Glutation peroksidaza — разлика између измена

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'''Glutation peroksidaza''' ({{EC broj-lat|}}, ''-{GSH}- peroksidaza'', ''selenium-glutationska peroksidaza'', ''redukovani glutation peroksidaza'') je [[enzim]] sa sistematskim imenom ''glutation:vodonik-peroksid oksidoreduktaza''.<ref>{{cite journal | title = Purification and characterization of selenium-glutathione peroxidase from hamster liver |author author1= Chaudiere, J. and |author2=Tappel, A.L. |lastauthoramp=yes |journal = Arch. Biochem. Biophys. |date = 1983 |volume = 226 |pages = 448-457 |pmid = 6227287}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | title = Non-reactivity of the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase with enzymatically hydroperoxidized phospholipids |author author1= Grossmann, A. and |author2=Wendel, A. |lastauthoramp=yes |journal = Eur. J. Biochem. |date = 1983 |volume = 135 |pages = 549-552 |pmid = 6413205}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | title = Purification and properties of rat liver glutathione peroxidase |author = Nakamura, W., Hosoda, S. and Hayashi, K. |journal = Biochim. Biophys. Acta |date = 1974 |volume = 358 |pages = 251-261 |pmid = }}</ref> Ovaj enzim [[Катализа|katalizuje]] sledeću [[hemijska reakcija|hemijsku reakciju]]
: 2 glutation + -{H}-<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <math>\rightleftharpoons</math> glutation disulfid + 2-{H}-<sub>2</sub>O