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{{short description|Reketni sport}}
[[Slika:Squash-racquet-and-ball.jpg|250п|десно|мини|Reket i loptica za skvoš]]
'''Skvoš''' ([[engleski|engl.]] ''-{Squash}-''), igra u dvoje na zatvorenom igralištu, sa reketom dugačke drške i mekanom lopticom od [[kaučuk]]a.
Линија 4 ⟶ 5:
== Način igre ==
[[Slika:Squash court.JPG|250п|десно|мини|Dvorana za skvoš]]
Skvoš je jedan od najbržih i najiscrpljujućih [[sport]]ova. Budući da je teren mali, a loptica od kaučuka, ona brzo odskače i svom se brzinom vraća prema igračima (rekord: 242 -{km/h}-). Pauza između dve izmene udaraca ne sme preći 10 sekundi. Igrači koji pokušaju usporiti igru, zarade kaznene bodove. Postoji 4 kategorije loptica, zavisno o brzini kojom odskaču. Boja te tačkice označava u koju kategoriju spada loptica. Ako je [[žuta]], to znači da je spora, [[Бела боја|bela]] da je vrlo spora. [[Crvena]] boja označava brzu lopticu, a [[plava]] vrlo brzu.
[[File:Mathieu Castagnet Nantes 2017.jpg|thumb|[[Mathieu Castagnet]] at Nantes Squash Tournament in 2017]]
== Istorija ==
Squash has its origins in the older game of [[rackets (sport)|rackets]] which was played in London's prisons in the 19th century. Later, around 1830, boys at the [[Harrow School]] noticed that a punctured ball, which "squashed" on impact with the wall, offered more variety to the game. The game spread to other schools. The first courts built at the Harrow School were dangerous because they were near water pipes, buttresses, chimneys, and ledges. [[Natural rubber]] was the preferred material for the ball. Students modified their rackets to have a smaller reach and improve their ability to play in these cramped conditions.<ref name="zug">{{cite web|url=|title=History of Squash|last=Zug|first=James|work=US Squash|archive-url=|archive-date=17 July 2011|url-status=dead|access-date=17 January 2011}}</ref> In 1864, the school built four outside courts.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=From prison rackets to squash racquets|date=26 June 2002|access-date=22 July 2019|language=en-GB}}</ref>
In the 20th century the game increased in popularity with various schools, clubs and private individuals building squash courts, but with no set dimensions. The first squash court in North America was at [[St. Paul's School (Concord, New Hampshire)|St. Paul's School]] in [[Concord, New Hampshire|Concord]], [[New Hampshire]] in 1884. In 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the earliest national association of squash in the world, the United States Squash Racquets Association, now known as [[U.S. Squash]], was formed. In April 1907, the Tennis, Rackets & Fives Association of Queens, New York, which regulated those three sports ([[fives]] being a similar sport using hands instead of a racket), established a subcommittee to set standards for squash. In 1912, the association published rules for ''squash'',<ref name="zug"/>{{rp|38}} combining aspects of these three sports. In 1912, the [[RMS Titanic|RMS ''Titanic'']] had a squash court in [[First class facilities of the RMS Titanic|first class]], available for 50 cents. The 1st-Class Squash Court was situated on G-Deck. The Spectators Viewing Gallery was one level higher, on F-Deck. Passengers could use the court for one hour unless others were waiting. In 1923, the [[Royal Automobile Club]] hosted a meeting to further discuss the rules and regulations. Five years later, the Squash Rackets Association, now known as [[England Squash]], was formed to set standards for the game in [[Great Britain]] and internationally.<ref name=zug/>
Squash rackets have changed in a similar way to tennis rackets. In the 1980s, construction shifted from laminated timber<ref name="GRAYS">[ "Grays of Cambridge: History"] {{webarchive|url= |date=6 July 2011 }} - makers of rackets and founded in 1855 by Henry John Gray, the Champion rackets Player of England. "In those days, the rackets were made from one piece English ash, with a suede leather grip and natural gut. ... The 1980s witnessed a period of re-structuring and consolidation. The Cambridge rackets factory was forced to close in face of the move to graphite rackets, and production was moved to the Far East."</ref> to lighter materials (such as aluminum and graphite) with small additions of components like Kevlar, boron and titanium. Natural "gut" strings were also replaced with synthetic strings.<ref name="GRAYS"/> Customization of squash rackets has grown over the years as well. There are custom variations on racket head shape, racket balance, and racket weight. The most common racket variation for international singles squash is a teardrop (closed throat) head shape, even balance, and racket weight of 130g. For hardball doubles, the most common variation is an open throat head shape, even balance, and racket weight of 140g.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Best Squash Racquet 2019 - 8 Racquets to ELEVATE Your Game|date=5 March 2019|website=BossSquash|language=en-US|access-date=13 October 2019}}</ref>
There are several variations of squash played across the world, although the international version of the sport has become the dominant form. In the United States, a variant of squash known as [[hardball squash|hardball]] was traditionally played with a harder ball and different sized courts. Hardball squash has lost much of its popularity in North America (in favor of the international version). There is [[Squash Doubles|doubles squash]] a variant played by four players. There is also a tennis-like variation of squash known as [[squash tennis]]. Finally, [[racketball]], a similar sport, is also played in the United States.
== Način igre ==
Skvoš je jedan od najbržih, najiscrpljujućih, a prema časopisu [[Forbes|Forbes]] i [ najzdraviji sport na svijetu].
Budući da je teren malen, a loptica od kaučuka, ona brzo odskakuje i svom se brzinom vraća prema igračima (rekord: 242 km/h). Postoje 4 kategorija loptica, ovisno o brzini kojom odskakuju. Loptice su crne boje, a kategorija loptice označava se točkicom. [[žuta|Žuta]] točkica označava vrlo sporu, a [[bijela]] ili [[zelena]] sporu lopticu. [[Crvena]] boja označava lopticu srednje [[brzina|brzine]], a [[plava]] vrlo brzu lopticu.
== Pravila igre ==
Navedena pravila<ref> Hrvatski squash savez, pravila</ref> pokrivaju većinu situacija koje nastaju u rekreativnoj igri. Na stranicama Svjetskog saveza skvoša nalaze se potpuna pravila s detaljnim objašnjenjima. [ WSF]
Skvoš se igra na 3 dobivene igre (seta). Set u pravilu osvaja igrač koji prvi osvaja 11 bodova. Iznimka nastupa u slučaju rezultata 10:10. Tada igru osvaja igrač koji prvi povede s dva poena razlike.
Pri servisu igrač mora barem jednom nogom stajati unutar servisnog polja. Servis je ispravan ako loptica pogodi prednji zid iznad servis linije, a ispod out linije, te padne u četvrtinu na suprotnoj strani (osim ako je primatelj ne udari prije toga).
Odabir igrača koji će servirati na početku meča vrši se vrtnjom reketa. Nakon toga uvijek servira igrač koji je osvojio posljednji poen.
Sve dok isti igrač osvaja poene dužan je mijenjiti stranu s koje servira. Na početku svakog seta i kod promjene servera, isti može birati s koje će strane servirati.
Nakon servisa lopta prije nego takne pod mora udariti u prednji zid iznad letvice. Pri tome je dozvoljeno koristiti bočne kao i stražnji zid.
Prije svakog udarca loptica smije pasti najviše jednom na pod. Udarac mora biti obavljen tako da loptica nije nošena ili dvaput dotaknuta reketom.<br />
Nerijetko se u igri događaju bliski kontakti među igračima.<br />
U takvim se situacijama ne postupa uvijek jednako:
:Ako igrač zasmeta svom protivniku pri kretanju prema loptici, dosuđuje se LET (izmjena se ponavlja).
:Ako igrač zasmeta protivniku dosuđuje se STROKE (udarač osvaja poen).
:Ako se u trenutku udarca protivnik nalazi između loptice i prednjeg zida dosuđuje se STROKE. Udarač u takvoj situaciji radi protivnikove sigurnosti ne smije udariti lopticu.
:Ako se protivnik opravdano boji udariti lopticu jer bi moglo doći do kontakta ili ne zna položaj protivnika dosuđuje se LET.
:Ako je ometanje minimalno dosuđuje se NO LET (izmjena se ne ponavlja i njen rezultat ostaje važeći).
:Ako se procjenjuje kako igrač ne bi stigao lopticu bez obzira na smetnju dosuđuje se NO LET.
:Ako je igrač nastavio s igrom nakon kontakta dosuđuje se NO LET.
:U slučaju da igrač pri udarcu dotakne reketom protivnikov reket ili odjeću, automatski osvaja poen (STROKE).
Teren za squash je površina okružena s četiri zida. Podna površina je podijeljena po pola na prednju i stražnju. Stražnja strana je dodatno razdvojena na lijevu i desnu stranu. Podna površina je tako podijeljena u 3 dijela: prednja polovica, stražnja lijeva četvrtina i stražnja desna četvrtina. Obje stražnje četvrtine sadrže servisne prostore.
Teren je okružen s četiri zida i to prednji, dva bočna te stražnji zid. Stražnji zid je stakleni kako bi suci i publika mogli pratiti meč. Postoje i tereni koji su kompletno napravljeni od stakla tzv. "Glass court". Gornja linija koja prolazi duž vrha prednjeg zida, spuštajući se duž bočnih zidova do stražnjeg zida označava "out". Donja linija prednjeg zida naziva se 'tin', a nalazi se na visini od pola metra također označava "out". Srednja linija prednjeg zida naziva se servisna linija.
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Dimenzije !! +/-
| Dužina || 9750mm || 10mm
| Širina || 6400mm || 10mm
| Visina || 5640mm ||
== Širom sveta ==
According to the World Squash Federation, there are about 50,000 squash courts in the world, with 188 countries and territories having at least one court. England had the greatest number at 8,500. The other countries with more than 1,000 courts, in descending order by number were Germany, Egypt, the United States of America, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Malaysia, France, the Netherlands, and Spain. Today, The United States has the fastest growing squash participation. There are an estimated 20 million squash players worldwide.
As of November 2019, there were players from eighteen countries in the top fifty of the men's world rankings, with Egypt dominating with fifteen players, six of whom were in the top ten, including ranks one through four.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=PSA World Tour Rankings | | date=26 November 2019}}</ref> Similarly, the women's world rankings featured players from sixteen countries, again led by Egypt taking thirteen spots of the top fifty, whilst holding spots one through four in the world.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=PSA World Tour Rankings | | date=26 November 2019}}</ref>
The men's and women's Professional Squash Association [[PSA World Tour|tour]], [[Official Men's Squash World Ranking|men's rankings]] and [[Official Women's Squash World Ranking|women's rankings]] are run by the [[Professional Squash Association]] (PSA).
The Professional Squash Tour is a tour based in the United States.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Professional Squash Tour | |access-date=18 April 2013}}</ref>
===Wider acceptance===
Squash has been featured regularly at the multi-sport events of the [[Commonwealth Games]] and [[Asian Games]] since 1998. Squash is also a regular sport at the [[Pan American Games]] since 1995. Squash players and associations have lobbied for many years for the sport to be accepted into the [[Olympic Games]], with no success to date. Squash narrowly missed being instated for the 2012 London Games and the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games (missed out again as the IOC assembly decided to add golf and rugby sevens to the Olympic programme).<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Golf & rugby voted into Olympics|date=9 October 2009|publisher=[[]]|access-date=2 March 2010}}</ref> Squash also missed out as an event in the 2020 Olympic Games.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Squash Leads on 'Innovation' in Bid Presentation |publisher=World Squash Federation}}</ref> At the [[125th IOC Session]] in [[Buenos Aires]], the [[IOC]] voted for [[Wrestling]] instead of Squash or [[Baseball]]/[[Softball]]. The usual reason cited for the failure of the sport to be adopted for Olympic competition is that it is difficult for spectators to follow the action, especially via television. Previous world number one [[Peter Nicol]] stated that he believed squash had a "very realistic chance" of being added to the list of [[Olympics|Olympic]] sports for the [[2016 Olympic Games]],<ref>{{cite news|last=Slater |first=Matt |url= |title=Squash 'deserves Olympic place', BBC article |work=BBC News |date=23 March 2007 |access-date=26 February 2012}}</ref> but it ultimately lost out to [[golf]] and [[rugby sevens]].
Squash was accepted as a [[demonstration sport]] for the [[2018 Summer Youth Olympics]].<ref name="wsfbuenosaires2018">{{cite news|title=Buenos Aires 2018 take Youth Olympic Games to the next level with Squash|url=|access-date=14 March 2018|agency=[[World Squash Federation]]|date=6 July 2017}}</ref> The World Squash Federation hopes that this inclusion will create a strong bid for a potential inclusion at the [[2024 Summer Olympics]].<ref name="buenosaires2018paris2024">{{cite web|url=|title=Squash Favourite for 2024 Olympic Games inclusion||language=en|access-date=10 October 2018}}</ref>
== Reference ==
== Literatura ==
* {{Cite book|author=Bellamy, Rex|year=1978|title=The Story of Squash|publisher=Cassell Ltd, London|isbn=0-304-29766-6}}
* {{Cite book|author=Palmer, Michael|year=1984|title=Guinness Book of Squash|publisher=Guinness Superlatives Ltd, London|isbn=0-85112-270-1}}
* {{cite web|url=|title=Rules of Squash|access-date=10 October 2018|date=25 September 2008||publisher=US Squash}}
* {{cite web|url=|title=squash a glimpse of its colorful history|access-date=25 March 2019|date=17 March 2019||publisher=winning squash}}
* {{Cite book|last=Satterthwaite|first=Frank|title=The three-wall nick and other angles: a squash autobiography|location=New York|publisher=Holt, Rinehart, and Winston|year=1979|isbn=0-03-016666-7}}
* Zug, James; [[George Plimpton|Plimpton, George]] (2003). [ ''Squash: a history of the game'']. New York: Scribner. {{ISBN|0-7432-2990-8}}.
== Spoljašnje veze ==
* [ World Squash Federation official website]
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