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== Литература ==
* {{cite book|ref= harv|last=Havers|first=Robin|title=The Second World War: Europe, 1939-1943|url=httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=o7jTHA7UvEAC&pg=PA19|year=2002|publisher=Osprey Publishing|isbn=978-1-84176-447-4}}
* {{cite book|ref= harv|last=Shepley|first=Nick|title=Britain, France and Germany and the Treaty of Versailles: The Failure of Long Term Peace|url=httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=64a_BAAAQBAJ&pg=PT3|year=2011|publisher=Andrews UK Limited|isbn=978-1-84989-941-3}}
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