TERF je skraćenica za trans-isključujuće radikalne feministkinje (od trans-exclusionary radical feminists). Prvi put zabeležen 2008.[1], termin se prvobitno odnosio na manjinu feministkinja koje su zastupale stavove koje su druge feministkinje smatrale transfobičnim, kao što je odbacivanje tvrdnje da su trans žene - žene, te isključivale trans žene iz ženskih prostora i protivile se transrodnim pravima. Značenje se od tada proširilo i odnosi se na ljude sa trans-isključujućim stavovima koji možda nemaju veze sa radikalnim feminizmom.[2][3]

„STOP TERF” transparent na Beograd prajdu 2019. godine

Oni na koje se odnosi reč TERF obično odbacuju termin ili ga smatraju uvredom; neki se identifikuju kao rodno kritični.[4] Kritičari reči TERF kažu da je upotrebljena na previše širok i uvredljiv način, uz nasilnu retoriku.[5][6][7][8] U akademskom diskursu nema konsenzusa o tome da li TERF predstavlja uvredu ili ne.[7][8][9]

Nastanak skraćenice i njena upotreba uredi

Trans-inkluzivna cisrodna blogerka Viv Smit smatra se zaslužnom za popularizaciju izraza 2008. godine.[3][1] Korišćen je za opis manjine feministkinja[10] koje zagovaraju stavove koje druge feministkinje smatraju transfobičnim,[3][2][11][12] uključujući odbacivanje stava, preovlađujućeg u feminističkim organizacijama, da su trans žene - žene, te protivljenje transrodnim pravima i isključenje trans žena iz ženskih prostora i organizacija.[13]

Smit se navodi kao autorka skraćenice TERF zbog bloga koji je napisala reagujući na pravilnik Mičigenskog ženskog muzičkog festivala koji je zabranjivao pristup trans ženama. Napisala je da je odbacila svrstavanje svih radikalnih feministkinja sa „trans-isključujućim radfem (TERF) aktivistkinjama”.[1] U intervjuu za „TransAdvocate” 2014, Smit je rekla:

Ta reč je trebalo da bude tehnički i neutralan opis aktivističke grupacije. Želeli smo da na neki način razlikujemo pripadnice TERF ideologije od ostalih radikalnih feministkinja sa kojima smo bile u kontaktu, a koje su trans-inkluzivne ili neutralne, jer smo imali višegodišnju istoriju produktivne i sadržajne saradnje sa ne-TERF radikalnim feministkinjama.

Iako je Smit u početku koristila TERF za označavanje određene vrste feministkinje koju je okarakterisala kao „nespremnu da prepozna trans žene kao sestre”, primetila je da je taj izraz poprimio dodatne konotacije te su ga inkluzivne i isključujuće grupe povremeno koristile „kao sredstvo obračuna”.[1]

Pišući za Njujork tajms 2019. godine, feministička teoretičarka Sofi Luis primetila je da je izraz TERF postao termin za sve anti-transrodne feministkinje, bez obzira na to da li su radikalne.[2] Edi Miler, koja je pisala u časopisu „The Outline”, rekla je da se izraz primenjivao na većinu ljudi koji podržavaju trans-isključujuću politiku koja sledi određenu TERF logiku, bez obzira na njihovu umešanost u radikalni feminizam.[3] Pišući na sajtu salon.com, Lena Vilson je prokomentarisala da je videla izraz „TERFovski” koji se koristi za označavanje svega što kvir milenijalci smatraju da nije kul.[14]

Protivljenje izrazu uredi

Feministkinje opisane kao TERF generalno se protive tom terminu i ponekad se nazivaju rodno-kritičnim.[4][8][15] Godine 2017, britanska kolumnistkinja Sara Ditum napisala je da je granica da vas neko nazove TERF izuzetno niska[16] kao odgovor na komentare tadašnje voditeljke Ženskog sata, Dženi Murej i nigerijske književnice Čimamande Ngozi Adiči.

Neke samoopisane rodno kritične feministkinje kažu da se ne mogu precizno opisati kao trans-isključujuće, jer navode da uključuju transrodne muškarce.[17][18] Često ove feministkinje za transrodne muškarce kažu da su žene.[19] Pišući za „Socialist Worker”, američke feministkinje Danel Vilder i Kori Vesting izjavile su da je ovo stanovište „polarizujuće i kontradiktorno”, te da predstavlja transmizoginističku ideologiju.[20]

U članku iz 2015, američka feministkinja Boni Dž. Moris tvrdila je da je TERF u početku bio legitiman analitički izraz, ali se brzo razvio u pogrdnu reč koja se povezuje sa seksističkim uvredama. Opisala je reč kao simbol nerazrešenih tenzija između L i T frakcija naše LGBT zajednice i pozvala naučnike i novinare da je prestanu koristiti.[21]

Britanska novinarka Ketrin Benet opisala je tu reč kao sredstvo za maltretiranje, koje je već uspelo da potisne razgovor - a možda čak i istraživanje.[5][22] Godine 2017. britanska feministička autorka Kler Heukan tvrdila je da se ta reč često koristila zajedno sa nasilničkom retorikom,[6][23] i da je ovaj nasilni jezik korišćen za „dehumanizaciju žena koje su kritične prema rodu kao delu političkog sistema”, često lezbijki.[6] Britanski klinički psiholog i medicinski sociolog Dejvid Pilgrim tvrdio je da fraze poput „Ubij TERF!” ili „Udari TERF!” takođe postavljaju trolovi na internetu i da je bilo drugih prikaza nasilja namenjenih ženama označenim kao TERF.[24]

U 2018, britanska parlamentarna grupa za zločin iz mržnje primila je nekoliko podnesaka koji su ukazivali na visok stepen napetosti između trans aktivistkinja i feminističkih grupa koje se protive zakonodavstvu o transrodnim pravima, pri čemu su obe strane detaljno opisale incidente ekstremnog ili uvredljivog jezika. U izveštaju se navodi da su neke žene dostavile izveštaje u kojima se tvrdi da se žene koje se protive smatranju trans žena za žene napadaju na internetu i na ulici, gde se termin „trans-isključujuća radikalna feministkinja” (TERF) koristi kao uvreda.[25]

Debata oko uvredljivosti uredi

Ljudi na koje se odnosi reč TERF često je karakterišu kao uvredu ili govor mržnje.[4] U prikupljanju eseja o „transrodnim identitetima” u julu 2018. godine, britanski časopis "The Economist" zahtevao je od pisaca da izbegavaju sve klevete, uključujući TERF, navodeći da se ta reč koristila za pokušaj da se ućutkaju mišljenja i ponekad podstakne nasilje.[26]

Aktivistkinja za transrodna prava[27] i profesorka filozofije jezika Rejčel Mekinon 2018. godine nazvala je ideju da je reč TERF uvreda „apsurdnom”, rekavši da to što se reč može koristiti pogrdno prema ženama ne znači da je samim tim i uvreda.[9]

U avgustu 2018. sedam britanskih filozofa napisalo je na veb stranici Daily Nous da su dva članka Rejčel Mekinon objavljena u časopisu „Filozofija i fenomenološka istraživanja" normalizovala termin. Oni su opisali termin kao „u najgorem slučaju uvreda, a u najboljem slučaju pogrdan”, i tvrdili da je korišćen za ocrnjivanje onih koji se ne slažu sa dominantnim narativom o trans pitanjima.[8][7][28] Kao odgovor, Ernest Sosa, glavni urednik časopisa, izjavio je da su akademici koje je časopis konsultovao savetovali da bi taj izraz u jednom trenutku mogao postati uvreda, ali da njegova upotreba kao izraz ocrnjivanja u nekim kontekstima ne znači da ne može biti korišćen opisno u drugim kontekstima.[8]

U radu za 2020. godinu objavljenom u časopisu za filozofiju „Grazer Philosophische Studien”, lingvisti Kristofer Dejvis i Elin Mekredi tvrdili su da tri svojstva mogu učiniti pojam uvredom: mora biti pogrdan prema određenoj grupi, korišćen za njihovo podređivanje unutar neke strukture odnosa moći, i da podređena grupa mora biti definisana unutrašnjim svojstvom. Dejvis i Mekredi su napisali da izraz TERF zadovoljava prvi uslov, ali ne i treći, te da je drugi uslov sporan, jer zavisi od toga kako se svaka grupa vidi u odnosu na drugu grupu.[29]

Autorka Andrea Long Ču opisala je tvrdnju da je TERF uvreda, kao žalbu koju ne bi trebalo uvažiti i da nije zapravo tačna, u smislu da sve reči za ignorantne osobe s namerom i jesu uvredljive.[30]

Feministička filozofkinja Talija Mej Bečer tvrdila je da je, bez obzira na to da li je izraz tačno klasifikovan kao uvreda, „barem postao uvredljiv za one koje je izraz označio”, što je sugerisalo da bi ga bilo najbolje izbeći u slučaju da neko želi da ima „razgovor koji premošćuje različitosti”.[31]

Slično opisivanju termina TERF kao uvredljivog, neki rodno kritični ljudi takođe tvrde da je izraz cis uvreda.[32]

Svestranačka parlamentarna grupa za zločine iz mržnje Velike Britanije 2018. primetila je da bi, zbog pretnji nasiljem koje su uključivale izraz TERF, „bilo teško uspešno to prijaviti kao govor mržnje jer nije potpuno jasno da li se zloupotreba odnosi na lezbijke ... ili žene“ (ako se odnosi na prve, to bi mogao biti zločin iz mržnje).[25]

Feministička filozofkinja Džudit Batler osporila je da je izraz "TERF" uvreda u intervjuu za "New Statesman", rekavši: "Pitam se kako bi se zvale samoproglašene feministkinje koje žele isključiti trans žene iz ženskih prostora? Ako se zalažu za isključivanje, zašto ih ne bi nazvali isključivima? Ako sebe shvataju kao pripadnike onog soja radikalnog feminizma koji se protivi procesu prilagođavanja pola, zašto ih ne bi nazvali radikalnim feministkinjama?".[33]

Vidi još uredi

Reference uredi

  1. ^ a b v g Smythe, Viv (28. 11. 2018). „I'm credited with having coined the word 'Terf'. Here's how it happened”. The Guardian. Pristupljeno 13. 4. 2019. „Due to a short series of blogposts from 2008, I have retrospectively been credited as the coiner of the acronym "Terf" (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) ... a shorthand to describe one cohort of feminists who self-identify as radical and are unwilling to recognise trans women as sisters, unlike those of us who do. 
  2. ^ a b v Lewis, Sophie (7. 2. 2019). „Opinion | How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans”. The New York Times (na jeziku: engleski). ISSN 0362-4331. Pristupljeno 5. 5. 2019. „If the idea that transphobic harassment could be "feminist" bewilders you, you are not alone. ... With time, the term TERF has become a catchall for all anti-trans feminists, radical or not. 
  3. ^ a b v g Miller, Edie (5. 11. 2018). „Why Is British Media So Transphobic?” (na jeziku: engleski). The Outline. Pristupljeno 3. 5. 2019. „The truth is, while the British conservative right would almost certainly be more than happy to whip up a frenzy of transphobia, they simply haven't needed to, because some sections of the left over here are doing their hate-peddling for them. The most vocal source of this hatred has emerged, sadly, from within circles of radical feminists. British feminism has an increasingly notorious TERF problem. ... The application of the term has shifted somewhat over time to encompass most people espousing trans-exclusionary politics that follow a particular "TERF logic," regardless of their involvement with radical feminism. 
  4. ^ a b v Vasquez, Tina (17. 2. 2014). „It's Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women”. Bitch. Bitch Media. Arhivirano iz originala 13. 04. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 13. 4. 2019. „[Cathy] Brennan, fellow attorney Elizabeth Hungerford, and other modern-day feminists continue to actively question the inclusion of trans people in women's spaces. These feminists refer to themselves as "radical feminists" or "gender critical feminists." In 2008, trans women and trans advocates started referring to this group as "trans-exclusionary radical feminists" or TERFs, a term Brennan considers a slur. 
  5. ^ a b Bennett, Catherine (19. 11. 2017). „Bullies everywhere delight in coming up with new insults”. The Guardian. „the advance of terf, as a bullying tool, has already succeeded in repressing speech – and maybe even research ... ugly terf, fucking terf scum 
  6. ^ a b v Heuchan, Claire (6. 10. 2017). „If feminist Linda Bellos is seen as a risk, progressive politics has lost its way”. The Guardian. „Terf stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. Online, it often it [sic] appears alongside violent rhetoric: punch a Terf, stab a Terf, kill a Terf. This language is used to dehumanise women who are critical of gender as part of a political system. 
  7. ^ a b v Allen, Sophie R.; Finneron-Burns, Elizabeth; Leng, Mary; Lawford-Smith, Holly; Jones, Jane Clare; Reilly-Cooper, Rebecca; Simpson, R. J. (24. 9. 2018). „On an Alleged Case of Propaganda: Reply to McKinnon” (PDF). „representative examples of derogatory uses of the term: 'kill all TERFs'; 'shoot a terf today'; 'all TERFs deserve to be shot in the head'; 'somebody slap this TERF c*nt across the face'; 'literally kill all TERFs' ... To summarize, we've considered three specific accounts of slurs, Anderson and Lepore's account which appeals to whether those targeted by the term take it to be a slur, Nunberg's account on which slurs signal in-group membership, and Swanson's account on which slurs cue harmful ideologies. We've argued that 'TERF' is a slur on all three of the specific accounts surveyed. 
  8. ^ a b v g d Flaherty, Colleen (29. 8. 2018). „'TERF' War – Philosophers object to a journal's publication 'TERF,' in reference to some feminists. Is it really a slur?”. Inside Higher Ed (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 12. 4. 2019. „While the term has become controversial over time, especially with its often hateful deployment on social media, it originally described a subgroup of feminists who believe that the interests of cisgender women (those who are born with vaginas) don't necessarily intersect with those of transgender women (primarily those born with penises)...TERF 'is widely used across online platforms as a way to denigrate and dismiss the women (and some men) who disagree with the dominant narrative on trans issues...Targeted groups include 'lesbians who merely maintain that same-sex attraction is not equivalent to transphobia,' and 'women who believe that women’s oppression is sex-based, and are concerned about erasing the political importance of female bodies...." 
  9. ^ a b McKinnon, Rachel (7. 3. 2018). „The Epistemology of Propaganda” (PDF). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 96 (2): 483—489. doi:10.1111/phpr.12429. „many contemporary TERFs accuse trans women of coining the phrase/term—and, ludicrously, claim that 'TERF' is a misogynistic slur. ... The idea—it seems to be—is that 'TERF' is a term used to denigrate women, and so it is a slur. However, this is an absurd, nonsensical view of the nature of slurs. 
  10. ^ Stryker, Susan; Bettcher, Talia (2016). „Introduction: Trans/Feminisms”. Transgender Studies Quarterly. Duke University Press. 3 (1–2). doi:10.1215/23289252-3334127 . Pristupljeno 17. 9. 2020. 
  11. ^ Dastagir, Alia (16. 3. 2017). „A feminist glossary because we didn't all major in gender studies”. USA Today. Pristupljeno 24. 4. 2019. „TERF: The acronym for 'trans exclusionary radical feminists,' referring to feminists who are transphobic. 
  12. ^ Bollinger, Alex (19. 12. 2018). „Famous lesbian site taken over by anti-trans 'feminists'. Now lesbian media is standing up.”. www.lgbtqnation.com. Pristupljeno 5. 6. 2019. 
  13. ^ O'Connell, Jennifer (26. 1. 2019). „Transgender for beginners: Trans, terf, cis and safe spaces”. The Irish Times (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 24. 4. 2019. 
  14. ^ Wilson, Lena (16. 8. 2018). „Do I Have to Give Up Lesbian History to Participate in Queer Culture?”. Slate. „TERF, as an insult, has become so far removed from its original activist intentions (rightly criticizing trans exclusion in feminism) that, at this point, it's also a word for anything that queer millennials deem uncool. Things I've seen called "TERFy" on Twitter and Tumblr include tampon ads, the word "female," the non-word "womxn," Janelle Monae's "Pynk," the Venus symbol, bangs, Jill Stein, Cardi B, and … trans women. 
  15. ^ Goldberg, Michelle (9. 12. 2015). „The Trans Women Who Say That Trans Women Aren't Women”. Slate. Pristupljeno 12. 4. 2019. 
  16. ^ Ditum, Sarah (29. 9. 2017). „What is a Terf? How an internet buzzword became a mainstream slur”. New Statesman. Pristupljeno 13. 4. 2019. „On the other hand, if you are a feminist, the bar to being called a 'terf' is remarkably low. Woman's Hour presenter Jenni Murray achieved it by writing an article in which she pointed out that someone born and raised male will not have the same experiences of sexism as a woman; novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie likewise made the grade by answering 'transwomen are transwomen' when asked whether she believed that 'transwomen are women'. 
  17. ^ Flaherty, Colleen (29. 8. 2018). „'TERF' War – Philosophers object to a journal's publication 'TERF,' in reference to some feminists. Is it really a slur?”. Inside Higher Ed (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 12. 4. 2019. „Allen objected ... 'most radical feminists who are apparently described' by the term TERF are inclusive of trans men, and so are not 'trans-exclusionary' anyway, she said. 
  18. ^ Kennedy, Natacha (15. 12. 2016). „Anti-Trans Activism – Not What It Seems”. Progress. Arhivirano iz originala 11. 5. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 29. 4. 2019. „Beyond that, it's also entirely inaccurate, radical feminism is inclusionary of trans men (who are female by birth), it only excludes males—as a female liberation movement ... 
  19. ^ Activism, Politics, and Organizing. Oxford University Press. 12. 5. 2014. str. 568—569. ISBN 978-0199325351. „"Some feminists have perceived transmasculine people as traitors—that is, as women who identify politically with men. When inclusive of trans men, these feminists have often gendered them as women. Conversely, these feminists have tended to perceive transfeminine people as infiltrators of womanhood and women's space. Many commentators refer to feminists who think in these ways as 'trans-exclusionary radical feminists' (TERFs)." 
  20. ^ Wylder, Danelle; Westing, Corrie (21. 8. 2018). „Terfs Have No Place on the Left”. Socialist Worker. Arhivirano iz originala 3. 5. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 28. 4. 2019. „It is worth noting, however, the divisive and contradictory position they held, wherein trans men were allowed on the land because TERFs considered them 'women-born' as part of their transmisogynist ideology. 
  21. ^ Morris, Bonnie J. (July—August 2015). „The Hijacking of Lesbian History”. sv. 22 br. 4. str. 13–15. „TERF is an important new slur, emblematic of the unresolved tensions between our LGBT community's L and T factions. ... It began as a legitimate means of isolating and critiquing the work of a very few controversial feminist authors, namely Janice Raymond and Sheila Jeffreys ... TERF is a unique new insult for non-transgender lesbians by other LGBT activists, and it bears monitoring. Those women relegated to the TERF bin of bad feminism are now being subjected to traditional sexist canards, including charges of unattractiveness, mental instability, and penis envy. ... My charge to every responsible editor, journalist, feminist scholar, and LGBT historian is to please stop recycling the acronym TERF; it is defamatory.  Proverite vrednost paramet(a)ra za datum: |date= (pomoć) p. 13 Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (7. maj 2020), p. 14 Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (7. maj 2020), p. 15 Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (7. maj 2020)
  22. ^ Bennett, Catherine (29. 4. 2018). „Violent misogyny is unfortunately not confined to the internet's 'incels'. The Guardian. „Photographs of one vitrine, featuring a red bespattered T-shirt reading: "I punch terfs!" (trans-exclusionary radical feminists/women who disagree with me), may have struck a chord with anyone following the current UK debate about the government's self-ID proposals. To date, threats, from one side, which echo, inescapably, some of those in the pro-Rodger playbook ("die in a fire terf scum") have yet to generate comparably widespread concern, even after a woman was punched. Her assailant had earlier expressed the wish to "fuck up some terfs". 
  23. ^ „Claire Heuchan”. Glasgow International. 30. 1. 2018. Pristupljeno 5. 10. 2019. 
  24. ^ Pilgrim, David (20. 10. 2018). „The transgender controversy: a reply to Summersell”. Journal of Critical Realism. 17 (5): 523—528. ISSN 1476-7430. doi:10.1080/14767430.2018.1539825 . 
  25. ^ a b All Party Parliamentary Group on Hate Crime (2019). „How Do We Build Community Cohesion When Hate Crime Is On The Rise?” (PDF). House of Commons of the United Kingdom. str. 25—26. Pristupljeno 2. 11. 2019. 
  26. ^ „Transgender identities: a series of invited essays”. The Economist. 29. 6. 2018. Pristupljeno 19. 3. 2019. „In the interests of fostering open debate we have set ground rules, both for essays and reader comments: use the pronouns people want you to use, and avoid all slurs, including TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), which may have started as a descriptive term but is now used to try to silence a vast swathe of opinions on trans issues, and sometimes to incite violence against women. 
  27. ^ Magowan, Alistair (18. 12. 2018). „Transgender women in sport: Are they really a 'threat' to female sport?”. BBC Sport. Pristupljeno 5. 6. 2021. 
  28. ^ Weinberg, Justin (27. 8. 2018). „Derogatory Language in Philosophy Journal Risks Increased Hostility and Diminished Discussion”. Daily Nous. Pristupljeno 19. 3. 2019. 
  29. ^ Davis, Christopher; McCready, Elin (4. 3. 2020). „The Instability of Slurs”. Grazer Philosophische Studien. Brill Publishers. 97: 63—85. doi:10.1163/18756735-09701005. 
  30. ^ Chu, Andrea Long (zima 2018). „On Liking Women”. N+1 Magazine (30). „They also don't much like the name TERF, which they take to be a slur—a grievance that would be beneath contempt if it weren't also true, in the sense that all bywords for bigots are intended to be defamatory. 
  31. ^ Bettcher, Talia Mae (novembar 2017). „Trans Feminism: Recent Philosophical Developments.”. Philosophy Compass. 12 (17): 7. doi:10.1111/phc3.12438. „Part of the issue, however, concerns whether the expression continues to be used as a mere abbreviation for a description of a position (i.e., Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminist) as it was originally coined or whether it has also acquired a derogatory use. The issues here are delicate ... it seems that caution should at least be deployed in case one wants to have a conversation across deep difference. This seems particularly important since much of trans politics is deeply committed to the importance of self-naming and respect for self-identities. 
  32. ^ Pearce, Ruth; Erikainen, Sonja; Vincent, Ben (jul 2020). „TERF wars: An introduction”. The Sociological Review. 68 (4): 677—698. doi:10.1177/0038026120934713 . 
  33. ^ Ferber, Alona (22. 9. 2020). „Judith Butler on the culture wars, JK Rowling and living in "anti-intellectual times".