English: The Center of Youth and Sport of Pristina, with its communist architecture of the 1970, surprises specially for its huge photo of a bearded soldier, who turns to be Adem Jashari, a UCK commander who was killed by the Serbian Police and consider to be a war hero in Kosovo
Deutsch: Das Zentrum der Jungend und des Sports in Pristina mit ihrer kommunistische Architektur des 1970 Jahres, erstaunt vor allem wegen dem risiegen Bild von einem bärtigen Soldat, der is Adem Jashari, , ein UÇK Kommander wer starb im Kampf gegen die serbische Polizei. Heutzutage gilt er in Kosovo als ein Krieg Held.
Català: El Centre de la Joventut i de l'Esport de Pristina, amb la seva arquitectura comunista dels anys 1970, destaca sobretot per la gegantesca foto d'un soldat barbut, qui no és altre que Adem Jashari, un comandant de l'UÇK que va morir en combat contra la policia sèrbia. Actualment, a Kosovo, Adem Jashari és considerat un heroi de guerra
Adem Jashari (November 28, 1955 – March 7, 1998) born in Prekaz, in the Drenica region of Kosovo (at the time Yugoslavia). He is considered to be one of the chief architects of the Kosovo Liberation Army, along with Zahir Pajaziti. Jashari was a chief commander in the Drenica operation zone of the KLA.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=The Center of Youth and Sport of Pristina, with its communist architecture of the 1970, surprises specially for its huge photo of a bearded soldier, who turns to be Adem Jashari, a [[:en:Kosovo Libera