English: The following is the caption from the original publication: "Histology of blastema formation during the early stages of tail regeneration in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius). Longitudinal serial sections stained with Masson's trichrome (see McLean & Vickaryous 2011). (A) Initially the site of tail loss is capped by a temporary clot and there are no outward signs of regeneration. Note the earliest evidence of the blastema (hatched area) distal to the original spinal cord and deep to the clot (∼3 days post‐autotomy). (B) Loss of the clot reveals a complete wound epithelium. Deep to this, the blastema continues to expand both distally and laterally (hatched area) (∼8 days post‐autotomy). (C) With continued growth, the blastema (hatched area) begins to dominate the site of tail loss. Scale bar 500 μm. at, adipose tissue; bl, blastema; cl, clot; de, dermis; et, ependymal tube; no, notochord; mm, muscle; sc, spinal cord; we, wound epithelium."
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да прерађујете – да прерадите дело
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