Marihuana — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
[[Датотека:Macro cannabis bud.jpg|thumb|Osušeni pupoljak biljke -{''Cannabis sativa''}-]]
'''Kanabis''' (''Marihuana'') je osušeno lišće biljke ''-{[[Конопља|Cannabis sativa]]}-'', koje se koristi kao opojna droga i za medicinske svrhe.<ref name="bookSpanish Word Histories or and Mysteries">{{Cite book | publisher = Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | isbn id=ISBN 0-618-91054-9, 9780618910540 | last = Company | first = Houghton Mifflin | coauthors = American Heritage Dictionaries | title = Spanish Word Histories and Mysteries | date = 14. 11. 2007. |url=|pages=142-}}</ref> Često se i cela biljka naziva ''marihuana''. Ona je jedno od najblažih i najslabijih halucinogenih sredstva.
Kanabis sadrži psihoaktivni [[Tetrahidrokanabinol|delta-9-tetrahidrokanabinol]] (-{Δ<sup>9</sup>-THC}-). On je jedno od preko 400 jedinjenja u biljci, uključujući druge [[kanabinoid]]e, kao što su [[kanabidiol]], [[kanabinol]], i [[tetrahidrokanabivarin]], koji mogu da proizvedu senzorne efekte za razliku od psihoaktivnog dejstva THC-a.<ref name="pmid19124693">{{cite journal |author=Fusar-Poli P, Crippa JA, Bhattacharyya S, ''et al.'' |title=Distinct effects of {delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Neural Activation during Emotional Processing |journal= Archives of General Psychiatry |volume=66|issue=1|pages=95–105|year=2009|month=January|pmid=19124693|doi=10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2008.519|url=|accessdate = 26. 9. 2009.}}</ref>
[[Kanabidiol]] pokazuje znakove od velike medicinske važnosti, i u dosadašnjim istraživanjima je pokazao blagotvorna svojstva kao lek protiv bolova, protiv [[Anksioznost|anksioznosti]], protiv upaljenja kože, pacijenata sa letargijom i [[Дисфорија|disforije]], i za razliku od THC-a, ima antipsihotička svojstva.
U [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|SAD]] je u martu 2014. godine pušten u prodaju eksperimentalni lek Epidiolex, koji se koristi za lečenje epilespije kod dece i odraslih i koji trenutno ima status "orphan drug".
U današnje vreme se kanabis koristi kao [[Уживалачка употреба конопље|rekreaciona droga]], u [[Ритуална употреба конопље|verskim ili duhovnim obredima]], ili za [[Медицинска употреба конопље|medicinske svrhe]]. Najraniji zapisi o upotrebi konoplje datiraju iz [[Миленијум|trećeg milenijuma pre nove ere]], tačnije 2737. godine pre nove ere za vreme vladavine kineskog cara Šun Neng.<ref name="bookLost Civilisations of the Stone Age">{{Cite book |last=Rudgley|first=Richard| year = 1998 | title = Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age. | isbn id=ISBN 0-684-85580-1 | publisher = Free Press | location = New York }}</ref> [[Ujedinjene nacije]] su [[2004]]. procenile da konzumiranje kanabisa obuhvata 4.0 procenta [[Светска популација|svetske populacije]] (162&nbsp;miliona ljudi) i da oko 0.6 procenata (22.5&nbsp;miliona) ljudi koristi kanabis na dnevnoj bazi.<ref name="articleUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime">{{Cite book | author = United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | year = 2006 | url = | format = PDF | title = ''Cannabis'': Why We Should Care. | journal = World Drug Report | volume = 1 | isbn id=ISBN 92-1-148214-3 | publisher = United Nations | location = S.l. | page = 14}}</ref> Od ranog [[20. vek]]a kanabis je zakonski ograničen, i njegovo posedovanje, upotreba, i prodaja su ilegalni u većini zemalja.<ref>{{cite web|author=|url= |title=Cannabis: Legal Status | |date= |accessdate = 30. 10. 2011.}}</ref><ref name='UN-WDR-2010'>{{Cite book | last1 = UNODC | title = World Drug Report 2010 | publisher = United Nations Publication | page = 198 | url = | accessdate = 19. 7. 2010.}}</ref>
== Vidi još ==
Ред 21:
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|title = Cannabis: A History | last=Booth|first=Martin | publisher = Macmillan Publishers & Random House, Inc | year = 2005 | isbn=978-0-312-42494-7 }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Deitch |first =Robert |coauthor= |year =2003 |title = Hemp: American history revisited: the plant with a divided history|url = |publisher=Algora Pub |isbnid=ISBN 0-87586-206-3 |accessdate = |postscript = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Earleywine |first =Mitchell |coauthor= |year = 2005|title =Understanding marijuana: a new look at the scientific evidence |url = |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbnid=ISBN 0-19-513893-7|accessdate = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last =Emmett |first =David |coauthor=Graeme Nice |year =2009 |title = What you need to know about cannabis: understanding the facts|url = |publisher= Jessica Kingsley Publishers|isbnid=ISBN 1-84310-697-3 |accessdate =}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last =Geoffrey William |first =Guy |coauthor= Brian Anthony Whittle, Philip Robson |year =2004 |title =The medicinal uses of cannabis and cannabinoids|url = |publisher= Pharmaceutical Press|isbnid=ISBN 0-85369-517-2|accessdate = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last =Holland |first =Julie M.D. |coauthor= |year =2010 |title =The pot book : a complete guide to cannabis : its role in medicine, politics, science, and culture |url = |publisher=Park Street Press |isbn=978-1-59477-368-6 |accessdate = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Iversen |first =Leslie L |coauthor= |year = 2008|title =The science of marijuana|url =|edition= 2nd |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=978-0-19-532824-0}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Jenkins |first =Richard |coauthor= |year = 2006|title = Cannabis and young people: reviewing the evidence|url = |publisher=Jessica Kingsley |isbnid=ISBN 1-84310-398-2 |accessdate =}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Lambert |first = Didier M|coauthor= |year = 2008|title =Cannabinoids in Nature and Medicine|url = |publisher=Wiley-VCH |isbnid=ISBN 3-906390-56-X |accessdate = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Roffman |first =Roger A |coauthor= Robert S. Stephens|year = 2006|title =Cannabis dependence: its nature, consequences, and treatment |url = |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbnid=ISBN 0-521-81447-2 |accessdate = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Russo |first =Ethan |coauthor= Melanie Creagan Dreher, Mary Lynn Mathre |year =2004 |title =Women and cannabis: medicine, science, and sociology|url = |publisher= Haworth Press|isbnid=ISBN 0-7890-2101-3|accessdate = }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Solowij |first =Nadia |coauthor= |year =1998 |title =Cannabis and cognitive functioning|url = |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbnid=ISBN 0-521-59114-7 }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|publisher = Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | isbn id=ISBN 0-618-91054-9, 9780618910540 | last = Company | first = Houghton Mifflin | coauthors = American Heritage Dictionaries | title = Spanish Word Histories and Mysteries |year=2007 |url=|pages=142-}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Rudgley|first=Richard| year = 1998 | title = Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age. | isbn id=ISBN 0-684-85580-1 | publisher = Free Press | location = New York }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last1 = UNODC | title = World Drug Report 2010 | publisher = United Nations Publication | page = 198 | url = | accessdate = 19. 7. 2010.}}
Ред 49:
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