Изборни систем — разлика између измена

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м pravljenje sablona Cite book; козметичке измене
Ред 1:
{{short description|Метода којом бирачи бирају између опција}}
[[File:Electoral systems map.svg|thumb|300px|Map showing the electoral systems used to elect candidates to the lower house of national legislatures, {{As of|2019|lc=y}}.<br/>'''Plurality system'''<br />
{{legend|#FF0000|[[First-past-the-post voting]]}}
'''Majoritarian system'''<br />
{{legend|#A02C5A|[[Two-round system]]}}
{{legend|#D35F8D|[[Instant-runoff voting]]}}
{{legend|#FF6600|[[Plurality-at-large voting]]}}
{{legend|#C87137|[[General ticket]]}}
'''Semi-proportional system'''<br />
{{legend|#FFD42A|[[Single non-transferable vote]]}}
{{legend|#C8AB37|[[Cumulative voting]]}}{{Legend|#3737C8|[[Binomial voting|Binomial system]]}}'''Proportional system'''<br />{{Legend|#0066FF|[[Party-list proportional representation]]}}{{Legend|#37C871|[[Single transferable voting]]}}'''Mixed system'''<br />{{Legend inline|#0000FF|[[Majority bonus system]]}}<br />{{legend inline|#5A2CA0}}{{legend inline|#8D5FD3|[[Mixed-member proportional representation]]}}<br />{{legend inline|#FF00CC}}{{legend inline|#FF80E5}}{{legend inline|#D400AA}}{{legend inline|#FF55DD|[[Parallel voting]]}}<br>
'''Other'''<br />{{Legend|#ABC837|[[Borda count]]}}<br />{{Legend|#808080|No direct election}}{{Legend|#E6E6E6|No information}}]]
'''Изборни систем''' или '''систем гласања''' се састоји од низа правила која се морају пратити како би се [[гласање]] могло сматрати важећим и која одређују начин на који се гласови пребројавају и рачуна коначан резултат. То је метод којим гласачи праве избор између кандидата, често на [[избори]]ма или на [[референдум]]у. Уобичајени изборни системи су [[владавина већине]], [[пропорционални изборни систем]] и [[већински изборни систем]] са великим бројем варијација и метода као што су [[релативни већински систем]] и [[рангирани већински систем]]. Студија која је формално дефинисала изборни систем зове се [[теорија друштвеног избора]] или '''''теорија гласања''''', која је подобласт [[Политичке науке|политичких наука]], [[Економија|економије]] или [[Математика|математике]].
Линија 9 ⟶ 26:
[[Изборно реформско друштво]] је политичка [[интересна група]] са сједиштем у [[Уједињено Краљевство|Уједињеном Краљевству]], за коју се вјерује да је најстарија организација на свијету која се бави изборним системима. Друштво заговара укидање релативног изборног система на свим државним и локалним изборима, тврдећи да је систем „лош за бираче, лош за владу и лош за демократију”.
== Типови изборних система ==
=== Плурални системи ===
[[File:Countries That Use a First Past the Post Voting System.png|thumb|right|Countries using first-past-the-post for legislatures.]]
[[Plurality voting method|Plurality voting]] is a system in which the candidate(s) with the highest number of votes wins, with no requirement to get a majority of votes. In cases where there is a single position to be filled, it is known as [[First-past-the-post voting|first-past-the-post]]; this is the second most common electoral system for national legislatures, with 58 countries using it to elect their legislatures,<ref name=IDEA>[http://www.oldsite.idea.int/esd/world.cfm Table of Electoral Systems Worldwide] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170523184045/http://www.oldsite.idea.int/esd/world.cfm |date=2017-05-23 }} IDEA</ref> the vast majority of which are current or former British or American colonies or territories. It is also the second most common system used for presidential elections, being used in 19 countries.<ref name=IDEA/>
In cases where there are multiple positions to be filled, most commonly in cases of multi-member constituencies, plurality voting is referred to as [[Plurality-at-large voting|block voting]] or plurality-at-large.<ref name=IDEA/> This takes two main forms: in one form voters have as many votes as there are seats and can vote for any candidate, regardless of party – this is used in eight countries.<ref name=IDEA/> There are variations on this system such as [[limited voting]], where voters are given fewer votes than there are seats to be filled ([[Gibraltar]] is the only territory where this system is in use)<ref name=IDEA/> and [[single non-transferable vote]] (SNTV), in which voters can vote for only one candidate in a multi-member constituency, with the candidates receiving the most votes declared the winners; this system is used in [[Afghanistan]], [[Kuwait]], the [[Pitcairn Islands]] and [[Vanuatu]].<ref name=IDEA/> In the other main form of block voting, also known as party block voting, voters can only vote for the multiple candidates of a single party. This is used in five countries as part of mixed systems.<ref name=IDEA/>
The Dowdall system, a multi-member constituency variation on the [[Borda count]], is used in [[Nauru]] for parliamentary elections and sees voters rank the candidates depending on how many seats there are in their constituency. First preference votes are counted as whole numbers; the second preference votes divided by two, third preferences by three; this continues to the lowest possible ranking.<ref>[http://www.ipu.org/parline-e/reports/2227_B.htm Nauru Parliament: Electoral system] IPU</ref> The totals achieved by each candidate determine the winners.<ref name=IDG>[http://www.oldsite.idea.int/esd/glossary.cfm# Glossary of Terms] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170611050900/http://www.oldsite.idea.int/esd/glossary.cfm |date=2017-06-11 }} IDEA</ref>
== Види још ==
* [[Избори]]
* [[Гласање]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
Линија 23 ⟶ 53:
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commons category-lat|Electoral system}}
* -{[http://www.aceproject.org/ ACE Electoral Knowledge Network]}-
* -{[https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/esd_english_0.pdf The International IDEA Handbook of Electoral System Design] IDEA}-
{{Authority control}}