Bit Generacija

амерички социјални и књижевни покрет настао у Сан Франциску 1950-тих

Bit Generacija je bio pokret književne subkulture koji je pokrenula grupa autora čiji su radovi istraživali i uticali na američku kulturu i politiku u posleratnoj eri.[1] Najveći deo radova Bit generacije objavili su i popularizovali Silent Generationers tokom 1950-ih, poznatiji kao Bitnici. Centralni elementi Bit kulture su odbacivanje standardnih narativnih vrednosti, duhovna potraga, istraživanje američkih i istočnih religija, odbacivanje ekonomskog materijalizma, eksplicitni prikazi ljudskog stanja, eksperimentisanje sa psihodeličnim drogama i seksualno oslobađanje i istraživanje.[2][3]

Howl Alena Ginsberga (1956), Goli ručak Vilijama S. Barouza (1959) i Na putu Džeka Keruaka (1957) su među najpoznatijim ostvarenjima ove književne subkulture.[4] I Howl kao i Goli ručak bili su u fokusu suđenja zbog navodne opscenostim što je na kraju pomogla liberalizaciji izdavaštva u Sjedinjenim Državama.[5][6] Članovi Bit generacije stekli su reputaciju novih boemskih hedonista, koji su slavili nekonformizam i spontanu kreativnost.

Tokom 1950-ih, oko književnog pokreta formirala se bitnička subkultura, iako su to često kritički posmatrali glavni autori Bit pokreta. Tokom 1960-ih, elementi širenja Bit pokreta su ugrađeni u hipi i veće kontrakulturne pokrete. Nil Kesidi, kao vozač autobusa Furthur, Kena Kizija, bio je primarni most između ove dve generacije. Ginsbergov rad je takođe postao sastavni element hipi kulture ranih 1960-ih, u kojoj je aktivno učestvovao. Hipi kulturu su praktikovali prvenstveno stariji pripadnici sledeće generacije.

Poreklo imena


Iako je Keruak uveo frazu „Beat Generation” 1948. da okarakteriše percipirani podzemni, antikonformistički omladinski pokret u Njujorku, njegov kolega pesnik Herbert Hanke je prvi upotrebio reč „beat”.[7] Ime je nastalo u razgovoru sa piscem Džonom Klelonom Holmsom. Keruak dozvoljava da je Hanke, ulični prevarač, prvobitno koristio frazu „tući“, u ranijoj diskusiji sa njim. Pridev „beat“ bi kolokvijalno mogao da znači „umoran“ ili „prebijen“ u afroameričkoj zajednici tog perioda i razvio se iz slike „tući do čarapa“,[8][9] ali Keruak prisvojio sliku i promenio značenje kako bi uključio konotacije „nabrijano“, „blaženo“ i muzičku asocijaciju „na ritmu“ i „ritam koji treba zadržati“ iz pesme Beat Generation .[10]

Godine 1982. Ginsberg je objavio sažetak „esencijalnih efekata“ bit generacije:[11]

  • Duhovno oslobođenje, seksualna „revolucija“ ili „oslobođenje“, tj. oslobođenje homoseksualaca, donekle katalizirajuće oslobođenje žena, oslobođenje crnaca, aktivizam Sivog pantera.
  • Oslobođenje sveta od cenzure.
  • Demistifikacija i/ili dekriminalizacija kanabisa i drugih droga.
  • Evolucija ritam i bluza u rokenrol kao visoku umetničku formu, o čemu svedoče Bitlsi, Bob Dilan, Dženis Džoplin i drugi popularni muzičari na koje su kasnijih pedesetih i šezdesetih uticala dela pesnika i pisaca generacije.
  • Širenje ekološke svesti
  • Opozicija civilizaciji sa vojno-industrijskim mašinama
  • Pažnja na ono što je Keruak nazvao (posle Špenglera) „druga religioznost“ koja se razvija unutar napredne civilizacije.
  • Vraaćanje razumevanju idiosinkrazije naspram državnog režima.
  • Poštovanje zemlje i autohtonih naroda i stvorenja


  1. ^ Evans, Mike, The Beats: from Kerouac to Kesey : an illustrated journey through the Beat Generation, Running Press, Introduction
  2. ^ The Beat Generation – Literature Periods & Movements.
  3. ^ Charters, Ann (2001). Beat Down to Your Soul: What was the Beat Generation?. Penguin Books. ISBN 0141001518. 
  4. ^ Charters (1992) The Portable Beat Reader.
  5. ^ Ann Charters, introduction, to Beat Down to Your Soul, Penguin Books. 2001. ISBN 978-0-14100-151-7.xix "[...] the conclusion of the obscenity trial in San Francisco against Lawrence Ferlinghetti for publishing Ginsberg's Howl and Other Poems [...] in which Judge Clayton W. Horn concluded for the defendant that 'Howl' had what he called 'redeeming social content.'", p. xxxiii "After the successful Howl trial, outspoken and subversive literary magazines sprung up like wild mushrooms throughout the United States."
  6. ^ Ted Morgan, Literary Outlaw, New York: Avon, 1988. p. 347, trade paper edition. ISBN 0-380-70882-5: "The ruling on Naked Lunch in effect marked the end of literary censorship in the United States."
  7. ^ „Beat movement (American literary and social movement) – Encyclopædia Britannica”. Pristupljeno 2014-11-30. 
  8. ^ "Beat to his socks, which was once the black's most total and despairing image of poverty, was transformed into a thing called the Beat Generation..." James Baldwin, "If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What is it?," The New York Times, July 29, 1979.
  9. ^ "The word 'beat' was primarily in use after World War II by jazz musicians and hustlers as a slang term meaning down and out, or poor and exhausted. The jazz musician Mezz Mezzrow combined it with other words, like 'dead beat' ..." Ann Charters, The Portable Beat reader, 1992. ISBN 978-0-670-83885-1..
  10. ^ The exuberance is much stronger in the published On the Road, than in its manuscript (in scroll-form). Luc Sante: "In the scroll the use of the word "holy" must be 80 percent less than in the novel, and psalmodic references to the author's unique generation are down by at least two-thirds; uses of the word "beat", for that matter, clearly favor the exhausted over the beatific." New York Times Book Review, August 19, 2007.
  11. ^ Ginsberg, Allen A Definition of the Beat Generation, from Friction, 1 (Winter 1982), revised for Beat Culture and the New America: 1950–1965.


  • Charters, Ann (ed.) (1992) The Portable Beat Reader. Penguin Books. ISBN 0-670-83885-3. (hc). ISBN 0-14-015102-8 (pbk). The table of contents is online Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (22. децембар 2008).
  • Charters, Ann (ed.) (2001) Beat Down to Your Soul: What Was the Beat Generation? NY: Penguin, 2001. ISBN 0-14-100151-8.
  • Knight, Arthur Winfield. Ed. The Beat Vision (1987) Paragon House. ISBN 0-913729-40-X. ISBN 0-913729-41-8 (pbk)
  • Knight, Brenda. Women of the Beat Generation: The Writers, Artists and Muses at the Heart of a Revolution. ISBN 1-57324-138-5.
  • McClure, Michael. Scratching the Beat Surface: Essays on New Vision from Blake to Kerouac. Penguin, 1994. ISBN 0-14-023252-4.
  • Miles, Barry (2001). Ginsberg: A Biography. London: Virgin Publishing Ltd., paperback, 628 pages. ISBN 0-7535-0486-3.
  • Morgan, Ted (1983) Literary Outlaw The Life and Times of William S. Burroughs.. ISBN 0-380-70882-5., first printing, trade paperback edition Avon, NY, NY
  • Phillips, Lisa. Beat Culture and the New America 1950–1965 published by the Whitney Museum of American Art in accordance with an exhibition in 1995/1996. ISBN 0-87427-098-7. softcover. ISBN 2-08-013613-5. hardcover (Flammarion)
  • Raskin, Jonah. American Scream: Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" and the Making of the Beat Generation. University of California Press, 2004. ISBN 0-520-24015-4.
  • Starer, Jacqueline. Les écrivains de la Beat Generation éditions d'écarts Dol de Bretagne France. 1SBN 978-2-919121-02-1
  • Weidner, Chad. The Green Ghost: William Burroughs and the Ecological Mind. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2016. 1SBN 978-0809334865

Dodatna literatura

  • Campbell, James. This Is the Beat Generation: New York–San Francisco-Paris. LA: University of California Press, 2001. ISBN 0-520-23033-7.
  • Chandarlapaty, Raj (2019). Seeing the Beat Generation: Entering the Literature through Film. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. ISBN 978-1476675756. 
  • Collins, Ronald & Skover, David. Mania: The Story of the Outraged & Outrageous Lives that Launched a Cultural Revolution (Top-Five Books, March 2013)
  • Cook, Bruce The Beat Generation: The tumultuous '50s movement and its impact on today. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971. ISBN 0-684-12371-1..
  • Gifford, Barry and Lawrence Lee Jack's Book An Oral Biography Of Jack Kerouac, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. ISBN 0-312-43942-3.
  • Gorski, Hedwig. * [1] Robert Creeley 1982 TV Interview with Hedwig Gorski transcript included in special Robert Creeley Issue, Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST), No. 27, Spring 2008.
  • Grace, Nancy Jack Kerouac and the Literary Imagination, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. ISBN 1-4039-6850-0.
  • Hemmer, Kurt (ed.). Encyclopedia of Beat Literature. Facts on File, 2006. ISBN 0-8160-4297-7.
  • Hrebeniak, Michael. Action Writing: Jack Kerouac's Wild Form, Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2006.
  • Johnson, Ronna C. and Nancy Grace. Girls Who Wore Black: Women Writing the Beat Generation. Rutgers, 2002. ISBN 0-813-53064-4.
  • Knight, Brenda. Women of the Beat Generation; The Writers, Artists, and Muses at the Heart of a Revolution. Conari Press, 1996. ISBN 1573240613.. ISBN 978-1573240611.
  • McDarrah, Fred W., and Gloria S. McDarrah. Beat Generation: Glory Days in Greenwich Village Schirmer Books (September 1996). ISBN 0-8256-7160-4.
  • McNally, Dennis. Desolate Angel: Jack Kerouac, the Beat Generation, and America. NY: DeCapo, 2003. ISBN 0-306-81222-3.
  • Miles, Barry. The Beat Hotel: Ginsberg, Burroughs & Corso in Paris, 1957–1963. NY: Grove Press, 2001. ISBN 0-8021-3817-9.
  • Peabody, Richard. A Different Beat: Writing by Women of the Beat Generation. Serpent's Tail, 1997. ISBN 1852424311. /. ISBN 978-1852424312.
  • Sargeant, Jack. Naked Lens: Beat Cinema. NY: Soft Skull, 2009 (third edition)
  • Sanders, Ed. Tales of Beatnik Glory (second edition). 1990. ISBN 0-8065-1172-9.
  • Theado, Matt (ed.). The Beats: A Literary Reference. NY: Carrol & Graff, 2002. ISBN 0-7867-1099-3.
  • Watson, Steven. The Birth of the Beat Generation: Visionaries, Rebels, and Hipsters, 1944–1960. NY: Pantheon, 1998. ISBN 0-375-70153-2.