Prambanan — разлика између измена

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Ред 31:
=== Izgradnja ===
[[File:Shivagrha Inscription.jpg|thumb|upright250px|[[Shivagrha inscription|Šivagrha]] datednatpis 856iz CE856. godine]]
Hram Prambanan je najveći hinduistički hram drevne Jave, i prva građevina završena sredinom 9. veka. Verovatno ga je započeo [[Rakai Pikatan|Rakaj Pikatan]] kao odgovor hinduističke [[Sanjaya Dynasty|dinastije Sanjaja]] na obližnje hramove [[Borobudur]] i [[Candi Sewu|Sevu]] budističke dinastije [[Shailendra dynasty|Sajlendra]]. Istoričari sugerišu da je izgradnja Prambanana verovatno trebala da obeleži povratak hinduističke dinastije Sanjaja na vlast u Centralnoj Javi nakon skoro jednog veka dominacije budističke dinastije Sajlendra. Izgradnja ovog masivnog hinduističkog hrama označava da je dvor [[Medang Kingdom|Medanga]] preusmerio svoje pokroviteljstvo sa [[Махајана|mahajanskog]] [[budizam|budizma]] na [[Šivizam|šivitski]] [[hinduizam]].
The Prambanan temple is the largest Hindu temple of ancient Java, and the first building was completed in the mid-9th century. It was likely started by [[Rakai Pikatan]] as the Hindu [[Sanjaya Dynasty]]'s answer to the Buddhist [[Sailendra]] Dynasty's [[Borobudur]] and [[Candi Sewu|Sewu]] temples nearby. Historians suggest that the construction of Prambanan probably was meant to mark the return of the Hindu Sanjaya Dynasty to power in Central Java after almost a century of Buddhist Sailendra Dynasty domination. The construction of this massive Hindu temple signifies that the [[Medang]] court had shifted its patronage from [[Mahayana]] [[Buddhism]] to [[Shaivite]] [[Hinduism]].
AHram templeje wasna firsttom builtmestu at the site aroundoko 850. CEgodine bypne sagradio [[Rakai Pikatan|Rakaj Pikatan]], and expanded extensively bya Kingkralj [[Lokapala]] andi [[Balitung|Balitung Maha Sambu]], thekralj [[Sanjaya dynasty|SanjayaSandžajski]] king of thekralj [[Mataram Kingdom|Mataramske kraljevine]]., su Accordingga toproširili. thePrema jednom [[Shivagrha inscription|Šivagrha natpisu]] ofiz 856. CEgodine, thehram templeje wassagrađen builtu točast honorGospoda Lord ShivaŠive, anda itsnjegovo originalprvobitno nameime wasje bilo ''ShivaŠiva-grha'' (thekuća House of ShivaŠive) orili ''ShivaŠiva-laya''laja (the Realm ofcarstvo ShivaŠive).<ref>Shivagrha Inscription, [[National Museum of Indonesia]]</ref> AccordingPrema toŠivagrha the Shivagrha inscriptionnatpisu, atokom publicizgradnje waterhrama projectpreduzet toje changejavni thevodotočni courseprojekat ofza apromenu rivertoka nearreke Shivagrhau templeblizini washrama undertaken during the construction of the templeŠivagrha. The riverReka, identifiedidentifikovana askao thereka [[Opak River|Opak]], nowsada runsteče northod tosevera southka onjugu thena westernzapadnoj sidestrani ofhramskog thekompleksa Prambanan temple compound. HistoriansIstoričari suggestsugerišu thatda originallyje theprvobitno riverreka wasbila curvedzakrivljena furtherdalje toprema eastistoku andi wasda deemedse toosmatralo nearda toje thepreblizu mainglavnom templehramu. TheProjekat projectje wasurađen donepresecanjem byreke cuttingduž theose riversever-jug alongduž aspoljnog northzida tokompleksa southhrama axis along the outer wall of the Shivagrha Temple compoundŠivagrha. TheNekadašnji formerrečni rivertok courseje wasispunjen filledi inizravnan andda madebi levelse tostvorio createširi a wider space forprostor theza templeproširenje expansionhrama, theprostor spaceza for rows ofredove ''pervara'' (complementarykomplementarnih) templeshramova.
SomeNeki archaeologistsarheolozi proposepretpostavljaju thatda theje statue ofstatua [[Shiva|Šive]] in theu [[garbhagriha|garbhagrihi]] (centralcentralnoj chamberkomori) ofglavnog thehrama mainnapravljena templepo wasuzoru modelledna afterkralja [[Balitung|King Balitung]]a, serving as aslužeći depictionkao ofprikaz hisnjegovog deifiedobogotvorenog selflika afternakon deathsmrti.<ref>Soetarno, Drs. R. second edition (2002). ''Aneka Candi Kuno di Indonesia'' (Ancient Temples in Indonesia), pp. 16. Dahara Prize. Semarang. {{ISBN|979-501-098-0}}.</ref>
Hram je prošilo više uzastopnih Mataramskih kraljeva, kao što su Daksa i [[Tulodong]], dodavanjem stotina hramova ''pervara'' oko glavnog hrama. Sa glavnom kulom ''prasada'' koja se uzdizala do 47 metara visine, prostrani ograđeni hramski kompleks koji se sastoji od 240 građevina. Hram Šivagrha Trimurti bio je najviši i najveći u svoje vreme. Ovaj hramski kompleks je najveći hinduistički hram u drevnoj Javi, i nijedan drugi javanski hram nikada nije nadmašio njegove razmere. Prambanan je služio kao kraljevski hram Kraljevstva Mataram, u kojem se sprovodila većina državnih verskih ceremonija, a žrtavovanja us sprovođena u blizini. Na vrhuncu kraljevstva, naučnici procenjuju da je stotine [[Брамани|bramana]] sa svojim učenicima živelo unutar spoljnog zida hramskog kompleksa. Urbani centar i dvor Matarama nalazili su se u blizini, na [[Kewu Plain|Prambanan ravnici]].
The temple compound was expanded by successive Mataram kings, such as Daksa and [[Tulodong]], with the addition of hundreds of ''perwara'' temples around the chief temple. With main ''prasada'' tower soaring up to 47 metres high, a vast walled temple complex consists of 240 structures, Shivagrha Trimurti temple was the tallest and the grandest of its time. Indeed the temple complex is the largest Hindu temple in ancient Java, with no other Javanese temples ever surpassed its scale. Prambanan served as the royal temple of the Kingdom of Mataram, with most of the state's religious ceremonies and sacrifices being conducted there. At the height of the kingdom, scholars estimate that hundreds of [[brahmins]] with their disciples lived within the outer wall of the temple compound. The urban center and the court of Mataram were located nearby, somewhere in the [[Prambanan Plain]].
=== Napuštanje ===
[[File:Hindu Temple in Java, Indonesia.jpg|thumb|upright250px|TheHram Prambanan templeu compoundjutarnjoj amid the morning mistsumaglici.]]
In the 930s, the court was shifted to [[East Java]] by [[Mpu Sindok]], who established the [[Isyana Dynasty]]. An eruption of [[Mount Merapi]] volcano, located north of Prambanan in central Java, or a power struggle probably caused the shift. That marked the beginning of the decline of the temple. It was soon abandoned and began to deteriorate.
Tokom 930-ih [[Mpu Sindok]] je dvor premestio u [[Источна Јава|Istočnu Javu]], i uspostavio je [[Isyana Dynasty|dinastiju Isjana]]. Erupcija vulkana [[Merapi]], smeštenog severno od Prambanana u centralnoj Javi, ili borba za prevlast verovatno su prouzrokovali promenu. To je označilo početak propadanja hrama. Ubrzo je napušten i počeo je da propada.
The temples collapsed during a major earthquake in the 16th century. Although the temple ceased to be an important center of worship, the ruins scattered around the area were still recognizable and known to the local Javanese people in later times. The statues and the ruins became the theme and the inspiration for the [[Rara Jonggrang|Rara Jonggrang folktale]]. After the division of [[Mataram Sultanate]] in 1755, the temple ruins and the Opak River were used to demarcate the boundary between [[Yogyakarta]] and [[Surakarta]] (Solo) Sultanates, which was adopted as the current border between [[Yogyakarta]] and the province of [[Central Java]].
Brojni hramovi su se srušili tokom velikog zemljotresa u 16. veku. Iako je hram prestao da bude važno središte bogosluženja, ruševine rasute oko tog područja i dalje su bile prepoznatljive i poznate lokalnom javanskom narodu u kasnijim vremenima. Kipovi i ruševine postali su tema i inspiracija za narodnu priču [[Rara Jonggrang|Rara Jongrang]]. Nakon podele [[Mataram Sultanate|Mataramskog sultanata]] 1755. godine, ruševine hrama i reka Opak korišćene su za određivanje granice između [[Јогјакарта|Jogjakartskog]] i [[Јогјакарта|Surakartskog]] (Solo) sultanata, koja je usvojena i kao današnja granica između [[Јогјакарта|Jogjakarte]] i provincije [[Centralna Java]].
=== Ponovno otkriće ===
[[File:Prambanan 1895.jpg|thumb|250px|right|TheRuine ruinsPrambanana of Prambanan c.oko 1895, soonubrzo nakon afternjihovog theirponovnog rediscoveryotkrića.]]
The Javanese locals in the surrounding villages knew about the temple ruins before formal rediscovery, but they did not know about its historical background: which kingdoms ruled or which king commissioned the construction of the monuments. As a result, the locals developed tales and legends to explain the origin of temples, infused with myths of giants, and a cursed princess. They gave Prambanan and Sewu a wondrous origin; these were said in the [[Rara Jonggrang]] legend to have been created by a multitude of demons under the order of Bandung Bondowoso.
Javanski meštani u okolnim selima znali su za ruševine hrama pre formalnog ponovnog otkrića, ali nisu znali za njegovu istorijsku pozadinu: koja su kraljevstva vladala ili koji je kralj pokrenuo izgradnju spomenika. Kao rezultat toga, lokalno stanovništvo je razvilo priče i legende kako bi objasnilo poreklo hramova, prožete mitovima o džinovima i prokletoj princezi. Prambananu i Sevuu dali su čudesno poreklo; za njih je rečeno u legendi [[Rara Jonggrang|Rara Jongrang]] da ih je stvorilo mnoštvo demona po zapovesti Bandung Bondovosa.
Hram je privukao međunarodnu pažnju početkom 19. veka. Godine 1811, tokom kratkotrajne [[French and British interregnum in the Dutch East Indies|britanske]] okupacije [[Холандска Индија|Holandske istočne Indije]], [[Colin Mackenzie|Kolin Makenzi]], geodet u službi ser [[Stamford Raffles|Tomasa Stamforda Raflesa]], slučajno je naišao na hramove. Iako je ser Tomas naknadno naručio potpuno istraživanje ruševina, one su decenijama ostale zanemarene. Holandski stanovnici koristili su skulpture kao baštenske ukrase, a autohtoni seljani su kamen koristili kao građevinski materijal.
The temple attracted international attention early in the 19th century. In 1811 during the short-lived [[British Java|British]] occupation of the [[Dutch East Indies]], [[Colin Mackenzie]], a surveyor in the service of Sir [[Thomas Stamford Raffles]], came upon the temples by chance. Although Sir Thomas subsequently commissioned a full survey of the ruins, they remained neglected for decades. Dutch residents carried off sculptures as garden ornaments and native villagers used the foundation stones for construction material.
Nepotpuna iskopavanja [[Археологија|arheologa]] tokom 1880-ih olakšala su pljačku. Holanđani su 1918. započeli rekonstrukciju kompleksa i pravilnu restauraciju tek 1930. godine. Napori na restauraciji traju do danas. Rekonstrukcija glavnog hrama Šive završena je oko 1953. godine, a svečano ga je otvorio [[Sukarno]]. Budući da je znatan deo originalnih kamenih zidova ukraden i ponovo korišten na udaljenim gradilištima, restauracija je bila znatno otežana. S obzirom na razmere hramskog kompleksa, vlada je odlučila da obnovi svetilišta samo ako je bilo dostupno najmanje 75% njihovog prvobitnog građevinskog materijala. Većina manjih svetilišta sada je vidljiva samo u njihovim temeljima, bez planova za njihovu obnovu.
Half-hearted excavations by [[archaeologists]] in the 1880s facilitated looting. In 1918, the Dutch began reconstruction of the compound and proper restoration only in 1930. Efforts at restoration continue to this day. The reconstruction of the main Shiva temple was completed around 1953 and inaugurated by [[Sukarno]]. Since much of the original stonework has been stolen and reused at remote construction sites, restoration was hampered considerably. Given the scale of the temple complex, the government decided to rebuild shrines only if at least 75% of their original masonry was available. Most of the smaller shrines are now visible only in their foundations, with no plans for their reconstruction.
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