
Переключение алфавитов uredi

Здравствуйте! Не могли бы вы подсказать, как удаслось сделать переключение алфавитов с кириллицы на латиницу? Для татарской википедии это тоже актульно. Спасибо. --Untifler 18:02, 15. април 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Could you say me how the Serbian wikipedia uses the switch from Cyrillic to Latin?? Where I can finde a code of thi switch? --Untifler 18:02, 15. април 2006. (CEST) Пребацио Бране Јовановић <~> 14:27, 26. јун 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Molba uredi

Da li bi iko od bosanskih Srba želio da dođe na Wikipediju na bosanskom jeziku i napiše malo više o pravoslavlju i prije svega o Sabornoj crkvi? Imamo jako malo članaka o pravoslavlju, a razlog je što većina Srba koji dođu na bs.Wiki sve svoje snage usmjere ka vandalizmu, a vjerujem da bi pravilno kanalisanu energiju mogli bolje iskoristiti pišući za promociju pravoslavlja.

Sve najbolje u budućem radu, i sretnu novu želi Vam: Amer

p.s. ukoliko sam ostavio ovu poruku na neadekvatnom mjestu, molim administratore da je ne brišu, nego da je jednostavno premjeste na mjesto na kojem ova molba pripada.

Nažalost o pravoslavlju se i na ovoj Vikipediji piše jako malo. Ako ima nešto da ste pronašli i da vam se sviđa slobodno možete preneti i na bs: Vikipediju. Takođe ne bi loše bilo da otvorite nalog i ovde. Što se tiče Saborne crkve u Sarajevu mi o njoj nemamo članak, video sam da vi imate nešto bs:Saborna crkva a pronašao sam i ovo na Internetu http://www.sarajevo.ba/ba/stream.php?kat=113 Koliko je meni poznato ta crkva je bila sedište sarajevskih (ili dabrobosanskih) mitropolita ne znam koliko vremena, sve do poslednjeg rata. Tu je sahranjen prethodni mitropolit Vladislav (†1992) tačnije prenet pre nekoliko godina. Verujem da sada u Foči ima mnogo ljudi koji bi znali nešto više o tome, ali nažalost njih ni ovde nema da se uključe. U Foču je sada preneta duhovna aktivnost: bogoslovija, pravoslavna duhovna akademija itd.
Hvala na čestitkama. --Ђорђе Стакић (р) 14:08, 14. јануар 2007. (CET)[odgovori]
Hvala Djordjes, pogledao sam ovaj link što si mi dao i skontao da je na bs.Wiki zapravo kopiran sadržaj sa tog linka... Pokušaću nešto kopirati sa sr.Wiki o pravoslavlju, ali slabo poznajem tematiku, pa sam odlučio prvo postati ovdje poziv za pomoć. Sve najbolje. Amer
Sa zadovoljstvom ću pomoći ako nešto treba, možda ovih dana prođem i kroz članke koji mi se učine dobri, npr. ne znam da li je veće interesovanje za manastire, crkve i sl. ili za crkvene ličnosti. Što se tiče usko stručnih tema teologije tu nisam dovoljno u tome, imali smo jednog magistra pravoslavne teologije Корисник:Djakovac ali on se u poslednje vreme ne uključuje u rad. Inače video sam da na en: ima članak en:Serb Orthodox Cathedral (Sarajevo) pa sam postavio link do bs: takođe tu ima i jedan link http://www.mitropolijadabrobosanska.org/sematizam/crkve_parohije+.php?subaction=showfull&id=1127698001&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1& ako se dobro snalazite sa ćirilicom. Takođe, korisno je videti Vikipedija:Pomoćna oruđa za razne alate za konverziju ćirilica/latinica. --Đorđe Stakić (r) 20:14, 14. januar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]
Ovo je extra! Hvala mnogo za link. Naravno da se snalazim sa ćirilicom. Plan mi je bio prvo obezbjediti članke koji govore o institucionalnom pravoslavlju u BiH. A u samu teologiju se (bez stručne pomoći) ne bih upuštao. Vama Đorđe hvala još jednom na pomoći, mnogo će mi pomoći, a ukoliko budem imao nekih pitanja, uzeću sebi tu slobodu da Vas ponovo kontaktiram :) -- Amer

Veze ka hrvatskoj i bošnjačkoj vikipediji? uredi

Zašto uopšte pitanje da li se može prekopirati neki članak sa srpske vikipedije na bošnjačku? Pa bar ovdje se ne moramo baviti nacionalizmom. Vikipediju sam shvatio kao jednu lijepu ideju za širenje obrazovanja i pismenosti. Juče sa pola dana svog slobodnog vremena utrošio pripremajući članak koji sam vidjeo da ne postoji na Vikiju. To mi dođe kao neko dobro djelo ѕa svoju zajednicu. A pošto moj jezik zasigurno razumiju i Hrvati i Bošnjaci, ne vidim razloga zašto da se on ne pojavi i na tim vikipedijama. Neka se samo preprave tih par slova raѕlike i to je to... rezultat je: doprinijeli smo razvoju još šire zajednice. Na žalost primjetio sam da iako je ovo enciklopedija 99% rasprava se svodi na nacionalizam, istorijske teme. Stiče se utisak da nijedan od sva tri naroda nije još sagradio nacionalni identitet, pa toliko peku sličnosti sa onim drugim. Nisam još naišao na raspravu o mikrobiologiji recimo ili tehnologiji prerade hrane. Pa ne znam koliko već godina idem na Beogradski sajam da nađem neku knjigu o preradi mesa, mlijeka i slično, ali to kod nas izgleda nisu zanimljive teme, ali zato istorije, monografija, biografija vele plitičara, rodoljuba i tome sličnih po deset izdanja. E eto tu je vidim vikipediju kao oruđe za borbu za znanje i njegovo lako pohranjivanje.

Da me ne shatite pogrešno nisam nikakv globalista, samo mislim da postavljanje granica i zidova stvara mržnju i nerazumjevanje. Zato bi bilo dobro da se postigne neki dogovor sa hrvatskim i bošnjačkim vikipedistima da se članci slobodno kopiraju, naravno uz prepravku u duhu datog jezika. Zašto gubiti vrijeme i trošiti energiju kada nam je cilj isti, a zajedno do njega monjemo brže stići.

Čitajući razne članke na ova tri vikija, čini mi se da je još rano za ovakve teme. A to je tako zato što su političari i “rodoljubi“ uvjek najbučniji, najagresivniji. Polako, neka se vidi da ima i ovakvih mišljenja. a kada se nebudemo plašili hrvatske ili bošnjačke riječi u svom tekstu realizovaće se i ovakve ideje!

  • Članke možeš slobodno kopirati sa ovih vikipedija. Naravno moraš prepraviti par reči koje mi ne možemo da razumemo (tipa oižujak, zrcalo, tajnik i sl.). Ljudi često kopiraju članke sa jedne na drugu vikipediju, i to uopšte nije loše. Sa hrvatim,a imamo vrlo dobru saradnju, sa bošnjacima malo slabiju, ali vremenom će se stanje poboljšati. U svakom slučaju, svaki tekst, za koji misliš da je dobar, možeš slobodno da prekopiraš sa neke druge vikipedije (naravno pod uslovom da ga "prevedeš" na srpski) --Jovan Vuković (r) 12:22, 17. februar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

Wikimedia Commons uredi

Zdravstvuйte. Na Wikimedia Commons pomenяlsя dizaйn glavnoй stranicы. Požaluйsta, pomogite s perevodom angliйskogo teksta.

Takže, esli možete, prošu pomočь s perevodom stranic commons:Glavna stranica (Hrvatski) i commons:Glavna stranica - Glavna stranica (Srpskohrvatski / Srpskohrvatski).

Hi. Main page on Wikimedia Commons have new design. Please help with it transplation.

Also if you can please help with translation of pages commons:Glavna stranica (Hrvatski) and commons:Glavna stranica - Glavna stranica (Srpskohrvatski / Srpskohrvatski).

~ putnik 07:53, 7. maj 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

~ putnik 14:19, 7. maj 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Mjesto rođenja uredi

Slučajno sam došao na stranice vaše cijenjene sr.wikipedije i našao podatak da je Goran Ivanišević rođen u Splitu (SFRJ), bez želje da pravim političko pitanje od toga samo me zanima da li za nekoga ko je rođen u Sarajevu 1943 pišete Sarajevo (Bosna), Sarajevo (NDH), Sarajevo (Kraljevina Jugoslavija) ili nešto deseto, naime poanta je da mislim da politizirate gdje to stvarno nije potrebno! Uz iznimno štovanje prema vašem radu, pozdravljam! -- 15:54, 19. avgust 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Ja ti mogu reći kako je na engleskoj wiki: stavlja se država koja je taj dan zvanično postojala, a pogledaj bilo koga teniser iz Rusije (a svi današnji pro teniseri su rođeni u SSSR) da piše pored grada Soviet Union. Pogledaj: en:Mikhail Youzhny, en:Nikolay Davydenko
Kako je na ovoj wiki, nemam pojma. --Djomla88 (razgovor) 22:26, 24. decembar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

Suche kyrillisch/lateinisch uredi

Warum heißt die Suchfunktion eigentlich mal pretraga und mal traži? Ich frage nur aus Neugier, leider spreche ich kein Serbisch (eine schöne Sprache ☺). (razgovor) 15:29, 31. mart 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Es ist wie »die Suche« und »suche!« in Deutsch. Mit uns Serben ist es schwer die gemeinsame Termin zu finden. Darum sagen Wir: »Zwei Serben, drei Parteien«. --Jakša (razgovor) 10:44, 1. april 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Ach so! Hvala za? tvoj? odgovor?! :) (razgovor) 15:35, 3. april 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Manastir Manasija uredi

The article Manastir Manasija is obviously taken from [1] and hence a copyright violation. It should be deleted and newly written. (I was just looking for the exact location of the monastery which is not absolutely clear to me.) --Mazbln (razgovor) 21:46, 8. maj 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Sorry for late response; the issue shall be examined. Thank you. --Darko Maksimović (razg.) 19:51, 6. jun 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

en.wiktionary uredi

Ako nekoga zanima može pogledati ovo glasovanje: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2009-06/Unified_Serbo-Croatian, koje je pokrenuo Ivan Štambuk. --Roberta F. (разговор) 15:37, 8. август 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

С Трга/Енглески 1 uredi

Egyptopedia uredi

Hello all,
I'm Aoineko from the French Wikipedia.
I started a new project on Meta Wikipedia named Egyptopedia. This project goal is to coordinate Egyptology projects of all Wikipedia. If some of you are interest in, please contact me.

Thanks, Aoineko

International Writing Contest uredi

Hello everybody,

In Berlin at Dezember 2004 there was the critique that there is not enough connection in the work of all the different Wikipedias in their different languages. I think, that an internationally linked writing contest should be one possible chance to cooperate and work together. At March 1st there will be the start of the second writing contest in the german Wikipedia so I thought, we can start it as an international project. There had bee contests in the Wikipedia of the Netherlands nl:Wikipedia:Schrijfwedstrijd, the german Wikipedia de:Wikipedia:Schreibwettbewerb and the english one en:Wikipedia:Danny's contest and as far as I could see it, it worked really good.

I hope you will join the Contest, please visit meta:International writing contest to find out more. -- 10:09, 11 Jan 2005 (CET) (Achim Raschka aka Necrophorus)

Copyright-Problems uredi

I don't know the correct template-name in your language - please take care of [[:Слика:Hitler.jpg]] - thanks. (de:Benutzer:Avatar) -- 12:57, 8 Mar 2005 (CET)

Ovako pošto su se pobunili administratori freenod-a svi da menjamo kanale na IRC-u dakle naš kanal #sr.wikipedia je sada #wikipedia-sr a kanal #balkan.wikipedia je sada #wikipedia-balkan.

Halló! I think it is a good idea to have this channel. I placed a link to #wikipedia-balkan on all of my user pages from the region: bg:, bs:, el:, hr:, md:, sl:, ro:, roa-rup:, sq:, tr: and cs, hu:, pl:, ru:, sk:, uk:, commons:. Regards Gangleri | Th | T 23:57, 18 Mar 2005 (CET)
#wikipedia-balkan is now added to the equivalent of Posebno:RecentchangesSkorašnje izmene. See ro:MediaWiki:Recentchangestext and its discussion page. Best regards Gangleri | Th | T 14:35, 23 Mar 2005 (CET)

Audio template uredi

Hi, I am making audio recordings of the pronunciation of words. Example; Medij:Nl-be_guy_verhofstadt.ogg To include this in a good way in your wiki I need to know what your audio template is and how it works. When I know it i, and many others, can put it directly inside articles on your wikipedia.

Can some one please put your audio template on this page;

Greetings, nl:gebruiker:Walter

There is now a template put for SR on commons:List of the different audio-templates for the Wikipedias but like it is now it is not usefull. This is for the use of pronounciation so it must be small. This template is big. Also this;
  • {{Аудио_пример ||filename|title|description|}}

can not be used by users who do not know your language. It must be a template where you only need to insert the filename and nothing else. nl:gebruiker:Walter

Već sam odgovorio Goran Anđelković (〠ꒌ) 19:34, 13 Apr 2005 (CEST)


      • Premda bi ja napravio drugi kraći šabvlon

  Gusle kao primer

  • I heared about plans to use latin alphabet as an option in sr.wikipedia. Please let me know about these plans.

Stewards election uredi


The stewards election has started on m:Stewards/elections 2005. Anyone can vote provided that he has a valid account on meta with a link to at least one user page, on a project where the editor is a participant, with at least 3 months participation to the project. Stewards can give sysop right on projects where there are no local bureaucrate. Please vote ! Yann 19:59, 21 maj 2005 (CEST)

PS: Please translate this. Thanks. Yann 19:59, 21 maj 2005 (CEST)

hello...im not greek but i was wondering if there was anyone out there who is greek and have been/going to a U2 concert for their Vertigo tour?

Interwiki Bot uredi

Hello, I'm running an interwiki bot under the account Korisnik:Zwobot. Someone asked me to request a bot flag for this account. With such a flag, the bot wouldn't appear on the list of recent changes. meta:Requests for permissions requires me to ask you if you support this. --Head 21:24, 5. septembar 2005. (CEST)

  1. Support (podržavam) --Dungo ۞ 21:35, 5. septembar 2005. (CEST)[odgovori]
  2. Support (podržavam) --Jovanvb 21:36, 5. septembar 2005. (CEST)[odgovori]
  3. Support (podržavam) --Milan Jelisavčić 22:12, 5. septembar 2005. (CEST)[odgovori]
  4. Support ((podržavam) i ask you) --Saša Stefanović ® ¿   23:02, 5. septembar 2005. (CEST)[odgovori]
  5. Support (podržavam) -- Obradović Goran (razgovor) 17:15, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

KocjoBot uredi

On the request of Saša.Stefanović (here) to start KocjoBot on :sr (currently is working on :sl, :bs and :hr; waiting approval on :en): does :sr community has any objections on this? Regards, --Klemen Kocjancic 16:21, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

As stewards can't set bot-flag (see here), I can for now run without botflag, but this means that Recent changes would be filled with my bot. If this is fine with community, is fine by me. If that is a problem, I will not started it here. Regards, --Klemen Kocjancic 17:07, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

Please don't run bot without bot flag, i will ask someone on irc to give bot flag to KocjoBot. Thanks --Saša Stefanović ® # 18:06, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

OK. Let me know, when it will be done. Regards, --KocjoBot 18:11, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

I think that you can run it even without bot flag, but you need to slow it down a bit, say less than 1 edit per minute. -- Obradović Goran (razgovor) 18:13, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

Goran, I think that it is default if Klement use pywikipediabot. However, I don't think it should be a problem for us to see a bot who is working fast. (Because I know that KocjoBot would not make any problems... Unlike my Millbot ;) ) --Miloš Rančić (razgovor) 18:19, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

Ok, I agree... give it a go! -- Obradović Goran (razgovor) 18:24, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

See :sl, :bs and :hr for work of KocjoBot. If you like what you see, I'll started it also here. Regards, --KocjoBot 18:31, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

Voting uredi


I am one of the WikiMedia developer. At the request of Sasa^Stefanovic on IRC, I granted KocjoBot user the 'bot' right :o)

Hashar 20:01, 1 oktobar 2005 (CEST)

Serbs Image uredi

The image selected for the English Serbs page is somewhat unattractive. Is there anyway to to clean up it up or perhaps mix it with some of the images from this: [[Слика:Srbs3.JPG|200п]]?

Congratulations uredi

Congratulations on your newly formed chapter on behalf of the Wikimedia Poland Association (aka Polish Chapter). Think big, keem dreaming, and above all else – be bold! Always remember that you are helping change history with ever step you take.

I am certain that together we will make a lot of wonderful and exciting things happen.

Best regards,
Łukasz "TOR" Garczewski
President of Wikimedia Polska

We also recently did chapters about President Lepper and Samoorona RP.Dzoni 11:16, 15. januar 2006. (CET)[odgovori]

Bot flag uredi

I have been asked on my English userpage to request a bot flag for Robbot. The bot now has got a flag; if people have problems with that, they can contact me again. - Andre Engels 09:56, 7 decembar 2005 (CET)

Do you support bot flag for Robbot? --Miloš Rančić (razgovor) 11:18, 7 decembar 2005 (CET)
#Support --Miloš Rančić (razgovor) 11:18, 7 decembar 2005 (CET)
I didn't read all message :) --Miloš Rančić (razgovor) 11:20, 7 decembar 2005 (CET)

Press contact uredi

Is there anyone who wants to be the official press contact for this language, in the odd case anyone from the press wants to talk to a contributor to this project? If so, contact me at en:user:zanimum/press. -- Zanimum 18:30, 12. april 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Bosnian Wikipedia uredi

Hello, I have start a discussion about using the Cyrillic script in the Bosnian Wikipedia with a Interface like in the Serbian Wikipedia because the Cyrillic script is also the official script in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It would be nice if some of you take part at the discussion. Thank you very much. Here is a Link. --Jones 14:56, 26. april 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

MIllosh uredi


I am looking for the editor called Millosh. Sorry, it is very hard for me to write on this wiki and I cant seem to find a way to create my account. Caracters are either ? or just missing.

I need to get in contact with Millosh quickly. Can you help ? My email is anthere9 AT yahoo.com

Thank you


PS : I cant even close this parenthesis...unbelievable...

Moldovan uredi

Hi, sorry to write in English, but I don't know enough Serbian. I am writing here to alert all Serbian Wikipedians to the attempt by a group of Romanian nationalists to close the Moldovan Wikipedia, an active Wikipedia with over 300 articles which is growing rapidly, simply because they don't like the Cyrillic script. They have resorted to lies and slander, including saying that the Wikipedia has no community, and that it is inactive. Please vote here on the future of the Moldovan Wikipedia. ALso, I will appreciate it greatly if someone trnaslates this post to Serbian. Thank you. --Node ue

Ovaj komentar je korisnik ostavio na strani "Trg/Novosti" 22. juna. --Dzordzm 03:46, 2. jul 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Please, help slavonians! uredi

Slavic brothers! Please, help us to open Wikipedia on Surzhyk language! We need just your support vote here http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_new_languages#Surzhyk_.2816_Support.2C_11_Oppose.29 Thank you so much! --Dmitriй Nikitin

Photo info requested uredi

Is this a Global Million Marijuana March (MMM) photo? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Marijuana_March

I want to use the photo, and can't read the text. What city was this photo taken in? Belgrade? What is the date of the event? May 2005? My wikipedia user talk page is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Timeshifter

I compile MMM photos for various websites, and would like more MMM photos for all years and all cities worldwide. -- 20:11, 26. septembar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Odgovoreno korisniku na engleskoj Vikipediji. --SašaStefanović 21:52, 26. septembar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

The Serbian Point of View: Kosovo documentation request uredi

Hi there. I am helping to develop the Italian article about the Kosovo war (it:Guerra del Kosovo) and would like to ask you for help in order to find Serbian documents (in English or French translation) that would show the Serbian point of view related to the (in)famous "Rambouillet accords" which did lead to the NATO air assault against your country. My take is that no Serbian Leader, not only Milosevic, but also the opposition leaders, could ever sign the agreement in Paris after the Military Annex B was added at the last minute. I mean, that no leader could win a majority, a clear one to support the signing of the agreements after the Annex B was included. I have found already various western sources that do support this take, and those of you that can read some Italian, can already see some of them on our article at the link provided above. Now, it would be nice to obtain also some references from the Serbian side to be included. Any suggestion or contribution is most welcome. Thank you in advance and best of all. Please leave a message on my discussion page at the Italian Wikipedia. Thanks again. it:Utente:Piero_Montesacro

Pindos uredi

Hi! Is there in Serbian language word pindos? Particularly in meaning penguin? We are researching origin of Russian word pindos (synonym Yankee). -- 19:43, 7. oktobar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

No, we say пингвин, which was derived from penguin. Sorry ;) --Φ ί λ ι π 19:44, 7. oktobar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Foča/Srbinje uredi

Hello, the article Srbinje should be moved to the (now again) official name Foča. Since there is alreday a redirect there it is not possible without prior deletion of this redirect. I would be glad if some admin could do that. --Mazbln 20:56, 26. oktobar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin uredi

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- 03:15, 29. oktobar 2006. (CET) Brane Jovanović <~>[odgovori]

Image deletion uredi

Hello! I have replaced the copyrighted image [[:Слика:LivKristine.jpg]] with a free version, Slika:Liv kristine plato helmond.JPG, hosted at Commons. However, now that the original image is orphaned, I am not sure how to inform the old one can be deleted. At the English Wikipedia there is en:Template:orphaned fairuse replaced, which categorizes the image for 7 day, after which the image is deleted. Is there any tag I can use after replacing a fair use image with a free one? Thanks in advance. -- ReyBrujo 02:50, 19. decembar 2006. (CET)[odgovori]

I think {{szb}} would do (general template for deleting images). I deleted this one, but you know what to do next time. ;) --Φ ί λ ι π 06:17, 19. decembar 2006. (CET)[odgovori]

[[:Слика:Milosevic Dayton.jpg]] uredi

Hello. The above mentioned picture was uploaded to the Serbian Wikipedia one year ago by an now indefintely blocked user. Now it was taken from here to the German Wikipedia, too.There is no specific source given but it says that it is taken from an official US gouvernment source. After searching all their sites I found no evidence that this is true. To my mind it is just a video capture and hence a copyright violation. Could please check this? --Mazbln 12:28, 29. decembar 2006. (CET)[odgovori]

It most probably is. That image should be deleted. --Φ ί λ ι π 12:31, 29. decembar 2006. (CET)[odgovori]

Speedy deletion uredi

Is there any speedy deletion tag in the Serbian Wikipedia? So far I only found Šablon:Za brisanje, which (I think) should be used for deletion discussions. The reason for my question: Today I edited the article Morača where I found the uncategorized category link Kategorija:Reke u Crnoj Gori which I categorized. But then I found the already existing Kategorija:Reke Crne Gore. Hence I think the Kategorija:Reke u Crnoj Gori can be speedy deleted since no other article uses it. --Mazbln 22:57, 7. februar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

I don't think we have the appropriate template. Someone might want to make it eventually. Anyhow, I've deleted the category in question. You can always put "za brisanje" and the first admin to notice it will delete it. I think that some things that are to be deleted speedily are obvious and maybe that's why we've never actually made a separate template. --Φ ί λ ι π π ο ς | 23:09, 7. februar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

My userpage uredi

All I really want to know is what it says on my userpage. I can't get translated right now. Moe Epsilon 22:37, 21. februar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

It says:
Here you can write something about you, about the articles you have written, or planning to write.
This is only an advice, you can safely delete this message

And on your talk page there is a standard welcome message. --Rainman 22:42, 21. februar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

Auto-conversion between alphabeths uredi

Hi there,

I'd just like to know, where I can learn more about how the auto-conversion between latinica and kyrillica has been implemented. There is a similar issue on the Inuktitut Wikipedia. In some territories, Inuktitut is written in the Latin alphabeth, while in Nunavut, the Syllabic script is the official one. At present, the Inuktitut wiki is a mixture of both, but in the long run, this is clearly not a workable solution. --Johannes Rohr 13:10, 8. mart 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

You can contact Razgovor sa korisnikom:Rainman here at srwiki for our particular details. The God of auto-conversion can be contacted at zh:User talk:Zhengzhu. Good luck! --Dzordzm 13:39, 8. mart 2007. (CET)[odgovori]
Thanks, hvala! Btw: What happens, if I mix both scripts, like e.g. writing hvala/hvala? --Johannes Rohr 14:47, 8. mart 2007. (CET)[odgovori]
They are shown as is in the default view, or converted to the appropriate script, if you're browsing the content through one of the two tabs (i.e. if you have enabled the conversion). However, in some namespaces, conversion isn't applied whatsoever (e.g. all the discussion namespaces). --Φ ί λ ι π π ο ς | 14:50, 8. mart 2007. (CET)[odgovori]
Do you have something like a marker for non-convertable strings, in cases where auto-conversion would yield bogus results, i.e. words from non-Slavic languages? E.g. "George Walker Bush", "Leipzig" (which, IIRC, the Bulgarians transcribe as "Laйpcig") or "Marseille". In such cases, I guess that Serbian uses phonetic transcription just as Russian, Bulgarian, etc. do. So is there a way to prevent unwanted auto-conversions? Are there language markers to mark a string as, e.g. English or French and thus non-convertable? --Johannes Rohr 15:06, 8. mart 2007. (CET)[odgovori]
There are only generic markers (they are not classified by the language the strings are in): -{ }-. Thus, everything within the "minus sign-curly brace" pair is left intact. If titles are not to be converted, we use the __NOTC__ (from "no title convert") keyword anywhere in the article. --Φ ί λ ι π π ο ς | 15:10, 8. mart 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

My user page uredi

Can somebody help me to understand the both messages on the user page Razgovor sa korisnikom:Qualia below to the welcome message.

If you want to run a bot on Serbian language Wikipedia, apply for bot status at Vikipedija:Botovi. Until you do, your bot account will be blocked. --Brane Jovanović, DGzS <~> 19:40, 3. april 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Oh, and both are welcome messages. --Brane Jovanović, DGzS <~> 19:42, 3. april 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Thank you. I will make the request.

Writing system of choice uredi

I'm a little bit confused about the writing system within the Serbian Wikipedia. So far I thought that the basic writing of the articles is cyrillic with the possibilty to switch to latin by using the menu. Now I find some articles within the "cyrillic version" written in latin (example: Beovoz). How do you handle this? A found this out because in the German Wikipedia changed the Interwiki link of the mentioned article from cyrillic to latin which I found incorrect at first. Now I see that this article in fact is originally written in latin. --Mazbln 20:56, 24. maj 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Basically, both scripts take the same priority. The convention is that it’s up to the initial author’s discretion to choose the script of his liking, after which all other contributors to that article must make changes using the initial script only. So if someone starts an article using Latin script (like in the example you provided) all others must make changes using Latin script, and vice versa for Cyrillic. Cheers --Kale info 22:07, 24. maj 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Thats because it is same thing in Serbia: people write in both scripts because both are same in law. This is stupid thing, better would be to use only one script (also here on Wikipedia), but who asks me... --Milan Dinić 20:58, 25. maj 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Hello, Wikipedians!

My message concerns the two articles in the subject. The two of them are about the 7th sinfony by Jean Sibelius. After I set interwikilinks into the first article, I discovered the second one. Could one of you put the two articles together and make one of them? I don't know if you have a page for such redundancy cases, that's why I asked here. Thank you very much! --Darev 22:42, 17. jun 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

I've put the appropriate templates (for merging) on those pages. Someone will get to it eventually. Thanks for the notice. :) --filip 00:08, 18. jun 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]
Thank you very much! :) --Darev 16:01, 18. jun 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Wikimedia Election Notice uredi

If you are able, please translate this notice to as many possible languages and post it anywhere applicable.

The Wikimedia Election Committee is accepting candidates for the 2007 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. Please see [2] for more information.

There is still time for a new candidate to be considered for election, and you may now endorse the candidate of your choice (up to 3 candidates) on the endorsements page, [3]. Please read the instructions carefully prior to endorsing. If you can translate the instructions, please do.

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the election committee, who are listed here [4].

Posted on behalf of the Election Committee,

Preparation of Fundraiser 2007 uredi

Hi, this is just a first introduction message to tell you: there is more to come. I am dealing with the Project Management of the Fundraiser 2007 and therefore will search for contacts of wikimedians who can help us to do our tasks on all projects. I am actually also building the structure for the fundraiser on Meta. We will need people who help to design buttons, translate texts of buttons, documents, sitenotices etc. Should you feel you want to co-operate please let me know. You can reach me on my meta user page or by e-mail at scretella (at) wikimedia (dot) org. If you wish to notify us that you would like to co-operate on translations, it would be nice if you used e-mail and copied the e-mail to me and Aphaia (aphaia (at) gmail (dot) com). Thank you for your attention and I hope to meet you soon! Cheers :-) -- 4 September 2007 Sabine

Moved from the wrong pagename. --filip 21:42, 4. septembar 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Need bureaucrat help uredi

Can a bureaucrat rename my user name to "Lou Crazy" (capital c) ? Thank you in advance

Please notify me on it:User:Lou_Crazy when you do.

--Lou crazy 04:00, 26. septembar 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Done. --filip 11:25, 26. septembar 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]

Translation request uredi

Hi, could someone please translate an edit summary for me? It will be used in pywikipedia for a bot. I want to add "Changed link(s) to %s" and "Removed link(s)" to the summary. The English summary will be "Robot-assisted disambiguation: %s - Changed link(s) to %s" and "Robot-assisted disambiguation: %s - Removed link(s)" The summary was "Rešavanje višeznačnih odrednica pomoću bota: %s". Thanks! --Erwin85 22:16, 8. novembar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]

Registration? uredi

Hello. I'm Horatius on it.wiki. Today, controlling my e-mail I noticed a (probably) automatic message through <wiki@wikimedia.org>. Is it possible that I am registered in sr:wikipedia? If so I'm sorry but I did'nt it. Simply because I even don't understand cyrillic alphabet and (unluckily :) don'speak... serbian (?) is'nt it? So, if you want to use this nick for anybody involved in sr:wiki I here authorize to do. And if possible cancel me from sr:wiki to which, I'm sorry, I can't participate. :) sorry for disturbing. /Horatius it:wiki - italy

Since you are using your global account, you account on sr.wp was probably made when you visited it for the first time. See here for more info on your account. 項 Mihajlo [ talk ] 19:54, 16. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
Thx. Obviously the problem comes from that. Probably a wrong click. :(( Is it possible to cancel me and offer somebody else the possibility of usin' this nick? If not, I'm sorry to have (not voluntarily) create this situation. Bye! /Horatius it:wiki - italy--Horatius (razgovor) 19:16, 19. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
There's no need for that. You have created your global account and it is perfectly fine to have an account here with that name. Nothing further needs to be done. Enjoy --FiliP × 20:26, 19. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]

Cyrillic and Latin display is broken? uredi

I was able to view the Main Page a few times with Latin script (clicking on "latinica" tab) but it now doesn't work. It is always in Cyrillic. I found a few pages always in Latin script. Is this ability in the wiki to switch the display to either script broken? --MarsRover (razgovor) 23:25, 20. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]

I can view the Main Page in Latin normally. Maybe it's a caching issue on your side? OTOH, talk pages have conversion disabled. --FiliP × 02:18, 21. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
I have tried IE7 and FireFox. And tried different computers and different network connections. I tried deleting all cached files in the browser. It still doesn't work. It always displays Cyrillic. :-( You should be able to just click on the "latinica" tab and have almost any page switch over, right? MarsRover (razgovor) 20:37, 22. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
That is exactly how it works. And it works for me just fine. I am curious why it does not work for you?  Lampica (razgovor) 23:30, 22. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
It would indeed be helpful if you told us the titles of the affected pages. That way, we'd be able to track the problem down, because maybe it's not a problem on your side only, but a global one. --FiliP × 02:29, 23. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
I figured out the problem. If you have your preferences set so your language is "English", this setting causes the wiki to break. Setting it to "sr-el" fixed it. But alas I don't really known the Serbian language. Thanks. --MarsRover (razgovor) 05:24, 23. avgust 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]

Transliteration scripts uredi


I am an admin in the Crimean Tatar wikipedia. We have similar script situation to Serbian - both Cyrillic and Latin are widely used for writing Crimean Tatar. We (me and a friend of mine) have written a php script for Latin<>Cyrillic conversion. But we don't know wiki well, so we need help to test our script with wiki and install it. Could you please tell is there here in Serbian wiki anybody who can help us?

Don Alessandro (razgovor) 12:24, 12. septembar 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]

We are actually using conversion scripts from Chinese Wikipedia, modified by Zhengzhu, so perhaps he is the most able to help. Here, it was BraneJ who also worked on the conversion. Nikola (razgovor) 10:15, 13. septembar 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
User:Rainman is our transliteration guy. (The ground work was done by Zhengzhu.) --Dzordzm (razgovor) 10:26, 13. septembar 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]
Thank you! I'll try to contact those users.
PS Zhengzhu himself seems to be inactive.
Don Alessandro (razgovor) 11:30, 13. septembar 2008. (CEST)[odgovori]

S Trga/Engleski/2 uredi

Wikimania 2009: Scholarships uredi

English: Wikimania 2009, this year's global event devoted to Wikimedia projects around the globe, is now accepting applications for scholarships to the conference. This year's conference will be handled from August 26-28 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The scholarship can be used to help offset the costs of travel and registration. For more information, check the official information page. Please remember that the Call for Participation is still open, please submit your papers! Without submissions, Wikimania would not be nearly as fun!

srpski / srpski: Please translate this message into your language. - Rjd0060 (razgovor) 03:06, 9. april 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Hello! uredi

Hello! I try to register on Serbian Wikipedia but whenever I type the phrase from the window it always tell me that I typed it wrong and it gives me new word and same thign all over... I can't register because of it. Help me. Zivela Srbija! — Prethodni nepotpisani komentar ostavio je korisnik (razgovordoprinosi)

Interesting. You should check your keyboard settings, maybe it was set to cyrillic and phrase had to be typed in english, or something like that...--Miroslav Ćika (razgovor) 04:43, 14. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Photographer M. Jovanović in Beograd (1889) uredi

Hi! I have noticed some portraits of famous Serbian personalities (mainly Jovan Belimarković and en:Kosta Taušanović) in a scanned Czech magazine, published 05.04.1889. They are captioned as "from the studio of M. Jovanović in Beograd". Could anyone please check when Mr. M. Jovanović died, to verify if (or when) we can upload & use them? (After verification, feel free to upload them yourself, or tell me here.) Thanks! --Sapfan (razgovor) 11:16, 23. avgust 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

I assume that M. Jovanović is probably Milan Jovanović, brother of Paja Jovanović, who died on 17 March 1944.In the last decades of XIX century, he made portraits of famous Serbian personalities (some of them are listed here). Crni Bombarder!!!  (†) 01:07, 24. avgust 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]
Thanks for this information - looks like we have to wait for 6 more years. Hvala, --Sapfan (razgovor) 08:35, 24. avgust 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

In Serbia, if author died before 1955., images are in public domain. So they could be uploaded here, and later copied to Commons.--Miroslav Ćika (razgovor) 15:12, 14. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Transcription of citynames uredi

Hi! I am Perolinka from Swedish wikipedia. I wonder if it would be possible for someone here that understand serbian language to make a transcription of all names in the template of towns in Cetinje. I would really appreciate that, and it would make a big favour. You could write the transcripted names here.

Thanks! Perolinka (razgovor) 21:56, 5. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

And where exactly is the list of names in Serbian that you want to transcribe? And into what language, English or Swedish? Cetinje is a fairly small city in Montenegro, and there are no towns within it. Which makes your question somewhat unclear to me.--Miroslav Ćika (razgovor) 04:40, 14. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]
The names in the template in the end of this article. Translated into English, please. Perolinka (razgovor) 22:52, 17. oktobar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]
Thank you! Perolinka (razgovor) 23:28, 17. oktobar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

I need a translation of the deletion reason, there is a (scaled down) duplicate at Commons, commons:File:180px-Stupovi-1-.jpg and I want to know what to do with this. --Martin H. (razgovor) 20:50, 24. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

I could not find the page with deletion reason text. However, there is a large number of images available for that monastery at Commons: [5]. Also, there are 2 monasteries with the same name: Manastir Đurđevi stupovi (Crna Gora) and Manastir Đurđevi stupovi.--Miroslav Ćika (razgovor) 15:37, 25. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]
Thanks for you time, I just noticed that I was wrong, commons:File:180px-Stupovi-1-.jpg is not Slika:Stupovi.jpg, it was some other image. Maybe I will find it to replace the 180px trahs version. --Martin H. (razgovor) 17:09, 25. septembar 2009. (CEST)[odgovori]

Wikimania Scholarships uredi

The call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference. To apply, visit the Wikimania 2010 scholarships information page, click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply. For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:

Yours very truly, Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation