Emocija — разлика између измена

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Ред 58:
=== Antička Grčka, Antička Kina, Islamsko zlatno doba i srednji vek ===
Teorije o emocijama se povlače malo predaleko što se tiče [[Stoicizam|stoike]] [[Античка Грчка|Antičke Grčke]] i [[Историја Кине|Antičke Kine]]. U Kini, verovalo se da je preterana emocija štetila [[Чи|''či'']], što zauzvrat šteti vitalnim [[Орган (анатомија)|organima]].<ref name="Suchy 2011">{{cite book|title=Clinical neuropsychology of emotion|last=Suchy|first=Yana|publisher=Guilford Press|year=2011|isbn=1609180747|location=New York|publication-place=|pages=|type=}}</ref> [[Хипократ са Коса|Hipokratova]] teorija četiri humora doprinela je proučavanju emocija na isti način kao i [[Медицина|medicine]].
Tokom [[Islamsko zlatno doba|islamskog zlatnog doba]], persijski [[Полихистор|polihistor]] [[Ибн Сина|Avicena]] teoretisao je uticaj emocija na zdravlje i ponašanje, ukazujući na potrebu upravljanja emocijama.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Haque|first=Amber|date=2004|title=Psychology from Islamic Perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars and Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Psychologists|url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/27512819|journal=Journal of Religion and Health|volume=43|issue=4|pages=357–377|doi=10.2307/27512819}}</ref> [[Zapadna filozofija]] je na različite načine smatrala emocije. U [[Stoicizam|stoickim]] teorijama smatralo se da je to prepreka [[Разум|razumevanju]], a time i prepreka vrlini. [[Аристотел|Aristotel]] je verovao da su emocije bitna komponenta [[Врлина|vrline]].<ref>{{cite book|url=http://www.constitution.org/ari/ethic_02.htm#2.6|title=Nicomachean Ethics|last=Aristotle|location=Book 2. Chapter 6}}</ref> Iz Aristotelove tačke gledišta sve emocije (nazvane strasti) odgovaraju apetitima ili kapacitetima. U srednjem veku, Aristotelova tačka gledišta je usvojena i dalje razvijana posebno od strane [[Схоластика|sholastike]] i [[Тома Аквински|Toma Akvinskija]].<ref>{{cite book|url=http://www.newadvent.org/summa/2059.htm|title=Summa Theologica|last=Aquinas|first=Thomas|location=Q.59, Art.2}}</ref> Postoje i teorije emocija u radovima filozofa kao što su [[Рене Декарт|Rene Dekart]], [[Николо Макијавели|Nikolo Makijaveli]], [[Барух Спиноза|Baruh Spinoza]],<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/52566641|title=Looking for Spinoza: Joy, sorrow and the feeling brain|last=Damasio|first=Antonio R.|date=|publisher=Heinemann|year=2003|isbn=0434007870|location=London|publication-place=|pages=|type=|oclc=52566641}}</ref> [[Томас Хобс|Tomas Hobs]]<ref>Leviathan (1651), VI: Of the Interior Beginnings of Voluntary Notions, Commonly called the Passions; and the Speeches by which They are Expressed</ref> i [[Дејвид Хјум|Dejvid Hjum]]. U [[19. век|19. veku]] emocije su smatrane adaptivnim i češće su proučavane iz [[Емпиризам|empirijske]] psihijatrijske perspektive.
[[Хипократ са Коса|Hipokratova]] teorija četiri humora doprinela je proučavanju emocija na isti način kao i [[Медицина|medicine]].
During the [[Islamic Golden Age]], Persian [[polymath]] [[Avicenna]] theorized about the influence of emotions on health and behaviors, suggesting the need to manage emotions.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Haque|first=Amber|date=2004|title=Psychology from Islamic Perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars and Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Psychologists|url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/27512819|journal=Journal of Religion and Health|volume=43|issue=4|pages=357–377|doi=10.2307/27512819}}</ref> [[Western philosophy]] regarded emotion in varying ways. In [[stoicism|stoic]] theories it was seen as a hindrance to [[reason]] and therefore a hindrance to virtue. [[Aristotle]] believed that emotions were an essential component of [[virtue]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Aristotle|title=Nicomachean Ethics|location=Book 2. Chapter 6|url=http://www.constitution.org/ari/ethic_02.htm#2.6}}</ref> In the Aristotelian view all emotions (called passions) corresponded to appetites or capacities. During the [[Middle Ages]], the Aristotelian view was adopted and further developed by [[scholasticism]] and [[Thomas Aquinas]]<ref>{{cite book|last=Aquinas|first=Thomas|title=Summa Theologica|location=Q.59, Art.2|url=http://www.newadvent.org/summa/2059.htm}}</ref> in particular. There are also theories of emotions in the works of philosophers such as [[René Descartes]], [[Niccolò Machiavelli]], [[Baruch Spinoza]],<ref>See for instance Antonio Damasio (2005) ''Looking for Spinoza''.</ref> [[Thomas Hobbes]]<ref>Leviathan (1651), VI: Of the Interior Beginnings of Voluntary Notions, Commonly called the Passions; and the Speeches by which They are Expressed</ref> and [[David Hume]]. In the 19th century emotions were considered adaptive and were studied more frequently from an [[empiricist]] psychiatric perspective.
=== Evolucijske teorije ===
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