Историја Русије — разлика између измена

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Ред 265:
===Појава Руске републике у оквиру Совјетског Савеза ===
[[Слика: Горбачов и Јењцин . jpg|мини|десно|250п| Горбачов је оптужио Бориса ЈењцинаЈељцина, старог ривала и првог пост-совјетског председника, да је разорио земњу из чисте жењежеље за напретком личних интереса.]]
Because of the dominant position of Russians in the Soviet Union, most gave little thought to any distinction between Russia and the USSR before the late [[1980s]]. However, the fact that the Soviet regime was dominated by Russians did not mean that the Russian SFSR necessarily benefited from this arrangement. In the Soviet Union, Russia lacked even the paltry instruments of statehood that the other republics possessed, such as its own republic-level Communist Party branch, [[KGB]], trade union council, Academy of Sciences, and the like. The reason of course is that if these organizations had had branches at the level of the Russian SFSR, they would have threatened the power of Union-level structures.
Ред 274:
The [[Soviet coup attempt of 1991|August 1991 coup]] by Communist hardliners was later foiled with the help from Yeltsin. The coup plotters had intended to save the party and the Union; instead, they hastened the demise of both.
Совјетски Савез се званично распао [[25. децембра]], [[1991]]. Коначни чин преласка моћи од Совјетског Савеза на Русију био је Горбачовова предаја актовки Јељцину, у којима су биле шифре које ће лансирати совјетско нуклеарно наоружање.
The Soviet Union officially broke up on [[December 25]], [[1991]]. The final act of the passage of power from the Soviet Union to Russia was the passing of the briefcases containing codes that would launch the Soviet nuclear arsenal from Gorbachev to Yeltsin.
==Руска Федерација==