Датотека:Coat of Arms of Mogadishu City and Banaadir Region.svg

Оригинална датотека (SVG датотека, номинално 910 × 945 пиксела, величина: 114 kB)


English: Coat of Arms of Mogadishu City and Banaadir Region
Soomaaliga: Calanka Gobolka Banaadir
Italiano: Stemma della città di Mogadiscio e della regione di Benadir
Извор Directorate of Education in Banaadir Region, @GobolBanadirEdu (January 25, 2020) – via Facebook
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Public domain

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of Somalia, which has no existing enforceable copyright law or intellectual property relations, under the terms of Title 17, Section 104 of the U.S. Code and Circ. 38a.

Copyright notes

Copyright notes
Per U.S. Circ. 38a, the following countries are not participants in the Berne Convention or Universal Copyright Convention and there is no presidential proclamation restoring U.S. copyright protection to works of these countries on the basis of reciprocal treatment of the works of U.S. nationals or domiciliaries:
  • Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Marshall Islands, Palau, Somalia, Somaliland, and South Sudan.

As such, works published by citizens of these countries in these countries are usually not subject to copyright protection outside of these countries. Hence, such works may be in the public domain in most other countries worldwide.


  • Works published in these countries by citizens or permanent residents of other countries that are signatories to the Berne Convention or any other treaty on copyright will still be protected in their home country and internationally as well as locally by local copyright law (if it exists).
  • Similarly, works published outside of these countries within 30 days of publication within these countries will also usually be subject to protection in the foreign country of publication. When works are subject to copyright outside of these countries, the term of such copyright protection may exceed the term of copyright inside them.
  • Unpublished works from these countries may be fully copyrighted.
  • A work from one of these countries may become copyrighted in the United States under the URAA if the work's home country enters a copyright treaty or agreement with the United States and the work is still under copyright in its home country.

Somalia inherited the UK Copyright Act 1911, but replaced it with Law No. 66 of 7 September 1977. The new law was based on the 1976 Tunis Model Copyright Law and gave a general term of 30 p.m.a. for works. However, it also had a highly prescriptive registration requirement to obtain copyright protection, and no copyright registration office currently exists (if it ever did).
Note: As per Commons policy, this tag alone is not sufficient. You also need to supply a tag that describes why the work is public domain in its country of origin.
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Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
Coat of Arms of Mogadishu City and Banaadir Region

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641 пиксел

614 пиксел

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15:16, 29. март 2024.Минијатура за верзију на дан 15:16, 29. март 2024.1.491 × 1.491 (113 kB)RVD3Removed the edge line
15:00, 29. март 2024.Минијатура за верзију на дан 15:00, 29. март 2024.1.491 × 1.491 (284 kB)RVD3Fixed
13:27, 21. јул 2022.Минијатура за верзију на дан 13:27, 21. јул 2022.614 × 641 (171 kB)RVD3Resize
13:04, 21. јул 2022.Минијатура за верзију на дан 13:04, 21. јул 2022.952 × 960 (171 kB)RVD3Uploaded a work by |author={{AutVec|1=[https://www.daauus.so/ Daauus Agency]|2=RVD3}} from [https://www.facebook.com/GobolBanadirEdu/photos/a.103047007922481/103080001252515/?type=3 @GobolBanadirEdu (January 25, 2020) Directorate of Education in Banadir Region – via Facebook] with UploadWizard

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