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Ред 1:
{{СПС|актуализовати, ово је очајно старо. имамо нове шаблоне и напреднији начин за инлајн референцирање|линк=|вики=}}
{{све о изворима}}
{{Wikipedia how to|HELP:FOOT|WP:FN}}
Ова страна укратко описује како убацити инлајн референце коришћењем синтаксе '''<nowiki><ref> ... </ref></nowiki>''' и '''<nowiki><references/></nowiki>''', која је тренутно најбољи облик у већини случајева. За више детаља, погледајте [[Википедија:Инлајн референцирање]].
This page explains how to create '''footnotes''' on Wikipedia pages. Footnotes are used most commonly to provide '''references''' in articles, although they have other uses as well. They are generated using the following tags in the editable text of a page: '''{{tag|ref}}''' within the text, and {{tag|references|s}} or {{tlx|Reflist}} at the end where the footnote list is to appear.
The most common use of footnotes in Wikipedia articles is to provide [[Wikipedia:Inline citations|inline citations]] to reliable sources, although footnotes can also be used for other purposes. The use of {{tag|ref|o}} tags is not required by any policy or guideline, and other systems of inline citation, including [[Wikipedia:Parenthetical referencing|parenthetical referencing]], may be used [[WP:CITEVAR|at the editors' discretion]]. However, {{tag|ref|o}} tags are by far the most popular system for inline citations.
Медијавики сајт (као што је Википедија) мора да има имплементирано проширење (екстензију) -{[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cite/Cite.php Cite/Cite.php]}- да би се исправо тумачили тагови
Проширења као што је -{[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cite/Cite.php Cite/Cite.php]}- се инсталирају после Медијавики инсталације.
This page concerns technical methods for creating footnotes. For advice on how to organize and format references, see [[Wikipedia:Citing sources|Citing sources]] and [[Wikipedia:Citation templates#Examples|Citation template examples]].
===Прво наво===
[[File:WP-Footnotes illustration.jpg|thumb|right|400px|How a footnote is created in the editable text of a page. (Click to see more detail.)]]
The footnoting system involves two elements:
* '''Footnote markers.'''{{listref|a}} These are links, usually in the form {{dummy ref|1}}, {{dummy ref|2}}, etc. Clicking on a footnote marker will take you to the correspondingly numbered footnote.
* The '''footnotes''' themselves. These appear in a list (usually placed near the end of the article), and include links back to the corresponding footnote markers.
Footnote markers are generated using {{tag|ref|o}} tags. The list of footnotes is generated using the {{tag|references|s}} tag, or the corresponding {{tlx|Reflist}} template, placed in the editable text at the point where the footnotes are to appear. The text of a footnote is placed between opening {{tag|ref|o}} and closing {{tag|ref|c}} tags, either at the point where the footnote marker is to appear, or within the {{tag|references|s}} element. If the page contains footnote markers but no footnote list, a red [[Help:cite error|cite error]] message will appear.
У главном тексту, на месту цитата, овако убаците референцу или фусноту:
==Creating a footnote marker==
:'''<nowiki><ref>''Шах - игра милиона'', VII издање, Спортска књига Београд, 1988.</ref></nowiki>'''
At the point in the page text where the footnote marker is to appear, enter the text of the footnote and put the two pieces of coding before and after the footnote-text, like this:
:{{tag|ref|content=LibreOffice For Starters, First Edition, Flexible Minds, Manchester, 2002, p. 18}}
У референце можете да убаците форматизовање и линкове на уобичајени начин.
This will create a footnote marker (automatically numbered). The footnote text itself will appear in the footnote list, generated as described below. If there is no footnote list markup, a red warning message will appear, reminding you to write the markup that generates the list.
Ако желите да убаците напомену да је потребна референца, користићете шаблон '''{{[[шаблон:чињеница|чињеница]]}}'''.
You can include formatting and links in a footnote in the usual way, although certain features, such as the [[Help:Pipe trick|pipe trick]] and [[Help:Substitution|template substitution]], will not work in footnotes. For the formatting of references, [[Wikipedia:citation templates|citation templates]], such as a generic {{tlx|citation}}, or more specific {{tlx|cite book}}, {{tlx|cite web}}, etc., are available, although many editors prefer not to use them. See [[WP:Citing sources|Citing sources]] for details on how references can be structured.
===Вишеструко навођење једне те исте референце===
To aid readability in the edit window, a single newline can be added after the closing {{tag|ref|c}} tag before continuing with the text of the paragraph. This has the same effect as putting a space after the closing tag.
Да неку референцу цитирате више пута, доделите јој идентификацију коришћењем [[параматар|параметра]] '''-{name}-''' у тагу '''<nowiki><ref></nowiki>'''.
==={{anchor|Naming a ref tag so it can be used more than once}}Multiple references to the same footnote===
На ''само једном'' месту навођења извора (логично је да то буде прва референца), овако унесите референцу:
It is possible to refer to the same footnote more than once, in other words to generate several footnote markers, all with the same number, which link to the same footnote. To achieve this, named footnotes ('''named references''') are used.
A footnote is named using the {{code|name}} attribute of the {{tag|ref|o}} tag. Choose a name (such as "Perry"), and then at one of the footnote marker points (it makes sense to choose the first), enter the footnote like this:
:'''<nowiki><ref name="Андрић">''Речник жаргона'', Драгослав Андрић, БИГЗ, 1972. </ref></nowiki>'''
:{{tag|ref|params=name=Perry|content=Perry's Handbook, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill Co., 1984}}
Затим, на свим осталим тачкама референце унесите само:
Then you can create another identical marker linking to the same footnote from any other point in the text, by entering the following (note the final slash):
:'''<nowiki><ref name="Андрић"/></nowiki>'''
===Приказивање листе референци===
На месту на коме хоћете да се појави листа референци (обично је то на крају чланка, у поглављу "Референце"), унесите таг:
{{refname rules}}
==Creating the footnote list==
===Како то изгледа===
At the point where you want the text of the footnotes to appear, usually at the end of the article in a [[Help:section|section]] titled "References" or "Notes (see the [[WP:Footers|Footers]] in the layout guideline for more information), put the following markup:
Тагови '''<nowiki><ref></nowiki>''' у главном тексту се конвертују у индексе са аутоматским бројачем, а '''{{[[шаблон:чињеница|чињеница]]}}''' се преображава у "тражи се извор", овако:
A commonly used alternative, which includes some formatting, is the {{tlx|Reflist}} template:
:Једнострука референца на ''Шах - игра милиона''.<ref>''Шах - игра милиона'', Драгослав Андрић, VII издање, Спортска књига Београд, 1988.</ref>
:Прва референца на ''Речник жаргона''.<ref name="Андрић">''Речник жаргона'', Драгослав Андрић, БИГЗ, 1972. </ref>
This template has parameters available for splitting the list into columns, and for controlling their width. For example, {{tlx|Reflist|2}} puts the list of footnotes into two columns. (For more options, see the [[Template:Reflist|reflist template documentation]].)
:Друга референца на ''Речник жаргона''.<ref name="Андрић"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
The footnote list must be inserted on the page ''below'' (after) all the footnote markers.
:Трећа референца на ''Речник жаргона''' и на другу одговарајућу књигу.<ref name="Андрић"/><ref>''Зезалице'', Драгослав Андрић, Издавач Драгослав Андрић, 1977.</ref>
If the page has markup to generate a footnote list, but there are no footnote markers on the page, the list will simply appear as a blank line. No warning or error message is displayed.
:Једина референца на ''Америчка поезија данас''.<ref>''Америчка поезија данас'', Превод Драгослав Андрић, Прометеј - Нови Сад, 2003.</ref>
===List-defined references===
:Тврђење за које треба референца.{{tl|чињеница}}
{{main|Help:List-defined references}}
In order to make the article text easier to read in the edit window, particularly in sections with many citations, editors may decide to write all footnotes in the shorter "named" form. This can be done using the '''list-defined references''' function, where the content of the references is defined within the reference list, rather than in the article text. The syntax is as follows:
Клик на број индекса ће вас одвести на текст одговарајуће фусноте или референце.
|<nowiki>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<ref name="LazyDog" />
Таг '''<nowiki><references/></nowiki>''' се проширује да би показао текст фусноте или референце према њиховим одговарајућим бројевима, овако:
<ref name="LazyDog">This is the lazy dog reference.</ref>
|The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<ref name="LazyDog" />
<ref name="LazyDog">This is the lazy dog reference.</ref>
This can also be done using the {{tlx|Reflist}} template with a {{para|refs}} parameter:
За једноструке цитате, клик на знак "карет" (<font color=blue>'''^'''</font>) ће вас одвести на место цитата у главном тексту.
За цишеструке цитате, линкови према местима у главном тексту су означени индексима (<font color=blue>'''''-{x}-,0'''''</font>, <font color=blue>'''''-{x}-,1'''''</font>, <font color=blue>'''''-{x}-,2'''''</font> итд, где је број -{x}- аутоматски генерисан; на енглеској едицији се уместо бројева користе мала слова абецеде, <font color=blue>'''''-{a}-'''''</font>, <font color=blue>'''''-{b}-'''''</font>, <font color=blue>'''''-{c}-'''''</font> итд). Клик на индекс ће вас одвести на одговарајући цитат у главном тексту.
|<nowiki>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<ref name="LazyDog" />
Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.<ref name="Jukeboxes" />
How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts.<ref name="JumpingFrogs" />
===Коришћење шаблона за убацивање текста референце===
<ref name="LazyDog">This is the lazy dog reference.</ref>
<ref name="Jukeboxes">This is the jukeboxes reference.</ref>
<ref name="JumpingFrogs">This is the jumping frogs reference.</ref>
|The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<ref name="LazyDog" />
Amazingly few discothèques provide jukeboxes.<ref name="Jukeboxes" />
How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts.<ref name="JumpingFrogs" />
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
Бројни шаблони, ко што су '''<nowiki>{{cite book}}</nowiki>''' и '''<nowiki>{{cite web}}</nowiki>''', се могу користити за структурисано форматизовање текста између '''<nowiki><ref></nowiki>''' и '''<nowiki></ref></nowiki>''' тагова. Описани су у [[Википедија:Шаблони цитата]]. Њихово коришћење је опционо: они помажу у једнообразном форматизовању, али с друге стране могу уређење да учине незграпним.
<ref name="LazyDog">This is the lazy dog reference.</ref>
<ref name="Jukeboxes">This is the jukeboxes reference.</ref>
<ref name="JumpingFrogs">This is the jumping frogs reference.</ref>
The references will appear numbered in the order that they are referred to in the text, regardless of how they are ordered within the reflist/references template. References which are list-defined but unused (that is, are not in the text) will show a [[Help:cite errors|cite error]] message.
If it becomes necessary to convert references from the list-defined to the inline format or vice versa, the page [[Help:Converting between references formats|Converting between references formats]] documents procedures for doing so.
==What it looks like==
When a page with footnotes is displayed in a browser, the {{tag|ref|o}} tags in the main text are converted to auto-numbered superscripts, like this:
{{quotation|The only reference to LibreOffice for Starters.<ref>LibreOffice for Starters, First Edition, Flexible Minds, Manchester, 2002.</ref> The first reference to Perry's Handbook.<ref name="Perry">Perry's Handbook, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill Co., 1984.</ref> The second reference to Perry's Handbook and to another, related book.<ref name="Perry" /><ref>Nuclear Chemical Engineering (2nd Edition), McGraw-Hill Co., 1981.</ref> A statement that requires a reference.{{fake citation needed}} The only reference to Linux in a Nutshell.<ref>Linux in a Nutshell, O'Reily Co., 2003.</ref> And third reference to Perry's Handbook.<ref name="Perry" />}}
Clicking on a numbered superscript takes you straight to the text of the corresponding footnote. (The {{fake citation needed}} item is not a footnote marker; it is produced by the {{tlx|fact}} template, used to indicate a point where a reference ought to be provided.)
The {{tag|references|s}} tag or {{tlx|Reflist}} template is expanded to show the text of the footnotes against their corresponding numbers, like this:
{{quotation|<references />}}
For single-reference footnotes, clicking on the caret {{dummy backlink}} takes you back to the footnote marker in the main text. For multiple-reference footnotes, the links back to the main text are distinguished by letter superscripts {{dummy backlink|a b c}}. Clicking on a letter superscript takes you to the corresponding marker in the main text.
===Previewing edits===
When you [[Help:Section#Section editing|edit a single section]] of a page, the footnotes list will not be visible when you [[Help:Show preview|preview your edits]]. Thus you ordinarily cannot see how your footnotes will later appear when you save your edits.
You can insert a {{tlx|Reflist}} into the edited section temporarily and remove it before saving; you will still not be able to see named references which were defined in other sections.
Tools that can be used are the [[User:Anomie/ajaxpreview.js]] script or the [[User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]] gadget.
==Grouping footnotes==
{{See also|Template:efn}}
Sometimes it is useful to group the footnotes into separate lists, for example to separate explanatory notes from references, or to list references for tables, image captions, infoboxes and navboxes. This can be accomplished with the {{var|group}} attribute. The sequence of footnote labels is independent in each group.
===Editor-defined groups===
Footnotes that do not use the {{var|group}} attribute have plain automatic numbers for their labels. When the {{var|group}} attibute is used, in-text footnote labels are formed from the group name, a space and the automatic number. However the labels in the footnote list entries just use the numbers without the prefix.
|<nowiki>This part of the text requires clarification,<ref group="note">Listed separately from the citation</ref> whereas the entire text is cited.<ref>Citation.</ref>
|This part of the text requires clarification,<ref group="note">Listed separately from the citation</ref> whereas the entire text is cited.<ref>Citation.</ref>
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
===Predefined groups===
{{for|technical details|Help:Cite link labels}}
There are several predefined group names that apply a style to the footnote labels and to the reference list:
{{Cite link label styles}}
The in-text footnote is defined using one of the group names, for example:
:{{tag|ref|params=group=lower-alpha|content=Footnote 1}}
The reference list is invoked using {{tlx|Reflist}} with the group name. The group name ''must not'' be enclosed by quotes. For example:
|<nowiki>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.<ref group=lower-alpha>Footnote 1</ref> Cconsectetur adipisicing elit.<ref group=lower-alpha name=footnote2>Footnote 2</ref>. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.<ref group=lower-alpha name=footnote2 />
|Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.<ref group=lower-alpha>Footnote 1</ref> Cconsectetur adipisicing elit.<ref group=lower-alpha name=footnote2>Footnote 2</ref>. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.<ref group=lower-alpha name=footnote2 />
* Backlink labels are always styled as lower-alpha. This can be confusing when the footnotes are also labelled alphabetically.
* The entries in the reference list will show the default decimal styling if:
** The value for {{para|group}} does not exactly match one of the predefined values.
** The value for {{para|group}} is enclosed by quotes.
** {{tlx|Reflist}} is indented with the {{code|:}} markup.
** {{tag|references|s}} is used instead of {{tlx|Reflist}}
==Multiple reference lists==
<!--This section deliberately causes HTML validation errors.-->
It is possible to include multiple instances of the reference list markup {{tag|references|s}} or {{tlx|Reflist}} on a page. Care must be taken to ensure that multiple reference lists are closed so that the references intended for one list do not appear in another list. To close the reference list markup, simply use any parameter in the reference list markup. Normally different reference lists would use different groups, so the reference list markup will be closed.
In this example, the reference list markup is unclosed and the reference list is repeated in the two subsequent lists and the third in-text footnote number is rendered incorrectly:
|<nowiki>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. <ref>Reference 1</ref>
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.<ref>Reference 2</ref>
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.<ref>Reference 3</ref>
|Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. <ref>Reference 1</ref>
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.<ref>Reference 2</ref>
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.<ref>Reference 3</ref>
{{Reflist hide}}<!-- Ensure the previous refs are closed so they don't mess up the next section-->
To prevent this and close references so that they are not rendered incorrectly, the reference list markup must include any parameter, such as {{para|group}}, {{para|refs}} or a column parameter. If parameters are not desired, a dummy parameter may be used, by convention {{para|close}}. For example:
|<nowiki>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. <ref>Reference 1</ref>
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.<ref>Reference 2</ref>
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.<ref>Reference 3</ref>
|Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. <ref>Reference 1</ref>
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.<ref>Reference 2</ref>
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.<ref>Reference 3</ref>
==Embedding references within footnotes==
Explanatory notes may need to be referenced. Due to limitations in the {{cite.php}} software, reference tags cannot be nested— a set of {{tag|ref}} tags cannot be placed inside another pair of {{tag|ref}} tags; attempting to do so will result in a cite error.
The [[mw:Help:Magic words|magic word]] {{code|#tag:ref}} may be used to nest references. The markup is:
Where {{var|refcontent}} may include {{tag|ref}} tags. The {{var|name}} and {{var|groupname}} are optional, but must come after {{var|refcontent}}. If the {{var|groupname}} is not specified, then the main and nested references will be rendered into the same reference list. Attempting to use #tag:ref more than once within list-defined references will result in a cite error.
|<nowiki>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.{{#tag:ref|A footnote.<ref>A reference for the footnote.</ref>|group="nb"}}
|The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.{{#tag:ref|A footnote.<ref>A reference for the footnote.</ref>|group="nb"}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
The syntax of #tag:ref is not obvious, as parameters must come after the content; {{tlx|refn}} may be used in place of the {{code|#tag:ref}} markup.
|<nowiki>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.{{refn|group="nb"|A footnote.<ref>A reference for the footnote.</ref>}}
|The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.{{refn|group="nb"|A footnote.<ref>A reference for the footnote.</ref>}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
==Explanatory notes==
{{Seealso|Wikipedia:Citing sources#Variation in citation methods|Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Layout#Notes and References}}
{{for|Shortened footnotes with explanatory footnotes|Help:Shortened footnotes#Explanatory notes}}
Most footnotes are [[WP:CITE|citations]], which identify sources. Another kind of footnote is an ''explanatory footnote'' which is a comment that would be too detailed or too awkward to include in the body of the article. The Wikipedia [[WP:MOS|Manual of style]] does not mandate a layout for explanatory footnotes at the bottom of the article, and in fact provides for [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Layout#Notes and References|several approaches that are acceptable]]. An important factor whether or not {{sfnote}} are used or not. Here are some common approaches to laying out the footnotes.
'''A''' This example uses standard footnotes with all citations and explanatory notes in a single Notes sections:
|<nowiki>The Sun is pretty big.<ref>Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p. 23. But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref> But the Moon<ref>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena - see, for example Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p 623.</ref> is not so big.<ref>Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p. 46. Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large. For a discussion, see Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p 411.</ref> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref>Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005, p. 334.</ref>
|The Sun is pretty big.<ref>Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p. 23. But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref> But the Moon<ref>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena - see, for example Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p 623.</ref> is not so big.<ref>Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p. 46. Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large. For a discussion, see Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p 411.</ref> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref>Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005, p. 334.</ref>
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
'''B''' This example uses [[Help:Shortened footnotes|Shortened footnotes]] with a References section and combines explanatory notes and citations in a Notes section:
|<nowiki>The Sun is pretty big.<ref>Miller, p. 23. But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref> But the Moon<ref>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena - see, for example Brown, p 623.</ref> is not so big.<ref>Brown, p. 46. Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large. For a discussion, see Miller, p 411.</ref> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref>Smith, p. 334.</ref>
* Brown, ''The Moon'', Penguin. 2001.
* Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005.
* Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005.
|The Sun is pretty big.<ref>Miller, p. 23. But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref> But the Moon<ref>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena - see, for example Brown, p 623.</ref> is not so big.<ref>Brown, p. 46. Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large. For a discussion, see Miller, p 411.</ref> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref>Smith, p. 334.</ref>
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
* Brown, ''The Moon'', Penguin. 2001.
* Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005.
* Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005.
'''C''' This example uses list-defined references mixed with explanatory notes.
|<nowiki>The Sun is pretty big.<ref name=Foot01/> But the Moon<ref name=Foot02/> is not so big.<ref name=Foot03/> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref name=Foot04/>
<ref name=Foot01>Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p. 23. But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref>
<ref name=Foot02>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena - see, for example Jones, ''The Solar System'', MacMillan, 2005, p 623.</ref>
<ref name=Foot03>Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p. 46. Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large, see, for example Peterson, ''Astronomy'', MacMillan, 2005, p 623.</ref>
<ref name=Foot04>Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005, p. 334.</ref>
|The Sun is pretty big.<ref name=Foot01/> But the Moon<ref name=Foot02/> is not so big.<ref name=Foot03/> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref name=Foot04/>
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
<ref name=Foot01>Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p. 23. But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref>
<ref name=Foot02>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena - see, for example Jones, ''The Solar System'', MacMillan, 2005, p 623.</ref>
<ref name=Foot03>Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p. 46. Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large, see, for example Peterson, ''Astronomy'', MacMillan, 2005, p 623.</ref>
<ref name=Foot04>Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005, p. 334.</ref>
'''D''' This example uses list-defined references and creates a separate notes section by using group names.
|<nowiki>The Sun is pretty big.<ref name=Foot01/><ref group=Note name=Note01/> But the Moon<ref group=Note name=Note02/> is not so big.<ref name=Foot02/><ref group=Note name=Note03/> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref name=Foot03/>
<ref name=Note01>But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref>
<ref name=Note02>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena.</ref>
<ref name=Note03>Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large.</ref>
<ref name=Foot01>Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p. 23.</ref>
<ref name=Foot02>Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p. 46.</ref>
<ref name=Foot03>Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005, p. 334.</ref>
|The Sun is pretty big.<ref name=Foot01/><ref group=Note name=Note01/> But the Moon<ref group=Note name=Note02/> is not so big.<ref name=Foot02/><ref group=Note name=Note03/> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref name=Foot03/>
{{fake heading|sub=3|Notes}}
<ref name=Note01>But Miller points out that the Sun is not as large as some other stars.</ref>
<ref name=Note02>The Moon goes by other names, such as Selena.</ref>
<ref name=Note03>Historically the Moon was not always considered to be large.</ref>
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
<ref name=Foot01>Miller, ''The Sun'', Oxford, 2005, p. 23.</ref>
<ref name=Foot02>Brown, ''The Moon'', 2006, Penguin, p. 46.</ref>
<ref name=Foot03>Smith, ''The Universe'', Random House, 2005, p. 334.</ref>
==Citing one book repeatedly with different page numbers==
Suppose you would like to cite one book. But different facts appear on different pages. And you would like to use one citation again and again, but point each fact to the proper page. Suppose one fact is on page 8, a different fact on page 12, a third fact on page 18, a fourth fact on page 241. You could put a line in the "pages" parameter saying "see pages 8, 12, 18, 241" but the fact-checker might have to check all of them before figuring out the right one. Or, you could re-use the book citation, but have each one list a different page; but that would be clumsy. You can use [[Help:Shortened footnotes|shortened citations]], but that requires the full citation (without page numbers) to be placed in a section near the end of the article. Another way is to attach a {{tlx|rp|p.8}} right after the reference pointer.{{listref|a}} and replace the "8" with whatever page number.
For example:
|<nowiki>Schudson said the Constitution shaped citizenship in fundamental ways.<ref name="Schudson">{{Cite book
| last = Schudson
| first = Michael
| title = The Good Citizen: A Brief History of American Civic Life
| publisher = Simon & Schuster
| date = 1998
| url = http://books.google.com/books?id=aawMAQAAMAAJ
| isbn =0-684-82729-8 }}</ref>{{rp|p.8}} But elections in early American politics did not generate much interest<ref name="Schudson"/>{{rp|p.12}} while "open discussion of differences" was generally avoided.<ref name="Schudson"/>{{rp|p.18}} Citizenship later shifted to a polity of essentially "self-absorbed citizens", according to his analysis.<ref name="Schudson"/>{{rp|p.241}}</nowiki>
|Schudson said the Constitution shaped citizenship in fundamental ways.<ref name="Schudson">{{Cite book
| last = Schudson
| first = Michael
| title = The Good Citizen: A Brief History of American Civic Life
| publisher = Simon & Schuster
| date = 1998
| url = http://books.google.com/books?id=aawMAQAAMAAJ
| isbn =0-684-82729-8}}</ref>{{rp|p.8}} But elections in early American politics did not generate much interest<ref name="Schudson"/>{{rp|p.12}} while "open discussion of differences" was generally avoided.<ref name="Schudson"/>{{rp|p.18}} Citizenship later shifted to a polity of essentially "self-absorbed citizens", according to his analysis.<ref name="Schudson"/>{{rp|p.241}}
{{fake heading|sub=3|References}}
When using [[#list-defined references|list-defined references]], {{tlx|r}} can be used for the same style of in-text page references.
|id1=a |ref1=Various Wikipedia pages refer to this element as: footnote marker, footnote pointer, in-text citation.
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