Живот — разлика између измена

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Autobot (разговор | доприноси)
м Dodavanje datuma u šablone za održavanje i/ili sredjivanje referenci
Autobot (разговор | доприноси)
м sablon cinjenica
Ред 266:
* -{Kauffman, Stuart. [http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/kauffman03/kauffman_index.html The Adjacent Possible: A Talk with Stuart Kauffman]}-
* -{''[http://www.astro-ecology.com/PDFSeedingtheUniverse2005Book.pdf Seeding the Universe With Life]'' Legacy Books. Washington D. C., }. {{page|year=2000|isbn=978-0-476-00330-9 |pages=}}
* -{Walker, Martin G. [http://rationalphilosophy.net/index.php/the-book ''LIFE! Why We Exist...And What We Must Do to Survive''] Dog Ear Publishing, }. {{page|year=2006|isbn=978-1-59858-243-7 |pages=}}
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