Вавилон — разлика између измена

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{{Археолошки локалитет
| назив = Вавилон
| изворни_назив = {{plainlist|
*{{lang-ar|بابل}} ''Babil''
*{{lang-akk|𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠}} ''Bābili(m)''<ref name="Cam" />
*{{lang-sux|𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠}} {{sc|ká.dig̃ir.ra}}<sup>{{sc|ki}}</sup><ref name="Cam">{{cite book|last1=Edwards|first1=I. E. S.|last2=Gadd|first2=C. J.|last3=Hammond|first3=N. . L.|title=Prolegomena and Prehistory|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ZTsRnQEACAAJ|series=The Cambridge Ancient History|volume=Vol 1 Part 1|year=1981|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-29821-6}}</ref>
*{{lang-arc|𐡁𐡁𐡋}} ''Babil''<ref name="Cam" />
*{{lang-grc-gre|Βαβυλών}} ''Babylṓn''
*{{lang-peo|𐎲𐎠𐎲𐎡𐎽𐎢}} ''Bābiru''
*{{lang-elx|𒀸𒁀𒉿𒇷}} ''Babili''
*[[Kassite language|Kassite]]: ''Karanduniash''}}
| слика = Babylon Ruins Marines.jpeg
| опис_слике = Амерички војници код остатака Вавилона
Линија 20 ⟶ 28:
| гдуж = 44.420833
'''Вавилон''' је древни, уништени град у [[Месопотамија|Месопотамији]] у своје време, између 18. и 6. века пне, највећи на свету. Налазио се близу данашњег града [[Ал Хилах]]а у [[Ирак]]у, односно око 88 -{km}- јужно од [[Багдад]]а. Вавилон је био главни град [[Вавилонија|Вавилонског царства]] и један од најстаријих и најпознатијих културних, политичких и трговачких центара у античком свету. Име му потиче од [[акадски језик|акадске]] речи ''Вавилу'', што значи „божја капија“. Та реч била је превод [[сумерски језик|сумерског]] имена [[Кадингира]]. It was built along the left and right banks of the [[Euphrates]] river with steep embankments to contain the river's seasonal floods. Babylon was originally a small Akkadian town dating from the period of the [[Akkadian Empire]] {{circa|2300 BC}}.
The town became part of a small independent [[city-state]] with the rise of the [[First Babylonian dynasty]] in the 19th century BC. The [[Amorites|Amorite]] king [[Hammurabi]] created a short-lived empire in the 18th century BC. He built Babylon into a major city and declared himself its king. Southern Mesopotamia became known as Babylonia and Babylon eclipsed [[Nippur]] as its holy city. The empire waned under Hammurabi's son [[Samsu-iluna]] and Babylon spent long periods under [[Assyrian people|Assyrian]], [[Kassites|Kassite]] and [[Elam]]ite domination. After being destroyed and then rebuilt by the Assyrians, Babylon became the capital of the short-lived [[Neo-Babylonian Empire]] from 609 to 539&nbsp;BC. The [[Hanging Gardens of Babylon]] were one of the [[Seven Wonders of the Ancient World]]. After the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, the city came under the rule of the [[Achaemenid]], [[Seleucid Empire|Seleucid]], [[Parthian Empire|Parthian]], [[Roman Empire|Roman]], and [[Sasanian Empire|Sassanid]] empires.
It has been estimated that Babylon was the largest city in the world {{circa|1770|1670&nbsp;BC}}, and again {{circa|612|320&nbsp;BC|lk=no}}. It was perhaps the first city to reach a population above 200,000.<ref name=Chandler>Tertius Chandler. ''Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth: An Historical Census'' (1987), St. David's University Press ({{cite web|url=http://www.etext.org/Politics/World.Systems/datasets/citypop/civilizations/citypops_2000BC-1988AD |title=etext.org |accessdate=2010-04-18 |url-status=bot: unknown |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20080211233018/http://www.etext.org/Politics/World.Systems/datasets/citypop/civilizations/citypops_2000BC-1988AD |archivedate=2008-02-11 }}). {{ISBN|0-88946-207-0}}. See [[Historical urban community sizes]].</ref> Estimates for the maximum extent of its area range from 890<ref name=mieroop>{{cite book|last=Mieroop|first=Marc van de|title=The Ancient Mesopotamian City|year=1997|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=Oxford|isbn=9780191588457|page=95|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=_YKlbIp9pYMC&pg=PA95}}</ref> to {{convert|900|ha|sp=us}}.<ref name=boiy>{{cite book|last=Boiy|first=T.|title=Late Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylon|year=2004|publisher=Peeters Publishers|location=Leuven|isbn=9789042914490|page=233|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=1frplXFGf4sC&pg=PA233|series=Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta|volume=136}}</ref>
The remains of the city are in present-day [[Hillah]], [[Babil Governorate]], [[Iraq]], about {{convert|85|km}} south of [[Baghdad]], comprising a large [[tell (archaeology)|tell]] of broken mud-brick buildings and debris.
The main sources of information about Babylon—excavation of the site itself, references in [[cuneiform]] texts found elsewhere in Mesopotamia, references in the [[Bible]], descriptions in classical writing (especially by [[Herodotus]]), and second-hand descriptions (citing the work of [[Ctesias]] and [[Berossus]])—present an incomplete and sometimes contradictory picture of the ancient city, even at its peak in the sixth century BC.{{sfn|Seymour|2006|pp=140-142}}
== Историја ==
[[Датотека:Pergamonmuseum Babylon Ischtar-Tor.jpg|мини|лево|300п|Иштарина капија у музеју Пергамон у [[Берлин]]у.]]
Град су основали [[Сумер]]ани у [[40. век п. н. е.|четвртом миленијуму п. н. е.]], а први пут се помиње на плочици [[Саргон Акадски|Саргона Акадског]] из [[24. век п. н. е.|24. века п. н. е.]] када је Саргон Акадски прогласио Вавилон престоницом своје државе. Током наредних неколико векова важност града и број становника били су мањи. Град добија опет важност у [[18. век п. н. е.|18. веку п. н. е.]] када постаје главни град [[Хамураби]]јевог царства. Од тог тренутка град Вавилон постаје главни град [[Вавилонија|Вавилоније]], мада су га [[Касити]], током своје 440 година дуге владавине, преименовали у ''„Карандунијаш“''.
Линија 48 ⟶ 66:
* Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva, Margarete van Ess, & Joachim Marzahn, eds. ''Babylon: Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident''. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. {{page|year=2011|isbn=978-3-11-022212-8|pages=}}.
* {{Cite book| ref = harv | author=Finkel, I. L. and|author2= M. J. Seymour, eds. |title=Babylon|location=|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2009|isbn=978-0-19-538540-3|pages=}} . Exhibition organized by British Museum, Musée du Louvre & Réunion des Musées Nationaux, and Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
* [[Mario Liverani|Liverani, Mario]]. ''Imagining Babylon: The Modern Story of an Ancient City''. Translated from Italian to English by Ailsa Campbell. {{page1|location=Boston|publisher=De Gruyter|year=2016|isbn=978-1-61451-602-6|pages=}}. Originally published as ''Immaginare Babele'' in 2013.
* {{cite EB9|ref=harv |last=Sayce |first=Archibald Henry |author-link=Archibald Henry Sayce |wstitle=Babel |volume=III |pages=178}}
Линија 62 ⟶ 80:
** 1839. ''Narrative of a journey to the site of Babylon in 1811.'' Posthumous compilation.
* {{cite news|ref=harv |url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31842219/18424719 |title=UNESCO: Iraq invasion harmed historic Babylon |agency=Associated Press |date=10. 07. 2009}}
* {{cite book | author=Ernest A. Budge | title=The history of Esarhaddon (son of Sennacherib) King of Assyria, B.C. 681-668; | publisher=Trübner & Co. | year=1880 | url=https://archive.org/stream/historyofesarhad00esarrich#page/134/mode/2up | oclc=977799662 | pages=135–136| author-link=E. A. Wallis Budge }}
* {{cite book|last=Sayce|first=Archibald Henry|title=The Origin of Semitic Civilisation, Chiefly Upon Philological Evidence|url=https://archive.org/details/originsemiticci00saycgoog|year=1872|publisher=Harrison and Sons|page=[https://archive.org/details/originsemiticci00saycgoog/page/n13 5]|oclc=459000074}}
* Liane Jakob-Rost, Joachim Marzahn: ''Babylon'', ed. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Vorderasiatisches Museum, (Kleine Schriften&nbsp;4), 2.&nbsp;Auflage, Putbus 1990, p.&nbsp;2
* {{Cite book |title=I studied inscriptions from before the flood : ancient Near Eastern, literary, and linguistic approaches to Genesis 1–11 |last=Gelb |first=I. J. |date=1994 |publisher=Eisenbrauns |isbn=9780931464881 |editor-last=Hess |editor-first=Richard S. |location=Winona Lake, Ind. |pages=266–269 |chapter=The Name of Babylon |oclc=31239619 |editor-last2=Tsumura |editor-first2=David Toshio}}