Radikalni centar — разлика између измена

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'''Radikalni centar''' je relativno novi izraz u politici i političkoj teoriji oko čije potpune definicije ne postoji konsenzus, ali koji se često koristi kako bi opisao političke ideologije, pokrete i stranke koji izričito odbacuju kako ekstreme [[Левица|levice]] i [[Десница|desnice]], tako i kompromis s njihovim umerenijim varijantama ([[levi centar|levi]] i [[Десни центар|desni centar]]), odnosno skretanje s takozvanog čistog [[Центар (политика)|političkog centra]].
Izraz radikalni centar je na popularnosti dobio nakon završetka [[Хладни рат|hladnogHladnog rata]], kada je nestanak ideološke borbe levice i desnice mnoge naveo da opcije političkog centra prihvate kao jedine adekvatne za savremeni svet.
Uz pojam radikalni centar se vezuje i pojam ''Treći put'', odnosno ideologija američkog predsednika [[Bill Clinton|BilijaBila Klintona]].
== Vidi još ==
* [[Levi centar]]
* [[Desni centar]]
== Literatura ==
* [[Леви центар]]
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* [[Десни центар]]
=== Od 1990-tih ===
* Coyle, Diane (1997). ''The Weightless World: Strategies for Managing the Digital Economy''. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. ISBN 978-0-262-03259-9.
* Esty, Daniel C.; Chertow, Marian, eds. (1997). ''Thinking Ecologically: The Next Generation of Ecological Policy''. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-07303-4.
* Penny, Tim; Garrett, Major (1998). ''The 15 Biggest Lies in Politics''. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 978-0-312-18294-6.
* Sider, Ronald J. (1999). ''Just Generosity: A New Vision for Overcoming Poverty in America''. Baker Books. ISBN 978-0-8010-6613-9.
* Ventura, Jesse (2000). ''I Ain't Got Time to Bleed: Reworking the Body Politic from the Bottom Up''. New York: Signet. ISBN 0451200861.
* Wolfe, Alan (1998). ''One Nation, After All: What Middle-Class Americans Really Think''. Viking. ISBN 978-0-670-87677-8.
=== Od 2000-tih ===
* Anderson, Walter Truett (2001). ''All Connected Now: Life in the First Global Civilization''. Westview Press. ISBN 978-0-8133-3937-5.
* Florida, Richard (2002). ''The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life''. Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-465-02476-6.
* Lukes, Steven (2009). ''The Curious Enlightenment of Professor Caritat: A Novel of Ideas''. Verso Books, 2nd ed. ISBN 978-1-84467-369-8.
* Miller, Matt (2009). ''The Tyranny of Dead Ideas: Letting Go of the Old Ways of Thinking to Unleash a New Prosperity''. Henry Holt and Company. ISBN 978-0-8050-9150-2.
* Penner, Rudolph; Sawhill, Isabel; Taylor, Timothy (2000). ''Updating America's Social Contract: Economic Growth and Opportunity in the New Century''. W. W. Norton and Co., Chap. 1 ("An Agenda for the Radical Middle"). ISBN 978-0-393-97579-6.
* Wexler, David B.; Winick, Bruce, eds. (2003). ''Judging in a Therapeutic Key: Therapeutic Justice and the Courts''. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-89089-408-8.
* Whitman, Christine Todd (2005). ''It's My Party, Too: The Battle for the Heart of the GOP and the Future of America''. The Penguin Press, Chap. 7 ("A Time for Radical Moderates"). ISBN 978-1-59420-040-3.
=== Od 2010-tih ===
* Brock, H. Woody (2012). ''American Gridlock: Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong''. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-63892-7.
* Edwards, Mickey (2012). ''The Parties Versus the People: How to Turn Republicans and Democrats Into Americans''. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-18456-3.
* Pearson, Noel (2011). ''Up From the Mission: Selected Writings''. Black Inc. 2nd ed. Part Four ("The Quest for a Radical Centre"). ISBN 978-1-86395-520-1.
* Salit, Jacqueline S. (2012). ''Independents Rising: Outsider Movements, Third Parties, and the Struggle for a Post-Partisan America''. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-33912-5.
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== Spoljašnje veze ==
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* [http://americaspeaks.org/?gclid=CIjhze2p6bUCFcWPPAodT2oAMg AmericaSpeaks] – U.S. dialogues
* [http://thebreakthrough.org Breakthrough Institute] – U.S. think tank
* [http://cyi.org.au Cape York Institute for Policy & Leadership] – Australian think tank
* [http://www.centreforum.org Centre Forum] – U.K. think tank
* [http://www.centristproject.org Centrist Project] – U.S. political group
* [http://www.demos.co.uk Demos] – U.K. think tank
* [http://www.nifi.org National Issues Forums] – U.S. dialogues
* [http://www.newamerica.org New America Foundation] – U.S. think tank
* [http://www.nolabels.org No Labels] – U.S. political group
* [http://www.sfcg.org Search for Common Ground] – global dialogues
* [http://www.centristproject.org/blog CenterLine]
* [http://www.theatlantic.com/james-fallows James Fallows blog]
* [http://johnavlon.com/category/my_column John Avlon: My Columns]
* [http://www.mattmilleronline.com Matt Miller Online]
* [http://themoderatevoice.com The Moderate Voice] – multiple sources
* [http://www.newamerica.net/publications/blogs New America Blogs] – directory of weblogs from New America Foundation's projects
* [http://www.radicalmiddle.com Radical Middle Newsletter]
* [http://www.thewashingtonnote.com The Washington Note]
* "[http://pwp.usa.pipeline.com/~criggs/eqalroad.htm Road to Generational Equity]" – Tim Penny, Richard Lamm, and Paul Tsongas (1995). Retrieved 2 October 2012.
* "[http://www.awestthatworks.com/2Essays/Radical_Center/Radical_Center.pdf Invitation to Join the Radical Center]" – Gary Paul Nabhan and others (2003). Retrieved 2 March 2013.
* "[http://cyi.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/4-The-Cape-York-Agenda_National-Press-Club.pdf The Cape York Agenda]" – Noel Pearson (2005). Retrieved 2 October 2012.
* "[http://www.newamerica.net/publications/policy/ten_big_ideas_for_a_new_america Ten Big Ideas for a New America]" – New America Foundation (2007). Retrieved 2 October 2012.
* "[http://www.demos.co.uk/files/Liberal_moment_-_EMBARGOED_18.09.09.pdf?1253118265 The Liberal Moment]" – Nick Clegg (2009). Retrieved 2 October 2012.
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