Aktivni metabolit — разлика између измена

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Ред 5:
==Metaboliti lekova==
Another kind of active metabolite is when a drug is broken down by the body into a modified form which continues to produce effects in the body. Usually these effects are similar to those of the parent drug but weaker, although they can still be significant (see e.g. [[11-hydroxy-THC]], [[morphine-6-glucuronide]]). Certain drugs, such as [[codeine]] and [[tramadol]] have metabolites that are stronger than the parent drug ([[morphine]] and [[O-desmethyltramadol]] respectively)
Druga vrsta aktivnog metabolita je kad je lek razložen u telu u modifikovani oblik koji nastavlja da proizvodi efekte u telu. Obično ti efekti su slični onima kod roditelja leka ali su slabiji, mada oni još uvek mogu da budu značajni (vidi npr. [[11-hidroksi-THC]], [[morfin-6-glukuronid]]). Određeni lekovi, kao što su [[kodein]] i [[tramadol]] imaju metabolite koji su jači nego lek roditelj ([[morfin]] i [[O-dezmetiltramadol]] respektno)<ref name="pmid10850391">{{cite journal |author=Haffen E, Paintaud G, Berard M, Masuyer C, Bechtel Y, Bechtel PR |title=On the assessment of drug metabolism by assays of codeine and its main metabolites |journal=Therapeutic Drug Monitoring |volume=22 |issue=3 |pages=258–65 |year=2000 |month=June |pmid=10850391 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid8764759">{{cite journal |author=Raffa RB |title=A novel approach to the pharmacology of analgesics |journal=The American Journal of Medicine |volume=101 |issue=1A |pages=40S–46S |year=1996 |month=July |pmid=8764759 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid19515014">{{cite journal |author=Zhou SF, Zhou ZW, Yang LP, Cai JP |title=Substrates, inducers, inhibitors and structure-activity relationships of human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and implications in drug development |journal=Current Medicinal Chemistry |volume=16 |issue=27 |pages=3480–675 |year=2009 |pmid=19515014 |doi= |url=}}</ref> I u tim slučajevima metabolit može biti odgovoran za značajan deo terapeutske akcije leka roditelja. Nekad međutim metaboliti mogu da proizvedu toksične efekte i pacijenti se moraju pažljivo monitorovati da bi se osiguralo da se oni sakupljaju u telu. To može biti problem sa nekim dobro poznatim lekovima kao što su [[petidin]] (meperidin) i [[dekstropropoksifen]].<ref name="pmid18958460">{{cite journal |author=Coller JK, Christrup LL, Somogyi AA |title=Role of active metabolites in the use of opioids |journal=European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology |volume=65 |issue=2 |pages=121–39 |year=2009 |month=February |pmid=18958460 |doi=10.1007/s00228-008-0570-y |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid19515014">{{cite journal |author=Zhou SF, Zhou ZW, Yang LP, Cai JP |title=Substrates, inducers, inhibitors and structure-activity relationships of human Cytochrome P450 2C9 and implications in drug development |journal=Current Medicinal Chemistry |volume=16 |issue=27 |pages=3480–675 |year=2009 |pmid=19515014 |doi= |url=}}</ref>