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Ред 351:
[[Датотека:Civic Hall Leeds West Yorkshire.jpg|десно|мини|Седиште локалне управе]]
Град Лидс је област локалне самоуправе која покрива округ Лидс, а локална власт је Градско одбор Лидса. Одбор се састоји од 99 одборника, по три за сваку изборну једницу. Избори се одржавају треће од четири године, првог четвртка у мају. Трећина одборника бира се на мандат од четири године на свим изборима. Одбор тренутно контролира [[Лабуристичка партија (Уједињено Краљевство)|Лабуристичка партија]]. [[Западни Јоркшир]] нема окружни одбор, тако да је Градски одбор Лидса примарни давалац услуга локалне управе за град. Округ је у региону Јоркшир и Хамбер у Енглеској.
Већина округа је неуређено подручје. У неуређеном подручју не постоји нижи ниво власти. Изван овог подручја постоји 31 општина коју представљају општински одбори. Ово је најнижи ниво локалне управе<ref name="leeds_parish">{{cite web|url=http://www.leeds.gov.uk/Council_and_democracy/Councillors_democracy_and_elections/Parish_and_town_councils.aspx|title=Parish and Town Councils|publisher=Leeds City Council|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090405042856/http://www.leeds.gov.uk/Council_and_democracy/Councillors_democracy_and_elections/Parish_and_town_councils.aspx|archivedate=5 April 2009|accessdate=1 April 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref> и обавља неке ограничене функције Градског одбора Лидса у својим областима.
Округ представља осам заступника у Парламенту, по изборним јединицама: Елмет и Ротвел (Алек Шелбрук, конзервативац); Лидс централ (Хилари Бен, лабуриста); Лидс исток (Ричард Баргон, лабуриста); Лидс североисток (Фабијан Хамилтон, лабуриста ); Лидс северозапад (Алек Собел, лабуриста); Лидс запад (Рејчел Ривс, лабуриста); Морли и Оутвуд (изборна јединица која се дели са Градом Вејкфилдом) (Андреа Џенкинс, конзервативац); и Пудси (Стјуарт Андрев, конзервативац).
Поред других владиних канцеларија, град је дом велике пословне зграде Одељења за рад и пензије смештене у Квери Хилу, препознатљиве по свом импозантном дизајну.
== Економија ==
[[Датотека:Infirmary Street, Leeds 2012.jpg|мини|Лидсов финансијски округ]]
[[Датотека:Leeds CBD at night.jpg|мини|Централни пословни округ ноћу.]]
Лидс има најразноврснију економију од свих главних центара за запошљавање у Великој Британији и има најбржу стопу раста радних места у приватном сектору од било ког града у Британији и има највећу размеру послова јавног и приватног сектора од свих главних градова у Великој Британији. Град има трећи највећи број запослених по локалним властима са 480.000 запослених и самозапслених почетком 2015. године.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.leeds.gov.uk/Business/Pages/Leeds-economy.aspx#http://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/Leeds%20economy%20at%20a%20glance%20%E2%80%93%20August%202016.pdf|title=Leeds economy|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170118082315/http://www.leeds.gov.uk/Business/Pages/Leeds-economy.aspx#http://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/Leeds%20economy%20at%20a%20glance%20%E2%80%93%20August%202016.pdf|archivedate=18 January 2017}}</ref> 24,7% је било у јавној администрацији, образовању и здравству, 23,9% у банкарству, финансијама и осигурању, а 21,4% у дистрибуцији, хотелима и ресторанима. Лидс се у банкарском, финансијском и сектору осигурања највише разликује од финансијске структуре региона и нације.<ref>{{Harvnb|Unsworth and Stillwell|2004|p=169}}</ref> У 2011. години, финансијска и услужна индустрија у Лидсу била је вредна 2,1 милијарде фунти, што је пето место у Великој Британији, иза Лондона, Единбурга, Манчестера и Бирмингема.<ref name="autogenerated2"/> Терцијалне индустрије попут малопродаје, [[Позивни центар|позивних центара]], канцеларија и медија допринеле су високој стопи економског раста. Град је такође има једину подружнице Банке Енглеске у Великој Британији. У 2012. години, град је забележио БДВ је у износу од 18,8 милијарди фунти,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/LEH%2004%20Leeds%20Economy.pdf |title=Archived copy |accessdate=9 August 2014 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://www.webcitation.org/6MIIQzzCP?url=http://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/LEH%2004%20Leeds%20Economy.pdf |archivedate=1 January 2014 }}</ref> а читав градски регион Лидса створио је економију од 56 милијарди фунти.<ref name="leeds.gov.uk"/>
[[File:Bridgewater place,Leeds.JPG|left|thumb|Пословна зграда Бриџвотер]]
То је највећи центар изван Лондона за финансијске и пословне услуге. Током наредних десет година предвиђа се раст економије за 25%, а финансијске и пословне услуге требало би да остваре више од половине раста БДВ у том периоду, а финансије и пословне услуге чиниле су 38% укупне производње. Остали кључни сектори су трговина на мало, забава и економију посетилаца, грађевинарство, производњу и креативну и дигиталну индустрију.<ref name="leeds.gov.uk"/>
Лидс има преко 30 домаћих и међународних банака, од којих су многе северне или регионалне канцеларије смештене у граду. То је седиште Прве директне банке и Банке у Јоркширу, као и великих компанија Барклис, ХСБЦ, Сантандер, Лојдс Банкинг Груп и РБС Груп.<ref name="locateinleeds.co.uk">[http://www.locateinleeds.co.uk/economy/financial-services/ Financial services |Leeds economy & relocation] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130718234905/http://www.locateinleeds.co.uk/economy/financial-services/ |date=18 July 2013 }}. Locate in Leeds. Retrieved on 17 July 2013.</ref>
Град је такође важан центар за ризични капитал. Основан у Лидсу, добављач ризичног капитала, ИФМ Екити Партнерс, сада је највећи опскрбљивач ризичним капиталом у Великој Британији малим и средњим предузећима.<ref name="locateinleeds.co.uk"/>
Остале веће компаније са седиштем у граду су Вилијам Хил, Интернационалне Персоналне Финансије Асда, Лидс грађевинско друштво и Нортерн Фудс. Капита Груп, КПМГ, Директ Лајн, Авива, Јоркшир грађевинско друштво, БТ Груп, Телефоника Европа (иначе познат као О2) и ТД Вотерхаус такође имају значајно присуство у граду.<ref name="locateinleeds.co.uk"/>
У Лидсу постоји око 150 адвокатских фирми које запошљавају преко 6.700 људи. Према Великој Британији Лигал 500, „Лидс има софистицирано и високо конкурентно легално тржиште, друго после Лондона.“ <ref name="ReferenceA">[http://www.locateinleeds.co.uk/economy/legal-services/ Legal services |Leeds economy & relocation] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130718235516/http://www.locateinleeds.co.uk/economy/legal-services/ |date=18 July 2013 }}. Locate in Leeds. Retrieved on 17 July 2013.</ref>
Специјална правна експертиза у Лидсу укључује корпоративне финансије, корпоративно реструктурирање и несолвентност, финансирање глобалних пројеката, трговину и инвестиције, привредне парнице, конкуренцију, изградњу, приватне финансијске иницијативе и јавно-приватна партнерства, порез, деривате, ИТ, запошљавање, пензије, интелектуална својина, спорт и забава.<ref name="ReferenceA"/>
The establishment of an Administrative Court in Leeds in April 2009 reinforced Leeds's position as one of the UK's key legal centres. The court previously sat only in London.<ref name="ReferenceA"/>
Leeds is the UK's third-largest manufacturing centre and 50% of the UK's manufacturing base is within a two-hour drive of Leeds. With around 1,800 firms and 39,000 employees, Leeds manufacturing firms account for 8.8% of total employment in the city. The largest sub-sectors are engineering, printing and publishing, food and drink, chemicals and medical technology.<ref name="Leeds 2013"/>
There is also an established creative industry in the city, particularly in the digital gaming sector. A number of large developers have studios in and around the city, including [[Activision]], developers of the mobile versions of the ''[[Call of Duty]]'' series, and [[Rockstar Leeds]], developers of the ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'' series. In 2009 Leeds was the first city outside London to host the [[EGX (expo)|Eurogamer Expo]].
[[Датотека:Park Row - Leeds.jpg|мини|Park Row in Leeds's Central Business District]]
Office developments, also traditionally located in the inner area, have expanded south of the River Aire and total {{convert|11000000|sqft}} of space.<ref name=econ_leeds>{{cite web|url=http://www.leeds.gov.uk/files/Internet2007/2012/6/14%20city%20centre.pdf |title=The City Centre |work=Leeds Economy Handbook |publisher=Leeds City Council |accessdate=2 July 2011}}{{dead link|date=May 2016|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}</ref> In the period from 1999 to 2008 £2.5bn of property development was undertaken in central Leeds; of which £711m has been offices, £265m retail, £389m leisure and £794m housing. Manufacturing and distribution uses accounts for £26m of new property development in the period. There are 130,100 jobs in the city centre, accounting for 31% of all jobs in the wider district. In 2007, 47,500 jobs were in finance and business, 42,300 in public services, and 19,500 in retail and distribution. 43% of finance sector jobs in the district are contained in Leeds city centre and 44% of those employed in the city centre live more than nine kilometres ({{convert|9|km|abbr=off|disp=output only}}) away.<ref name=econ_leeds/>
Tourism is important to the Leeds economy, in 2009 Leeds was the eighth-most visited city in England by UK visitors.<ref>{{cite web|title=Top 20 Most visited English Cities and Towns in 2009 by UK Residents|url=http://www.enjoyengland.com/Images/top%20towns%202009_tcm21-190501.pdf|accessdate=7 September 2010|ref=harv|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20101008000601/http://www.enjoyengland.com/Images/top%20towns%202009_tcm21-190501.pdf|archive-date=8 October 2010|url-status=live}}</ref> and the 13th-most visited city by overseas visitors.<ref>{{cite web|title=Top 20 Most Popular UK Cities for International Visitors|url=http://gouk.about.com/od/getawaysandshorthops/qt/top20.htm|accessdate=7 September 2010|ref=harv|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20101204022854/http://gouk.about.com/od/getawaysandshorthops/qt/top20.htm|archive-date=4 December 2010|url-status=live}}</ref> Research by [[VisitEngland]] reported that the day visitor market to Leeds attracts 24.9&nbsp;million people each year, worth over £654&nbsp;million to the local economy.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.visitengland.org/insight-statistics/major-tourism-surveys/dayvisitors/GBDVS2011.aspx |title=Great Britain Day Visitors Survey 2011 : VisitEngland Corporate Site |publisher=Visitengland.org |accessdate=12 March 2013 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130921055909/http://www.visitengland.org/insight-statistics/major-tourism-surveys/dayvisitors/GBDVS2011.aspx |archive-date=21 September 2013 |url-status=live }}</ref> In the 2017 [[Condé Nast Traveler]] survey of readers, Leeds rated 6th among The 15 Best Cities in the UK for visitors.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.cntraveller.com/gallery/best-cities-in-the-uk|title=The best cities in the UK|website=www.cntraveller.com|access-date=27 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180627230655/http://www.cntraveller.com/gallery/best-cities-in-the-uk|archive-date=27 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>
In 2016, Leeds received 27.29 million leisure tourist visits generating over £1.6bn for the city, according to data from a STEAM survey. That was a 15.9% increase in revenue over 2015. A 9.7% increase in visits had been recorded since 2013.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.insidermedia.com/insider/yorkshire/increase-in-leeds-tourism-visitors|title=Increase in Leeds tourism visitors|first=Insider Media|last=Ltd|publisher=}}</ref> The industry supported over 19,000 full-time equivalent jobs in 2016.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://news.leeds.gov.uk/full-steam-ahead-for-leeds-visitor-economy/|title=Full steam ahead for Leeds visitor economy|access-date=27 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180627202343/https://news.leeds.gov.uk/full-steam-ahead-for-leeds-visitor-economy/|archive-date=27 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>
In January 2011, Leeds was named as one of five "cities to watch" in a report published by [[Centre for Cities]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.centreforcities.org/cities-outlook-2011-annual-index-reveals-uk-cities-best-placed-to-create-jobs-and-drive-economic-recovery.html |title=Cities Outlook 2011: Annual index reveals UK cities best placed to create jobs and drive economic recovery |publisher=Centre for Cities |date=24 January 2011 |accessdate=5 August 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110725152252/http://www.centreforcities.org/cities-outlook-2011-annual-index-reveals-uk-cities-best-placed-to-create-jobs-and-drive-economic-recovery.html |archivedate=25 July 2011}}</ref> The report shows that the average resident in Leeds earns £471 per week,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.centreforcities.org/assets/files/Cities%20Outlook%202011/11-01-31%20Earnings%20Cities%20Outlook%202011.pdf |title=Archived copy |accessdate=15 February 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110428035956/http://www.centreforcities.org/assets/files/Cities%20Outlook%202011/11-01-31%20Earnings%20Cities%20Outlook%202011.pdf |archivedate=28 April 2011 }}</ref> seventeenth nationally and 30.9% of Leeds residents had NVQ4+ high-level qualifications,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.centreforcities.org/assets/files/Cities%20Outlook%202011/11-01-31%20High%20level%20quals%20Cities%20Outlook%202011.pdf |title=Archived copy |accessdate=15 February 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110428072656/http://www.centreforcities.org/assets/files/Cities%20Outlook%202011/11-01-31%20High%20level%20quals%20Cities%20Outlook%202011.pdf |archivedate=28 April 2011 }}</ref> fifteenth nationally. Employment in Leeds was 68.8% in the period June 2012 to June 2013, which was lower than the national average, whilst unemployment was higher than the national average at 9.6% over the same time period.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nomisweb.co.uk/reports/lmp/la/1946157127/report.aspx?town=Leeds#tabempunemp |title=ONS data – employment & unemployment |publisher=Nomisweb.co.uk |accessdate=15 March 2014 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140201200736/http://www.nomisweb.co.uk/reports/lmp/la/1946157127/report.aspx?town=leeds#tabempunemp |archive-date=1 February 2014 |url-status=live }}</ref> It also shows that Leeds will be the least affected major city by welfare cuts in 2014/2015, with welfare cuts of £125 per capita predicted, compared to £192 in Liverpool and £175 in Glasgow.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.centreforcities.org/assets/files/Cities%20Outlook%202011/11-01-31%20Welfare%20cuts%20Cities%20Outlook%202011.pdf |title=Archived copy |accessdate=15 February 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110428073250/http://www.centreforcities.org/assets/files/Cities%20Outlook%202011/11-01-31%20Welfare%20cuts%20Cities%20Outlook%202011.pdf |archivedate=28 April 2011 }}</ref> Leeds is overall less deprived than other large UK cities and average income is above regional averages.<ref name="westyorkshireobservatory.org"/>
===Јавни сектор===
[[Датотека:NHS England HQ.jpg|мини|[[NHS England]] HQ.]]
In Leeds, 108,000 people work in the public sector—24% of the workforce. The largest employers are Leeds City Council, with 33,000 staff, and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, with 14,000 staff.<ref name="ReferenceB">[http://www.locateinleeds.co.uk/economy/public-sector/ Public sector |Leeds economy & relocation] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130718230830/http://www.locateinleeds.co.uk/economy/public-sector/ |date=18 July 2013 }}. Locate in Leeds. Retrieved on 17 July 2013.</ref>
Leeds has become a hub of public-sector health bodies. The [[Department of Health]], [[NHS England]], the [[Care Quality Commission]], [[NHS Digital]], and [[Public Health England]] all have large offices in Leeds. Europe's largest teaching hospital is also based in Leeds, and is home to the Yorkshire Cancer Centre, the largest of its kind in Europe.<ref>[http://www.leeds-city-guide.com/Body Information on Leeds – Facts and Figures] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130701005232/http://www.leeds-city-guide.com/Body |date=1 July 2013 }}. Leeds City Guide. Retrieved on 17 July 2013.</ref>
Key government departments and organisations in Leeds include the [[Department for Work and Pensions]], with over 3,000 staff, the Department of Health, with over 800 staff, [[HM Revenue and Customs]] with over 1,200 staff and the [[British Library]] with 1,100 staff.<ref name="ReferenceB"/>
[[File:County Arcade Victoria Quarter Leeds.jpg|thumb|left|[[Victoria Quarter]], opened in 1900]]
[[File:King-edward-street-leeds.jpg|thumb|left|King Edward Street]]
[[File:Pinnacle, Leeds 16.jpg|thumb|[[Trinity Leeds]] is Leeds's largest shopping centre]]
[[File:Opening day, Victoria Gate, Leeds (20th October 2016) 004.jpg|thumb|Left|[[Victoria Gate]] is Leeds's newest shopping centre]]
The extensive retail area of Leeds is identified as the principal regional shopping centre for the whole of the Yorkshire and the Humber region with a catchment of 5.5&nbsp;million people offering a spend of £1.93&nbsp;billion annually.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.landsecuritiesretail.com/portfolio/Trinity-Leeds |title=Trinity Leeds, Leeds |publisher=Land Securities |accessdate=23 March 2013 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130329042828/http://www.landsecuritiesretail.com/portfolio/Trinity-Leeds |archive-date=29 March 2013 |url-status=dead }}</ref> There are a number of indoor shopping centres in the centre of the city, including the [[Merrion Centre, Leeds|Merrion Centre]], [[St John's Centre]], [[Schofields (department store)|The Core]], the [[Victoria Quarter]], [[The Light (Leeds)|The Light]], the [[Leeds Corn Exchange|Corn Exchange]], [[Trinity Leeds]], and [[Victoria Gate]].<ref>{{cite web |first=Matthew |last=Chapman |url=http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/sectors/retail/article/1130913/Trinity-Leeds-kicks-off-online-hype-ahead-2013-opening/ |title=Trinity Leeds kicks off online hype ahead of 2013 opening – Marketing news |publisher=Marketing magazine |date=10 May 2012 |accessdate=12 March 2013 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121106201757/http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/sectors/retail/article/1130913/Trinity-Leeds-kicks-off-online-hype-ahead-2013-opening/ |archive-date=6 November 2012 |url-status=live }}</ref> In total there are well over 1,000 retail stores, with a combined floorspace of {{convert|3660000|sqft}}.<ref name=econ_leeds/> in Leeds City Centre.
The city centre has a large [[pedestrian zone]]. [[Briggate]] is the main shopping street where one can find many well-known British [[High Street]] stores, including [[Marks & Spencer]], [[House of Fraser]], [[Debenhams]], [[Topshop]], [[Costa Coffee]] and [[Harvey Nichols]]. Many companies have several stores within Central Leeds and the wider city. The [[Victoria Quarter]] is notable for its high-end luxury retailers and impressive architecture. 70 stores such as [[Louis Vuitton]], [[Vivienne Westwood]], [[Paul Smith (fashion designer)|Paul Smith]], [[Diesel (brand)|Diesel]] and anchor [[Harvey Nichols]] are contained within two iron-wrought Victorian arcades, and a new arcade formed by arcading Queen Victoria Street with the largest expanse of stained glass in Britain.<ref>[http://www.v-q.co.uk/57/section.aspx/alternate/7b1afff9a6d5458b922ca64234087f6f View Details (Popup) – VQ Website]. V-q.co.uk. Retrieved on 17 July 2013. {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131101153425/http://www.v-q.co.uk/57/section.aspx/alternate/7b1afff9a6d5458b922ca64234087f6f |date=1 November 2013 }}</ref><ref>[http://www.uggaustralia.co.uk/leeds-store-opening/leeds-store-opening,en_GB,pg.html UGG® Australia comes to Leeds's Victoria Quarter]. UGG Australia. Retrieved on 17 July 2013.</ref>
In the Churwell area of Leeds is the [[White Rose Shopping Centre]]. Opening in 1997, the centre has over 100 high street stores anchored by Debenhams, Marks & Spencer, Primark and Sainsbury's. Some stores have their only Leeds presence here and do not trade in Central Leeds, such as the Disney Store and Build-A-Bear workshop. Although the centre is below the average typical size for out of town shopping malls like the [[Trafford Centre]] or [[Meadowhall Centre|Meadowhall]] in nearby Yorkshire city [[Sheffield]], it remains popular with national and international chains. Of the 40,000 people who work in retailing in Leeds 75% work in places which are not located in the city centre. There are additional shopping centres located in the many villages that became part of the county borough and in the towns that were incorporated in the City of Leeds in 1974.<ref>{{Harvnb|Unsworth and Stillwell|2004|p=245}}</ref>
On 21 March 2013, a large shopping and leisure complex called [[Trinity Leeds]] opened in the city centre. The modern and interactive retail space covers the old Burton Arcades and the former [[Trinity Leeds|Leeds Shopping Plaza]] with its main entrance from Briggate.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.landsecuritiesretail.com/portfolio/Trinity-Leeds |title=Trinity Leeds, Leeds &#124; Land Securities Retail Portfolio &#124; Land Securities Retail |year=2012 |accessdate=28 February 2012 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120117052806/http://www.landsecuritiesretail.com/portfolio/Trinity-Leeds |archive-date=17 January 2012 |url-status=dead }}</ref>
On 20 October 2016, the newest shopping destination called [[Victoria Gate]] opened its doors to the public. The new shopping mall houses a flagship [[John Lewis (department store)|John Lewis]] store, the largest outside London. Seventy-five per cent of the stores that opened in Victoria Gate were new to Leeds with many of those stores being the first outside of London.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/business/verdict-on-victoria-gate-launch-day-1-8192555|title=Verdict on Victoria Gate launch day|work=Yorkshire Evening Post|access-date=30 October 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161031150615/http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/business/verdict-on-victoria-gate-launch-day-1-8192555|archive-date=31 October 2016|url-status=live}}</ref>
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