Тутмос III — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
{{short description|Шести египатски фараон из осамнаесте династије}}
| име=Тутмос III
Ред 18:
| златни_Хорус =
| небти натпис=
| владао_у_периоду=[[1486. п. н. е.]] до [[1425. п. н. е.]] |
| претходник=[[Хатшепсут]]
| наследник=[[Аменхотеп II]]
| супружник=Сатиа, Маритре-Хатшепсут
| потомци= [[Аменхотеп II]], Аменемхат, Менхепере, Сиамун, Нефертири, Небетиунет, Бакетамун, Изет, Мерјетамун<ref name="RoyalFamilies">Dodson, Aidan. Hilton, Dyan. ''The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt'', Thames and Hudson. p132. 2004. {{ISBN|0-500-05128-3}}</ref>
| династија= [[Осамнаеста египатска династија|Осамнаеста династија]]
| отац= [[Тутмос II]]
Ред 31:
| улога=
'''Тутмос III''' је шести фараон [[Осамнаеста египатска династија|XVIII династије]]. Владао је Египтом од 1479. године п. н. е. до 1425. године п. н. е. Син [[Тутмос II|Тутмоса II]] и мајке, краљице Асет или Исис.<ref>Campbell, Edward Fay Jr. ''The Chronology of the Amarna Letters with Special Reference to the Hypothetical Coregency of Amenophis III and Akhenaten.'' p.5. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1964.</ref>
Званично је Тутмос III владао Египтом скоро 54 године, вероватно од 24. априла 1479. године п. н. е. до 11. марта 1425. године п. н. е. Ту су убројане 22 године у којима је био корегент жене-фараона [[Хатшепсут]], своје маћехе и стрине. Током последње две године владавине, именовао је свога сина [[Аменхотеп II|Аменхотепа II]] као младог сувладара. Тутмос III је сахрањен у [[Долина краљева|Долини краљева]], као и остали фараони из овог периода историје старог Египта.
Ред 43:
== Имена ==
'''Менхепер-ре Тхутмосе Неферкхеперу''<ref>Leprohon, Ronald (2013), Denise Doxey, editor, ''The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary'', Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature</ref>
* Менхепер-ре - Трајна је објава [[Ра]]
* Тутмосе - [[Теут|Тот]] је рођен
Ред 59:
== Тутмосови ратни походи ==
[[Датотека:Egypt NK edit-sr.svg|мини|лево|220п|Територија Новог краљевства за време Тутмоса III]]
[[Датотека:Hippodrome of Constantinople Obelisk 3.jpg|мини|десно|200п|'''Обелиск Тутмоса -{III}-'''<br />[[Хиподром у Цариграду|Хиподром у Константинопољу]]]]
Widely considered a military genius by historians, Thutmose III conducted at least 16 campaigns in 20 years.<ref name="AEL">{{cite book |last1=Lichtheim |first1=Miriam |title=Ancient Egyptian Literature |date=2019 |publisher=Univ of California Press |isbn=9780520305847 |page=340 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=hHKxDwAAQBAJ&q=%2C+Thutmose+III+conducted+at+least+++campaigns+in+20+years.&pg=PA340 |access-date=22 October 2019 |language=en}}</ref> He was an active expansionist ruler, sometimes called Egypt's greatest conqueror or "the [[Napoleon]] of Egypt."<ref>[[James Henry Breasted|J.H. Breasted]], Ancient Times: A History of the Early World; An Introduction to the Study of Ancient History and the Career of Early Man. Outlines of European History 1. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1914, p.85</ref> He is recorded to have captured 350 cities during his rule and conquered much of the [[Near East]] from the [[Euphrates]] to [[Nubia]] during seventeen known military campaigns. He was the first pharaoh after [[Thutmose I]] to cross the Euphrates, doing so during his campaign against [[Mitanni]]. His campaign records were transcribed onto the walls of the temple of [[Amun]] at [[Karnak]] and are now transcribed into [[Urkunden der 18. Dynastie|Urkunden IV]]. He is consistently regarded as one of the greatest of Egypt's warrior pharaohs who transformed [[Egypt]] into an international superpower by creating an empire that stretched from the Asian regions of southern Syria and Canaan to the east, to Nubia to the south.<ref>[http://www.press.umich.edu/pdf/0472114670-fm.pdf page v–vi of the Preface to Thutmose III: A New Biography, University of Michigan Press, 2006]</ref> Whether the Egyptian empire covered even more areas is even less certain. The older Egyptologists, most recently Ed. Meyer, believed that Thutmosis had also subjected the islands of the Aegean Sea.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://dokus.w4f.eu/2019/03/18/ancient-egypts-greatest-warrior-tuthmosis-the-3rd-egypts-napoleon-full-history-documentary/|title=Ancient Egypt's Greatest Warrior: TuthmosIs The 3rd - Egypt's Napoleon (Full History Documentary)|date=18 March 2019|website=dokus4free|language=en-US|access-date=30 March 2019}}</ref> This can no longer be upheld today. A submission of Mesopotamia is unthinkable; and whether the tributes of Alashia (Cyprus) were more than occasional gifts remains questionable.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/RE:Tutmosis,_Thutmosis|title=Google Translate|website=translate.google.com|access-date=30 March 2019}}</ref> In most of his campaigns, his enemies were defeated town by town until being beaten into submission. The preferred tactic was to subdue a much weaker city or state one at a time resulting in surrender of each fraction until complete domination was achieved.
== Види још ==
* [[Анали Тутмеса III]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* [[Eloise Jarvis McGraw]], "Mara, Daughter of the Nile"
* {{cite book |last=Redford|first=Donald B.|author-link=Donald B. Redford|year=2003|title=The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III|series=Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 16|place=Leiden|publisher=Brill|isbn=978-90-04-12989-4}}
* Der Manuelian, Peter, Studies in the Reign of Amenophis II, Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge(HÄB) Verlag: 1987
* [[Eric H. Cline|Cline, Eric H.]] and [[David O'Connor (Egyptologist)|O'Connor, David]], ''Thutmose III : A New Biography'', University of Michigan Press, 2006. {{ISBN|0-472-11467-0}}, incorporates a number of important new survey articles regarding the reign of Thutmose III, including administration, art, religion and foreign affairs
* Reisinger, Magnus, Entwicklung der ägyptischen Königsplastik in der frühen und hohen 18. Dynastie, Agnus-Verlag, Münster 2005, {{ISBN|3-00-015864-2}}
* [[James Henry Breasted|Breasted, James Henry]]. ''Ancient Records of Egypt'', [Volume Two, The Eighteenth Dynasty], University of Illinois Press, 2001. {{ISBN|0-252-06974-9}}
* River God by [[Wilbur Smith|Smith, Wilbur]] along with the rest of his Egyptian series of historical fiction novels are based in a large part on Thutmose III's time along with his story and that of his mother through the eyes of his mother's vizier mixing in elements of the Hyksos' domination and eventual overthrow.
* C. Lilyquist: ''The Gold Bowl Naming General Djehuty: A Study of Objects and Early Egyptology'', In: ''Metropolitan Museum Journal'', Vol. 23, 1988 (1988), pp.5-68
* N. Reeves: ''The Ashburnham ring and the burial of General Djehuty'': In: ''Journal of Egyptian Archaeology'' 79 (1993), pp.259-261
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commonscatcommons category|Thutmosis III}}
* -{[http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/history18-20.htm#Thutmoseiii A Short History of Ancient Egypt -Dynasties XVIII to XX], with a few Thutmoside documents translated.}-
* -{[http://libmma.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p15324coll10/id/82622/rec/1 Hatshepsut: from Queen to Pharaoh], an exhibition catalog from The Metropolitan Museum of Art (fully available online as PDF), which contains material on Thutmose III (see index)}-
* {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120309013515/http://www.archaeowiki.org/Thutmose_III |date=9 March 2012 |title=Thutmose III page of Archaeowiki }}
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{{Фараони Египта}}