Сенф — разлика између измена

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ознака: везе до вишезначних одредница
Ред 1:
{{short description|Зачин направљен од семена горушице}}{{рут}}
{{Инфокутија Храна
| ијекавица = не
| име = Сенф
| слика = Mustard.JPG
| слика_ширина = 250п
| слика_опис = Припремљени сенф у посуди
| друго_име =
| национална_кухиња =
| место_порекла =
| регија/држава = Дистрибуција широм света
| креатор =
| врста_јела = [[Зачин]]
| температура =
| рок_трајања =
| главни_састојци = [[Mustard seed|Семе горушице]], вода, [[vinegar|сирће]], [[salt|со]]
| варијације =
| енергетска_вредност =
| остало =
[[Датотека:Senf-Variationen edit2.jpg|thumb|260px|[[Mustard seed]]s (top left) may be ground (top right) to make different kinds of mustard. These four mustards are: English mustard with [[turmeric]] coloring (center left), a Bavarian sweet mustard (center right), a [[Dijon mustard]] (lower left), and a coarse French mustard made mainly from black mustard seeds (lower right).]]
'''Сенф''' ({{јез-де|Senf}}), '''слачица''' или '''горушица''', густи је зачин за јело који се прави од мљевеног сјемена слачице уз дотатак воде и сирћета.<ref name="Сибир" /><ref name="Козара">Група аутора, Енциклопедија лексикографског завода, Југословенски лексикографски завод, Загреб, 1962.г.</ref><ref name="Сибир">Вујаклија М, Лексикон страних речи и израза, Просвета, Београд, 1954.г.</ref> Фино самљевено сјеме [[Слачица|слачице]] се кува у [[Вода|води]] уз додавање сирћета и других зачина.
Mustard is commonly paired with meats, vegetables and cheeses, especially as a condiment for [[sandwich]]es, [[hamburger]]s, and [[hot dog]]s. It is also used as an ingredient in many [[salad dressing|dressings]], [[Glaze (cooking technique)|glazes]], [[sauce]]s, [[soup]]s, and [[marinade]]s. As a cream or as individual seeds, mustard is used as a condiment in the cuisine of [[Indian cuisine|India]] and [[Bangladeshi cuisine|Bangladesh]], the [[Mediterranean cuisine|Mediterranean]], [[Northern European cuisine|northern]] and [[southeastern Europe]], [[Asian cuisine|Asia]], the [[American Cuisine|Americas]], and [[African cuisine|Africa]],<ref>Hazen, p. 13</ref> making it one of the most popular and widely used spices and condiments in the world.<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=García-Casal |first1=Maria Nieves |last2=Peña-Rosas |first2=Juan Pablo |last3=Malavé |first3=Heber Gómez- |title=Sauces, spices, and condiments: definitions, potential benefits, consumption patterns, and global markets |journal=Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences |volume=1379 |issue=1 |date=2016 |pages=3–16 |language=en|doi=10.1111/nyas.13045 |pmid=27153401 |bibcode=2016NYASA1379....3G |s2cid=13782295 }}</ref>
== Примјена у кулинарству ==
Употребљава се као додатак јелима, код прављења сендвича и као намаз код непосредног конзумирања меса.
== Етимологија ријечи ==
Линија 9 ⟶ 29:
== Историјат сенфа ==
[[Датотека:Thymus serpyllum - majčina dušica.jpg|мини|left|250px |Мајчина душица која се додаје у сенф]]
Први су припремали сенф, највјероватније [[Рим]]љани. Они су мјешали неферментисани сок од грожђа са сјеменом слачице (мустум арденс ). Негдје од краја четвртог вијека римски кувари су сенфу додавали [[бибер]], [[ким]], [[ловор]], [[Мирођија|мирођију]], [[целер]], [[Мајчина душица|мајчину дишицу]], [[вранилова трава|оригано]], [[лук (вишезначна одредница)|лук]], [[мед]], [[сирће]] и [[уље]] и њиме прије печења премазивали свињу. Римљани су овај намаз почели да извозе у [[Галија|Галију]] и даље. Монаси у [[Париз]]у већ од 10 вијека справљају по датој рецептури сенф.<ref name="Козара" />
[[Датотека:Thymus serpyllum - majčina dušica.jpg|мини|Мајчина душица која се додаје у сенф]]
[[Дижон]] у [[Француска|Француској]] је од 1292. године већ посто познати произвођач сенфа. У Дижону се сенф вијековима производи. Његов укус се усавршавао из дана у дан. Почео је и да се индустријски производи. У партнерству са Морисом Грејем, сенф се производи по јединственој рецептури којој је додано и бијелог вина. Овај сенф је најпознатији сенф на свјетском тржишту.<ref name="Козара" />
== Припрема ==
Разноврсни укуси сенфа долазе у широком опсегу и снази зависно од сорте слачице и начина припреме. Основни укус „жестине топлоте“ великим дијелом зависи од слачице (sinapis alba). Разликују се укуси сенфа од бијеле или неке друге слачице. Кувањем се ублажава жестина и мијења укус сенфа. Зависно од технологије, али прије свега од додаваних зачина и средстава постоје многобројни и укуси и врсте сенфова.<ref name="Козара" />
== Примјена у кулинарству ==
[[File:Catla fish in mustard curry - Kolkata - West Bengal.jpg|alt=Catla fish (Indian freshwater carp) in authentic Bengali mustard gravy.|thumb|left|250px|Catla Fish (Indian freshwater carp) in authentic Bengali mustard gravy]]
{{nutritionalvalue | name=Mustard, yellow | kJ=276 | protein=4 g | fat=3 g | carbs=6 g | fibre=3 g | sugars=3 g | magnesium_mg=48 | potassium_mg=152 | sodium_mg=1120 | source_usda=1 | right=1 }}
Употребљава се као додатак јелима, код прављења сендвича и као намаз код непосредног конзумирања меса. Mustard is most often used at the table as a condiment on cold and hot meats.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Park |first1=Kun-Young |last2=Kwon |first2=Dae Young |last3=Lee |first3=Ki Won |last4=Park |first4=Sunmin |title=Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits |date=2018 |publisher=CRC Press |isbn=9781351643696 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=KU5WDwAAQBAJ&q=mustard+often+used+condiment+on+cold+meats&pg=PT311 |access-date=10 September 2018 |language=en}}</ref> It is also used as an ingredient in [[mayonnaise]], [[vinaigrette]], marinades, and [[barbecue sauce]]. It is also a popular accompaniment to hot dogs, [[pretzel]]s, and [[bratwurst]]. In the Netherlands and northern Belgium, it is commonly used to make mustard soup, which includes mustard, cream, [[parsley]], [[garlic]], and pieces of salted [[bacon]]. Mustard as an [[emulsifier]] can stabilize a mixture of two or more immiscible liquids, such as oil and water.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mccormick.com/articles/mccormick/flavor-story-ground-mustard|title=Flavor Story: Ground Mustard {{!}} McCormick|website=www.mccormick.com|language=en|access-date=2018-06-21}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.seriouseats.com/2010/04/salad-dressings-vinaigrettes-the-food-lab.html|title=What's the Point of a Vinaigrette? {{!}} The Food Lab|last=Eats|first=Serious|website=www.seriouseats.com|language=en|access-date=2018-06-21}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.timescolonist.com/life/food-drink/ask-eric-mustard-makes-magic-in-vinaigrette-1.2276533|title=Ask Eric: Mustard makes magic in vinaigrette|last=Akis|first=Eric|work=Times Colonist|access-date=2018-06-21}}</ref> Added to [[Hollandaise sauce]], mustard can inhibit [[curdling]].<ref name="Sawyer, Helene 1990, p. 24">Sawyer, p. 24.</ref>
=== Nutritional value ===
The amounts of various nutrients in mustard seed are to be found in the [[USDA National Nutrient Database]].<ref name="USDAMustardNutrition">{{Citation|title=USDA National Nutrient Database – Mustard Nutrition|url=http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/cgi-bin/list_nut_edit.pl?NDB_NO=02024&FDGP_CD=0200&FOOD_NAME=Spices%252c%2520mustard%2520seed%252c%2520ground&SCI_NAME=Sinapis%2520alba%2520and%2520Brassica%2520juncea&COM_NAME=&GRAMS_100=1.00&1=1.00&MSRE_NO2=2024*1%2520tsp%2520%253d%25202%2520g&2=1.00&NUMBER_OF_CHECKBOXES=2|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110721070306/http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/cgi-bin/list_nut_edit.pl?NDB_NO=02024&FDGP_CD=0200&FOOD_NAME=Spices%2c%20mustard%20seed%2c%20ground&SCI_NAME=Sinapis%20alba%20and%20Brassica%20juncea&COM_NAME=&GRAMS_100=1.00&1=1.00&MSRE_NO2=2024*1%20tsp%20%3d%202%20g&2=1.00&NUMBER_OF_CHECKBOXES=2|archive-date=21 July 2011|df=dmy-all}}</ref> As a condiment, mustard averages about 5 kcal per teaspoon.<ref name="Sawyer, Helene 1990, p. 24" /> Some of the many vitamins and nutrients found in mustard seeds are [[selenium]] and [[omega 3 fatty acid]].<ref name="Mustard seeds">[http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=106 Mustard seeds]. WHFoods. Retrieved on 2011-05-27.</ref>
=== Preparation ===
The many varieties of prepared mustards have a wide range of strengths and flavors, depending on the variety of mustard seed and the preparation method. The [[basic taste]] and "heat" of the mustard are determined largely by seed type, preparation, and ingredients.<ref name=BBC>{{Citation |title=Making the most of... Mustard |url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/mostof_mustard.shtml |access-date=2008-02-03 |publisher=BBC |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071228083952/http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/mostof_mustard.shtml |archive-date=28 December 2007 |df=dmy-all }}</ref> Preparations from the white mustard plant (''[[Sinapis alba]]'') have a less pungent flavor than preparations of black mustard (''[[Brassica nigra]]'') or brown mustard (''[[Brassica juncea]]''). The temperature of the water and concentration of acids such as vinegar also determine the strength of a prepared mustard; hotter liquids and stronger acids denature the enzymes that make the strength-producing compounds. Thus, "hot" mustard is made with cold water, whereas using hot water produces a milder condiment, all else being equal.<ref>''See'' Irma S. Rombauer & Marion R. Becker, ''Joy of Cooking''. Bobbs-Merrill, 1975, p. 583; Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker & Ethan Becker, ''Joy of Cooking'', Scribner, 1997, p. 71.</ref>
== Storage and shelf life ==
Prepared mustard is sold in glass jars, plastic bottles, or metal squeeze tubes.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kuehne.de/de/senf/mittelscharf/mittelscharfer-senf-tube/ | title = KÜHNE SENF | publisher = KÜHNE (manufacturer) | location = Germany | url-status = dead | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20120905074545/http://www.kuehne.de/de/senf/mittelscharf/mittelscharfer-senf-tube/ | archive-date = 5 September 2012 | df = dmy-all | date = 2015-12-04 }}</ref>
Because of its [[antibacterial]] properties and acidity, mustard does not require refrigeration for safety; it will not grow mold, mildew, or harmful bacteria.<ref name="Sawyer, Helene 1990, p. 11">Sawyer, p. 11.</ref> Mustard can last indefinitely without becoming inedible or harmful, though it may dry out, lose flavor, or brown from [[oxidation]].<ref name="Sawyer, Helene 1990, p. 11" /> Mixing in a small amount of wine or vinegar may improve dried-out mustard. Some types of prepared mustard stored for a long time may separate, which can be corrected by stirring or shaking. If stored unrefrigerated for a long time, mustard can acquire a bitter taste.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Singh |first1=Dueep Jyot |last2=Davidson |first2=John |title=The Magic of Mustard |date=2016 |publisher=Mendon Cottage Books |isbn=9781311475749 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=MIzOCwAAQBAJ&q=mustard+bitter+if+unrefrigerated&pg=PA29 |access-date=10 September 2018 |language=en}}</ref>
When whole mustard seeds are crushed and mixed with a liquid, an enzyme is activated that releases pungent sulfurous compounds, but they quickly evaporate. An acidic liquid, such as wine or vinegar, produces longer-lasting flavor by slowing the reaction.<ref name=grauniad>{{Cite news| issn = 0261-3077| last = Fearnley-Whittingstall| first = Hugh| title = Sharp practices: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's mustard recipes| work = The Guardian| access-date = 2016-09-17| date = 2014-01-31| url = https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/jan/31/mustard-recipes-hugh-fearnley-whittingstall}}</ref> However prepared mustard loses its pungency over time; the loss can be slowed by keeping a sealed container (opaque or in the dark) in a cool place or refrigerator.<ref>Sawyer, p. 10.</ref>
== Allergies ==
A strong mustard can make the [[eye]]s water, and sting the tongue, palate, and throat. Home-made mustards may be hotter and more intensely flavored than most commercial preparations.<ref>Hazen, p. 15</ref>
Any part of the mustard plant can also, rarely, cause [[Allergy|allergic]] reactions in some people, including [[anaphylaxis]]. In the [[European Union]] labeling the presence of mustard in [[packaged food]] is compulsory, either as an ingredient or even as unintended contamination in trace amounts. The Regulation (EC) 1169/2011<ref>{{cite web |title=Regulation (EG) 1169/2011 |url=https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32011R1169 |website=Eur-Lex Acces to European Union law |publisher=European Union |access-date=7 October 2020}}</ref> on food-labelling lists 14 allergens, including mustard, the presence of which in packaged food must be clearly indicated on the label as part of the list of ingredients, using a distinctive [[typography]] (i.e. bold, capitals).
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* Hazen, Janet. ''Making Your Own Gourmet Mustards''. Chronicle Books, 1993 {{ISBN|0-8118-0173-X}}
* Sawyer, Helene. ''Gourmet Mustards: How to Make and Cook with Them''. Culinary Arts Ltd., 1990 {{ISBN|0-914667-15-7}}
* {{Cite book|title=Robert Carrier's Kitchen|last= Carrier, Robert|author-link= Robert Carrier (chef)|publisher=Marshall and Cavendish|year=1981|location=London|pages=2377}}
* {{cite web|url=http://www.regions-of-france.com/regions/burgundy/food-gastronomy/dijon-mustard/|title=The Dijon Mustard|website=Regions of France|access-date=18 May 2016}}
* {{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zAMiGwoAfQ4C&pg=PA170|title=75 Exceptional Herbs for Your Garden|date=18 August 2008|publisher=Gibbs Smith|pages=170|author=Jack E. Staub, Ellen Buchert|isbn=9781423608776}}
* {{cite book | last1=Lund | first1=B. | last2=Baird-Parker | first2=T.C. | last3=Gould | first3=G.W. | title=Microbiological Safety and Quality of Food | publisher=Springer | series=The Microbiological Safety and Quality of Food | year=2000 | isbn=978-0-8342-1323-4 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=lks9dALNzZAC&pg=PA823 | access-date=4 June 2016 | page= }}
* {{cite web|url=http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/the-difference-between-dijon-and-yellow-mustard.html|work=fitday.com|title=The Difference Between Dijon and Yellow Mustard}}
* {{cite web|url=https://www.connexionfrance.com/Archive/Just-don-t-call-it-French-mustard|work=connexionfrance.com|title=Just don't call it French mustard|date=January 2009}}
* {{Cite web|url=http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/masterchef/recipes/the-essential-flourless-mustard-sauce?_from=searchresult|title=The Essential flourless Mustard Sauce|last=Blumenthal|first=Heston|author-link=Heston Blumenthal|website=Masterchef Australia|publisher=Tenplay|access-date=19 May 2016}}
* {{cite web|last1=Manzella|first1=Luisa|title=Amora Dijon ferme définitivement ses portes après deux siècles d'activité|url=http://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/amora-dijon-ferme-definitivement-ses-portes-apres-deux-siecles-d-activite.N114345|access-date=18 May 2016|date=13 July 2009|language=fr}}
* {{Cite web|url=http://www.journaldunet.com/economie/agroalimentaire/les-faux-produits-du-terroir/moutarde-de-dijon.shtml|title=La moutarde de Dijon vient du Canada|website=www.journaldunet.com|date=21 July 2010 |language=fr|access-date=2016-05-18}}
* {{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=dwf1YYxQmRsC&q=Auguste+Poupon&pg=PA144 |title=The Name's Familiar II|author=Lee, Laura |year=2001 |isbn=9781455609178}}
* {{cite web |last1=Cohen |first1=Roger |title=France Faces a Shortage of Mustard, Its Uniquely Beloved Condiment |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/14/world/europe/france-mustard-shortage-dijon.html |access-date=10 August 2022 |work=The New York Times |date=14 July 2022}}
* {{cite web |last1=Torsoli |first1=Albertina |title=French Shoppers Face Up to Life Without Dijon Mustard |url=https://www.bloomberg.com/?sref=CIpmV6x8 |access-date=10 August 2022 |work=Bloomberg.com |date=10 August 2022 |language=en}}
* {{Cite web|url=http://madame.lefigaro.fr/cuisine/moutarde-de-dijon-champignons-de-paris-camembert-faux-produits-du-terroir-200218-147290|title=Camembert, moutarde de Dijon, jambon Aoste, champignons de Paris... 7 "faux" produits du terroir passés au crible|last=Figaro|first=Madame|date=2018-02-22|website=Madame Figaro|access-date=2021-08-01}}
* {{Cite web|url=https://www.inao.gouv.fr/eng/produit/4160|title=Fiche produit|website=www.inao.gouv.fr|access-date=2021-08-01}}
* {{Cite web|url=https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2017/08/17/mccormick-closes-4-2b-acquisition-of-frenchs.html|title=McCormick closes $4.2B acquisition of French's, Frank's RedHot maker|last=Wilen|first=Holden|website=www.bizjournals.com|access-date=January 3, 2019}}
* {{cite web|last=Reckitt Benckiser LLC.|title=French's® Mustard History|url=http://www.frenchs.com/products/History|access-date=16 April 2012}}
* {{cite book|author-link1=Mira Wilkins|last=Wilkins|first=Mira|title=The History of Foreign Investment in the United States, 1914-1945|year=2004|publisher=Harvard University Press|page=228|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=iRqI37ouGLEC&q=%22atlantis+sales+corporation%22&pg=PA931|isbn=9780674013087}}
* {{cite book|last=McNellis|first=David|title=Reflections on Big Spring: a History of Pittsford, NY and the Genesee River Valley|year=2010|publisher=AuthorHouse|isbn=978-1-45204-357-9|pages=188–189|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CONJjFMvLZYC&q=%22l+c+forman%22}}
* {{cite journal|title=BBQ Line Launched|journal=The Pennant|date=July 1965|volume=VII|issue=6|pages=3}}
* {{cite web|title=President of French Co. Resigns|url=https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=ZZsrAAAAIBAJ&pg=4048,746167&dq=rt-french+widmer&hl=en|access-date=April 19, 2012|newspaper=The Telegraph|date=December 5, 1984}}
* {{cite web|title=Potato Flakes Alone Not Enough to Keep Pillsbury In Tater Land Idaho Plant Fit Into Company's Long-Term Picture|url=http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_product=GF&s_site=grandforks&p_multi=GF&p_theme=realcities&p_action=search&p_maxdocs=200&p_topdoc=1&p_text_direct-0=0EB6E81E85CE9C89&p_field_direct-0=document_id&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&s_trackval=GooglePM|access-date=April 17, 2012|newspaper=Grand Forks Herald|date=February 5, 1989}}
* {{cite web|title=Reckitt & Colman Acquires Durkee|url=https://www.nytimes.com/1986/08/20/business/company-news-reckitt-colman-acquires-durkee.html|access-date=April 16, 2012|newspaper=The New York Times|date=August 20, 1986}}
* {{cite web|title=Durkee, French Hqs To Combine|url=http://articles.mcall.com/1987-05-01/business/2578768_1_durkee-famous-foods-new-headquarters-location-scm-corp|access-date=April 16, 2012|newspaper=The Morning Call|date=May 1, 1987}}
* {{Cite web|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/business/dealbook/mccormick-frenchs-mustard-franks-red-hot-sauce.html|title=McCormick to Buy French's Mustard in $4.2 Billion Deal|last=Bray|first=Chad|date=19 July 2017|work=[[N. Y. Times|The New York Times]]|access-date=19 July 2017|quote=The transaction is expected to be completed in the third or fourth quarter of McCormick’s fiscal year, which ends in November. The deal is subject to regulatory approval.|url-access=limited}}
* {{cite book|last=Amazon|title=Dining Delights|date=January 1948 |publisher=R.T. French Company |url=https://www.amazon.com/Dining-Delights-R-T-French/dp/B000LBYQAI|access-date=April 16, 2012}}
* {{cite web|title=Seasoning with Carol French|url=http://foodcompanycookbooks.blogspot.com/2007/12/seasoning-with-carol-french.html|website=The Food Company Cookbooks|access-date=August 31, 2017}}
* {{cite web |last1=Morrell |first1=Alan |title=French's started right here in Rochester |url=https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/local/rocroots/2015/10/16/whatever-happened-frenchs/73860638/ |access-date=Nov 11, 2020 |agency=Democrat and Chronicle |date=Oct 16, 2015}}
== Спољашње везе ==
* [http://dijoon.free.fr/moutardetechnique.htm Techniques actuelles de fabrication de la moutarde]
* [https://docplayer.org/17781009-Verfahren-und-maschinen-fuer-die-senfherstellung.html Senfherstellung]
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