Биологија — разлика између измена

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Ред 98:
* [[Физиологија]] проучава [[метаболизам]] и [[хомеостаза|хомеостазу]] организама
* [[Хистологија]] проучава [[Ткиво (биологија)|ткива]]
* [[Систематика]] и [[таксономија]] се баве описивањем хијерархијске структуре [[биолошка разноврсност|биодиверзитета]]<ref>Van Dyke F. . Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications, 2nd ed. Springer Verlag, Suttgart. {{page| year = 2008| isbn = 978-1-4020-6890-4| pages = }}</ref><ref>Hunter M. L. Fundamentals of Conservation Biology. Blackwell Science Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. {{page| year = 1996| isbn = 978-0-86542-371-8| pages = }}</ref><ref>Levin, S. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. {{page| year = | isbn = 978-0-12-384719-5| pages = }}</ref><ref>Leveque, C. & J. Mounolou . Biodiversity. New York: John Wiley. {{page| year = 2003| isbn = 978-0-470-84957-6| pages = }}</ref><ref>Margulis, L., Dolan, Delisle, K., Lyons, C. Diversity of Life: The Illustrated Guide to the Five Kingdoms. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. {{page| year = | isbn = 978-0-7637-0862-7| pages = }}</ref><ref>„What is biodiversity?". United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre.</ref>
* [[Еволуција (биологија)|Теорија еволуције]] проучава настанак и променљивост живота
* [[Медицина]], [[антропологија]] и [[психологија]] науке су које се баве човеком. Медицина његовим физичким и психичким здрављем, психологија целокупним понашањем (и болесним и здравим), а антропологија проучава човека из свих могућих погледа, материјалних, духовних и душевних, и покрива дуге временке периоде. Укратко, док лекари помажу људима да буду телесно здрави, психолози се баве понашањем, а антрополози покушавају схватити целину.
Ред 152:
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Alberts| first = Bruce | last2 = Johnson| first2 = A| last3 = Lewis| first3 = J| last4 = Raff| first4 = M| last5 = Roberts| first5 = K| author6 = Walter, P.| title = Molecular Biology of the Cell| edition = 4. | publisher = Garland| year = 2002| isbn = 978-0-8153-3218-3| oclc = 145080076 48122761 57023651 69932405}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Begon| first = Michael | last2 = Townsend| first2 = CR| last3 = Harper| first3 = JL| title = Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems | edition = 4th| publisher = Blackwell Publishing Limited| year = 2005| isbn = 978-1-4051-1117-1| oclc = 57639896 57675855 62131207}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Campbell| first = Neil| authorlink = | title = Biology| edition = 7th| publisher = Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company| year = 2004| isbn = 978-0-8053-7146-8| oclc = 71890442}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Colinvaux| first = Paul| authorlink = | title = Why Big Fierce Animals are Rare: An Ecologist's Perspective| edition = reissue| publisher = Princeton University Press| year = 1979| isbn = 978-0-691-02364-9| oclc = 10081738 24132192}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Mayr| first = Ernst| title = The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance| url = http://books.google.com/books?id=pHThtE2R0UQC| year = 1982| publisher = Harvard University Press| isbn = 978-0-674-36446-2}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Hoagland| first = Mahlon| title = The Way Life Works| edition = reprint| publisher = Jones and Bartlett Publishers inc| year = 2001| isbn = 978-0-7637-1688-2| oclc = 223090105 45487537}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Janovy| first = John Jr.| title = On Becoming a Biologist| edition = 2nd| publisher = Bison Books| year = 2004| isbn = 978-0-8032-7620-8| oclc = 55138571 56964280}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Johnson| first = George B.| authorlink = | title = Biology, Visualizing Life| publisher = Holt, Rinehart, and Winston| year = 2005| isbn = 978-0-03-016723-2| oclc = 36306648}}
* {{cite book| ref = harv | last = Tobin| first = Allan| last2 = Dusheck| first2 = Jennie| title = Asking About Life| edition = 3rd| publisher = Wadsworth| location = Belmont, CA| year = 2005| isbn = 978-0-534-40653-0}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv | title=Milestones in microbiology : 1546 to 1940| year = 1999| publisher = ASM Press| location = Washington, DC| isbn = 978-1-55581-142-6| edition = 3rd |editor-last=Brock|editor-first=Thomas D.}}