Сардински језик — разлика између измена

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[[Датотека:Statuti Sassaresi XIV century 1a.png|л|200п|мини| [[Sassari]]'s Republic medieval statutes written in the Sardinian language (13th–14th centuries)]]
The early origins of the Sardinian language (sometimes called [[Paleo-Sardinian language|Paleo-Sardinian]]) are still obscure, due mostly to the lack of documents, as Sardinian appeared as a written form only in the [[Middle Ages]]. There are substantial differences between the many theories about the development of Sardinian.
О раном пореклу сардинијског језика се веома мало зна, услед недостатка докумената јер се писана форма на Сардинији јавила тек у Средњем веку. Данас постоје различите теорије о настанку сардинијског језика.
Many studies have attempted to discover the origin of some obscure roots that today could legitimately be defined as indigenous, pre-Romance roots. First of all, the root of ''sard'', present in many toponyms and distinctive of the ethnic group, is supposed to have come from the [[Sherden]], one of the so-called [[Peoples of the Sea]].
Период римске доминације почела је 238. године п.н.е, а донела је латински језик на Сардинију, тако да је дошло до преовлађивања латинког језика али са примесама предроманског сардинијског језика. Тако да корени многих речи потичу из периода пре доласка Рима на Сардинију. Савремени сардиниски језик је био први језик који се одвојио од латинског, највероватније још у првом веку пре нове ере.
Massimo Pittau claimed in 1984 to have found in the [[Etruscan language]] the [[etymology]] of many other Latin words, after comparison with the [[Nuragic civilization|Nuragic]] language.{{Citation needed|date=July 2013}} If true, one could conclude that, having evidence of a deep influence of Etruscan culture in Sardinia, the island could have directly received from Etruscan many elements that are instead usually considered to be of Latin origin. Pittau then indicates that both the Etruscan and Nuragic languages are descended from the [[Lydian language]], both therefore being [[Indo-European languages]], as a consequence of the alleged provenance of Etruscans/[[Tyrrhenians]] from that land (as in [[Herodotus]]), where effectively the capital town was [[Sardis]].{{Citation needed|date=July 2013}} Pittau also suggests, as a historical point, that the Tirrenii landed in Sardinia, whereas the Etruscans landed in modern-day [[Tuscany]]. Massimo Pittau's views however are not representative of most Etruscologists.
Током овог периода, постојао је значај утицај између Корзике који је био веома јак на северу Сардиније. На југу је постојао утицај семитских језика и грчки утицај. У 1. веку нове ере, значајан број јевреја настанио се на Сардинији носећи са собом и утицај на језик. Све ово заједно са латинском доминациом довео је да се на Сардинији користи романски језик, или тачније архаични облик неолатинског језика, чије су главне каракетеристике архаична фонетика и морфосинтактички феномен.
It has been said that Paleosardinian should be expected to have notable similarities with [[Iberic language]]s and the [[Siculi]]an language: the suffix ''-'ara'', for example, in [[proparoxytone]]s (Bertoldi and Terracini proposed it indicated plural forms). The same would happen (according to Terracini) for suffixes in -{{IPA|/àna/}}, -/ànna/, -/énna/, -/ònna/ + {{IPA|/r/}} + [[paragogic]] vowel (as in the toponym Bonnànnaro). Rohlfs, Butler and Craddock add the suffix -{{IPA|/ini/}} (as in the toponym Barùmini) as a peculiar element of Paleosardinian. At the same time, suffixes in /a, e, o, u/ + -rr- seem to find a correspondence in northern [[Africa]] (Terracini), in [[Iberian peninsula|Iberia]] (Blasco Ferrer), in southern Italy and in [[Gascony]] (Rohlfs), with some closer relation to [[Basque language|Basque]] (Wagner, Hubschmid). However, these early links proposing a link to a [[Aquitanian language|precursor of modern Basque]] have been discredited by most Basque linguists.<ref name=Trask>[[Larry Trask|Trask, L.]] ''The History of Basque'' Routledge: 1997 ISBN 0-415-13116-2</ref> Suffixes in -{{IPA|/ài/}}, -{{IPA|/éi/}}, -{{IPA|/òi/}}, and -{{IPA|/ùi/}} are common to Paleosardinian and northern African languages (Terracini). Pittau underlined that this concerns terms originally ending in an accented vowel, with an attached [[paragogic]] vowel; the suffix resisted Latinization in some [[toponym]]s, which show a Latin body and a Nuragic [[:wikt:desinence|desinence]]. On this point, some toponyms ending in -{{IPA|/ài/}} and in -/asài/ were thought to show Anatolic influence (Bertoldi). The suffix -/aiko/, widely used in Iberia, and perhaps of Celtic origins, as well as the ethnical suffix in -/itanos/ and -/etanos/ (as in the Sardinian ''Sulcitanos'') have been noted as other Paleosardinian elements (viz Terracini, Ribezzo, Wagner, Hubschmid, Faust, et al.).
После овог периода, Сардинија је пала под утицај Источног римског царства. Утицај грчке културе и језика није успео да значајније уздрма романску структуру сардинског језика. Неки топоними данас показују грчки утицај.
Linguists like Blasco Ferrer (2009, 2010) or Morvan (2009) have recently attempted to revive the theory of a Basque connection by linking modern surface forms such as Sardinian ''ospile'' "fresh natural cover for cattle" and Basque ''ozpil'' "id.", Sardinian ''arrotzeri'' "vagabond" and Basque ''arrotz'' "stranger", Sardinian ''arru'' "stone, stony" and Basque ''arri'' "stone", Gallurese (South Corsican and North Sardinian) ''zerru'' "pig" and Basque ''zerri'' "id.". Of interest, and in support to this theory, genetic data on the distribution of HLA antigens have suggested a common origin for Basque and Sardinian people.<ref name=Arnaiz-Villena>Arnaiz-Villena A, Rodriguez de Córdoba S, Vela F, Pascual JC, Cerveró J, Bootello A. - HLA antigens in a sample of the Spanish population: common features among Spaniards, Basques, and Sardinians. - Hum Genet. 1981;58(3):344-8.</ref>
===[[Giudicati|Giudicati (Judicados)]] period===
Sardinian had once been the official and national language of the Giudicati, [[Byzantine Empire|Byzantine]] districts that became independent due to the [[Muslim conquests|Arab expansion]] in the [[Mediterranean sea|Mediterranean]], which obstructed all the connections between the island and [[Byzantium]]. Sardinian obviously had a greater number of archaisms and Latinisms than the current language does, not to mention the usage of word letters reflecting the origin of the copyists (the majority of whom were [[Catalonia|Catalan]], [[Genoa|Genoese]] and [[Tuscany|Tuscan]]) which are now fallen into disuse. [[Dante Alighieri]] stated in [[De Vulgari Eloquentia]] (1303-1305) that would expel Sardinians from his work, claiming that they were not [[Italian people|Italics]] and, furthermore, had never developed any Vulgar language of their own in his opinion, preferring to imitate Latin instead (after all, they say "domus nova" and "dominus meus").<ref>Lib. I, XI, 7</ref>
{{quote|Sardos etiam, qui non Latii sunt sed Latiis associandi videntur, eiciamus, quoniam soli sine proprio vulgari esse videntur, gramaticam tanquam simie homines imitantes: nam domus nova et dominus meus locuntur.}}
The literature in this period is mostly made up by legal documents; here is a list of some of them having been considered worth mentioning, even though it should be noted, before going any further, that it is ''far'' from exhaustive: it may seem to you that literature is virtually nonexistent, while there has always been an abundance of poems, for instance (the same is valid for all the other periods wich follow this one).
The first document in which some elements of the language make their appearance, dates back to 1063: it is an act of donation to the abbey of Montecassino signed by Barisone I of Torres.<ref>"Archivio Cassinense Perg. Caps. XI, n. 11 " e "TOLA P., Codice Diplomatico della Sardegna, I, Sassari, 1984, p. 153"</ref>
The first document ever written in Sardinian is the ''Carta Volgare'' (1070/1080) in old Campidanese.
===[[History of Sardinia#Kingdom of the Crown of Aragon|Catalan period]]===
The enfeoffment of Sardinia by [[Pope Boniface VIII]] in 1297, without his realizing the presence of independent states within it, led to the founding of the [[Kingdom of Sardinia]], to the end of the independence of the island and to a long period of war, which ended only with the decisive Catalan victory at Sanluri in 1409 and the renunciation of the rights of succession signed by [[William III of Narbonne]]; since then, any anti-Catalan uprising, such as the rebellion which occurred in [[Alghero]] in 1353 and that in [[Macomer]] in 1478, had been systematically neutralized. During this period, [[Crown of Aragon|Aragonese government]] carried out an assimilation policy that's been almost total in the cities, since both the [[Petite bourgeoisie|small bourgeoisie]] (all of which was of Catalan ancestry) and the clergy choose Catalan as their primary language, thus relegating Sardinian to a secondary position. It is reported by the lawyer Sigismondo Arquer (author of the ''Sardiniae brevis historia et descriptio'') that, while Catalan was a language spoken in the cities, Sardinian would still prevail in the rural areas: that is, most of the Kingdom.
In spite of Sardinian still being the most widely spoken language, little is given to know about it due to the scarcity of written documentation: all we have, however, may well explain the contaminated linguistic forms produced by Catalan, which are still visible even today.
''Rimas Spirituales'', a work by [[Gerolamo Araolla|Hieronimu Araolla]], had been determined to "glorify and enrich Sardinian, our language" (''magnificare et arrichire sa limba nostra sarda'') just in the same way as [[Spanish people|Spanish]], [[French people|French]] and [[Italian people|Italian]] poets had already done for their own languages (see ''la Deffense et illustration de la langue françoyse'', ''il Dialogo delle lingue''): the question of the Sardinian language situation had been posed for the first time ever, and many other authors after him would analyze it in a number of ways.
Antonio Lo Frasso, a poet who had born in Alghero (that's a city he would later remember dearly<ref>...L'Alguer castillo fuerte bien murado / con frutales por tierra muy divinos / y por la mar coral fino eltremado / es ciudad de mas de mil vezinos...</ref>) but spent all life in [[Barcelona]], is likely to be considered the first intellectual we have testimony of to write [[Lyric poetry|lyric poems]] in Sardinian:<ref>''Los diez libros de fortuna d'Amor'' (1573)</ref>
===[[History of Sardinia#Kingdom of the Crown of Aragon|Spanish period]]===
In 1624, with the reorganization of the monarchy led by the [[Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares|Count-Duke of Olivares]], Sardinia finally exits from the Aragonese sphere of influence of and fully enters into the Spanish one. [[Spanish language|Spanish]], unlike Catalan which was adopted to a certain extent by all the bourgeoise, would be perceived as somewhat of an elitist language. Sardinian has been known as the spontaneous linguistic code of Sardinian people, and because of that respected and even learnt by Spanish colonists.<ref>Storia della lingua sarda, vol. 3, a cura di Giorgia Ingrassia e Eduardo Blasco Ferrer</ref> The sociolinguistic situation of the language consists of a proficiency, both active and passive, of Catalan and Spanish in the cities, with the latter replacing the first, and a proficiency of Sardinian in all of the villages, as reported by many people such as the Spanish ambassador Martin Carillo (author of the ironic remark about Sardinians: ''pocos, locos y mal unidos''), the anonymous work of ''Llibre dels feyts d'armes de Catalunya'' (''<<parlen la llengua catalana molt polidament, axì com fos a Catalunya>>''), and Baldassarre Pinyes, dean of the Jesuit college located in Sassari, who had been writing in Rome: ''<<per ciò che concerne la lingua sarda, sappia vostra paternità che essa non è parlata in questa città, né in Alghero, né a Cagliari: la parlano solo nelle ville>>''. As for written documentation of Sardinian, we mostly have notary deeds, which are heavily affected by Spanish and Italian contamination forms, and religious works, such as ''Sa Dottrina et Declarassione pius abundante'' e ''Sa Breve Suma de sa Doctrina in duas maneras''.
Here is an act, dating back to 1620 and still kept in the archives of [[Bosa]]:
{{quote|Jn Dei nomine Amen, noverint comente sende personalmente constituidos in presensia mia notariu et de sos testimongios infrascrittos sa viuda Caterina Casada et Coco mugere fuit de su Nigola Casada jàganu, Franziscu Casada et Joanne Casada Frades, filios de su dittu Nigola et Caterina Casada de sa presente cittade faguinde custas cosas gratis e de certa sciensia insoro, non per forza fraudu, malìssia nen ingannu nen pro nexuna attera sinistra macchinassione cun tottu su megius modu chi de derettu poden et deven, attesu et cunsideradu chi su dittu Nigola Casada esseret siguida dae algunos corpos chi li dein de notte, pro sa quale morte fettin querella et reclamo contra sa persona de Pedru Najtana, pro paura de sa justissia, si ausentait, in sa quale aussensia est dae unu annu pattinde multos dannos, dispesas, traballos e disusios.}}
In the meanwhile, the priest Ioan Matheu Garipa, writing his work "''Legendariu de Santas Virgines, et Martires de Iesu Christu''" highlights the nobility of Sardinian, by claiming it is the closest living language to [[classical Latin]]:
{{quote|Las apo voltadas in sardu menjus qui non in atera limba pro amore de su vulgu [...] qui non tenjan bisonju de interprete pro bi-las decrarare, et tambene pro esser sa limba sarda tantu bona, quanta participat de sa latina, qui nexuna de quantas limbas si plàtican est tantu parente assa latina formale quantu sa sarda.}}
===[[History of Sardinia#Piedmont-Sardinia|Piedmontese]] and Kingdom of Italy===
The outcome of the [[War of the Spanish Succession|war of Spanish succession]] resulted in the island becoming property of [[Austria]], whose sovereignty was later confirmed by the treaties of [[Treaty of Utrecht|Utrecht]] and [[Treaty of Rastatt|Rastatt]] (1713-1714). However, the situation was not supposed to last long; in 1717, a Spanish fleet reoccupied Cagliari and in the following year Sardinia was again ceded to [[Victor Amadeus II of Savoy]] in exchange for [[Sicily]].
During the Savoyard period, a number of essays written by intellectuals, such as the Professor and Senator [[Giovanni Spano]] explicitly posed the Sardinian language question, attempting to find a unified [[orthography]] for the language by choosing the Logudorese variety, just like [[Florentine dialect|Florentine]] would later become the basis for what became the official language of Italy;<ref>[...]Ciononostante le due opere dello Spano sono di straordinaria importanza, in quanto aprirono in Sardegna la discussione sul "problema della lingua sarda", quella che sarebbe dovuta essere la lingua unificata ed unificante, che si sarebbe dovuta imporre in tutta l'isola sulle particolarità dei singoli dialetti e suddialetti, la lingua della nazione sarda, con la quale la Sardegna intendeva inserirsi tra le altre nazioni europee, quelle che nell'Ottocento avevano già raggiunto o stavano per raggiungere la loro attuazione politica e culturale, compresa la nazione italiana. E proprio sulla falsariga di quanto era stato teorizzato ed anche attuato a favore della nazione italiana, che nell'Ottocento stava per portare a termine il processo di unificazione linguistica, elevando il dialetto fiorentino e toscano al ruolo di "lingua nazionale", chiamandolo "italiano illustre", anche in Sardegna l'auspicata "lingua nazionale sarda" fu denominata "sardo illustre". [[Massimo Pittau]], ''Grammatica del sardo illustre'', Nuoro, pp. 11-12</ref> however, the Piedmontese government chose to impose Italian by law in the island on July 1760,<ref>S'italanu in Sardìnnia, Amos Cardia, Iskra</ref><ref>[http://www.meilogunotizie.net/focus/storia/161/la-limba-proibita-nella-sardegna-del-700 La "limba" proibita nella Sardegna del '700 (da "Ritorneremo", una storia tramandata oralmente) - MeiloguNotizie.net]</ref> and since then the usage of [[Tuscan language|Tuscan]] has been spreading to the detriment of Sardinian, triggering a process that could eventually lead to [[language death]]. In spite of such assimilation policies, the anthem of the Piedmontese [[Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia|Kingdom of Sardinia]] was the ''Hymnu Sardu'' (or ''Cunservet Deus su Re''), the lyrics of which are in Sardinian; it was partially substituted by the [[Savoy]]'s March when all of the [[Italian peninsula]] was unified.
During the general mobilization in preparation for entering [[World War I]] the [[Italian Army]] raised the [[Brigata Sassari|Sassari Infantry Brigade]] on 1 March 1915, at [[Tempio Pausania]] and [[Sinnai]]. Unlike all other Italian infantry brigades, the Sassari one was recruited locally on Sardinia; even most officers hailed from the island. It is actually the sole Italian unit to have a hymn in a regional language: ''Dimonios'', written by Captain Luciano Sechi. This name comes from the attribute ''Rote Teufel'' ([[German language|German]] for ''Red Devils'', and ''Dimonios'' stands for [[English language|English]] ''Devils'') given to Sardinian soldiers by [[Austria-Hungary|Austro-Hungarian]] enemies during World War I, because of their white and red flashes and their worth in war.
During the [[Fascism|Fascist]] period, especially the [[autarky|Autarchy]] campaign, regional languages were banned. The restrictions went so far that even personal names and surnames were made to sound more "''Italian-sounding''".<ref>E.g. ''Lussu'' became ''Lusso'', ''Pilu'' changed to ''Pilo'' and so on. A wide range of Sardinian surnames had been affected by this policy.</ref> During this period, the Sardinian Hymn of the Piedmontese Kingdom was the sole chance to speak in a regional language in Italy without risking prison, because, as a fundamental part of the Royal Family's tradition, it could not be forbidden. Catholic priests practiced a strict obstructionism against [[Mutu (music)|mutos]], a form of [[Improvisation#Poetry|improvised sung poetry]] where two or more poets are assigned a surprise theme and have to develop it on the spur of the moment in rhymed quatrains.
==Current situation==
[[Image:No-smoking-sardinian.JPG|right|thumb|250px|A [[Smoking ban|no-smoking sign]] in both Sardinian and [[Italian language|Italian]].]]
[[Image:Segnaletica bilingue Sardegna.gif|thumb|left|200px|Bilingual Italian-Sardinian [[road sign]] in [[Siniscola]].]]
In the last decade, the Sardinian language has been legally recognized (with [[Albanian language|Albanian]], [[Catalan language|Catalan]], [[German language|German]], [[Greek language|Greek]], [[Slovene language|Slovene]], [[Croatian language|Croatian]], [[French language|French]], [[Franco-Provençal language|Franco-Provençal]], [[Friulian]], [[Ladin language|Ladin]], and [[Occitan]]) by the Law 482-1999,<ref name="parl">{{citation |url=http://www.parlamento.it/parlam/leggi/99482l.htm |title=Norme in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche storiche |year= |publisher=Italian parliament |accessdate=}}</ref> yet its actual acknowledgement in the present-day life is hard. For example, in many Italian libraries and universities, the books about Sardinian language are still grouped under the labels ''Linguistica italiana'' (Italian linguistics), ''Dialetti italiani'' (Italian dialects) or ''Dialettologia italiana'' (Italian dialectology),<ref>[http://www.sardiniapost.it/cronaca/il-sardo-dialetto-campagna-boicottaggio-leditore-giunti/ “Il sardo è un dialetto”: campagna di boicottaggio contro l’editore Giunti]</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.emigratisardi.com/old2009/fr/news/news-article/archive/2010/02/20/article/la-lingua-sarda-a-rischio-estinzione-630.html |title=La lingua sarda a rischio estinzione – Disterraus sardus}}</ref> despite its academic and legal recognition as a different [[language]]. Some people still regard the language as a mere Italian dialect<ref>[http://ufitziulimbasarda-planargiamontiferru.blogspot.it/2012/09/cosa-lis-dolet.html Cosa, lis dolet? - Novas de s'Isportellu linguìsticu sovra-comunale de Planàrgia e Montiferru otzidentale]</ref> (sometimes even at institutional level,<ref>[http://www.ilminuto.info/2012/07/i-giudici-della-cassazione-il-sardo-non-e-una-vera-lingua-e-solamente-un-dialetto-ampi-gravissimo-attacco-alla-lingua-del-popolo-sardo/ I giudici della Cassazione: “Il sardo non è una vera lingua, è solamente un dialetto”. aMpI: “gravissimo attacco alla lingua del popolo sardo” - Il Minuto Notizie Mediterranee]</ref> in spite of the laws which already exist), as was the custom for all minority and regional languages throughout Italy (even though the majority of scholars abroad<ref>[http://truncare.myblog.it/archive/2012/09/15/conferenza-di-francesco-casula-sulla-lingua-sarda-flumini-27.html Conferenza di Francesco Casula sulla Lingua sarda: sfatare i più diffusi pregiudizi sulla lingua sarda]</ref> stated it should have been considered to be an autonomous group pertaining to the Romantic branch), mainly for either ideological reasons or remnant of old customs still persisting. In either case, Sardinian is still bearing a stigma because of that.<ref>[http://www.francopiga.it/francopiga/index.php/la-lingua-sarda-oggi-bilinguismo.html La lingua sarda oggi: bilinguismo, problemi di identità culturale e realtà scolastica, Maurizio Virdis (Università di Cagliari)]</ref><ref>[http://www.midesa.it/cgi-bin/show?art=Tonzanu.htm Sa limba sarda - Giovanna Tonzanu]</ref>
Despite the cultural and political campaigns launched in order to put Sardinian on an equal footing with Italian, and any emotive value linked to Sardinian identity, the sociolinguistic situation in Sardinia due to several reasons, mainly political and socioeconomic (the gradual depopulation of the island's interior and rural exodus towards more urbanized and industrialized areas,<ref>This phenomenon which is occurring in Sardinia nowadays may be similar to what happened in [[Ireland]] long time before: we are referring to the so-called ''vicious circle of Irish [[Gaeltacht]] (Cfr. Edwards 1985).</ref> the language eradication policy such as the forced use of Italian presented as a prerequisite to get jobs and as one of the keys to social advancement, the immigration of people coming from the [[Italian peninsula]] over the time, the barriers to communication between the dialectal varieties, the heated debate over the official standardization<ref>[http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/lingrom/marzo/EscursioneSitoItaliano/la_standardizzazione_del_sardo.html La standardizzazione del sardo, oppure: quante lingue standard per il sardo? E quali? (Institut für Linguistik/Romanistik)]</ref> etc.) has resulted in a constant regression, though it is not homogeneous throughout the island;<ref>[http://taban.canalblog.com/archives/2013/08/22/27878267.html D’une île l’autre: de la Corse en Sardaigne - Jean-Pierre Cavaillé]</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Sardinian language use survey|url=http://www.uoc.edu/euromosaic/web/document/sard/an/e1/e1.html|publisher=Euromosaic}} To access the data, click on List by languages, Sardinian, then scroll to ''Sardinian language use survey''</ref> many Sardinians (especially those born in the towns, far more populated than the villages) are raised in families in which bilingual parents spoke to them predominantly Italian, rendering the children monolingual and with little proficiency in Sardinian. Nowadays, Sardinian is a language living in an unstable status of [[diglossia]] and [[code-switching]], being put under heavy pressure by Italian; [[UNESCO]] classifies the language as ''endangered'' as "many children learn the language, but some of them cease to use it throughout the school years";<ref>{{cite web|title=UNESCO Red Book on Endagered Languages: Europe:|url=http://www.helsinki.fi/~tasalmin/europe_index.html|first=Tapani|last=Salminen|date=1993-1999|accessdate=2008-06-13}}</ref> there is a serious decline of [[Language proficiency|language ability]] from one generation to the next (some reports showed only 13 percent of children speak Sardinian fluently and habitually, most of them living in the subregions of [[Goceano]], [[Barbagia]] and Baronìa.<ref>La Nuova Sardegna, 04/11/10, Per salvare i segni dell'identità - di Paolo Coretti</ref><ref>[http://www.sardegna24.net/cultura/ai-docenti-di-sardo-lezioni-in-italiano-1.46195 Ai docenti di sardo lezioni in italiano, Sardegna 24 - Cultura]</ref>). Younger generations tend to favor Italian over Sardinian and generally have only a limited knowledge of Sardinian. Furthermore, Italian continues to be predominant in almost every field of public and social life (in spite of bilingual education laws, the use of Sardinian in schools is still strongly discouraged, for instance).<ref>{{Cite web|title=The internet as a Rescue Tool of Endangered Languages: Sardinian – Free University of Berlin|url=http://www.gaia.es/multilinguae/pdf/Guido.PDF}}</ref>
A [[Bill (proposed law)|bill]] of [[Mario Monti|Monti]]'s [[Monti Cabinet|government]] would have further lowered the level of protection of the language,<ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2012/09/12/miur-e-limba-sarda.html MIUR e limba sarda – ULS Alta Baronia]</ref> which is already quite low,<ref>[http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/europe/italiesardaigne.htm Sardaigne]</ref> implementing a distinction between the languages protected by international agreements (German, Slovenian, French and Ladin) and those related to communities that do not have a foreign state behind them. This project, which never came into existence<ref>[http://gianfrancopintore.blogspot.it/2012/03/carta-delle-lingue-una-ratifica.html?spref=fb Carta delle lingue: una ratifica presunta e una bufala probabile - Giuseppe Corongiu]</ref> (Italy hasn't ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages yet<ref>[http://messaggeroveneto.gelocal.it/cronaca/2013/06/06/news/l-ue-richiama-l-italia-non-ha-ancora-firmato-la-carta-di-tutela-1.7208776 L’Ue richiama l’Italia: non ha ancora firmato la Carta di tutela - Messaggero Veneto]</ref>), has nonetheless caused some reaction from some parts of the intellectual and political world of the island.<ref>[https://bolognesu.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/il-nazionalismo-italiano-mostra-ancora-una-volta-il-suo-volto-feroce-contro-le-minoranze-linguistiche/ Il nazionalismo italiano mostra ancora una volta il suo volto feroce contro le minoranze linguistiche – R.Bolognesi]</ref><ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2012/08/01/lingua-sarda-cisl-tutelare-la-specialita-dell-isola.html Lingua sarda: CISL, tutelare la specialità dell'isola]</ref><ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2012/08/01/richiesta-di-estensione-massima-dei-benefici-previsti-massim.html Richiesta di estensione massima dei benefici previsti massimi dalla Carta Europea delle Lingue a sardo e friulano]</ref><ref>[http://www.sassarinotizie.com/articolo-12111-universita_contro_spending_review_viene_discriminato_il_sardo.aspx Università contro spending review «Viene discriminato il sardo» – Sassari Notizie]</ref><ref>[http://www.buongiornoalghero.it/contenuto/0/12/4262/il_consiglio_regionale_si_sveglia_sulla_tutela_della_lingua_sarda.aspx Il consiglio regionale si sveglia sulla tutela della lingua sarda]</ref><ref>[http://notizie.alguer.it/n?id=50706 «Salviamo sardo e algherese in Parlamento», Alguer.it]</ref><ref>[http://www.rossomori.net/joomla/index.php/home/item/1694-il-sardo Il sardo è un dialetto? – Rossomori]</ref> Recently, a number of cases of people wanting to give the exit esam, or part of it, speaking in Sardinian burst onto the social and political scene.<ref>[http://www.focusardegna.com/index.php/editoriali/106-do-you-speak-su-sardu Do you speak... su Sardu? - Irene Bosu , Focus Sardegna]</ref><ref>[http://www.sardiniapost.it/cronaca/cagliari-promosso-a-pieni-voti-il-tredicenne-che-ha-dato-lesame-in-sardo/ Cagliari, promosso a pieni voti il tredicenne che ha dato l’esame in sardo - Sardiniapost]</ref><ref>[http://www.sardiniapost.it/cronaca/la-prof-continentale-dice-no-alla-studentessa-che-vuole-parlare-in-sardo-di-eleonora-darborea/ Eleonora d’Arborea in sardo? La prof. “continentale” dice no - Sardiniapost]</ref><ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2013/07/16/sassari-studente-dell-alberghiero-si-diploma-parlando-in-sar.html Sassari, studente dell’Alberghiero si diploma parlando in sardo - ULS Alta Baronìa (La Nuova Sardegna)]</ref><ref>[http://lanuovasardegna.gelocal.it/sassari/cronaca/2013/07/20/news/esame-di-maturita-per-la-limba-1.7453282 Esame di maturità per la limba: Buddusò, la tesina di Elio Altana scritta in italiano ma discussa in logudorese - La Nuova Sardegna]</ref> Whether all the measures to save the language will succeed remains to be seen.
== Примери речи ==