19 March 2020 |language=ru |date=19 March 2020}}</ref>situasi-virus-><ref>{{cite web corona/|title=ОперативныеSituasi данные.Virus По состоянию на 20 марта 17:00Corona|urlpublisher=https://xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/[[Indonesian |website=Стопкоронавирус.рфNational |accessdate=20Board Marchfor 2020Disaster Management]]|language=ru |dateaccessdate=201 MarchApril 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GreeceFinland}}{{efn|'''Финска'''{{olist
|Искључујући аутономни регион [[Оландска Острва]].
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 966
|Не тестирају се сви сумњиви. 31. марта 2020, тестирање је фокусирано на ризичне особе и пацијенте са озбиљним симптомима инфекције респираторног тракта, као и здравствене и раднике јавних служби.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Sutinen |first1=Teija |title=Suomi miettii nyt, kumpaa tietä pitkin edetä pois rajoitustoimista: Lisätäänkö koronaviruksen vai vasta-aineiden testaamista? |url=https://www.hs.fi/politiikka/art-2000006459091.html |website=Helsingin Sanomat |accessdate=2020-04-01 |language=fi |date=2020-03-31}}</ref> Specimens from mildly symptomatic and returning travelers can still be taken at the discretion of the treating physician.<ref>{{cite web |title=Frequently asked questions about coronavirus COVID-19 |url=https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates/frequently-asked-questions-about-coronavirus-covid-19- |website=Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland |accessdate=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 28
|Нема поузданих или фреквентно објављених података о броју опорављених. 1. априла 2020, било је неколико стотина опорављених. Тачан број није познат јер је само мали број људи хоспитализован.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Särkkä |first1=Heini |title=HUS:n ylilääkäri: Suomessa satoja koronasta parantuneita – vanhimmat yli 80-vuotiaita |url=https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000006459700.html |website=Ilta-Sanomat |accessdate=2020-04-01 |language=fi |date=2020-04-01}}</ref>}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 36
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|1446<!-- Mainland Finland -->|-5<!-- Åland Islands -->}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.in.gr/2020/03/21/greece/koronaios-akomi-3-nekroi-sta-13-ta-thymata-stin-ellada/|title=Κοροναϊός : Ακόμη 3 νεκροί - Στα 13 τα θύματα στην Ελλάδα|date=March 21, 2020|website=in.gr}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thenationalherald.com/293056/31-new-confirmed-cases-of-coronavirus-in-greece-495-in-total/ |title=31 New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus in Greece, 495 in Total |date=20 March 2020 |publisher=The National Herald}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref name="Greek_admin">{{Cite web |date= 12 March 2020 |url= https://eody.gov.gr/enimerosi-diapisteymenon-syntakton-apo-ton-ekprosopo-toy-ypoyrgeioy-ygeias-gia-ton-neo-koronoio-kathigiti-sotiri-tsiodra/ |language=Greek |title=Ενημέρωση διαπιστευμένων συντακτών από τον εκπρόσωπο του Υπουργείου Υγείας για τον νέο κoρωνοϊό Καθηγητή Σωτήρη Τσιόδρα |publisher=National Organization for Public Health |accessdate=2020-03-13}}</ref>-->
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|17<!-- Mainland Finland -->|0<!-- Åland Islands -->}}}}
<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>{{Cite web |url= https://www.moh.gov.gr/articles/ministry/grafeio-typoy/press-releases/6839-anakoinwsh-toy-prwtoy-thanatoy-apo-ton-sars-cov-2 |title=Ανακοίνωση του πρώτου θανάτου από τον SARS-CoV-2 |language=Greek |website=Υπουργείο Υγείας}}</ref><-->
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref name="fi-map">{{cite web |title=Varmistetut koronatapaukset Suomessa (COVID-19) |url=https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/d40b2aaf08be4b9c8ec38de30b714f26 |website=experience.arcgis.com |accessdate=28 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://thl.fi/fi/web/infektiotaudit-ja-rokotukset/ajankohtaista/ajankohtaista-koronaviruksesta-covid-19/tilannekatsaus-koronaviruksesta |title=Coronavirus COVID-19 – Latest Updates |publisher= Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|IcelandGreece}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 890
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 97 <!--Several data aggregating sites list one recovery in Iceland. This is wrong and not based on official information from Iceland.--><!--Please see the colored circles on the right side of the page on https://www.mbl.is/frettir/malefni/koronuveiran/ for a more accurate icelandic source confirming this-->
|<ref>{{Cite styleweb|url="paddinghttps:0px//www.in.gr/2020/04/01/greece/koronaios-deite-tin-enimerosi-apo-s-tsiodra-kai-n-xardalia/|title=Κοροναϊός 2px;": 81 νέα κρούσματα – Στα 1.415 τα συνολικά – 50 θάνατοι|date=1 April 2020|work=in.gr}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{citeCite web |url= https://www.covidmoh.isgov.gr/articles/ministry/tolulegargrafeio-upplysingar typoy/press-releases/6985-enhmerwsh-diapisteymenwn-syntaktwn-ygeias-apo-ton-yfypoyrgo-politikhs-prostasias-kai-diaxeirishs-krisewn-niko-xardalia-kai-ton-ekproswpo-toy-ypoyrgeioy-ygeias-gia-to-neo-koronoio-kathhghth-swthrh-tsiodra-30-3-2020|title=COVID-19Ενημέρωση áδιαπιστευμένων Íslandiσυντακτών -υγείας Tölfræðiαπό τον Υφυπουργό Πολιτικής Προστασίας και Διαχείρισης Κρίσεων Νίκο Χαρδαλιά και τον εκπρόσωπο του Υπουργείου Υγείας για το νέο κορονοϊό, Καθηγητή Σωτήρη Τσιόδρα (30/3/2020)|language=IcelandicGreek |website=www.covid.isMinistry of Health (Greece)}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Јужна Африка" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|PhilippinesSouth Africa|name=ЈАР}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 803
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 54
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 31
|<ref name="za.nicd1353">{{Cite web|url=https://www.nicd.ac.za/covid-19-update-28/|title=COVID-19 update|website=NICD|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><!--Please provide a static ref instead of the following dynamically updating page. Comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://sacoronavirus.co.za/|title=COVID-19 South African coronavirus news and information portal|website=SA Corona Virus Online Portal}}</ref>-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>https://ncovtracker.doh.gov.ph</ref><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Department of Health of the Philippines is a reliable source for Philippine public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future<ref>{{cite web|url=https://mobile.twitter.com/DOHgovph/status/1239896457093640192 |title=DOH COVID-19 ANNOUNCEMENT 8:30 PM, 17 March 2020 |publisher=Department of Health (Philippines) via Twitter}}--><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/philippines-announces-19th-coronavirus-death-confirmed-cases-rise-to-262? |title= Philippines announces 19th coronavirus death, confirmed cases rise to 307 |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=Straits Times}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SingaporePeru}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 732
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 183
|<ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.gob.pe/8662-ministerio-de-salud-coronavirus-en-el-peru/|title=Coronavirus en el Perú|access-date=29 March 2020 |author=Ministry of Health (Peru) |date=29 March 2020 |language=es}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19 |title= Updates on Covid-19 local situation |publisher=Ministry of Health (Singapore)}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/coronavirus-47-new-cases-in-singapore-including-39-imported?|title=Coronavirus: 47 new cases in Singapore, including 39 imported |website=The Straits Times |date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|IndiaDominican Republic|name=Доминикана}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 724
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 17
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 66
|<ref>{{cite news |title=Virus in the Dominican Republic: 57 die, 1.284 infected, 9 survive |url=https://dominicantoday.com/dr/local/2020/04/01/virus-in-the-dominican-republic-157-die-1284-infected-9-survive/ |accessdate=1 April 2020 |work=DominicanToday |language=en}}</ref><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!-- <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.msp.gob.do/web/?page_id=6682|title=Boletín Especial COVID-19|work=Ministerio de Salud Pública (Dominican Republic)|language=es}}</ref> -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mohfw.gov.in/|title=Home - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare - GOI|website=mohfw.gov.in|language=en|access-date=2020-03-19}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Iceland}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| [[File:Cruise ship side view.svg|22px]] ''Дајамонд принцес''{{efn|Британски крузер ''Дајамонд принцес'' био је у јапанским водама, а од јапанске администрације тражило се да управља његовим карантином, путницима који нису ушли у Јапан. Стога, овај случај није укључен у званични број случајева Владе Јапана нити УК. Светска здравствена организација класификује случајеве као {{јез-енгл|international conveyance}} — досл. „међународна предаја”.}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 712
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 601
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url= https://www.covid.is/tolulegar-upplysingar |title=COVID-19 á Íslandi - Tölfræði |language=Icelandic |website=www.covid.is }}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |title=Fatality rates for covid-19 could vary enormously |url=https://www.economist.com/international/2020/03/12/fatality-rates-for-covid-19-could-vary-enormously |website=The Economist |accessdate=19 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_10356.html|title=新型コロナウイルス感染症の現在の状況について(令和2年3月21日版)|website=www.mhlw.go.jp|language=ja|access-date=2020-03-21}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|PanamaMexico}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 674
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
|<ref>{{cite web |title=Coronavirus, día a día |url=https://interactivo.eluniversal.com.mx/2020/coronavirus-wuhan/mexico.html |access-date=31 March 2020 |work=El Universal |language=es}}</ref><ref name="JHU"/>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://minsa.gob.pa/coronavirus-covid19|title=Casos de Coronavirus COVID-19 en Panamá|work=Ministerio de Salud de la República de Panamá|language=es}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.telemetro.com/nacionales/2020/03/20/hay-casos-confirmados-de-coronavirus-en-panama/2699387.html |title=Hay 200 casos confirmados de coronavirus en Panamá |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=Nacionales}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|PeruPanama}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 635
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 16
|<ref>{{cite news |author1=GESE-La Estrella de Panamá |title=Panamá suma 1.075 casos y endurece la cuarentena para frenar el COVID-19 |url=https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/200330/panama-suma-1-075-casos-endurece-cuarentena-frenar-covid-19 |accessdate=31 March 2020 |work=La Estrella de Panamá |language=es}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://minsa.gob.pa/coronavirus-covid19|title=Casos de Coronavirus COVID-19 en Panamá|work=Ministerio de Salud de la República de Panamá|language=es}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace this source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Health of Peru is a reliable source per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please comment out the following source when citing a new source, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite tweet|user=Minsa_Peru |number=1241080637622292482 |date=21 March 2020 |title=Reporte │ Esta es la situación del coronavirus #COVID19 en Perú hasta las 12:00 horas del 20 de marzo.}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SloveniaColombia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 632
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 10
|<ref name="JHU" />
| style="padding:0px 2px;"|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.rtvslo.si/zdravje/novi-koronavirus/umrlo-devet-ljudi-o-novih-zrtvah-porocajo-iz-smarja-pri-jelsah-in-z-golnika/518577|title=Umrlo devet ljudi, o novih žrtvah poročajo iz Šmarja pri Jelšah in z Golnika|website=RTVSLO.si |accessdate=27 March 2020 |language=sl}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ArgentinaSerbia}}{{efn|'''Србија'''<br />
:Искључујући [[Република Косово|Косово]].<ref>{{Република Косово напомена}}</ref>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 589
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 12
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 51
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/coronavirus-argentina-se-detectaron-30-casos-nuevos-nid2345826 |title= Coronavirus en la Argentina: se detectaron 30 casos nuevos y son 158 en total |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=La Nacion}}</ref>
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid19.rs/homepage-english/|title=COVID-19 |website=covid19.rs |publisher= Ministry of Health (Serbia)}}</ref><ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|CroatiaArgentina}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 586
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 37
|<ref name="JHU"/><ref>{{cite news |title=Coronavirus en Argentina: confirman 88 nuevos casos y ya hay 1.054 contagiados en el país |url=https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/coronavirus-argentina-confirman-88-nuevos-casos-1-054-contagiados-pais_0_Lmm01EkaS.html |date=1 April 2020 |access-date=1 April 2020 |work=Clarín |language=es}}</ref><!-- official reports: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/coronavirus/informe-diario -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.koronavirus.hr/ |title=Službena stranica Vlade |publisher= Croatian Institute of Public Health}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MexicoSingapore}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 585
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 8
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19 |title= Updates on Covid-19 local situation |publisher=Ministry of Health (Singapore)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/nacion/seguridad/coronavirus-20-de-marzo-mexico-confirma-dos-muertos-por-covid-19-suma-203-casos |title=Mexico cofirma dos muertos por coronavirus suma 203 casos positivos |date=21 March 2020 |website=El Universal |language=es |access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Dominican Republic|name=ДоминиканаCroatia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 581
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 20
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.koronavirus.hr/en |title=Službena stranica Vlade |publisher= Croatian Institute of Public Health |access-date=28 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|EstoniaAlgeria}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 575
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|title=COVID-19 : Carte épidémiologique|url=http://covid19.sante.gov.dz/carte/|publisher=
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Primary source from Estonian Government agency releasing updated daily at 12:00 (GMT+2)--><ref>{{cite web |title=Information about Coronavirus disease COVID-19 |url=https://www.terviseamet.ee/en/covid19 |publisher=Estonian Health Board}}</ref><!--DO NOT add other sources as they are all citing Health Board!-->
Ministry of Health, Population, and Hospital Reform (Algeria)|accessdate=April 1, 2020|lang=fr-DZ}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|QatarSlovenia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 562
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0<!--Adding as zero because the source used did not report any deaths-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 43
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Pleaseref>{{cite simplyweb comment|title=Do outpolnoči the841 followingpotrjenih source if removing the citationokužb, ashospitaliziranih thisje is110 a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite webbolnikov |url=https://www.mophrtvslo.gov.qasi/englishzdravje/Pagesnovi-koronavirus/Coronavirus2019.aspxdo-polnoci-841-potrjenih-okuzb-hospitaliziranih-je-110-bolnikov/519092 |titlewebsite=Covid-19www.rtvslo.si |publisheraccessdate=Ministry1 ofApril Public2020 |date=1 HealthApril (Qatar)2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SerbiaQatar}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 528
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 42
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Citecite web |url=https://covid19www.rsmoph.gov.qa/homepage-english/Pages/Coronavirus2019.aspx |title=COVIDCovid-19 |website=covid19.rs |publisher= Ministry of Public Health (SerbiaQatar)}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Уједињени Арапски Емирати" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|HongUnited KongArab Emirates|name=УАЕ}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 518
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 111
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as thisa primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out either of the following sourcesources if removing the citation, as thisthese is aare government sourcesources, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite webnews |last1=Mohamed |first1=Hatem |last2=Alfaham |first2=Tariq |title=Ministry of Health announces 150 new cases of COVID-19, two deaths among various nationalities |url=https://wwwwam.coronavirus.gov.hkae/engen/index.htmldetails/1395302834368 |titleaccessdate=Together,1 WeApril Fight2020 The|work=Wam Virus!|date=1 April 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |publisherlast1=DepartmentAlfaham of|first1=Tariq Health|last2=Bashir |locationfirst2=HongHassan Kong|title=41 new COVID-19 cases, three recoveries in UAE, distance learning extended until end of school year |websiteurl=wwwhttps://wam.coronavirus.gov.hkae/en/details/1395302833986 |accessdate=1 April 2020 |work=Wam |date=31 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|EgyptUkraine}}{{efn|Укључује случајеве идентификоване на МС<ref group="lower-alpha">''Ривер анукету'Украјина'.}}''<br />
:Искључује случајеве са спорног [[Крим]]а, који је Русија анектирала 2014. али је остао међународно признат као [[Украјина|украјински]] суверенитет. Пошто руске власти наводе случајеве с Крима, укључни су укупни број за Русију. Такође искључујући случаве од непризнатих „народних република” [[Доњецка Народна Република|Доњецк]] и [[Луганска Народна Република|Луганск]].</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 495
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 24
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 102
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/operativna-informacija-pro-poshirennja-koronavirusnoi-infekcii-2019-ncov-|title=Оперативна інформація про поширення коронавірусної інфекції COVID-19|website=[[Ministry of Healthcare (Ukraine)|Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine]] Official Website|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ColombiaEgypt}}<ref group="lower-alpha">'''Египат'''<br />
:Укључује случајеве идентификоване на МС ''Ривер анукету''.</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 491
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 8
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.eltiempo.com/datos/casos-actualizados-de-coronavirus-en-colombia-471650 |title=Casos actualizados de Coronavirus en Colombia |publisher=El Tiempo}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/casos-de-coronavirus-en-colombia-llegan-a-158-hoy-20-de-marzo-475380 |title=Aumentan los casos de coronavirus en Colombia: ya son 158 |work=El Tiempo |date=21 March 2020 |language=es}}</ref>
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|title=COVID-19 update|url=https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=146349830248971&id=113432613540693|author=Ministry of Health and Population (Egypt) |publisher=Facebook|date=31 March 2020|language=ar}}</ref><!-- other official news at https://sis.gov.eg -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row" | {{flagcountry|BahrainEstonia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 466
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 235
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please comment out the followingPrimary source whenfrom citingEstonian aGovernment newagency source,releasing asupdated thisdaily isat a government source,12:00 and likely will be referenced again in the future(GMT+2)--><ref>{{Citecite web |url=https://www.mohterviseamet.gov.bhee/en/COVID19covid19 |title=CovidInformation about Coronavirus disease COVID-19 Updates |publisher=Ministry ofEstonian Health (Bahrain)Board}}</ref><!--DO NOT add other sources as they are all citing Health Board!-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AlgeriaHong Kong}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 409
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 26
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 29
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/index.html |title=Together, We Fight The Virus! |publisher=Department of Health |location=Hong Kong |website=www.coronavirus.gov.hk}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Уједињени Арапски Емирати" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|United Arab Emirates|name=УАЕIraq}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 405
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 55
|<!-- this primary source from the Government facebook account is a reliable source--><ref>{{cite web |title=وزارة الصحة العراقية |url=https://www.facebook.com/156490947738645/posts/2842802952440751/ |website=www.facebook.com |accessdate=1 April 2020 |language=en}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url= https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2020/03/19/Coronavirus-UAE-announces-27-new-cases-total-now-140.html |title= Coronavirus: UAE announces 27 new cases, total now 140 |date= March 19, 2020 |publisher=Al-Arabiya.net}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as a primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention created for public health news is a reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out either of the following sources if removing the citation, as these are government sources, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite tweet|user=mohapuae |number=1240683291465994240 |date=20 March 2020 |title=MoHAP announces 27 new coronavirus “COVID 19” cases, 5 recoveries}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|LebanonNew Zealand}}
|723<!--To only use confirmed cases. Do not include probable cases-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 391
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 23
|<!--Please do not remove the following source as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-current-cases |title=COVID-19 - current cases |publisher= Ministry of Health (New Zealand)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |title=LIVE: Coronavirus in Lebanon {{!}} Number of Infections, News, Resources & Guides |url=https://the961.com/coronavirus/ |website=The961 |accessdate=15 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry[[File:Cruise ship side view.svg|Iraq}}23x15px|border|alt=|link=]] ''Дајамонд принцес''<ref group="lower-alpha">'''''Дајамонд принцес'''''<br />
:Британски крузер ''Дајамонд принцес'' био је у јапанским водама, а од јапанске администрације тражило се да управља његовим карантином, путницима који нису ушли у Јапан. Стога, овај случај није укључен у званични број случајева Владе Јапана нити УК. Светска здравствена организација класификује случајеве као {{јез-енгл|international conveyance}} — досл. „међународна предаја”.</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 382
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 36
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 105
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/newpage_00032.html|title=About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)|last=|first=|date=2020-03-26|website=Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan|language=en|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=2020-03-29}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|New ZealandMorocco}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 386
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 37
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Pleaseref>{{Cite simplyweb|url=http://www.covidmaroc.ma/Pages/AccueilAR.aspx|title=Le commentPortail outOfficiel thedu followingCoronavirus sourceau ifMaroc|work=Ministère removingde thela citation, assanté|language=fr}}</ref><!--Leave this is a governmentsecondary source that's regularly updated, and likelythe willprimary besource referencedis againoften inunavailable the future--><ref>{{cite web|urlname=https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-current-cases"WOMC" |title=COVID-19 - current cases |publisher= Ministry of Health (New Zealand)}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Lithuania}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 345
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future----><ref>{{cite web|url=httpshttp://lietuvasam.lrv.lt/enlt/lithuanias-response-to-covid-19news/koronavirusas |title=Lithuania's response toKoronavirusas (COVID-19) |workdate=lietuva.lt30 March 2020 |publisher=Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija |accessdate= 30 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MoroccoArmenia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 333
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 21
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://ncdc.am/coronavirus/confirmed-cases-by-days/|title=Հաստատված դեպքերն ըստ օրերի — NCDC Armenia|language=hy-AM|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.covidmaroc.ma/pages/Accueil.aspx|title=Le Portail Officiel du Coronavirus au Maroc|last=|first=|date=18 March 2020|website=Ministère de la santé|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ArmeniaBahrain}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 329
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 28
|<!--Please comment out the following source when citing a new source, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.moh.gov.bh/COVID19 |title=Covid-19 Updates |publisher=Ministry of Health (Bahrain)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|UkraineHungary}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 310
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future --><ref>{{cite web|url=https://koronavirus.gov.hu|title=Tájékoztató oldal a koronavírusról Aktualis|work=koronavirus.gov.hu|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |title=Оперативна інформація про поширення коронавірусної інфекції COVID-19 |url=https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/operativna-informacija-pro-poshirennja-koronavirusnoi-infekcii-2019-ncov-|publisher=Ministry of Healthcare (Ukraine) |accessdate=20 March 2020 |language=uk |date=20 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|HungaryLebanon}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 300
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 10
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 34
|<ref>{{cite web|title=الجمهورية اللبنانية - وزارة اﻹعلام - الموقع الرسمي لمتابعة أخبار فيروس الكورونا في لبنان|url=https://corona.ministryinfo.gov.lb |website=كورونا في لبنان|language=ar}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future --><ref>{{cite web|url=https://koronavirus.gov.hu|title=Tájékoztató oldal a koronavírusról Aktualis|work=koronavirus.gov.hu}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Босна" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BulgariaBosnia and Herzegovina|name=БиХ}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 293
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.klix.ba/koronavirus-u-bih|title=Koronavirus u BiH|publisher=Klix|language=bs}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://mh.government.bg/bg/novini/aktualno/| title=Актуални новини |publisher=Ministry of Health (Bulgaria)}}</ref><ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Latvia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 280
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
|<!-- style="paddingJHU:0px 2px;"|recoveries --><ref name="WOMCJHU" /><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia is a reliable source for Latvian public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government Twitter account, and other messages on the same account likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite tweet|user=SPKCentrs |number=1241260755825106944 1245342665958469634|date=211 MarchApril 2020 |title=Iepriekšējā diennaktī veikti 1241 izmeklējumi personām ar aizdomāmInformācija par saslimšanu ar CovidCOVID-19, infekcija apstiprināta 13 cilvēkiem. Līdzsaslimšanas šimgadījumiem Latvijā kopāInteraktīvu veiktikarti 4446var izmeklējumiaplūkot pesonām ar aizdomām par Covid-19, apstiptināti 124 saslimšanas gadījumi ar COVID-19.šeit|language=lv}}</ref><!--Leaving Worldometer citation up because it claims one recovery, although the references it cites appears to make no mention of it-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SlovakiaMoldova}}{{efn|'''Молдавија'''<br>
:Искључујући податке од непризнате државе [[Придњестровље|Транснистрије]].<ref name="MD">{{cite web|title=Коронавирус: официальная информация|url=http://minzdrav.gospmr.org/covid-19/|website=minzdrav.gospmr.org|accessdate=28 March 2020|language=ru}}</ref>}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 269
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.health.gov.sk/?koronavirus-covid-19 |title= KORONAVÍRUS COVID-19 |publisher= Ministry of Health (Slovakia)}}</ref><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>[https://www.rtvs.sk/koronavirus Aktuálne o koronavíruse na Slovensku] ''www.rtvs.sk''</ref><!--rtvs (radio and television of slovakia) is a public broadcasting service owned by the slovak government-->
|<ref>{{cite web |title=COVID-19 în Republica Moldova: situaţia la zi |url=http://gismoldova.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/d274da857ed345efa66e1fbc959b021b |website=gismoldova.maps.arcgis.com |accessdate=30 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://msmps.gov.md/ro/content/70-cazuri-noi-de-infectie-cu-noul-tip-de-coronavirus-ultimele-24-de-ore|title=70 cazuri noi de infecție cu noul tip de Coronavirus, în ultimele 24 de ore|website=msmps.gov.md|accessdate=1 April 2020|date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AndorraTunisia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 267
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
|<!-- Keep government source: --><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid-19.tn/|title=covid-19.tn|last=|first=|date=|website=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref><!-- 7 deaths: -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web|url=https://andorradifusio.ad/noticies/75-positius-covid-19-dos-uci |title=75 positius per Covid-19, dos a l'UCI en estat molt greu |date=19 March 2020 |language=Catalan}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|TaiwanBulgaria}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 267
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 30
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=httpshttp://wwwmh.cdcgovernment.gov.twbg/|title=首頁-衛生福利部疾病管制署|publisher=Taiwan Centres for Disease Control}}<bg/ref><ref>{{cite web|url= https:novini/aktualno/www.cdc.gov.tw/Bulletin/Detail/EvhdZFah8qvs2-ejVBlZoQ?typeid=9| title=Актуални 國內累計153名病例,28人解除隔離|date=21 Marchновини 2020|publisher=Taiwan CentresMinistry forof DiseaseHealth Control(Bulgaria)}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|UruguaySlovakia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 238
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.health.gov.sk/?koronavirus-covid-19 |title= KORONAVÍRUS COVID-19 |publisher= Ministry of Health (Slovakia)}}</ref><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>[https://www.rtvs.sk/koronavirus Aktuálne o koronavíruse na Slovensku] ''www.rtvs.sk''</ref><!--rtvs (radio and television of slovakia) is a public broadcasting service owned by the slovak government--><ref>{{cite web |title=Domov {{!}} Koronavírus na Slovensku - COVID-19 |url=https://korona.gov.sk |website=korona.gov.sk |accessdate=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Costa RicaAndorra}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 231
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{cite!--Please websimply |title=Primeroscomment dosout pacientesthe COVID-19following dadossource deif alta:removing parejathe decitation, estadounidensesas danthis negativois trasa superargovernment virussource, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=Actualitat coronavirus |url=https://www.ministeriodesaludgovern.go.crad/index.php/centro-de-prensa/noticias/741-noticias-2020/1579-primeros-dos-pacientes-covid-19-dados-de-alta-pareja-de-estadounidenses-dan-negativo-tras-superar-viruscoronavirus |website=www.ministeriodesaludgovern.go.crad |publisher=MinisterioGovern de Saludd'Andorra |accessdatelanguage=21 March 2020ca}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Босна" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Bosnia and Herzegovina|name=БиХKazakhstan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 232
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future --><ref>{{cite web |title=Ситуация с коронавирусом официально |url=https://www.coronavirus2020.kz/ |website=coronavirus2020.kz |publisher=Kazinform |accessdate=31 March 2020 |language=ru}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/a/korona-virus-uzivo/30477489.html|title=Jedna osoba preminula od korona virusa u Srbiji, prvi slučajevi zaraženih u Sarajevu|date=20 March 2020|publisher=slobodnaevropa.org |language=bs}}</ref>
! style="padding:! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|TunisiaCosta Rica}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 227
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--Click on 'casos confirmados' at the top right to view recoveries and deaths--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://geovision.uned.ac.cr/oges/|title=Situacion Nacional Covid-19|publisher=Ministerio de Salud (Costa Rica)|accessdate=31 March 2020|language=es}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|KuwaitAzerbaijan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 225
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 57
|<ref>{{cite web |title=Azərbaycan Respublikası Nazirlər Kabineti yanında Operativ Qərargahın məlumatı {{!}} Azərbaycan Respublikasının Nazirlər Kabineti |url=https://cabmin.gov.az/az/article/783/ |website=cabmin.gov.az |accessdate=1 April 2020 |language=az |date=2 April 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Azərbaycanda cari vəziyyət – Koronavirus |url=https://koronavirusinfo.az/azərbaycanda-cari-vəziyyət/ |accessdate=19 March 2020 |language=az-AZ}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Health of Kuwait is a reliable source for Kuwaiti public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government Twitter account, and other messages on the same account likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite tweet|user=KUWAIT_MOH |number=1240918708933087232 |date=20 March 2020 |title=تعلن ⁧ #وزارة_الصحة⁩ عن تأكيد إصابة 11 حالات جديدة ب ⁧ #فيروس_كورونا_المستجدّ⁩ COVID19 ليصبح الإجمالي 159 حالة}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Македонија"<!--do not remove without asking on talk page, this allows sorting by country--> style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SanNorth MarinoMacedonia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 151<!--Please do not use Worldometer as the source here as how it has arrived at its number is highly questionable--><!--Please be careful when updating this statistic, as the official government statistics may be presented in a confusing way, with "casi positivi" referring not to patients who tested positive, but patients recovering. Add this number to the number "decessi" (deceased) and number "guariti" (healed) to obtain the correct number. The number of positive results may be different from this number, on the assumption that some cases were tested more than once.--><!--Note: Worldometer inexplicably appears to have its link to its most recent source for San Marino (two days old as of 2020.03.12) point to a site by the American state of Massachusetts.-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 223<!--Please do not use Worldometer as the source here as how it has arrived at its number is highly questionable-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 21<!--Please do not use Worldometer as the source here as how it has arrived at its number is highly questionable-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as athis primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the San Marino Institute of Social Security created for public health news is a reliable source per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out either of the following sourcessource if removing the citation, as thesethis areis a government sourcessource, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>{{cite web|url=https://mobilecovid19.twitter.commk/IssRSMarino/status/1237392067308879874> |title=Страница за состојбата со КОВИД-19 на Министерството за здравство |publisher= Ministry of health (North Macedonia)}}</ref>--><ref>{{Citecite web|url=httphttps://wwwgdi-sk.issmaps.smarcgis.com/on-lineapps/homeopsdashboard/articolo49014145index.html?fbclid=IwAR0Dd9MY7njiNtDkPpPt8R2SeD4pW_6TO12axwKrT4CcegckY4P4Ezt43f4#/2096bd4b051b42948ac3f5747e80c3a5|title=ISS Real-time IstitutoCoronavirus percondition lain SicurezzaNorth Sociale di San MarinoMacedonia|website=wwwgdi.iss.smnet|language=mk-MK}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Македонија"<!--do not remove without asking on talk page, this allows sorting by country--> style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|North MacedoniaUruguay}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 219
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
|<ref>{{cite web |title=Informe de situación en relación al coronavirus COVID-19 en Uruguay del 01/04/20 |url=https://www.gub.uy/sistema-nacional-emergencias/comunicacion/comunicados/informe-situacion-relacion-coronavirus-covid-19-uruguay-del-010420 |website=Sistema Nacional de Emergencias |accessdate=2 April 2020 |language=es}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19.mk/ |title=Страница за состојбата со КОВИД-19 на Министерството за здравство |publisher= Ministry of health (North Macedonia)}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://gdi-sk.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0Dd9MY7njiNtDkPpPt8R2SeD4pW_6TO12axwKrT4CcegckY4P4Ezt43f4#/2096bd4b051b42948ac3f5747e80c3a5|title=Real-time Coronavirus condition in North Macedonia|website=gdi.net|language=mk-MK}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|JordanTaiwan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 212
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|<!--Please style="padding:0pxdo 2px;"|not <refreplace name="WOMC"the /following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{citeCite web|url=https://coronawww.mohcdc.gov.jotw/ar|title=يروس首頁-衛生福利部疾病管制署|publisher=[[Centers كوروناfor المستجدDisease Control (كوفيد-١٩Taiwan)|workTaiwan Centres for Disease Control]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=coronahttps://www.mohcdc.gov.jotw/Bulletin/Detail/YbjeDFqGNHmbZnufTJ5e-Q?typeid=9|languagetitle=ar國內累計329人確診,45人解除隔離|date=1 April 2020|publisher=[[Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan)|Taiwan Centres for Disease Control]]}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Kuwait}}
! style="padding:0px 2! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Moldova}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 199
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Health of Kuwait is a reliable source for Kuwaiti public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government Twitter account, and other messages on the same account likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite tweet|user=KUWAIT_MOH |number=1245276997481357312 |date=1 April 2020 |title=تعلن #وزارة_الصحة عن تأكيد إصابة 28 حالة جديدة ب #فيروس_كورونا_المستجدّ COVID19 ليصبح الإجمالي 317 حالة}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web|url=https://msmps.gov.md/ro/content/situatia-epidemiologica-prin-covid-19-21-martie |title=Situația epidemiologică prin COVID-19, 21 martie |date=21 March 2020|website=Ministerul Sănătății, Muncii și Protecţiei Sociale}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AlbaniaCyprus}}{{efn|'''Кипар'''<br />
:Искључујући [[Акротири и Декелија|Акротире и Декелију]] и [[Северни Кипар]].}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 186
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|320<!-- Cyprus -->|-5<!-- Akrotiri and Dhekelia -->}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 31
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web|url=https://coronavirus.al/statistika/|title=Coronavirus Albania {{!}} Statistika|publisher=Agjencia Kombëtare e Shoqerisë së Informacionit|language=sq}}</ref>
|<ref name="cyprus-and-akdh">{{Cite news|url=https://cyprus-mail.com/2020/03/30/coronavirus-16-new-cases/|title=Coronavirus: 16 new cases, one more death (Updated)|last=Michael|first=Peter|date=30 March 2020|work=Cyprus Mail|language=en-GB|access-date=30 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BurkinaPuerto FasoRico}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 180
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
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|<ref name=":1p3a"/>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article95634 |title=Covid-19&nbsp;: 24 nouveaux cas confirmés et deux nouveaux décès au Burkina |date=21 March 2020 |work=Le Faso}}</ref><ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AzerbaijanBurkina Faso}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 165
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
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|<ref name="WOMC" />
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |title=Azərbaycanda cari vəziyyət – Koronavirus |url=https://koronavirusinfo.az/azərbaycanda-cari-vəziyyət/ |accessdate=19 March 2020 |language=az-AZ}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|VietnamRéunion}}{{efn|'''Реинион'''<br />
:Опорављени само укључују хоспитализоване случајеве.}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 163
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://vtv.vn/suc-khoe/bo-y-te-cong-bo-them-4-ca-mac-covid-19-thu-88-91-20200319192905531.htm|title=Bộ Y tế công bố thêm 4 trường hợp mắc COVID-19|work=vtv.vn|language=vi|date=20 March 2020|access-date=20 March 2020}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.reunion.gouv.fr/point-de-situation-du-01-04-2020-34-nouveaux-cas-a6472.html|title=Point de situation du 01/04/2020 : 34 nouveaux cas confirmés|work=Les services de l’Etat à La Réunion|date=1 April 2010|language=fr|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref><ref name="France Geodes"/>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Cyprus}}{{Efn|Искључујући [[Северни Кипар]].Jordan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 146
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|<!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://corona.moh.gov.jo/ar|title=يروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-١٩)|work=corona.moh.gov.jo|language=ar}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MaltaAlbania}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 139
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|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://coronavirus.al/statistika/|title=Coronavirus Albania {{!}} Statistika|publisher=Agjencia Kombëtare e Shoqerisë së Informacionit|language=sq}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news |title=[WATCH] Coronavirus: Nine new cases in Malta, total cases now are 73 |url=https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/101174/coronavirus_public_health_superintendent_to_deliver_update_at_1230_pm |date=21 March 2020 |work=Malta Today |language=en}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GhanaAfghanistan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 317
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
|<ref name="JHU" /><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.pajhwok.com/en/2020/04/01/covid-19-afghanistan%E2%80%99s-tally-positive-cases-surge-196|title=Covid-19: Afghanistan’s tally of positive cases surge to 196|work=Pajhwok Afghan News|date=1 April 2020|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|KazakhstanSan Marino}}
|236<!--Please do not use Worldometer as the source here as how it has arrived at its number is highly questionable--><!--Please be careful when updating this statistic, as the official government statistics may be presented in a confusing way, with "casi positivi" referring not to patients who tested positive, but patients recovering. Add this number to the number "decessi" (deceased) and number "guariti" (healed) to obtain the correct number. The number of positive results may be different from this number, on the assumption that some cases were tested more than once.--><!--Note: Worldometer inexplicably appears to have its link to its most recent source for San Marino (two days old as of 2020.03.12) point to a site by the American state of Massachusetts.-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 137
|26<!--Please do not use Worldometer as the source here as how it has arrived at its number is highly questionable-->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
|13<!--Please do not use Worldometer as the source here as how it has arrived at its number is highly questionable-->
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as thisa primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the San Marino Institute of Social Security created for public health news is a reliable source per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out either of the following sourcesources if removing the citation, as thisthese is aare government sourcesources, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>https://mobile.twitter.com/IssRSMarino/status/1237392067308879874></ref>--><!-- <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.goviss.kzsm/memleketon-line/entitieshome/dsmarticolo49014186.html|title=ISS - Istituto per la Sicurezza Sociale di San Marino|last=|first=|date=|website=www.iss.sm|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|accessdate=27 March 2020}}</pressref> --><ref>{{Cite web|url=http:/news/www.iss.sm/on-line/home/artCataggiornamenti-coronavirus.49004093.1?lang=ru .20.1.html|title=ВсеISS материалы- |publisher=Istituto Ministryper ofla HealthSicurezza (Kazakhstan)|Sociale language=rudi San Marino|website=www.iss.sm|access-date=21 March 2020-03-30}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|OmanCameroon}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 131
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 23
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://twitter.com/DrManaouda|title=Dr MANAOUDA MALACHIE (@DrManaouda) {{!}} Twitter|website=twitter.com|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroons-covid-19-deaths-climb-up-to-6/|title=Cameroon’s COVID-19 deaths climb up to 6|date=2020-03-29|website=Journal du Cameroun|language=fr|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Oman Ministry of Health is a reliable source for Omani public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite tweet|user=OmaniMOH |number=1241251492092354562 |date=21 March 2020 |title=MOH Statement No, 24 announces registration of 4 new cases of #Covid_19 in the Sultanate.}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SenegalVietnam}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 119
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
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|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/|title=TRANG TIN VỀ DỊCH BỆNH VIÊM ĐƯỜNG HÔ HẤP CẤP COVID-19|publisher=BỘ Y TẾ (Ministry of Health)|language=vi}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.aps.sn/actualites/societe/sante/article/covid-19-le-senegal-enregistre-deux-nouveaux-cas-et-trois-gueris-ministre# |title=CORONAVIRUS&nbsp;: DEUX NOUVEAUX CAS ET TROIS GUÉRISONS (MINISTRE) |date=19 March 2020 |publisher=APS}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BruneiCuba}}<ref group="lower-alpha">'''Куба'''<br />
:Укључује случајеве идентификоване на МС ''Бремару''.</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 115
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 11
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://thescoop.co/2020/03/13/covid-19-live-updates/ |title=COVID-19 live updates: Five more cases reported, total stands at 83 |publisher=The Scoop}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!--<ref>http://www.moh.gov.bn/SitePages/COVID-19.aspx</ref>-->
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=Infecciones por coronavirus – COVID-19 |url=https://temas.sld.cu/coronavirus/covid-19/ |website=temas.sld.cu |language=es}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|VenezuelaOman}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 107
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 31
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Citecite web |title=Covid-19 cases in Oman news|url=httphttps://wwwcovid19.mppsmoh.gobgov.veom/index.php#/sala-de-prensa/notnac/359-gobierno-nacional-confirma-42-casos-de-coronavirus-en-venezuelahome |titlewebsite=GobiernoMinistry Nacionalof confirmaHealth 42 casos de Coronavirus en Venezuela|workaccess-date=Ministerio1 delApril Poder Popular para la Salud|language=es2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Sri LankaGhana}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 106
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=CoronaCOVID-19 VirusUpdates 2020{{!}} Ghana |url=httphttps://www.epid.govghanahealthservice.lkorg/webcovid19/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=225&lang=en |website=www.epidghanahealthservice.gov.lkorg |accessdate=202 MarchApril 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.dailymirror.lk/breaking_news/72-active-COVID-19-patients-in-SL/108-185425 |title=72 active COVID-19 patients in SL |date=20 March 2020 |publisher=Daily Mirror}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Ivory Coast}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 101
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 3
|<ref name="WOMC" />
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://news.abidjan.net/h/670596.html |title=Santé / Coronavirus: cinq nouveaux cas de personnes contaminées détectés en Côte d’Ivoire portant le nombre à 14 infectés dont un guéri |date=20 March 2020 |publisher=abdijan.net}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|CambodiaSenegal}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 98
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sante.gouv.sn/Actualites/communiqué-de-presse-n°31-du-mercredi-01-avril-2020-du-ministère-de-la-santé-et-de|title=Communiqué de Presse N°31 du Mercredi 01 Avril 2020 du Ministère de la Santé et de l'Action sociale : Point de Situation sur le COVID-19|date=1 April 2020|publisher=Ministry of Health and Social Action (Senegal)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://phnompenhpost.com/national/covid-19-tally-kingdom-rises-51|title=COVID-19 tally in Kingdom rises to 51|date=21 March 2020 |publisher=Phnom Penh Post}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AfghanistanMalta}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 94
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/101420/coronavirus_public_health_superintendent_to_give_update_at_1230pm|title=Coronavirus: 19 new cases, bring total to 188|date=1 April 2020|work=Malta Today|language=Maltese|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://ariananews.af/two-new-covid-19-cases-tested-positive-afghanistan/ |title=Two new COVID-19 cases tested positive – Afghanistan |publisher=Ariana News |date=20 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Afghanistan- Herat discharges first recovered coronavirus patient |url=https://menafn.com/1099852542/Afghanistan-Herat-discharges-first-recovered-coronavirus-patient |publisher=MENAFN |date=14 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row" | {{flagcountry|BelarusUzbekistan}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;" | 94
| style="padding:0px 2px;" | 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;" | 32
|<ref>{{cite web|url=http://coronavirus.uz/ru|title=Коронавирусная инфекция (COVID-19)|language=ru}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;" |<ref name="onliner_21_March">{{cite news |title=В Беларуси уже 76 случаев коронавируса |url=https://people.onliner.by/2020/03/21/korona-14 |accessdate=21 March 2020 |website=[[Onliner.by]] |date=21 March 2020|language=ru }}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MauritiusNigeria}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 94
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web|title=covid19.mu|url=http://covid19.mu/ncdc.gov.ng|title=NCDC Covid-19 Page|work=Nigeria Centre for Disease Control|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|CameroonFaroe Islands}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 91
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://corona.fo/?_l=en|title=Corona í Føroyum|last=QODIO|website=Corona í Føroyum|language=en|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref><!-- Government of Denmark may or may not provide more up-to-date figures --><!-- <ref name="gov-dk"/> -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|PalestineHonduras}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 91
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19honduras.org/|title=Coronavirus COVID-19 En Honduras|publisher=Gobierno de la República de Honduras|language=es}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|UzbekistanBelarus}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 88
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|<ref name="minzdrav_second_death">{{Cite web|url=http://minzdrav.gov.by/ru/sobytiya/o-situatsii-s-covid-19-v-respublike-belarus/ |title=О ситуации с COVID-19 в Республике Беларусь |date=1 April 2020|accessdate=1 April 2020 |website=minzdrav.gov.by |language=ru }}</ref><ref name="tut_official_and_unofficial_count">{{cite news |title=Минздрав: В&nbsp;Беларуси умер второй пациент с&nbsp;коронавирусом&nbsp;|url=https://news.tut.by/society/678770.html |accessdate=1 April 2020 |website=[[tut.by]] |date=1 April 2020|language=ru }}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Georgia (country)Mauritius}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 83
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 0
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 14
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://covid19.mu/|title=Covid19 &#124; Coronavirus Mauritius|website=covid19.mu}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>[https://stopcov.ge/en ხშირად დასმული კითხვები:] ''stopcov.ge''</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.interpressnews.ge/en/article/106421-number-of-coronavirus-cases-increases-to-49 |title=Number of coronavirus cases increases to 49 |publisher=Interpressnews |date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|NigeriaSri Lanka}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 81
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.epid.gov.lk/web/index.php?lang=en|title=Epidemiology Unit|publisher=Ministry of Health (Sri Lanka)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web|url=https://ncdc.gov.ng/news/237/update-on-covid-19-in-nigeria|title=21st March 2020- Ten New Cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Nigeria|work=Nigeria Centre for Disease Control|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://thenationonlineng.net/updated-nigeria-records-10-new-positive-cases-of-covid-19|title=UPDATED: Nigeria records 10 new positive cases of COVID-19|last=Emorinken|first=Moses|publisher=[[The Nation (Nigeria)|The Nation Newspaper]]|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|CubaVenezuela}}
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|<ref>{{cite stylenews|url="paddinghttps:0px//efectococuyo.com/politica/hay-ocho-casos-mas-de-covid-19-y-el-pais-tiene-143-contagiados-dice-maduro/|title=Hay ocho 2px;"casos más de COVID-19 y el país tiene 143 contagiados, dice Maduro|work=Efecto Cocuyo|lang=es|author=Ronny Rodríguez Rosas |date=31 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=Infecciones por coronavirus – COVID-19 |url=https://temas.sld.cu/coronavirus/covid-19/ |website=temas.sld.cu |accessdate=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Kosovo}}{{efn|{{Република Косово напомена}}Palestine}}
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|<!--use more up to date local site--><ref>{{cite web|title=فايروس كورونا (COVID-19) في فلسطين|url=https://www.corona.ps|accessdate=22 March 2020|language=ar}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://telegrafi.com/konfirmohet-edhe-nje-rast-coronavirus-ne-kosove/|title=Konfirmohet edhe një rast me coronavirus në Kosovë – një 46 vjeçar nga Lipjani i kthyer nga Berlini|trans-title=Another case of coronavirus confirmed in Kosovo – a 46-year-old from Lipjan returned from Berlin|language=Albanian|publisher=[[Telegrafi]]|date=19 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MontenegroBrunei}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=COVID-19 |url=https://www.healthinfo.gov.bn/covid19/#/home |work=healthinfo.gov.bn}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news|title=UŽIVO Sve najbitnije - Crna Gora i koronavirus|url=https://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/drustvo/sve-najbitnije-crna-gora-i-koronavirus-w9ssyozg |date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|HondurasMartinique}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC /><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.laprensamartinique.hn/especialesars.sante.fr/coronavirus/1365599-410/point-casos-positivos-coronavirus-hondura-gobierno-pandemia- dactualite|title=SumanCoronavirus 24: los casos positivos de coronavirus en Honduraspoint d'actualité|language=fr|work=LaAgence Prensarégionale |language=es |date=19de Marchsanté 2020Martinique}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Trinidad and TobagoMontenegro}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC:5" /><ref>{{citeCite webnews|url=httphttps://newswww.govijzcg.ttme/contentme/trinidadnovosti/azurirani-andpodaci-tobagoo-covidnovom-19koronavirusu-novel2019-coronavirus-update-37 ncov|title=TrinidadAžurirani podaci o andnovom Tobagokoronavirusu COVID-19|date=1 (Novel Coronavirus) Update # 37April 2020|publisher=GovernmentInstitut ofza thejavno Republiczdravlje ofCrne Trinidad and TobagoGore (IJZCG)|datelanguage=19 March 2020Montenegrin}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Bolivia}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.boliviasegura.gob.bo/datos-oficiales/|title=Datos Oficiales|website=Bolivia Segura|language=es|access-date=2020-03-30}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.atb.com.bo/sociedad/asciende-19-la-cifra-de-casos-confirmados-de-coronavirus-en-el-país|title=Asciende a 19 la cifra de casos confirmados de coronavirus en el país|last=Noticias|first=ATB Digital-|website=ATB Digital|language=es-ES|access-date=2020-03-21}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|KyrgyzstanGeorgia}}{{efn|'''Грузија'''<br />
:Искључујући ''дефакто'' суверену државу [[Абхазија|Абхазију]].}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 58
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>[https://stopcov.ge/en ხშირად დასმული კითხვები:] ''stopcov.ge''</ref>
! data-sort-value="Кипар Северни" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Northern Cyprus|name=ТР Северни КипарGuadeloupe}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.guadeloupe.gouv.fr/Politiques-publiques/Risques-naturels-technologiques-et-sanitaires/Securite-sanitaire/Informations-coronavirus/COVID-19-informations-recommandations-et-points-de-situation|title=COVID-19 : informations, recommandations et points de situation / Informations coronavirus / Sécurité sanitaire / Risques naturels, technologiques et sanitaires / Politiques publiques / Accueil - Les services de l'État en Guadeloupe|website=www.guadeloupe.gouv.fr|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref><!-- <ref name="France Geodes"/> -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/koronavirus/kktcde-kovid-19-vaka-sayisi-33e-yukseldi/1772461|title=KKTC'de Kovid-19 vaka sayısı 33'e yükseldi|website=aa.com.tr}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|LiechtensteinKyrgyzstan}}
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|<ref>{{cite news |title=4 new coronavirus cases confirmed in Kyrgyzstan on April 1, 111 in total|url=https://m.akipress.com/news:638574:4_new_coronavirus_cases_confirmed_in_Kyrgyzstan_on_April_1,_111_in_total/?place=main1&m|date=1 April 2020|access-date=1 April 2020|work=AKIpress}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Первые выздоровевшие пациенты |url=http://www.med.kg/ru/informatsii.html|publisher=Ministry of Health (Kyrgyz Republic) |accessdate=31 March 2020 |language=ru}}</ref>
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! data-sort-value="Конго-Киншаса" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Democratic Republic of the Congo|name=ДР КонгоCambodia}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite newsweb|url=https://wwwcovid19-map.news24cdcmoh.com/Africa/News/congo-reports-first-virus-death-five-new-cases-20200321gov.kh |title=CongoCOVID-19 reportsMap first virus death, five new casesCambodia |dateaccessdate=211 MarchApril 2020 |publisher=NewsMinistry of Health of 24Cambodia}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Конго-Киншаса" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|RwandaDR Congo|name=ДР Конго}}
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|<ref>{{cite tweet |user=OMSRDCONGO|title=MISE À JOUR MARDI 31 MARS 2020, 22:00|number=1245098208876994561|date=Apr 1, 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|JerseyKosovo}}{{efn|{{Република Косово напомена}}}}{{efn|'''Косово'''{{olist|Искључујући [[Србија|Србију]].
|Косово и Метохија је територијални спор између [[Република Косово|Републике Косово]] и [[Србија|Републике Србије]].<ref>{{Република Косово напомена}}</ref>}}}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 52
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |last1=Heath |first1=Richard |title=LIVE: Coronavirus updates |url=https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2020/03/16/live-coronavirus-updates/ |website=www.jerseyeveningpost.com |language=en}}</ref>
|<ref>{{cite news |title=Coronavirusi, Qeveria vendos që kufizimi i qarkullimit të qytetarëve të jetë prej orës 17:00 deri në 06:00 |url=https://telegrafi.com/coronavirusi-qeveria-vendos-qe-kufizimi-qarkullimit-te-qytetareve-te-jete-prej-ores-0600-deri-ne-1700/ |work=Telegrafi |access-date=28 March 2020 |date=28 March 2020|language=sq}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://kosova.health/|title=Statistikat e fundit|language=Albanian|accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ParaguayMayotte}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.mspbs.gov.py/covid-19.php |title=CONTADOR OFICIAL COVID-19 EN PARAGUAY |publisher= Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (Paraguay)}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BangladeshGuernsey}}
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|<ref>{{cite web |author1=Public Health Services |title=COVID-19 Coronavirus - Testing results |url=https://www.gov.gg/covid19testresults |website=www.gov.gg |accessdate=1 April 2020 |location=St Peter Port |language=en |date=27 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/03/21/bangladesh-reports-second-coronavirus-death |title=Bangladesh reports second Covid-19 death |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=Dhaka Tribune}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GuernseyTrinidad and Tobago}}
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|<ref>{{cite tweet |user=MOH_TT|number=1245084996420997121|date=31 March 2020|title=Ministry of Health COVID-19 Update # 62}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |author1=Public Health Services |title=COVID-19 Coronavirus - Testing results |url=https://www.gov.gg/covid19testresults |website=www.gov.gg |accessdate=27 March 2020 |location=St Peter Port |language=en |date=27 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MacauRwanda}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://news.gov.mo/detail/en/N20CS590Ov?1 |title= Macao confirms two new COVID-19 cases |date=19 March 2020}}</ref>
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|<!-- Keep official source --><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.gov.je:80/Health/Coronavirus/Pages/CoronavirusCases.aspx|title=Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases|last=Jersey|first=States of|website=www.gov.je|language=en|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.monaco-tribune.com/en/2020/03/first-recovery-from-coronavirus-reported-in-monaco/ |title=First recovery from coronavirus reported in Monaco |date=20 March 2020 |publisher=Monaco Tribune}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GuatemalaKenya}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://elperiodicowww.comstandardmedia.gtco.ke/nacion/2020health/03article/202001366493/coronavirus-encases-guatemalain-12kenya-casosjump-confirmados6/ to-81|title=CoronavirusKenya encoronavirus Guatemala:cases 12increase casosto confirmados81 after 22 test positive| date=201 MarchApril 2020|access-date=1 April 2020|publisherwork=ElStandard PeriodicoDigital|last1=Junior|first1=Mireri}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|KenyaGuam}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.postguam.com/april-1-2-recover-from-covid-19/article_101b5d12-7414-11ea-8468-17682e069b21.html|title=April 1 — 2 recover from COVID-19|last=Post|first=Nick Delgado {{!}} The Guam Daily|website=The Guam Daily Post|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Кипар Северни" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|IsleNorthern Cyprus|name=ТР ofСеверни ManКипар}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 29
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|<ref>{{cite web |last1=Andreou |first1=Evie |title=Coronavirus: Second death, seven new cases in the north (Updated) |url=https://cyprus-mail.com/2020/04/01/coronavirus-second-death-in-north/ |website=Cyprus Mail |accessdate=2 April 2020 |date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
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|<!-- Don't use aggerate source if not neccessary --><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://coronavirus.ne/|title=Évolution du Coronavirus au Niger en temps réel – Coronavirus, Covid19|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Jamaican Ministry of Health and Wellness is a reliable source per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please comment out the following source when citing a new source, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |last1=Holness |first1=Andrew |title=“We now have 19 cases of Covid-19 in Jamaica |url=https://twitter.com/AndrewHolnessJM/status/1241199203508006912 |website=@AndrewHolnessJM |language=en |date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MadagascarGibraltar}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news |last1=Smith |first1=John |title=Latest Coronavirus status in Gibraltar - Euro Weekly News Spain Gibraltar News Article |url=https://www.reuterseuroweeklynews.com/article2020/us-health-coronavirus-madagascar03/madagascar-confirms-first-cases-of30/latest-coronavirus-presidentstatus-idUSKBN2172TPin-gibraltar/ |titleaccessdate=Madagascar31 confirmsMarch first2020 cases|work=Euro ofWeekly coronavirus:PresidentNews Spain |date=2130 March 2020|publisher=Reuters}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|TogoParaguay}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.mspbs.gov.py/covid-19.php |title=CONTADOR OFICIAL COVID-19 EN PARAGUAY |publisher= Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (Paraguay)}}</ref><ref name="JHU"/>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BarbadosLiechtenstein}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.stlucianewsonlinevolksblatt.comli/barbadosnachrichten/Liechtenstein/Vermischtes/vb/248860/68-recordsbestatigte-threefalle-morein-covid-19-cases/liechtenstein|title=Barbados68 recordsbestätigte threeFälle morein COVID-19 cases|work=St. Lucia News OnlineLiechtenstein|date=1931 March 2020|access-datework=20Liechtensteiner March 2020Volksblatt|language=de}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ZambiaIsle of Man}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=Latest updates|url=https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/latest-updates/|website=Covid19 |accessdate=1 April 2020}}</ref>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|UgandaMadagascar}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.arubacovid19.org/|title=Aruba Covid-19 Information|website=Aruba Covid-19|language=en|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|El SalvadorMonaco}}
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|<ref>{{cite news |title=CORONAVIRUS : trois nouveaux cas positifs révélés à Monaco |url=https://www.gouv.mc/Action-Gouvernementale/Coronavirus-Covid-2019/Actualites/CORONAVIRUS-trois-nouveaux-cas-positifs-reveles-a-Monaco4 |work=gouv.mc |language=fr |date=1 April 2020 |access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |title=Primer caso de COVID-19 en El Salvador pudo haber entrado por punto ciego en Metapán; se ha activado cerco sanitario por 48 horas en ese municipio |url=https://www.laprensagrafica.com/elsalvador/Primer-caso-de-COVID-19-en-El-Salvador-pudo-haber-entrado-por-punto-ciego-en-Metapan-se-ha-activado-cerco-sanitario-por-48-horas-en-ese-municipio-20200318-0064.html |website=Noticias de El Salvador - La Prensa Gráfica {{!}} Informate con la verdad |language=es-ES}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MaldivesBangladesh}}
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|<ref>{{cite web|title=Covid Public Dashboard Information at a glance|url=|work=IEDCR (Bangladesh)|access-date=30 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://avas.mv/en/80009 |title=COVID-19: Two patients in Maldives make full recovery |date=21 March 2020 |publisher=Avas}}</ref>
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Health of Uganda is a reliable source for Ugandan public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19.gou.go.ug|title=Information Portal|work=Ministry of Health (Uganda)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|DjiboutiFrench Guiana}}{{efn|'''Француска Гвајана'''<br />
:Опорављени укључују само хоспитализоване случајеве.}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 12
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.newsamericasnow.com/caribbean-travel-news-covid-19-deaths-caribbean/|title=Over 5 Dozen People Have Now Died From COVID-19 In The Caribbean|last=|first=|date=2020-03-30|website=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref><ref name="France Geodes"/>
! data-sort-value="Екваторијална Гвинеја" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Equatorial Guinea|name=Екв. ГвинејаMacau}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 12
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web |title=Special webpage against Epidemics |url=https://www.ssm.gov.mo/apps1/PreventCOVID-19/en.aspx |website=www.ssm.gov.mo |accessdate=29 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|DominicaGuatemala}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.mspas.gob.gt/index.php/noticias/coronavirus-2019-ncov|title=Coronavirus|publisher=Ministerio de Salud Pública (Guatemala)|language=es}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{nowrap|{{flagcountry|MaliFrench Polynesia}}}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.service-public.pf/dsp/covid-19/situation-coronavirus-covid-19/|title=La Direction de la santé met à disposition les derniers communiqués et notes d’informations relatifs au Coronavirus Covid-19|last=|first=|date=|website=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/412726/tahiti-covid-19-cases-climb-to-30|title=Tahiti Covid-19 cases climb to 30|date=2020-03-27|website=RNZ|language=en-nz|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MongoliaJamaica}}
| 44
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| <ref>{{cite news |title=Confirmed Coronavirus cases up to 36; health worker now among tally|url=http://www.loopjamaica.com/content/confirmed-coronavirus-cases-36-health-worker-now-among-tally|work=Loop News|date=30 March 2020 |accessdate=30 March 2020 }}</ref><!--Note that the official website of the Jamaican Ministry of Health and Wellness is a reliable source per--><!--Please comment out the following source when citing a new source, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future<ref>{{cite web |title=COVID-19 Update – March 23, 2020 |url=https://www.moh.gov.jm/covid-19-update-march-23-2020/|language=en |date=24 March 2020}}</ref>--><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://twitter.com/christufton/status/1245469030670008326|title=Jamaica how has 44 confirmed cases and 3 deaths for #Covid19Jamaica #JaCovid19|first=Dr Chris|last=Tufton|date=April 1, 2020|website=twitter.com}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|NigerTogo}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19.gouv.tg/|title=Coronavirus au Togo|language=fr}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.anp.ne/?q=article/le-niger-enregistre-son-premier-cas-de-coronavirus-officiel|title=Le Niger enregistre son premier cas de coronavirus (Officiel) &#124; ANP|website=www.anp.ne}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BahamasZambia}}
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|<ref name="WOMC"/>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/portal/public/novel%20coronavirus%20(2019-ncov)/!ut/p/b1/vZbZjqM6EIafZR4gjc2eS3ZCgLDYJHCD2JIOgZAEEpanH1rT0tFoNN03c3BdWSrrq_9XVclERByI6Jq8zqekOzfXpPq4R2xMaTvLlWje4ll6DTYQ2RtZcSiNgsSeOOjhZMqNdVIVLx5caDxH4QSUZH9somfddvJNuhxODHqZFIYZT196mJD7-6BTeSUV1iMdyaTVz6_3dp-Lh3jNGtN0gaWaK3G60vb9U0t0lS9JvV5J5a1-n56cvSqw3E83fqAVTO4eSchlqihh-ipiKQiU9b1TRawVbXYSVxWUBpuLLzpqg6QUfvyYRYWzKPCXI4BfmoFmCcKseUeiD80SZLeYAbzMfr7_IuFbz6LfERoDWLDBjik4nE7uaPCZ8FWJXxdJE-GcwP09gSMQcQB07JfjbTNdJq-cXGChYGOjcIIT7tvLtLeRQtldApEcQpDi3sItsCaL6ibPRrnu5IGHRUF25NP4_Brom_SyQB6xSwOphYEUWBpILg1kFgYaS3cp9e_n0CCic1q_9Vn9Bt4YACFJQZ4hKY7lSCIwshMjNUKvKLLXwneLBUO3pc82qYTp2Y-ajdgNG0cn0-4QO6JL69k4CK653eV5nR_xXlfFAd7WguVi9SZ55uu-0cjGuHLe9Zr291IQH1paV7E4Gc5lfeSzZk0-2CY17tFh-li-tt7UxTeuiH92Nhi21jS7IisjMHHv4wnPrpBWbttt6Y4ABYZ_YQwfD5aNXLLr0KcrkljRXvnddmKXBfIiXBrI_e_ALUnNQJMybV6CvkYtDOT_fdP8Nkr8miLXDAd4mocMBJAIypAd5HYzz5Idvxf4otlNlprSwPdaJYEHqhRvm1XqiLLXURlv9aAhrkhF1Vix2i6gBSHKq6SgTnuAi8zBz8iSwkRwMwN3K88lm60p7EznYT-knnWVGNF8K6Y5xra-6oXD4N9z9TV_aQrOcyvpYYb27pjHDdKzwcJV6NAcX5_fh9FGr2B7s5AfRECP4B77x6ZdncvIliPLMB_HguWyR73qxu45ELf6tTVZT58Of0Shver_Yh7mn5xjfkw!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/|title=Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)|work=Ministry of Health (Bahamas)}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|EswatiniBarbados}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 9
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|<ref>{{cite news |title=COVID-19: 34 cases confirmed on the island as of March 30 at 8 pm|url=http://www.loopnewsbarbados.com/content/covid-19-34-cases-confirmed-island-march-302020|date=30 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020|work=Loop News}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the government of Eswatini is a reliable source for Swazi public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|author=EswatiniGovern1 |url=https://mobile.twitter.com/EswatiniGovern1 |title=Eswatini Government (@EswatiniGovern1) on Twitter |publisher=Mobile.twitter.com |date= |accessdate=2020-03-14}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GuineaEl Salvador}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 8
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| <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.covid19.gob.sv|title=SITUACIÓN NACIONAL|access-date=29 March 2020 |work=Ministry of Health (El Salvador)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|HaitiMali}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 8
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.sante.gov.ml/|title=Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of Mali|last=|first=|date=|website=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-haiti-idUSKBN21700V|title=Haiti declares emergency over coronavirus, imposes curfew, shuts borders|date=March 20, 2020|via=www.reuters.com}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|NamibiaTransnistria}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 8
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMCMD" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SurinameDjibouti}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 8
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://africa.cgtn.com/2020/03/31/number-of-confirmed-cases-of-covid-19.sr-in-djibouti-rises-to-30/|title=HomeNumber of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Djibouti rises to 30|last=Africa|first=CGTN|website=COVIDCGTN SURINAMEAfrica|language=en-US|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BeninGuinea}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Америчка Девичанска Острва" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GabonU.S. Virgin Islands|name=Америчка ДО}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://viconsortium.com/vi-coronavirus/virgin-islands-coronavirus-effect-1000-file-unemployment-claims-in-st-thomas-state-of-emergency-extended-dept-of-labor-unveil-online-unemployment-claim-filing-businesses-found-violating-mass-gathering-order-face-permanent-shutdown-by-government|title=Coronavirus Effect: 1.000 File Unemployment Claims in St. Thomas; State of Emergency Extended; Bryan Sees 'Treacherous' Financial Road Ahead; Online Unemployment Filing Announced|website=viconsortium.com|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GrenadaBermuda}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
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|<ref>{{cite news|url=http://coronavirus.bernews.com/govt-confirm-5-more-covid-19-total-27/|title=Govt Confirm 5 More Covid-19, Total 27|work=Bernews|date=31 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MozambiqueEthiopia}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of Ethipia Ministry of Health and is a reliable source as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government Twitter account, and other messages on the same account likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite tweet|user=FMoHealth|number=1244572109503967232|date=30 March 2020|title=Ethiopia #COVID19 Status update}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Конго-Бразавил" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SeychellesRepublic of the Congo|name=Р Конго}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 7
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|<ref name="WOMC" />
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news |last1=Ernesta |first1=SHaron |title=Seychelles and COVID-19: US, Australian nationals, foreign yachts banned; 7th case confirmed |url=http://m.seychellesnewsagency.com/view_news.php?id=12624 |accessdate=21 March 2020 |work=www.seychellesnewsagency.com}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|LaosSaint Martin}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 6
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|<ref name="StMartBart">{{cite web |title=Préfet de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin |url=https://www.facebook.com/prefet971/photos/a.734089806705140/2830853080362125|website=www.facebook.com |language=en}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|EritreaTanzania}}
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| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|FijiMaldives}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
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|<!-- Avas.mv homepage includes counters --><ref>{{cite web|url=https://avas.mv/ |title=Maldives News Leader |publisher=Avas}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-03/19/c_138895934.htm|title=Borders shut in several Asia-Pacific countries over COVID-19 fears, S. Korea unveils "unprecedented" aid package|work=Xinhua|date=19 March 2020|access-date=20 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GuyanaGabon}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 1
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|<ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news |last1=Lembet |first1=Henriette |title=Gabon : 9 nouveaux cas de contamination au Coronavirus |url=https://www.gabonmediatime.com/gabon-9-nouveaux-cas-de-contamination-au-coronavirus/ |accessdate=31 March 2020 |work=Gabon Media Time |language=fr-FR}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><!--Do not use data from Worldometer which indicates there are 10 new cases. The source cited is wrong and links to France government's website-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MyanmarNew Caledonia}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
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|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19.nc/point-de-situation-en-nouvelle-caledonie/|title=POINT DE SITUATION SANITAIRE MARDI 31 MARS À 18H|language=French|date=31 March 2020|accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SyriaSint Maarten|name=Свети Мартин}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
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|<ref>{{Citation|title=Stay Tuned as we bring a briefing and highlights of the Council of Ministers and their portfolios amidst the COVID-19 pandemic|url=https://www.facebook.com/SXMGOV/videos/284478309206145/|date=1 April 2020|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/st-maarten-s-covid-19-cases-jump-to-16-first-death-recorded|title=St. Maarten’s COVID-19 cases jump to 16, first death recorded|work=The Daily Heral|date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|ZimbabweBahamas}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 5
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following sources if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/portal/public/novel%20coronavirus%20(2019-ncov)/!ut/p/b1/vZbZjqM6EIafZR4gjc2eS3ZCgLDYJHCD2JIOgZAEEpanH1rT0tFoNN03c3BdWSrrq_9XVclERByI6Jq8zqekOzfXpPq4R2xMaTvLlWje4ll6DTYQ2RtZcSiNgsSeOOjhZMqNdVIVLx5caDxH4QSUZH9somfddvJNuhxODHqZFIYZT196mJD7-6BTeSUV1iMdyaTVz6_3dp-Lh3jNGtN0gaWaK3G60vb9U0t0lS9JvV5J5a1-n56cvSqw3E83fqAVTO4eSchlqihh-ipiKQiU9b1TRawVbXYSVxWUBpuLLzpqg6QUfvyYRYWzKPCXI4BfmoFmCcKseUeiD80SZLeYAbzMfr7_IuFbz6LfERoDWLDBjik4nE7uaPCZ8FWJXxdJE-GcwP09gSMQcQB07JfjbTNdJq-cXGChYGOjcIIT7tvLtLeRQtldApEcQpDi3sItsCaL6ibPRrnu5IGHRUF25NP4_Brom_SyQB6xSwOphYEUWBpILg1kFgYaS3cp9e_n0CCic1q_9Vn9Bt4YACFJQZ4hKY7lSCIwshMjNUKvKLLXwneLBUO3pc82qYTp2Y-ajdgNG0cn0-4QO6JL69k4CK653eV5nR_xXlfFAd7WguVi9SZ55uu-0cjGuHLe9Zr291IQH1paV7E4Gc5lfeSzZk0-2CY17tFh-li-tt7UxTeuiH92Nhi21jS7IisjMHHv4wnPrpBWbttt6Y4ABYZ_YQwfD5aNXLLr0KcrkljRXvnddmKXBfIiXBrI_e_ALUnNQJMybV6CvkYtDOT_fdP8Nkr8miLXDAd4mocMBJAIypAd5HYzz5Idvxf4otlNlprSwPdaJYEHqhRvm1XqiLLXURlv9aAhrkhF1Vix2i6gBSHKq6SgTnuAi8zBz8iSwkRwMwN3K88lm60p7EznYT-knnWVGNF8K6Y5xra-6oXD4N9z9TV_aQrOcyvpYYb27pjHDdKzwcJV6NAcX5_fh9FGr2B7s5AfRECP4B77x6ZdncvIliPLMB_HguWyR73qxu45ELf6tTVZT58Of0Shver_Yh7mn5xjfkw!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/|title=Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)|work=Ministry of Health (Bahamas)}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Екваторијална Гвинеја" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|AngolaEquatorial Guinea|name=Екв. Гвинеја}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=15207|title=Otro nuevo caso de Coronavirus en la Región Continental - Página Oficial del Gobierno de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial|website=www.guineaecuatorialpress.com|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2020-03/21/content_75842926.htm|title=Angola reports first two confirmed COVID-19 cases|work=China.org.cn|agency=Xinhua|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Cape VerdeEritrea}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
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|<!-- Cite official source when possible --><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.shabait.com/news/local-news/30395--public-announcement-from-the-ministry-of-health|title=Public Announcement from the Ministry of Health|website=www.shabait.com|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.publico.pt/2020/03/20/mundo/noticia/coronavirus-ingles-62-anos-caso-confirmado-cabo-verde-1908619|title=Coronavírus: Inglês de 62 anos é o primeiro caso confirmado em Cabo Verde|work=publico.pt|date=20 March 2020|access-date=20 March 2020|language=pt}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Конго-Бразавил" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Republic of the Congo|name=Р КонгоHaiti}}
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 4
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|<ref>{{cite news |last1=Charles |first1=Jacqueline |title=Haiti is making face masks, medical garments to fight the coronavirus and save jobs |url=https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article241624391.html |accessdate=31 March 2020 |work=Miami Herald |date=30 March 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/Eddyjalexis/status/1242893893844303872|title=Gen 8 ka #COVID19 konfime nan peyi a. #CIPC|author=Eddy Jackson Alexis|publisher=Twitter|date=25 March 2020|language=ht}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://lesechos-congobrazza.com/societe/6729-deux-cas-de-coronavirus-detectes-a-brazzaville-le-gouvernement-renforce-son-protocole|title=Deux cas de Coronavirus détectés à Brazzaville. Le gouvernement renforce son protocole|work=Les Echos du Congo-Brazaville|date=19 March 2020|access-date=20 March 2020|language=fr}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|NepalMyanmar}}
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|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/myanmar-coronavirus-covid-19-first-death-singapore-transit-12592394#|title=Myanmar reports first COVID-19 death; man had 4-day layover in Singapore|agency=CNA|date=31 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref><!-- Official sources: https://www.facebook.com/MinistryOfHealthAndSportsMyanmar/posts/3286243674738248 http://mohs.gov.mm/Main/content/new/covid-19-%E1%80%9B-%E1%80%82-%E1%80%85-%E1%80%84-%E1%80%80-%E1%80%95-%E1%80%80-%E1%80%8A-%E1%80%9B-%E1%80%99-%E1%80%94-%E1%80%84-%E1%80%95%E1%80%90-%E1%80%9E%E1%80%80-%E1%80%9E%E1%80%90%E1%80%84-%E1%80%91-%E1%80%90-%E1%80%95-%E1%80%94-%E1%80%81-%E1%80%84-30-3-2020-7-30-pm -->
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Vatican CityMongolia}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://ikon.mn/n/1u8t|title=Д.Нямхүү: Тусгаарлагдан хянагдаж байсан Туркийн хоёр иргэнээс коронавирус илэрлээ|last=IKON.MN|first=Б. МАНЛАЙ|date=2020-04-01|website=ikon.mn|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Antigua and BarbudaNamibia}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.facebook.com/namibiansun/posts/3041737945870519|title=Namibian Sun|website=www.facebook.com|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.namibian.com.na/index.php?page=read&id=89582|title=Partial lockdown in effect from Friday|last=Namibian|first=The|website=The Namibian|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Луција" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BhutanSaint Lucia|name=Луција}}
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|<ref>{{Cite news |url=https://www.stlucianewsonline.com/saint-lucia-records-four-new-cases-of-covid-19/ |title=Saint Lucia records four new cases of COVID-19 |publisher=St. Lucia News Online |date=31 March 2020 |accessdate=31 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|CentralCayman African Republic|name=ЦАРIslands}}
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|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.caymancompass.com/2020/03/29/four-new-coronavirus-cases/|title=4 new coronavirus cases confirmed Sunday |work=Cayman Compass|date=29 March 2020|access-date=30 March 2020}}</ref><!-- <ref>{{Citation|title=Coronavirus Update Press Briefing March 31 2020|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b1ZPOK3fts|language=en|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref> -->
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|<ref>{{cite web |title=UPDATE: Positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Dominica increase to 12 |url=https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/homepage-carousel/positive-cases-of-coronavirus-covid-19-in-dominica-increase-to-12/ |website=Dominica News Online |accessdate=31 March 2020 |date=30 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-03/19/c_138896217.htm|title=Chad detects first COVID-19 case: report|work=Xinhua|date=19 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|GambiaGuyana}}
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|<!--Do style="padding:0pxnot 2px;"|use <refdata name="WOMC"from /Worldometer which confuses French Guyana. The source cited is wrong and links to France government's website--><ref>{{cite news |title=BREAKING: Guyana now has 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 |url=httphttps://www.xinhuanetnewsroom.comgy/english2020/2020-03/1831/c_138889089.htmbreaking-guyana-now-has-12-confirmed-coronavirus-cases/ |titlework=GambiaNews confirmsRoom firstGuyana COVID-19 case|work=Xinhua|date=1831 March 2020 |access-date=1731 March 2020}}</ref>
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.curacaochronicle.com/post/main/curacao-immediately-on-lockdown-eleventh-case-confirmed/|title=Curaçao immediately on lockdown; eleventh case confirmed|last=Vordev|website=www.curacaochronicle.com|access-date=2020-03-30}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.curacaochronicle.com/post/main/update-covid-19-curacao-seventh-infected-person-is-laboratory-assistant/|title=Update COVID-19 Curaçao: Seventh infected person is laboratory assistant|last=Vordev|website=www.curacaochronicle.com|access-date=2020-03-30}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" /><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202003/19/WS5e7326c2a3101282172807ac.html|title=China embassy donate medical items to Liberia|work=China Daily|date=19 March 2020|access-date=20 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|MauritaniaGreenland}}
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|<ref>{{cite web |title=Coronavirus-ip nutaap siaruarnera malinnaaffigiuk |url=https://nun.gl/Emner/Borgere/Coronavirus_emne/Foelg_smittespredningen |language=da,kl}}</ref><!-- Government of Denmark may or may not provide more up-to-date figures --><!-- <ref name="gov-dk"/> -->
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=http://essahraa.net/node/15464 |title=موريتانيا تسجل ثاني إصابة بفيروس كورونا |date=18 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|SomaliaGrenada}}
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|<ref>{{cite news |last1=Steele |first1=Nickolas |title=Grenada confirms one more case of Covid-19 |url=https://www.nowgrenada.com/2020/04/grenada-confirms-one-more-case-of-covid-19/ |accessdate=2 April 2020 |work=NOW Grenada |date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref name="WOMC" />
! data-sort-value="Луција" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Saint Lucia|name=ЛуцијаLibya}}
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|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://covid19.ly/|title=covid19.ly|publisher=National Center for Disease Control - Libya|language=ar}}</ref>
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid19.ins.gov.mz/|title=Início|website=COVID 19 - Fica Atento|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|BelizeSeychelles}}
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|<ref>{{cite news |last1=Ernesta |first1=Sharon |title=Seychelles and COVID-19: US, Australian nationals, foreign yachts banned; 7th case confirmed |url=http://m.seychellesnewsagency.com/view_news.php?id=12624 |accessdate=21 March 2020 |work=www.seychellesnewsagency.com}}</ref>
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid-19.sr/| title=COVID-19| website=COVID SURINAME}}</ref>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|NicaraguaSyria}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><ref>{{Cite news|url=https://sana.sy/en/?p=189153|title=Health Ministry: Second death case of coronavirus registered in Syria|work=Syrian Arab News Agency|date=30 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web |last1=Galo |first1=Julio Estrada |title=Nicaragua confirma el primer caso de coronavirus |url=https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/03/18/nacionales/2648113-nicaragua-confirma-el-primer-caso-de-coronavirus |website=La Prensa |language=es |date=19 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountrynowrap|Saint[[File:Cruise Kittsship andside Nevis}}view.svg|23x15px|border|alt=|link=]] МС ''Зандам'' и ''Ротердам''{{efn|'''МС ''Зандам'' и ''Ротердам'''''{{olist
|Крузер МС ''Зандам'' је био удаљен од обале Чилеа након што му је забрањен улазак у лугу 14. марта 2020.
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| 2
|МС ''Ротердам'' се састао са ''Зандамом'' 26. марта ради подршке. Оба су планирала да прођу кроз [[Панамски канал]], али нису ималу обезбеђену луку да би упловили.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.hollandamerica.com/blog/ships/ms-zaandam/statement-regarding-zaandam/|title=Statement Regarding Zaandam {{!}} Holland America Blog|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
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|МС ''Зандам'' и ''Ротердам'' нису убројани у бројке иједне државе/територије.}}}}}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/news/humanitarian-crisis-orlando-ashford.html|title=A Humanitarian Crisis {{!}} Response to Cruise Ships Stranded at Sea Tests our Deepest Human Values|website=www.hollandamerica.com|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/isabeltogoh/2020/04/01/trump-urges-action-as-four-die-on-coronavirus-hit-cruise-ship-described-as-humanitarian-crisis/|title=Four Die On Coronavirus-Hit Cruise Ship Described As ‘Humanitarian Crisis’|last=Togoh|first=Isabel|website=Forbes|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Тимор" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Timor LesteEswatini}}
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|<!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Note that the official Twitter account of the government of Eswatini is a reliable source for Swazi public health news as per WP:TWITTER--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{cite tweet|user=EswatiniGovern1 |number=1241387759060881409 |date=21 March 2020 |title=Ministerial statement: Ministry of Health confirms three new cases of #COVID19 in Eswatini}}</ref><ref name="WOMC" />
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite news|url=https://in.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-timor/east-timor-confirms-first-case-of-coronavirus-health-ministry-idINKBN2180BI|title=East Timor confirms first case of coronavirus: health ministry|work=Reuters|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|LibyaLaos}}
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|<!-- Refer to official source when possible --><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.moh.gov.la/index.php/lo-la/2017-11-02-08-34-25/2017-11-25-10-36-28/257-2020-03-31-00-53-56|title=ລາວ ພົບຜູ້ຕິດເຊື້ອ|website=www.moh.gov.la|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Papua New GuineaBenin}}
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|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://french.xinhuanet.com/afrique/2020-04/01/c_138936189.htm|title=(COVID-19) Bénin : 9 cas confirmés enregistrés avec 3 nouveaux cas de coronavirus - Xinhua {{!}} Actualités Chine & Afrique|website=french.xinhuanet.com|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.gouv.bj/coronavirus/|title=Coronavirus (Covid-19)|website=Gouvernement de la République du Bénin|language=fr|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
| style="padding:0px 2px;"| <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.looppng.com/png-news/png’s-first-imported-covid-19-case-90851|title=PNG's first imported Covid-19 case|date=20 March 2020 |publisher=Loop PNG}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Винсент и Гренадини" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{nowrap|{{flagcountry|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|name=Винсент и Гренадини}}Guinea-Bissau}}
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|<!-- Don't use aggregate source if possible --><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://sicnoticias.pt/especiais/coronavirus/2020-04-01-Guine-Bissau-com-nove-casos-confirmados-de-covid-19|title=SIC Notícias &#124; Guiné-Bissau com nove casos confirmados de covid-19|website=SIC Notícias}}</ref>
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! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Angola}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.minsa.gov.ao/|title=Angola Ministry of Health|website=www.minsa.gov.ao|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://platinaline.com/angola-regista-primeiro-caso-recuperado-covid-19/|title=Angola regista primeiro caso recuperado de COVID 19|last=Line|first=Platina|date=2020-03-30|website=PlatinaLine|language=pt-PT|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Saint Kitts and Nevis}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.sknvibes.com/news/newsdetails.cfm/112131|title=St. Kitts and Nevis confirms one (1) additional case of COVID-19: Total number of confirmed cases now stand at eight (8)|website=SKNVibes|date=30 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Zimbabwe}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.chronicle.co.zw/covid-19-positive-cases-increase-to-eight-as-233-test-negative/|title=Covid-19 positive cases increase to eight as 233 test negative|work=The Chronicle|date=31 March 2020|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Antigua and Barbuda}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://antiguanewsroom.com/antigua-barbuda-confirms-four-more-cases-of-covid-19-bringing-cases-to-seven/|title=Antigua & Barbuda Confirms Four More Cases Of COVID-19 Bringing Cases To Seven|last=Editor|date=2020-03-26|website=Antigua News Room|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.facebook.com/investingforwellness/posts/880364819070160|title=Ministry of Health & The Environment, Antigua and Barbuda|website=www.facebook.com|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Chad}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.journaldutchad.com/covid-19-07-cas-confirmes-au-tchad/|title=Covid-19 : 07 cas confirmés au Tchad|work=Journal du Tchad|language=fr|date=31 March 2020|access-date=1 April 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Sudan}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://alnawrasnews.net/2020/03/32151/|title=ظهور الحالة رقم (٧) لمصاب بكورونا في الخرطوم {{!}} موقع النورس نيوز|date=2020-03-31|language=ar|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://menafn.com/1099936792/Coronavirus-kills-second-case-in-Sudan|title=Coronavirus kills second case in Sudan|last=MENAFN|website=menafn.com|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref><!-- Use gov source when possible/updated: --><!-- <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.fmoh.gov.sd/|title=جمهورية السودان - وزارة الصحة الاتحادية {{!}} الرئيسية|website=www.fmoh.gov.sd|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref> -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| [[File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|23x15px|border|alt=|link=]] [[Акротири и Декелија]]
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://cyprus-mail.com/2020/04/01/coronavirus-bases-say-seven-not-nine-cases-in-sba/|title=Coronavirus: Bases say seven, not nine cases in SBA|last=Reporter|first=Staff|date=2020-04-01|website=Cyprus Mail|language=en-GB|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Cape Verde}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid19.cv/|title=COVID 19 – Corona Virus|language=pt-PT|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Liberia}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=961155404304295&id=164280647325112|title=National Public Health Institute of Liberia-NPHIL|website=www.facebook.com|language=en|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Mauritania}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.sante.gov.mr/?p=3872|title=COVID-19 Rapport de Situation – 9 {{!}} Ministère de la santé|website=www.sante.gov.mr|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Vatican City}}
|<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.ilmessaggero.it/vaticano/papa_francesco_santa_marta_vaticano_covid_19_coronavirus_contagio_positivi-5138763.html|title=Coronavirus, il Vaticano ammette: 6 casi positivi ma il Papa non è coinvolto|website=www.ilmessaggero.it|language=it|access-date=2020-03-28}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Saint Barthélemy}}
|<ref name="StMartBart"/>
! data-sort-value="Маријанска Острва" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Northern Mariana Islands|name=СМО}}
|<!-- Please use direct source when possible --><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://chcc.gov.mp/DocumentFiles/coronavirusinformation_120_3253259041.pdf|title=Four new COVID-19 confirmed cases in the CNMI|last=|first=|date=|website=chcc.gov.mp|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://chcc.gov.mp/DocumentFiles/coronavirusinformation_112_2838190725.pdf|title=Two cases confirmed positive for COVID-19|last=|first=|date=|website=chcc.gov.mp|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Централноафричка Република" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Central African Republic|name=ЦАР}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.nrc.no/news/2020/march/just-three-ventilators-to-cope-with-covid-19-in-central-african-republic/|title=Just three ventilators to cope with Covid-19 in Central African Republic|website=NRC|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Åland Islands}}
|<ref name="fi-map"/>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Fiji}}
|<ref>{{cite news |last1=Singh |first1=Indra |title=Fiji's fifth COVID-19 case confirmed in Lautoka |url=https://www.fbcnews.com.fj/news/covid-19/fijis-fifth-covid-19-case-confirmed-in-lautoka/ |work=Fiji Broadcasting Corporation |date=25 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Montserrat}}
|<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.gov.ms/news/|title=News |work=Government of Montserrat}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Nepal}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://thehimalayantimes.com/nepal/fifth-person-tests-positive-for-covid-19-in-nepal/ |title=Fifth person tests positive for COVID-19 in Nepal |date=28 March 2020 |publisher=The Himalayan Times}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Turks and Caicos Islands}}
|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.gov.tc/moh/coronavirus/tci-covid-19-dashboard|title=TCI COVID-19 Dashboard |work=Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Bhutan}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.facebook.com/MoHBhutan/photos/a.771480979580187/3026367677424828/|title=Today's Situational Report.|work=Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan|publisher=Facebook|date=29 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Gambia}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.moh.gov.gm/covid-19-report/|title=COVID19 – MINISTRY OF HEALTH|language=en-US|access-date=2020-03-30}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Nicaragua}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/03/27/nacionales/2656376-tras-confirmar-cuatro-casos-positivos-y-al-cumplirse-periodo-de-incubacion-del-virus-la-proxima-semana-se-esperan-mas-casos-advierte-epidemiologo |title=Tras confirmar cuatro casos positivos y al cumplirse período de incubación del virus: «la próxima semana se esperan más casos», advierte epidemiológo |website=La Prensa |language=es |date=28 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Botswana}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/botswana-reports-1st-death-from-coronavirus/1787205|title=Botswana reports 1st death from coronavirus|website=www.aa.com.tr|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Belize}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.breakingbelizenews.com/2020/03/29/minister-of-health-confirms-third-covid-19-case-is-in-belize-city-and-imported-from-new-york/|title=Minister of Health confirms third Covid-19 case is in Belize City and imported from New York|work=Belize Breaking News|date=29 March 2020|access-date=30 March 2020}}</ref><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><!-- <ref>{{cite web|url=http://health.gov.bz/www/component/content/article/177-general-health/1029-covid-19-test-samples--update-no-1|title=COVID-19 Test Samples – Update No. 1 |date=25 March 2020|work=Ministry of Health (Belize)|access-date=26 March 2020}}</ref> -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|British Virgin Islands|name=Британска ДО}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://bvi.gov.vg/media-centre/bvi-government-confirms-third-case-covid-19|title=BVI Government Receives Protective Supplies To Fight COVID-19 |work=Government of the Virgin Islands |date=30 March 2020|access-date=31 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Somalia}}{{efn|'''Сомалија'''<br />
:Искључујући ''дефакто'' државу [[Сомалиланд|Сомалиленд]].}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://moh.gov.so/en/newsPage.php?Id=47|title=Ministry of Health Somalia|website=moh.gov.so|access-date=2020-03-27}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Anguilla}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://beatcovid19.ai/covid-19-update-two-samples-test-negative-four-more-samples-pending/|title=COVID-19 Update – Two Samples Test Negative, Four More Samples Pending |work=COVID-19: The Anguillian Response|date=28 March 2020|access-date=30 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Burundi}}
|<ref>{{cite tweet |user=BurundiGov |number=1245036540948107264 |date=Apr 1, 2020 |title=#COVID19 }}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Sint Eustatius}}
|<ref>{{cite news |title=Coronavirus a yega Sint Eustatius: a confirma e prome 2 casonan! |url=https://24ora.com/coronavirus-a-yega-sint-eustatius-a-confirma-e-prome-2-casonan/ |accessdate=1 April 2020 |work=24ora.com |date=31 March 2020 |language=Papiamento}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Somaliland}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://wargeyskadawan.com/2020/03/31/dawladda-somaliland-oo-shaacisay-laba-qof-oo-laga-helay-cudurka-covid-19|title=Dawladda Somaliland oo Shaacisay laba qof oo laga helay Cudurka Covid-19
|website=[[Dawan (newspaper)|Wargeyska Dawan]]|language=so|access-date=2020-03-31}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://menafn.com/1099945609/Somaliland-Confirms-2-Covid-19-Cases|title=Somaliland Confirms 2 Covid-19 Cases
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Sierra Leone}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://mohs.gov.sl/covid-19/|title=COVID-19|website=Ministry of Health & Sanitation|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| [[File:Flag of Donetsk People's Republic.svg|23x15px|border|alt=|link=]] [[Доњецка Народна Република|Доњецка НР]]
|<ref>{{cite news |title=Первый случай заражения коронавирусом выявили на территории ДНР |url=https://ria.ru/20200331/1569416277.html |accessdate=1 April 2020 |agency=RIA Novosti |date=31 March 2020 |language=ru}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| [[File:Flag of Lugansk People's Republic.svg|23x15px|border|alt=|link=]] [[Луганска Народна Република|Луганска НР]]
|<ref>{{cite news |title=В ЛНР подтвердили первый случай заражения коронавирусом |url=https://ria.ru/20200330/1569367159.html |accessdate=1 April 2020 |agency=RIA Novosti |date=30 March 2020 |language=ru}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Тимор" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Timor Leste}}
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://in.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-timor/east-timor-confirms-first-case-of-coronavirus-health-ministry-idINKBN2180BI|title=East Timor confirms first case of coronavirus: health ministry|work=Reuters|date=21 March 2020|access-date=21 March 2020}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Papua New Guinea}}
|<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.looppng.com/png-news/png’s-first-imported-covid-19-case-90851|title=PNG's first imported Covid-19 case|date=20 March 2020 |publisher=Loop PNG}}</ref>
! data-sort-value="Винсент и Гренадини" style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{nowrap|{{flagcountry|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|name=Винсент и Гренадини}}}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://health.gov.vc/health/index.php/c|title=Corona Virus Updates|website=health.gov.vc|access-date=2020-03-27}}</ref>
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; width:1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagcountry|Abkhazia}}
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://civil.ge/archives/344935|title=First Abkhazia Resident Tests Positive for Coronavirus|date=2020-03-31|website=Civil.ge|language=en-US|access-date=2020-04-01}}</ref>
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| colspan="5"| <small>''Ажурирано:'' {{red|'''282. мартаприл''' 2020. ('''07:351.55''' ''[[Средњоевропско време|{{red|CET}}]]'')}}</small><!--црвена пошто су подаци у суштини увек застарели, не ажурира се нон-стоп као на енглеској Вики-->
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