Сардински језик — разлика између измена

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Ред 63:
In 1624, with the reorganization of the monarchy led by the [[Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares|Count-Duke of Olivares]], Sardinia finally exits from the Aragonese sphere of influence of and fully enters into the Spanish one. [[Spanish language|Spanish]], unlike Catalan which was adopted to a certain extent by all the bourgeoise, would be perceived as somewhat of an elitist language. Sardinian has been known as the spontaneous linguistic code of Sardinian people, and because of that respected and even learnt by Spanish colonists.<ref>Storia della lingua sarda, vol. 3, a cura di Giorgia Ingrassia e Eduardo Blasco Ferrer</ref> The sociolinguistic situation of the language consists of a proficiency, both active and passive, of Catalan and Spanish in the cities, with the latter replacing the first, and a proficiency of Sardinian in all of the villages, as reported by many people such as the Spanish ambassador Martin Carillo (author of the ironic remark about Sardinians: ''pocos, locos y mal unidos''), the anonymous work of ''Llibre dels feyts d'armes de Catalunya'' (''<<parlen la llengua catalana molt polidament, axì com fos a Catalunya>>''), and Baldassarre Pinyes, dean of the Jesuit college located in Sassari, who had been writing in Rome: ''<<per ciò che concerne la lingua sarda, sappia vostra paternità che essa non è parlata in questa città, né in Alghero, né a Cagliari: la parlano solo nelle ville>>''. As for written documentation of Sardinian, we mostly have notary deeds, which are heavily affected by Spanish and Italian contamination forms, and religious works, such as ''Sa Dottrina et Declarassione pius abundante'' e ''Sa Breve Suma de sa Doctrina in duas maneras''.
Here is an act, dating back to 1620 and still kept in the archives of [[Bosa]]:
{{quote|Jn Dei nomine Amen, noverint comente sende personalmente constituidos in presensia mia notariu et de sos testimongios infrascrittos sa viuda Caterina Casada et Coco mugere fuit de su Nigola Casada jàganu, Franziscu Casada et Joanne Casada Frades, filios de su dittu Nigola et Caterina Casada de sa presente cittade faguinde custas cosas gratis e de certa sciensia insoro, non per forza fraudu, malìssia nen ingannu nen pro nexuna attera sinistra macchinassione cun tottu su megius modu chi de derettu poden et deven, attesu et cunsideradu chi su dittu Nigola Casada esseret siguida dae algunos corpos chi li dein de notte, pro sa quale morte fettin querella et reclamo contra sa persona de Pedru Najtana, pro paura de sa justissia, si ausentait, in sa quale aussensia est dae unu annu pattinde multos dannos, dispesas, traballos e disusios.}}
In the meanwhile, the priest Ioan Matheu Garipa, writing his work "''Legendariu de Santas Virgines, et Martires de Iesu Christu''" highlights the nobility of Sardinian, by claiming it is the closest living language to [[classical Latin]]:
{{quote|Las apo voltadas in sardu menjus qui non in atera limba pro amore de su vulgu [...] qui non tenjan bisonju de interprete pro bi-las decrarare, et tambene pro esser sa limba sarda tantu bona, quanta participat de sa latina, qui nexuna de quantas limbas si plàtican est tantu parente assa latina formale quantu sa sarda.}}
===[[History of Sardinia#Piedmont-Sardinia|Piedmontese]] and Kingdom of Italy===
Линија 86 ⟶ 81:
A [[Bill (proposed law)|bill]] of [[Mario Monti|Monti]]'s [[Monti Cabinet|government]] would have further lowered the level of protection of the language,<ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2012/09/12/miur-e-limba-sarda.html MIUR e limba sarda – ULS Alta Baronia]</ref> which is already quite low,<ref>[http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/europe/italiesardaigne.htm Sardaigne]</ref> implementing a distinction between the languages protected by international agreements (German, Slovenian, French and Ladin) and those related to communities that do not have a foreign state behind them. This project, which never came into existence<ref>[http://gianfrancopintore.blogspot.it/2012/03/carta-delle-lingue-una-ratifica.html?spref=fb Carta delle lingue: una ratifica presunta e una bufala probabile - Giuseppe Corongiu]</ref> (Italy hasn't ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages yet<ref>[http://messaggeroveneto.gelocal.it/cronaca/2013/06/06/news/l-ue-richiama-l-italia-non-ha-ancora-firmato-la-carta-di-tutela-1.7208776 L’Ue richiama l’Italia: non ha ancora firmato la Carta di tutela - Messaggero Veneto]</ref>), has nonetheless caused some reaction from some parts of the intellectual and political world of the island.<ref>[https://bolognesu.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/il-nazionalismo-italiano-mostra-ancora-una-volta-il-suo-volto-feroce-contro-le-minoranze-linguistiche/ Il nazionalismo italiano mostra ancora una volta il suo volto feroce contro le minoranze linguistiche – R.Bolognesi]</ref><ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2012/08/01/lingua-sarda-cisl-tutelare-la-specialita-dell-isola.html Lingua sarda: CISL, tutelare la specialità dell'isola]</ref><ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2012/08/01/richiesta-di-estensione-massima-dei-benefici-previsti-massim.html Richiesta di estensione massima dei benefici previsti massimi dalla Carta Europea delle Lingue a sardo e friulano]</ref><ref>[http://www.sassarinotizie.com/articolo-12111-universita_contro_spending_review_viene_discriminato_il_sardo.aspx Università contro spending review «Viene discriminato il sardo» – Sassari Notizie]</ref><ref>[http://www.buongiornoalghero.it/contenuto/0/12/4262/il_consiglio_regionale_si_sveglia_sulla_tutela_della_lingua_sarda.aspx Il consiglio regionale si sveglia sulla tutela della lingua sarda]</ref><ref>[http://notizie.alguer.it/n?id=50706 «Salviamo sardo e algherese in Parlamento», Alguer.it]</ref><ref>[http://www.rossomori.net/joomla/index.php/home/item/1694-il-sardo Il sardo è un dialetto? – Rossomori]</ref> Recently, a number of cases of people wanting to give the exit esam, or part of it, speaking in Sardinian burst onto the social and political scene.<ref>[http://www.focusardegna.com/index.php/editoriali/106-do-you-speak-su-sardu Do you speak... su Sardu? - Irene Bosu , Focus Sardegna]</ref><ref>[http://www.sardiniapost.it/cronaca/cagliari-promosso-a-pieni-voti-il-tredicenne-che-ha-dato-lesame-in-sardo/ Cagliari, promosso a pieni voti il tredicenne che ha dato l’esame in sardo - Sardiniapost]</ref><ref>[http://www.sardiniapost.it/cronaca/la-prof-continentale-dice-no-alla-studentessa-che-vuole-parlare-in-sardo-di-eleonora-darborea/ Eleonora d’Arborea in sardo? La prof. “continentale” dice no - Sardiniapost]</ref><ref>[http://ulsaltabaronia.myblog.it/archive/2013/07/16/sassari-studente-dell-alberghiero-si-diploma-parlando-in-sar.html Sassari, studente dell’Alberghiero si diploma parlando in sardo - ULS Alta Baronìa (La Nuova Sardegna)]</ref><ref>[http://lanuovasardegna.gelocal.it/sassari/cronaca/2013/07/20/news/esame-di-maturita-per-la-limba-1.7453282 Esame di maturità per la limba: Buddusò, la tesina di Elio Altana scritta in italiano ma discussa in logudorese - La Nuova Sardegna]</ref> Whether all the measures to save the language will succeed remains to be seen.
== Примери речи ==
* -{l’acqua}- — вода ({{јез-ита|l’acqua}})
* -{a terra/a tarra}- — земља ({{јез-ита|la terra}})
* -{l’omu}- — човек ({{јез-ита|l’uomo}})
* -{a donna}- — жена ({{јез-ита|la donna}})
* -{u ghjornu}- — дан ({{јез-ита|il giorno}})
* -{u celu/u celi}- — небо ({{јез-ита|il cielo}})
* -{notte/notti}- — ноћ ({{јез-ита|notte}})
* -{spidale/spedale/uspidali}- — болница ({{јез-ита|ospedale}})
== Извори ==